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Posts posted by MssdDrms

  1. On 4/27/2020 at 12:59 AM, Blue hues said:

    Does the DCC provide the outfits for these videos?  I know the pro shop does, but this dress plus the other one VK was wearing in ONE of her videos seem similar.  Rachel looks like she’s wearing one of VKs audition dresses here.

    Wow...this is beautiful...I’ve watched it 10 times.  Such a beautiful dancer.

    • Love 3
  2. On 4/22/2020 at 4:05 PM, NotthebadVictoria said:

    I think that should clear it up. I know I’ve seen speculation that Judy and Kelly wouldn’t allow Kat her natural hair and forced her to wear a wig. 


    I don’t think anyone forces Kat to wear wigs.  Didn’t she come in wearing them?  Seems to be her thing.

    • Love 6
  3. On 4/14/2020 at 10:43 PM, DCCFan123 said:



    I would hate to dance beside Hannah.  She’s so intense and graceful at the same time.  Not that Erin wasn’t good, but Hannah takes it to a whole other level.

    • Love 7
  4. On 3/20/2020 at 11:39 AM, Ailianna said:

    I keep thinking that the bright side of the shutdown is that they aren't going to be able to bring Dawsom back pregnant this season.  Silver lining, if you ask me.

    I’m new to Chicago Fire. I’ve heard people talk about it but never watched.   I just started binge watching during the shutdown and during the first two seasons I fully fully in Dawson’s corner.  By end of season three into season four I’m thinking it should be called The Gabby Dawson Show.  UGH!!!  Is she a paramedic?  Is she a firefighter?  A wanna be doctor?  Now into season five, she’s an investigator tracking down a guy with a hero complex.  And the way she’s jerked poor Casey around....he deserves better.  Now Severide...totally yummy.

    • Love 3
  5. 24 minutes ago, Kees080 said:

    I don't care for Kat's hair. The length and the color looks old and drab.  

    Alexis darling your top has lost more of the fabric I'm afraid.  😏

    This is a terrible picture.  None of them look DCC glam.  Kat’s hair...OMG!!   Drab is right!  Maddie’s hair looks like it’s still wet, VK is sucking in so much she may pass out any minute, Bess looks like she has bags under her eyes, Alexis...did she get a boob job she’s trying to show off and where is her make-up??  Even Brennan is looking down her bridge so much, her eyes make her look mean.   

    • Love 8
  6. On 2/5/2020 at 7:36 PM, GirlInFlux said:

    Sigh. This just shows that VK has always had a leg up on everyone, even from a young age. I'm probably what most would call a VK defender, but I think her village (her parents, mentors, other adults in her life...etc) has really failed her. I don't think she's a bad dancer and I think she is fine for the team, not the best and not the worst. But even I am starting to feel like they are trying to make fetch happen with her. If she just rode out her first year without being featured in articles and in special IG videos, people might have grown to like her and she would have the space to grow as a dancer on the team without the spotlight on her. She also just doesn't know when to shut her mouth. There's no reason to reveal that you got into things unfairly because of nepotism.

    You’d think with all that she’d be better than she is.  She should be flawless, but here we are.

    • LOL 2
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  7. On 2/3/2020 at 3:48 PM, Opine said:

    Love all the images except Kat's.  It makes her hair look dirty to have that two-toned yuckety yuck.

    Don’t Kat wear wigs?  It hard to tell, I just remember her talking about them.

  8. 21 hours ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

    Does anyone remember seeing a group picture similar to this one from this year? All I can remember is that Gina was on the far left (from our POV) and Christina (with her big fake boobs) were 2nd from the right (from our POV) and there were probably 5 or 6 of them in the picture. 

    ETA: Found it. Was on Lexie's Twitter.

    Has Gina had some work done?  She looks different.

    • Love 1
  9. 10 hours ago, go4luca said:

    Oh hell to the no!!!  Without traffic, that place is only 30 minutes from me.  Way too close! 😱

    So another lyrical solo for Victoria this year.  Wanna bet it will be really close to the same one she’s done for the last two years?  She will never even come close to Lacey lyrical. 

    • LOL 2
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  10. On 1/20/2020 at 4:22 PM, ATLGirl said:

    Oh cripes, thanks for telling me without being cruel. I was clearly not paying attention. I’ll delete it.

    Still think it was bad judgement but she’s younger than vet Kat so I’m not as surprised. 

    It might have been better if the music wasn’t so loud.  You couldn’t even hear her taps.   It was pretty boring to me.  Didn’t even watch it all.

  11. 9 hours ago, dotdot 37 said:

    I think that the TPTB want the heat taken off VK so that have Cat do something that gets the board going in another direction

    the heat will not be taken off VK until she learns to dance without falling out of turns and do leaps without looking like it’s all she can do to get off the ground.  If she weren’t practically Kelly’s daughter, her performance in the first round this year would have been in the highlights of the bad dancers.  

