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Posts posted by solotrek

  1. Our Q&A started maybe 10 minutes into it and then we didn't have video for awhile so we were pretty distracted trying to get the theater people to get it right. I recall more of the 3 way interview than the Jon Stephen part


    It started with just Colbert and Jon and TBH, he asked pretty similar questions to all the interviews we've seen already. Stephen was in his suit from the show and Jon was in his uniform (khakis, grey tshirt that was probably black at one point, jacket, and boots). Stephen seemed to really enjoy the movie (but I'd guess he'd have at least say he did).


    Our interview part started with Jon talking about how the CIA did play a part in the coup in 1953 so perhaps the Iranians did have a good reason to be paranoid. So fremdefrau I hope you can let us know the Q&A before that!


    There was a cute exchange where Stephen asked Jon if the process of writing the script was similar at all to writing TDS and Jon just starts talking about how amazing Colbert is at his job (how TDS is a deconstruction vs how TCR is a deconstruction and reconstruction). Stephen lets him finish talking and just goes something like "as much as I like making things about me, let's go back to talking about you", and they both just start cracking up.


    A lot of praise for Kim Bodnia.


    Asked about the casting of Gael, Jon said that there was one scene that Gael handled better than any auditiony (?) After watching the movie, yes, he came off great there and a lesser actor would have made it cringe worthy.


    They added Maziar for the second part of the interview, the 3 of them have great chemistry. Stephen found Maziar to be hilarious (and really, the guy is really funny. Quite a dry wit. My husband who has watched or heard no interviews was really surprised as to how funny Maziar was. He also said that Maziar has a great presence and wasn't overshadowed by Jon and Stephen). Stephen had asked Maziar if he had been there during filming and if it was difficult at all. Maziar started the answer with "As you know, as journalists we must..." and Stephen just goes "no, I don't know..." and Maziar just starts talking about how there's a great journalist on TV who looks just like Colbert and how great he is.


    Stephen asked what they hoped to accomplish with the movie and Maziar said that he hoped that if at least one person in the regime or part of the torture system saw the movie that they'd realize that what they were doing was wrong and maybe try to change it up or at least lessen what they were doing to their subjects. Jon said he agreed with Maziar, but also hoped that people would see Iran as not just the monolith of what the government stands for but a country with a lot of good hopeful people. Maziar went off that and said that there are a lot of great young intelligent people in Iran. These people are the future of Iran and also our greatest allies. If we were to go to war with Iran, these young Iranians would be the first to suffer.


    Stephen asked if torturer was a job that people wanted and apparently it is. There's a lot of status with a job like that.


    Stephen had asked about whether or not people in Iran would be able to see the movie. Maziar insinuated that the DVD black market is pretty strong in Iran. The DVD would be out on the streets next week and the subtitled version out right after that.


    Stephen then asked about the reaction that they were expecting and if the Iranian government has had a reaction to the movie. Once again, they mention the pieces the Iranian government put out, how the movie was sponsored by the US Navy (don't know why the Navy), CIA, Mussad, and the Zionist lobby. Maziar said that he'd expect people from within the regime to hate it and extremists in Iran and America to hate it. He said that he'd be upset if people in the regime singled out Jon Stewart as the one Jew they were ok with and how it'd just be weird. Jon made the joke about how he's considered both a Zionist and anti-Zionist.


    Stephen asked if Maziar's wife had seen the movie and if she had fully understood what Maziar had gone through. Maziar's wife was in attendance so she was able to answer. Mic-less. And then given a mic after she basically answered the question. She could still be heard but poor woman was clearly not ready to be questioned. She said she didn't really know the full extent and then spent a bit talking about how honest a movie it was and how Jon's honesty as a film maker came out, but she never really met Jon but he seems like an honest person. Her saying it was about as coherent as what I typed.


    Stephen asked one question that I sort of face palmed over since it was very American. He basically asked Maziar how similar Jordan and Iran are and Maziar had to say it's about as similar as America and El Salvador. But it'd be more dissimilar since at least English and Spanish come from the same language group. Anyways, there's no hummus in Iran, but Maziar's favorite dish is called Fesenjan and it sounds delicious. Apparently Jon had it at a Persian restaurant in London and agreed that it's amazing.


    I'm sure Fremde can fill in any blanks.

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  2. I'm with you.  Until she was introduced as a semi-regular character, they made her sound like an awful, neglectful parent (and not the Chris version of mostly benign neglect, she had the version where the primary parent seems generally disinterested in being a parent.)  I thought Jess would have been justified in refusing to participate.  It wasn't like he and his mother had a loving relationship.


    Didn't Jess basically say that he was there because Luke had asked him to be there?  He and his mom also seemed to have a better relationship at that point, calling each other and the such. So maybe a mixture of both.


