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Everything posted by MssdDrms

  1. Anyone who has purchased the full seasons, maybe from Amazon, do they have extras? I would like to see some of the full finals routines instead of just the glimpses we get from the show. I would really like to see KaShara aka KaSexy's routine. She must be really stepping it up this season.
  2. I think they will address the Holly issue in the next couple of episodes. They're showing her on camera quite a bit especially last episode. She's such a favorite of Kelly's so I don't see how she could just disappear and it not be shown at all. It would be cray cray.
  3. Random question...With the recent makeovers, why are there so many dark roots among the blondes?
  4. Wasn't there some talk early on that Jenna was going to retire but K&J talked her in to coming back one more year because they needed a strong veteran to lead the team? Maybe that's one reason Jenna didn't get in as much trouble as Holly. Holly may actually be sweet as honey in real life, but on camera she comes off an attention ho.
  5. Agree. I like Stephanie, but Khalyn is a better dancer.
  6. Did Khalyn make SG? She's a great dancer and she's gorgeous.
  7. I agree. It's like Miss Mary Cooper says, "You can put cats in the oven but that don't make 'em biscuits." They've shown some photos this season so far that makes them look sloppy.
  8. I thought we were going to avoid that this season, but not so. I'd rather see more Miss Kitty!
  9. The only one that seems odd is Tasha. She has never been a favorite of mine. Something phoney about her.
  10. I really don't know how she made the team to begin with.
  11. Didn't Jenna say her dad had chorographed some of Michael Jacksons dances?
  12. KaShara isn't on the 50 yard line during the kick line. I think she is great out front.
  13. Long time reader, first time to comment....I don't think Jenna would ever be on the 50 yard line in the kick line ...she's too short. The tallest dancers are in the middle, then go by height out to the ends. I love KaShara..I don't think she's boring at all. Each to their tho, right? ?
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