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Posts posted by chrisvee

  1. The show cut its own heart out when it killed Quentin and lost Jason Ralph.

    There was a lot of really great acting from this ensemble cast (esp for a genre show). But Jason Ralph playing Quentin had the magical effect of making every other character better. He had chemistry with every other actor.

    Was that bc Quentin was ultimately the least talented magician? The Everyman who made this world accessible to the audience? Or bc he was the one who cared the most viscerally and bound together this family? Or bc Jason could imbue every subtle look or gesture with a world of feeling?

    In particular, Jason Ralph + Hale Appleman was incandescent and I’m glad I got to see it.

    After making such a big deal about not needing Quentin to tell this story, the writers then seemed to phone in this season, content to rely on the talents of the actors without giving them much to use.

    A sad end to a series that was once really great.

    • Love 6
  2. 7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    The problem with encountering numerous alternate timeline characters is that it reminds the audience there should be other Quentins out there, too. I mean, they killed off Penny and we immediately got another Penny. They killed off Marina and we got another Marina. But they kill off Quentin and we never see him again? That's some grade A bullshit right there.

    Yep that is indeed the issue

  3. 2 minutes ago, Beachdreamer said:

    It really is beyond belief that Greyworm has control of the city at the point that Jon kills Dany, and that what he does is put him in jail for several weeks so that people he's never met and knows and cares nothing about can come and he can ask them for the right to kill Jon.

    I'm really hung up on the absurdity of that.  I like Jon, but based on the way the story was playing out, I think it was his time to die.

    that Davos is a smooth talker 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Lady S. said:

    Does Sansa really not realize that she and her future kids would already be in line or was she just focused on guaranteeing a crown for herself?

    Aren’t they either electing the next king like the Holy Roman Emperor or potentially introducing some type of broader elective republic? 

    • Love 3
  5. 3 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

    For me, Brienne completing Jaime's page in the Book of Brothers was her getting closure on their relationship. Once she closed it she's ready to move on.

    duty is the death of love 

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Jack Shaftoe said:

    It's not like Arya is a badass assassin who could have done the job with ease with nobody the wiser... oh wait.

    But I couldn't see it because the actor who plays Jon can't act. He just looked vaguely confused. And even if we ignore that, Jon shouldn't need a speech from anyone to realize that what Daenerys had done was beyond the pale.

    Varys already tried a secret assassination plan. The point was that it needed to be Jon bc no one else could get close enough to her as well as past Drogon. Arya would have been s’mored.

    OAS, one of the many things that annoys me about Bran is how he functions as a moral arbiter. Both Theon and Jon looked to him for personal forgiveness but Bran had to go the ‘everything you did brought you here where you needed to be’ route which is 🤢

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  7. I guess we have Jaime to thank for Tyrion not growing up to be a sociopath which has turned out to be fortunate for Westeros.

    As for Brienne, presumably she found out from Tyrion and/or efforts to clean up the site of the Red Keep.

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  8. 37 minutes ago, Clare said:

    Question. Was that supposed to snow or ash that was falling in Kings Landing?  It made more sense to be ash but it looked like snow to me and the wind sound effects made it sound like it was snowing.

    I mostly liked the ending.  I liked the Jon and Tyrion conversations.  I liked that all the Stacks go their version of a happy ending.  

    I thought it started as ash and ended as snow.

    So the fire burned to ash then it was snowing to herald the time for wolves. Drogon covered in snow letting Jon Snow in to kill mom.

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  9. 9 hours ago, jcin617 said:

    Well, he was the only one who could stop Dany, I suppose.     He's probably the only one Drogon would let through.

    That’s what I thought too. And of course it was the trigger for Dany’s downward mental spiral as well as the plotting against her.

    • Love 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Beachdreamer said:

    If Bran can see the future, he must know that his time on the throne is short.  The people will not follow such an uninspiring, and uninterested leader for long. First challenge by anyone even slightly dynamic and he's done. Tyrion is an amazing character that's fun to watch, but he makes absolute shit decisions and recommendations, including this one.

    If Bran can't see what's going down soon, Sansa  sure can.  "Ummm.....hell, no, we'll just rule ourselves in the North.  Thanks anyway."

