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Posts posted by MssdDrms

  1. 13 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:


    I think he's having issues with claustrophobia in general, and having something covering his face. The smoke box would help at least a little bit, since he'd have to keep his mask on and get used to it again. Remember his two panic attacks didn't have to do with water either, just tight spaces. 

    Could be…water was at both scenes too, though,  so maybe both are part of it.  The car had the water from the hose they were using to put the engine fire out.  The second was a well of water below the victim.   We may never know though, cause apparently this smoke box is going to cure it. 😂

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  2. On 10/8/2021 at 2:19 PM, Crs97 said:

    They are setting Casey up to be a great battalion chief; he practically had to order Severide to care about Cruz.

    I had assumed Griffen was a young adult, which is why he tries to help with Ben but it isn’t going well.  If he is underage, how did he travel on his own and why is Casey so nonchalant about putting him in an Uber at night?


    I wonder if them setting Casey up to be BC is also why they re-introduced the paramedics chief too.  Brett wouldn’t report directly to Casey, right?

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  3. On 10/8/2021 at 3:11 PM, dovegrey said:

    The commercial for next episode made it sound like both boys are going into foster care. And Griffin said he was 6 when Andy died, which was September 2012…that makes him 15 or 16. Originally, he was 11 in 2013 and should be at least 19. It is a mess. 

    I wonder if these writer got the boys mixed up.  His younger brother was around 6.  

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  4. 20 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    He was having panic attacks whenever he put on the shield mask, so maybe it's more of a claustrophobic thing than water-specific. 

    Good point.  I’m sure next episode will be like nothing ever happened. 😩

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  5. 12 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    I have only the vaguest memory of Andy's kids living with Casey, to be honest, so I didn't know how old they were supposed to be. But if Griffin is only supposed to be around 15 then yeah, the actor looks way older than that. I assumed he was at least 21.

     Isn't that weird? The show goes through the motions of giving Cruz an actual storyline, but we never see his wife and he never has any interactions with her. It's a story on only the most superficial level. Actual stories are reserved for Casey, Severide, and their love interests.

    This show has never met a problem they couldn't wrap up in three episodes, tops.

    When Hermann and Stella were having a push-up (?) competition, I knew Stella would win. Doesn't she always?

    Why in the world would Severide think the smoke box would help Cruz??  He’s having issues with water.   I expected some diving or something with water. 

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  6. 4 hours ago, WinJet0819 said:

    That's why these cliffhangers are basically meaningless. If you're going to have cliffhanger, make it count. Last season's cliffhanger and the one at the end of Season 5 ,I believe, would have meant much more had somebody bought it. But the writers continue to just be content with making this a feel good show, and just have drama for the sake of drama with no consequences on the story. I'm sure Cruz nearly dying will be forgotten about by the third episode.

    And it can't be hoped that Gallo and Violet will grow up because the writers won't allow it. Their childish banter stopped being funny a long time ago. But sticking with the feel good theme, they can't act like adults.

    I knew this ‘cliffhanger’ would end the same as the rest…absolutely nothing.  No drama or suspense. Just a big, fat, nothing. Kidd telling Biden he can’t go was just bad writing. She had no right…and she’s assuming she will be gone as soon as the first lieutenant job is open.  Oh really?  How long did Hermann have to wait?  They need some new writers…this is a good show, but their writers seem burned out like some ‘crispy critters’.  

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  7. On 6/25/2021 at 5:21 PM, Planet X said:

    Does anyone else feel like you should be forced to vaccinate in order to be on the team?

    NO!  That shouldn’t be required especially of people who’ve had the virus and several girls on the team had it.

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  8. 4 hours ago, RileyJDR said:

    Girls with shorter hair have always stood out for me, in a good way - Rachel A, Amy, Christina, Audition Amy, Ann Lux and Teri from years back, etc. wish they had more of them!

    I agree!  The girls with the long hair curled at the end all look the same.  There nothing special or eye-catching about any of them.

    • Love 5
  9. On 6/11/2021 at 3:10 PM, Weeklydcc said:

    I wouldn't be surprised to see a legacy sticker session with Meredith, Cassie and Victoria each picking their 36.

    Or VK could be on the judges panel in the future...

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  10. 11 hours ago, Lynnbo said:

    I agree.  I’d rather not see a bloodbath of cuts like there is going to be with this many tcc.  

    I think they take people into training camp for the sole reason to cut them.  

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  11. 4 hours ago, corrieb90 said:

    I really hope it's not fingers crossed she will be ok

    I hope she doesn't have to go through the re auditioning process, but from what I've seen in the seasons they have to re audition.

    I know this sounds mean, but I hope she does.  Any other candidate would have to.  She’s not my fav, but I really hope and pray she’s OK and resolves what has caused her to make this decision.

    • Love 14
  12. On 6/3/2021 at 1:54 PM, EricaShadows said:

    I think it's still in limbo as I haven't seen it either confirmed or debunked.

    Goodness sakes...if she does retire, what earth-shaking event has happened to drive that decision??  Pregnant?  I’m awful, I know!

  13. On 5/31/2021 at 12:52 PM, Julie Jaxx said:

    Reddit has 9 retiring including Victoria




    I might be a day late and a dollar short here, but I cannot believe Victoria is retiring after only 2 seasons.   Has this been debunked?

  14. On 5/31/2021 at 6:40 PM, JayDKay said:

    I seriously still can't get over how bland this group looks. I mean Amanda, Bre, Jensen & Megan are the same person....

    So is Christina and KayDianna ..