    I'm under the impression that the people of Gilmore Girls watched ER and decided they needed to have Kathleen Wilhoite play a similar character as who she played on ER. Except they wrote her to be way too likeable. Invading Luke's personal space and eating his diner food without paying aside, she ended up coming off exactly the same as other people in Stars Hollow. Heck, Lorelei and Sookie are often seen over stepping their bounds at Luke's. They did end up dumping his food in the trash and taking over his kitchen and dining area without bothering to ask first. I get that Liz was at a better place in life when we met her, buy boy was it jarring to finally see her and not get the crazy irresponsible drug addict flake that had been leading up to it.


    I guess my UO will be that I kind of liked Liz (just a smidge). She definitely had her moments as "god what an awful character", but I think she was a great presence for Luke the character at times. Like April and Jess, Liz was a great way to humanize Luke and show his really protective and sometimes insecure side. Liz basically gave Luke someone to confide in, in a way that he never really did before.


    TJ was a punce though. I love the Deluise family (you have to if you're Stargate fan, they're all there at one point), but holy crap.

  3. Gilmore Girls reunion -- but no, not in a movie!


    Still pretty exciting. I want to know what Amy had planned for the final words, what she would have done with season 7, etc.

    Please tell us those words Amy, geeze.  I hope it ends up like the other reunion panels where a ton of cast members show up. As much as I'm psyched about Lauren and Alexis, I so want to hear from Kelly Bishop and Liza Weil.

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  4. I like some aspects of Luke's bonding with her. It was somewhat interesting to see that side of him. But I hated pretty much everything else about her.

    Completely agree. I thought it brought out some of Luke's best qualities that we saw glimpses of when he helped raise Jess. Him genuinely caring and worrying for another person with a really toned down gruffness (mainly in April's case). April probably could have used a better actress and less overwhelmingly Stars Hollowish.

  5. While I personally didn't like Max, he really was a decent guy. They wrote him like he was out of line for asking about a key to the house and what his part in Rory's life would be.  Both totally appropriate questions under the circumstances, in my opinion, although they were both at fault for not discussing those things way before the eve of the wedding.

    I thought Max was just a victim of the actor. I found him kind of boring and didn't really care when Lorelei blew him off in the end. Which is sad, because on paper he was probably the best husband/step-father guy she dated.


    I really didn't like the character of Christopher no matter how much they tried to push him on me, hated him in fact, but the chemistry the actor had with LG was just amazing.


    I didn't think they wrote him as out of line for asking those questions. I think they were already highlighting and foreshadowing how unprepared Lorelei was for marriage at the time. She wasn't willing to give an inch of herself for that relationship.  Contrast it with S6 how much Lorelei compromised to make Luke happy in regards to April. Too bad the Palladino's basically quit by the end of S6.

    • Love 3
  6. Interview with Ain't It Cool News

    JS: J.J. and Ron Howard. Those guys. Paul [Thomas] Anderson. They gave me the sense of the viability of it. I wanted to send it to people that I really like and respect, but who do a different variety of things. Not so much for notes, because, look, they’re busy. But for that sense that they can look at it and go, “Look, man. I’ve done this for awhile. Why don’t you just turn this into an off-Broadway play? Do it like ‘Love Letters.’ It’ll run for years. Get Blythe Danner.”


    Capone: That was Nathan Lane’s advice.


    JS: [laughs] Right. But for the most part, it was to get confident in the viability of it.

    Capone: Once you had an assembly cut, did you show it to other directors?


    MB: Yeah. Some people who came on the show. I remember Robin Williams saw the rough cut. He liked it.

    JS: Friends of mine would come by the show, so I showed it to Robin and Billy [Crystal] and some other people that had been there.


    Another interview with Rolling Stone. Really good stuff about TDS and other things as well.

    In the film, you pull the curtain back on The Daily Show by showing how Jason Jones conducts the interview. Did you hesitate about revealing the show's secrets?
    Maybe we should have, but I didn't even think about it. We don't consider it a state secret. Hopefully, people will get a little kick out of it.

    Times Talk live interview from last night.

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  7. I'm sure there will be claims that online voting can be hacked.

    To be fair, I was discussing this with some CS friends, one whose PhD was basically about web security. The general consensus is that the question isn't if it can be hacked, but how easily and if they could be caught. Other than that, Megyn Kelly is generally an idiot anyways.


    Wrong week peeayebee!

    • Love 1
  8. I think my issue with the couponing was that the entire first part of the season was basically showing that Lorelei was trying to save and scrimp (even though she still eats out all the time) by turning the thermostat down and cutting coupons. She clearly wanted to buy items with coupons to save some money and an off brand at that.


    RORY: Well, on the outside. Is this what you're using, Dream Fresh laundry powder?

    LORELAI: It's a new brand.

    RORY: It's an off-brand.

    LORELAI: It leaves your clothes with that Dream-Fresh scent.

    RORY: You used a coupon, didn't you?

    LORELAI: Thirty-five cents off or not, I still would have chosen Dream Fresh.