    I think we’re supposed to believe that the small council is going to be so awesome that everyone will be happy under Bran the Broken. 

    • LOL 2
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  11. 4 minutes ago, Raachel2008 said:

    Jon was totally saying goodbye to the Wall when he gave it a last look.

    Also, those are the Free Folks’ lands, they don’t need there help of a single man - or anyone - to settle.

    Yep Jon saying bye bye bye.

    • Love 5
  12. Well I generally hated it.

    God help Westeros. Bran the Broken and Tyrion the Incompetent.

    I’m glad Arya and Jon escaped. Who would have thunk that Tormund and his little crow would be the ship that sailed? Jon hugging Ghost was my high point. 

    Glad Sansa was able to keep the North independent and I think she will rule well.

    • Love 17
  13. 2 minutes ago, BadAssRobinArryn said:

    To be fair, I don't think it's quite the same. Alan Rickman was told a detail about Snape's backstory. Something that influences the character as we see him. Emilia Clarke would have been told a detail of Dany's future. Dany's characterisation is not really influenced by what she does later, even though the journey needs to be told well, of course.

    Rowling told Rickman what ‘always’ meant which is a pretty big detail that allowed him to put nuance into Snape.

    Surely something similar would have been possible with EC.

    I think keeping actors uninformed of the trajectory of their character arcs robs the audience.

    • Love 4
  14. 6 minutes ago, MrsR said:

    Not always.

    Game of Thrones was sold to 170 countries. In Germany it was aired on Amazon. In the UK it is aired on Sky Atlantic and other streaming sites. 

    Go ahead, cancel that subscription. HBO already made their billions and they have moved on. 

    Great! Then let’s screw them over on the prequels.

    • Love 1
  15. 4 minutes ago, stagmania said:

    I was out with a big group of friends last night who were discussing the show and predictions for the finale. Everyone in the group thought this season has been awful and expects the finale to suck. The main prediction was that Arya would kill Dany using a Face and that Jon would end up ruling, because "they have to use that, right!"

    Gonna be a lot of surprised people.

    • LOL 2
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  16. 1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

    If D&D had written Bran differently, I think the ending could've been triumphant. A kid who was cruelly disabled winning out in the end? The audience would've been all for it, but they never developed Bran properly.

    Fans were behind Dany and Jon because they saw their struggles, the betrayals, the heartbreak, the ups, the downs and everything in between. With Bran, he became unrelatable once he turned into the 3ER. Remember the way he callously blew off Meera after she spent years dragging him around? Did we ever see him mourn for Hodor? Or Rickon? I understand D&D envisioned the 3ER as the equivalent of a computer, but viewers don't root for things, they root for people. They missed the boat on that one.

    This is so true. The 3ER comes off like the thing that killed Bran, some Other that has gobbled up human consciousness and claims to be on the side of humanity but is essentially detached from actual living people.

    The character is off-putting to me and the actor’s performance is as well. Thank goodness JRR Tolkien didn’t take this route with Gandalf.

    • Love 6
  17. There is enough criticism of the writing amongst casuals, professionals, and online fans to catapult this to the worst series finale ever. That’s going to hurt D&D and the prequels. 

    Since there was so much time and money spent on special effects and cinematography (hey we have a battle that looks like Helm’s Deep on the small screen and we firebomb a while city!) while the writing fell apart, its going to seem like a super cynical ploy to win Emmys and ratings while delivering a subpar product to loyal fans of both the show and the books.

    King Bran? Who is the audience for that? Tyrion as hand after all his mistakes that contributed to Dany’s downfall? Sidelined then exiled murderer Jon?  Jaime back with Cersei after discarding Brienne? Crazy Dany?

    I guess the Sansa and Arya fan base gets the sweet? The rest of the fan base gets the bitter? 

    • Love 9
  18. 1 minute ago, Umbelina said:

    Because of Beric.

    Because of Mellisandre.

    both finished, both dropped dead

    It might also explain why GRRM was SO furious they left Lady Stoneheart out.  So, D&D made sure Beric and Melly had words to say why they were dying.  Since they barely used words in this final season, that's significant.

    Melisandre didn’t drop dead. She took off her necklace (which was preserving her life) and let old age kill her. 

    Beric was skewered and died from those wounds.

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