    Thank god for Amber, Kleine, Madisyn & Tyra for providing some spunk! Really hoping for some diversity in those last couple of unconfirmed girls...

    Not being mean here, but some of these ladies are just not DCC attractive.  I wish them luck.

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  15. On 5/27/2021 at 8:00 AM, FnkyChkn34 said:

    The ambulance wasn't called at the same time as Squad.  Squad called for backup after they got on scene.  

    And yes, how did all of them do that?  Because I could easily be wrong, but I think even Tony - the driver - changed too?  

    I didn’t see the ambo when Squad pulled out of the firehouse, so they must have come from somewhere else.  

    I did see Tony adjusting his suit in the background so maybe he dressed after he stopped the truck.


    on a side note on the Brettsey scene...I must say...when she pulled his belt off, I thought I was going to have to light a cigarette and I don’t even smoke..  hahaha...


  16. On 5/26/2021 at 11:09 PM, dovegrey said:

    I can see that with the current writing. Back in the day, Casey kept things pretty separate with Gabby while out on calls, which is the only hope I have. He was having closed-blinds sex with Hallie in his office back in season 1, so that would be relatively in-character for him, haha. 

    As it is, that scenario with Casey being distracted by Brett while incident commander can just as easily happen with him as captain. Boden goes to fewer and fewer calls...he’s been made into quite the redundant, if not useless, character. So, to me, it’s kind of a wash. At least BC Casey would probably freshen up dynamics?

    I wouldn’t assume Casey would go to Chief.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they brought in a polarizing character.  Stir up some friction...temporarily anyway.  

    I think the love scene between Brett and Casey was well done.  They didn’t go at each other like two mad dogs.   It was sexy with emotion and not smutty.  

    why in the world would all 4 Squads go into the water together with no backup? 

  17. On 5/24/2021 at 1:30 AM, Josh371982 said:

    My guess is Brett had to process it and More likely they wanted to save her taking care of business for the finale lol. But then who knows lol. 

    I am so glad THIS was not the finale!  I didn’t know when it was so, yeah, that makes more sense.   

  18. I wonder if Joe has a patent on Slamagan or whether this persistent dude will steal it from him somehow.  

    The proposal didn’t bother me at all, but all the effort to get Stella a position did.  They sure didn’t work that hard for Hermann.  It was just an afterthought for him until he actually got a truck.  If I were him, I’d be a little miffed at the effort here.   Yeah, she’s good, but so is Hermann.  and what was the point of mentioning the other guy who passed too.  Wonder if he will beat her out of the first position that comes up.

    Finally, Dawson is OUT, but why did Silvie stand there on the sidewalk with a dumbfounded look on her face, instead of grabbing that man and taking care of business.  She had plenty of time to call him back before he walked back into Molly’s. 

    I always enjoy Trudys visits! 😂.  Soldier Field.  ❤️❤️


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  19. 3 hours ago, AnnA said:

    Thank you!   I don't like Stellla at all and think the Stellaride combo is a joke.   I have a hard time understanding what he might see in her.  I don't think she's anything special.   


    I try to like Stella, but I think , too, they are building her up like they did Dawson.  so far, though, she’s not in every scene and the heroine of every save.

    I do like Brett with Casey.  They get along well and she seems to have respect for him.  Unlike Dawson who seemed to treat him as an afterthought.  They argued more than anything else.  Makes no sense to me why the writers of this show is trying to convince us now that they were such a great couple.  Smh...

    • Love 1
  20. On 4/8/2021 at 7:36 PM, mxc90 said:

    It hasn't happen. We still need to see Grainger's rejection from Sylvie (when he arrives to pick her up wearing his new ski gear. Probably spent over $1,000 buying new clothes/equipment for him/her). Then we'll see Matt and Sylvie holding hands skipping to the doctor's office.

    I hope so! LOL.  This seems to be building up to Sylvie getting the partner she wants. 

  21. On 3/6/2021 at 9:24 PM, Holly85 said:

    First round of virtual Auditions is set may 2nd-15th 

    Why are they doing virtual?  I thought Texas was opened back up fully now, with no restrictions.  Maybe they will do the finals in person and bring back the interviews.  I liked that part. 

  22. Continuing to drag Dawson up in the show doesn’t make sense to me.  They’re acting like she and Casey were some magical, fairytale love when actually, when she left, they appeared to be on the way out in their marriage.  She treated Casey as an afterthought - always.  I’m going to be a firefighter regardless of what you say or think.  I’m going to adopt this kid, with or without you.  I’m going to have my own baby, even tho it could kill me - deal with it.  She was a horrible person, a hot head, and everyone just fawned over her.  I liked her in the beginning, but I was glad when she left.  Brett and Casey would be good together.

    speaking of Brett, I wish she had shown more concern over Casey.  once or twice it seemed like she knew something was off, but to watch the man you’re still in love with get dragged by a car and you don’t show anymore concern than she did....maybe this Brett/Casey storyline is really dead.  

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  23. On 1/27/2021 at 9:17 PM, Tuxcat said:

    Did Lisa confirm too? Read that on another board. Maybe I'm wrong?

    Oh and on reddit it says Alora Rose also confirmed?

    I hope Lisa retires.  I don’t know how she made the team to start with. 

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  24. On 1/14/2021 at 3:29 AM, scorpio1031 said:

    Diet camp - not the full TC experience 

    Someone said Kristin’s bf posted on Kelli’s Instagram, but I only saw this


    I like Kristyn, but come on...they go into this show with eyes wide open.  They know the critiques can be harsh, or edited to look harsh.  Pretty safe bet she won’t be on the team next season!😂

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