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Posts posted by Mary0360

  1. 14 minutes ago, tv echo said:

    Here's the Bleeding Cool article that MG retweeted today...

    Arrow Fans Immortalize Olicity and Help Keep Vancouver Beautiful
    Posted by Dan Wickline December 10, 2017

    You know who also ignored comic continuity Bleeding Cool writers- the writers did. Why? Because the Green Arrow and Black Canary they had had poor chemistry together and werent strong acting partners for each other like Amell and Bett-Rickards. The writers made the choice to change the narrative to Olicity and fans responded. 

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  2. 44 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

    The best part of Stephen's video is where he mentions how "asinine" the whole fanbase competition is and how that shouldn't detract from appreciating what these fans did.  Raising $7K for charitable purposes should be celebrated, not mocked.  You can go back to hating whatever else you want about the show but don't crap over people doing something good.

    It seems in recent weeks with elements of the so called "media" using anti-Olicity sentiment to get clicks from the worst elements of the internet or from opposing fandoms; particularly post crossover, it's welcome and appreciated that Stephen basically is telling people to go f_ _k themselves and highlighting the positives of the fandom. 

    • Love 17
  3. 52 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

    There's a very distinct "these are my friends/family and these are my coworkers I tolerate line." I'm going to have a hard time buying Oliver caring that they are gone. 

    That's definitely the same sense I get from Oliver to. I think it's going to be a part of the story that's addressed in the next part of the season since both Curtis and Dinah had lines that implied Oliver treats them differently then he treats Felicity and Diggle. 


    That was was one thing I really didn't get about Dinah's jab at the newbies being spied on and not Felicity and Diggle. Did she really think that Oliver's wife was going to turn him in? His brother from another mother who is sharing the Green Arrow identity was going to turn him in? Diggle and Felicity are different. 

    • Love 24
  4. Vigilante and Black Siren are both being set up as villains who could flip to the side of redemption but with the element of are they genuine or are they part of Caydens overall plan to mess with Team Arrows head. My theory is one will genuinely flip and one will be a fake out just to mess with people. And since Vigilante is an established hero of sorts in the comics and in the universe (his mask appearing in the Legends Ep) I'm inclined to believe he will get the redemption arch while Black Siren will prove to be the straight up evil one. Oliver's easy acceptance of Tommy in the crossover not being his Tommy also felt like foreshadowing of Oliver being able to differentiate and accept Black Siren as straight evil. 


    That being said I don't think either Vigilante or Black Siren if redeemed would end up being on the team. I think redemption would likely come with sacrifice either that being death, jail or in Sirens case leaving the Earth. 

    • Love 3
  5. 6 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

    Let's be honest, that line came from Flash writers who CLEARLY hated what happened with the double wedding and had no say in the matter. This was their mini-revenge, imo.

    The Flash Arrow and Legends showrunners all said only the other week that Greg Berlanti and the writers all discussed and came up with the double wedding last year after the last crossover had finished. So I doubt this was revenge.


    I think it comes from the same crappy writing as #hashtagfeminism and men calling women by their cup size and Iris predominant storyline this season seeming to be for the most part to be a bridezilla. 

    • Love 16
  6. 19 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

    Also, Iris, that impromptu ceremony wasn't your wedding day so STFU.

    I also didn't realize it was a crime to get a gift that wasn't on the registry. Wow. They sound like awful entitled people. Haha. 

    Well this is the couple where one half of the equation if he doesn't like something goes back in time and changes it regardless of what that means to everyone else's lives. 

    • Love 8
  7. 21 minutes ago, Simba122504 said:

    He's supposed to be the big bad of the season, though. At least the main one. TPTB said Dragon is the big bad. That's why he was cast. 

    Have any of the EPs actually ever said Richard Dragon is the big bad though? I think certain segments of the fandom have decided he needs to be the big bad bad out of an affiliation to the actor who they see as their poster child for attacking other fans but that doesn't necessarily mean he is. Michael Emerson was who they were promoting at SDCC and has so far been shown as the big threat to the city and to the Green Arrow. At SDCC a reporter asked SA about Richard Dragon and SA didn't know who he was. Dragon is probably the B-villian who works with or under Cayden,  much like Black Siren does. 

    • Love 6
  8. 1 hour ago, Delphi said:

    This board has already called out Oliver on his moving on from Slade killing Moira.  There are pages and pages of us calling it ridiculous.   And in show Thea has called him on it. 

    Though,  I have to say this,  killing one person doesn't give you serial killer tendencies.   The death penalty exists for a reason.   Barry doesn't have serial killer tendencies,  Thawne does.   He traveled decades into the past to kill someone's mother in front of them.  Has killed numerous others.   Tried to kill Felicity on Tuesday.   And if I'm being honest,  I consider Barry technically responsible for killing Sara Diggle and Cisco's brother.   And for trying to kill Iris last year. 

    Oliver and Sara might be murderers but at least they are honest about it and don't treat it as an afterthought. 

    Oliver also had a whole five year arch that deals with the consequences and choices he's made as a Vigilante and directly confronting whether he is a killer or not. As recent as last season the storyline was Oliver figuring out whether he kills because he likes it and is compelled to or whether he does it out of necessity and to eliminate dangerous people.

    Barry's actions more often then not get hand waved away and swept under the rug. Barry rarely gets to question his choices or the consequences of his choices in any kind of meaningful way, because he's surrounded by people who mostly enable him with over compensating indulgent pep talks of the do no wrong variety. 

    • Love 18
  9. 5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    This may be just semantics to some, but Eobard wasn’t a Nazi. And Barry is the worst of the worst because he won’t kill

    I feel like if you help Nazis, support Nazis and associate with Nazis you're a nazi. It's like the saying goes if it quacks like a duck it's a duck. Barry's total non reaction or action to stop Eobard and basically telling him to walk away was pretty bad considering everything Eobard stood for and intended to do and the fact that Eobard as he was walking away basically told Barry he would kill more people. 

    • Love 13
  10. 2 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:


    I started off wanting EarthXFelicity to be some kickass hacker but I kinda loved what they did give us. Even at her lowest, most down trodden EarthXFelicity was kind and tried to help those weaker than her. For me that was so much more moving than her running around kicking ass (which she totally did as Original Felicity anyway).

    I agree with this whole heartily. She had very little in this world to give and what little she had she was willing to give away selflessly to help young starving children. I also like to think that Olivers "it's the strongs duty to protect the weak" was him encouraging her to be strong and keep fighting. I found that scene oddly powerful and moving despite how visceral and awful the circumstances were. 

    • Love 19
  11. 1 hour ago, bijoux said:

    My brain is mush, so I can't remember the episode, but I think it was S3 when Oliver came back to the foundry and Felicity commented, So no victory dance. To which Oliver replied, You know I don't dance. I think that's where the assumption that Oliver hates to dance comes from.

    In season 1 he also refused to dance with McKenna at Verdant and IIRC made a comment to a passer by about being a bad dancer. 

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