    • LOL 1
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  12. 10 hours ago, LRCH said:

    Several years ago why did they keep Kat, Morgan, or the Samantha who couldn’t directions and tanned the night before cameos when emailed not to do so several days before, and who had suspect memories. And Merideth, beautiful technique, but suspect memory. Kat, who I really like, suspect memory. Couple of years ago they cut Hannah for her weight, and she was an amazing dancer, yet gave others more time. Not that they shouldn’t have given others more time, but why not Hannah also. They also gave Danielle, Jennifer C, Veronica a chance to lose weight. Kashara and Holly were weight warned also. If they do like they did Danielle and those ladies, they will pull them from appearances. I get that your animosity isn’t against Victoria, and I like most of the ladies I mentioned (couple aren’t my favs), but my point being Kelli and Judy confuse me. I believe they want the bet team, but I don’t believe they are always consistent. And I will shut up now. 😉

    Ugh...Kat and Morgan...I think Kat earned her spot more than Morgan did.  Both of these girls were one and done, but that won’t be the case with  VK.  She’ll be on this team no matter how much weight she gains and no matter how many turns she falls out of and we’ll have her shoved in our faces for years to come.

    I’m guessing this years Kat may also be a one and done as well as Meredith.

    • Love 10
  13. 21 hours ago, LRCH said:

    It seems allot of folks aren’t big fans of Victoria, but I like her. She may not be the absolute best dancer in the room, but, in my opinion, she is a very good dancer, bright, beautiful and fun to watch. I remember previous years when they kept people who weren’t a fraction as good and couldn’t follow directions. My favorite DCC is Rachel W. She beautiful and an amazing dancer. And every time I’ve heard her interviewed she comes across as very sweet, real and honest. 

    Honestly, it’s not so much I don’t like her, I don’t know her enough to know that.  I do know I don’t like the mistakes she continues to make and seems to get by with when other girls would have been cut.  My animosity is not toward VK herself as it is TPTB that’s letting the ‘world class’ and ‘the best of the best’ bragging rights get flushed down the toilet because of one clunky dancer.  We will see what happens when she gains the weight back.  Will she get pulled from appearances in uniform ‘until she can fit in her uniform’?

    • Useful 1
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  14. 32 minutes ago, KnyghtRyder said:

    Well, I think most famously, during tryouts this year. She slipped on a pompom that was circling the dancer floor. Remember? She got cut first round because of it....oh, wait. Just kidding. She didn’t. She gotta resounding “Awwwwwwwwe!! LOL, only Victoria. LOLOLOLOL 😍.”

    The pompom, however, did not make it to the next round. 

    She also fell out a turn down on the field doing the DCC routine.  I don’t care what anyone says, this girl got preferential treatment and shouldn’t have made TC this year either.  Killing the Pom pom during the first round, then fell out of the turn again on the field.  Anyone else would have never made TC, much less the team.  Better dancers were sent home.

    • Love 22
  15. 6 hours ago, BluegrassDCCFan said:

    Just saw a post on twitter about Victoria taking prep classes at 16.


     I would have thought the classes minimum age was the same as being a cheerleader (18).  Can anyone confirm?  Wonder if she just got to take the classes because of who she was (Tina Kalina's daughter)?

    Well good Lord, if she started prepping when she was 16 why is she still falling out of turns and clumsy as a bull in China? Bahaha...I mean Bull in a china shop...

    • LOL 16
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  16. 1 minute ago, EverybodyIsACritic said:

    Me, too! After John Fox, I thought I’d never love a coach again, but Riverboat Ron is a class act. 

    Has anyone heard who Jerry Jones is Looking at to replace Coach Garrett?

    im watching season 13 on Direct TV on demand and they play the original music in these episodes.  And....it makes me mad that Tara was cut before 11 lbs of milkshake heavier VK was.  Just not right.  Tara earned more of an opportunity to improve than VK did. IMO

    • Love 16
  17. 16 hours ago, KickPretty said:

    On SM I read people defending her mistake when she came up a count early! Things like: 

    She keeps being moved around, you can’t expect her to be perfect when every week she’s in a new spot.

    That’s why she’s the best, the only one they trust enough to be in a different spot each week

    It’s really funny! 😂😂😂

    With the obvious mistakes VK has made, does anyone know if K&J have addressed them with her?  How many times have we heard over the years that a mistake in the triangle is SO Visible.  Well, this year is the first time I’ve seen such an obvious mistake in the triangle so any news on whether they talked to her about it?

    • Love 8
  18. 6 minutes ago, Muckypup61 said:


    Sassy! LOVE Hannah's wink! They all look like they're really enjoying this performance.

    I love Hannah’s story but I’ve never been a fan...don’t throw things at me now...but for crying out loud...put the girl in shorts that don’t have her butt hanging out!!

    2 minutes ago, go4luca said:

    Bracing myself for comments on the fit of Hannah's shorts...

    Yep, I made a comment about her shorts...why???  She’s the only one with her cheeks hanging out...🤷‍♀️

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