    I don't think Lorelei was extreme couponing per se, but at the time the new inn was sucking her dry of money and she wasn't getting that many catering jobs. It's weird that Rory was so against her using coupons. And surprised that her mom was using coupons before (probably for things like diapers). I mean, our Swiffer broke and I refused to buy a new one until I was able to find a coupon for $2 off.  It just makes financial sense.


    LORELAI: Hey, would you be horrified if I started clipping coupons again?

    RORY: Yes.

    LORELAI: Oh, well, then, I won't.

    RORY: Wait, did you say again?

    LORELAI: I meant ever.

    RORY: When did you clip coupons before?

    LORELAI: I didn't. I misspoke. Whoops.


    [Lane walks back outside. Rory grabs another page of coupons from the table.]

    LORELAI: I'm not clipping coupons!

    RORY: Then I don't see the problem.

    [Lorelai finds another page of coupons on the table]

    LORELAI: Ha.


  9. Although did we ever see money exchange hands at Luke's?  Maybe only Al's Pancake World got paid.


    They definitely paid Luke. They even left him tips. From We Got Us a Pippi Virgin:


    Lorelai Gilmore: In fact, he actually owes us a lot of money because we weren't supposed to be tipping him all these years.

    Rory Gilmore: I know. Customarily, you do not have to tip the proprietor of an establishment.

    Lorelai Gilmore: Why have we been tipping him all these years?

    Rory Gilmore: We like him?

    Lorelai Gilmore: Oh, that.


    • Love 1
  10. Write up from Al-Monitor

    The audience at Georgetown University was packed with students, some of whom had lined up as early as 4 a.m. to get a chance to see the movie and Stewart in person. Zoey Krulick, a senior, said Stewart “tried to display both sides of the issue and what real people were going through.”

    Also among the crowd was a select group of invited foreign policy experts, some of whom said they were concerned about the potential political impact of the film in both the United States and Iran.

    An article in the San Jose Mercury news

    "When I came out of the room, I saw Jon hunched in a corner, hugging his three-legged dog, Little Dipper," Bahari recalls. "He was very nervous, but he didn't need to be. I told him it turned out beautifully. We hugged, and it was one of the seminal moments in our relationship."
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  11. She only had student council one year.  I agree about all the Stars Hollows activities, but those are mostly one off events, and it seemed whatever "part-time job" she may have had at the Inn was largely forgotten by the second season (or at least I do not recall many scenes of Rory working at the Inn in what would be any regular kind of job).  I'm not saying Rory didn't have activities, just that I don't think that all her time was consumed by them.    

    I'm actually surprised that Rory basically got into all of the schools she applied to. Harvard, Yale, Princeton? She had newspaper, was on Student Council VP for one year, and did that one house building thing for Habitat for Humanity (?). Aside from that, she didn't do much outside of academic work. Everyone applying to these schools basically have the same academic record, Rory didn't really seem to stand out at all to be Ivy-bait.


    The valedictorian from my high school was All-State Band; All-state or whatever the sports equivalent was for both swimming and tennis; did cancer research at a major cancer center near us; 15--/1600 on his SATs (because I'm old); 5s on all the AP exams our school offered; president or officer of a whole bunch of academic clubs; went to State competitions with some of those academic clubs; a slew of recommendation letters  and was still rejected and waitlisted from all but one Ivy he applied to (our school is a feeder school to that Ivy). That sort of extracurricular list was par for the course for the top students from our area and everyone had their "rejected" from pile on top of their "omg Harvard or whatever school accepted them" pile. Thinking back on this now makes rewatching this kind of unrealisitc.


    Also, since I'm near the beginning of S4, what is Rory's deal with Lorelei cutting coupons? She seemed shocked that Lorelei ever cut coupons and horrified that Lorelei is cutting coupons now (Living Arts Festival). The show always made it out to seem like they were struggling earlier on - did Rory in her infinite genius never realize that coupons save money? Who the heck doesn't like saving money?

    • Love 9
  12. Interview with yahoo news.


    You joked on CNN that you didn’t vote, and then it became a whole big thing. And to me, that became a microcosm of everything the internet and cable news are about.
    Yeah. I mean the stupid thing there is that I was trying to avoid talking about the midterms because I wanted to talk about the movie, and stupidly…

    And then everyone picks up on it, and it becomes its own thing.
    That’s correct. And then you try to address it, and that itself becomes its own thing.

    Interview with Texas Travesty with Jon and Maziar.

  13. Reince Preibus was so full of shit. Obama needs to come to the table ready to work with others? I'm sorry, maybe I've been misunderstanding the past few years, I guess it's Obama's fault that Congress has been so deadlocked. STFU. They're just lucky Obama isn't as petty as I am.


    Rob Riggle! It was great to see him again.  Reminded me what a good correspondent he was, even his flub at the end.


    The Stack was fun and much needed. I can't believe how hard I laughed when they bounced.


    The bouncing stack was so great, poor Jordan.


    The best part? A toss!

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