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Everything posted by MarkusXIII

  1. I don't think he really believes they're her fault, he was just upset after watching that man die, and that her vision turned into a self-fulfilling prophesy. They're kinda screwed: they come true if she doesn't say anything (e.g., his arm being burnt), but he accidentally made it come true when he was forewarned. What's the solution? I mean hell, she still hasn't told them about the Golden Gate Bridge yet, has she? I'm betting they save the catastrophic "Rittenhouse wins!!!" changes for the finale/cliffhanger. Week to week, it has to be "chase Rittenhouse, stop Rittenhouse, reset", else at some point the changes would pile up to the point where they'd have to make up an entirely fictional present from scratch because our history would be completely gone, and as you say, that's more ambition than this silly time travel show has. At least this season they have a sleeper-agent-of-the-week to stop, instead of Flynn being behind every crisis then escaping every damn time. One disappointing thing is how they just dismissed the ramifications of their actions this week with a cliche "I'm not watching innocent people die". Um...the entire reason Lucy lost her sister was that people survived the Hindenburg who weren't supposed to, and one of their descendants married her "father", preventing his relationship with Lucy's mom and wiping her sister from existence. And that was 80 years ago, imagine that kind of change rippling out across 325 years? I'm not saying it had to go full "Edith Keeler must die", but at least acknowledge that you might've just done the same thing to others throughout history that Flynn did to you?
  2. Honestly, that's all it feels like she does in most episodes, the occasional concerned look, obvious comment, question about the case that of course Danny has the answer to, and a bit of exposition. She plays "straight man" to Danny Reagan, supercop, while he does 90% of the legwork. I'm not saying she's bad, or stupid, just that they don't write her very well, or give her nearly enough to do. Also, I thought it was the wife the second she came running out to hand him his coffee, followed by (imo) her kinda phony reaction to him laying there dying. But that's probably because I've watched way too many episodes of police procedurals in my life :-)
  3. I spent the entire first half of the episode wondering wtf was going on. Did I miss some casting news, or did this just come out of nowhere? I mean I guess it makes sense for a show entering S8 to want to cut costs.
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