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Posts posted by MssdDrms

  1. On 1/13/2021 at 4:22 PM, DCCOracle said:

    HQ from the website. 


    Some observations...Their hairstyles are all the same.  Tess looks like she’s had a boob job.  Alora Rose isn’t very photogenic. Chandi is too pretty to be stuck so far back. The blonde girl on the right back row has hair straight out of the 60’s. 

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  2. 8 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

    I think Victoria's solo is pretty good. She has stage presence. She still dances heavy and doesnt have the "pretty feet" that Kelli likes but she's tall, blonde and good enough. Cassie was a blonde with a killer body too and definitely not as technically strong. So yes, Victoria will be in the triangle real soon. Caroline or Rachel might beat her for point next year, but VK will be up there.

    I do wish there was more emphasis on how quick this years training camp was. To me its obvious they were setting up the vet cutting theme  prior to the start of camp. They invited more new candidates in - not less and the vets were only there a few days really. It's the perfect ratings set up. High drama to cut people the fans already know - Meredith, Lily, Brennan, Kristin (she doest get cut but she gets the 'struggle edit') were the girls everyone really remembers. Hannah gets the "not yourself" edit rather than helping her with actual corrections.  Definite maximum drama in highlighting them  week to week (which was likely pre-determined well before the vets arrived).

    VK still can’t do graceful leaps.  She dances HEAVY...as usual.

    • Love 19
  3. On 11/12/2020 at 11:43 PM, Jesiklyn said:

    I've never heard of this, but am not in the US, why is it controversial?

    I'm assuming its a MLMS (Multi Level Marketing Scheme)

    I have a friend who used this to help grow her hair back after Chemo.  She stands by it as a great product for what she used it for.

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  4. Read some of the comments and agree on a lot...especially the Gabby not been on the show for two years and still messing it up!  Come on!!  I liked her in the beginning too but then she just became so obnoxious I was glad to see her go.  She took over every story line in every show.   Why can’t she just be gone and stop stinking up the place?

    I do have to say this is the first time I’ve actually seen some heat between Brett and Casey.  Past seasons there’s been no fire. (Pun intended) 🔥

    I was glad to see Severide save the ambulance door. I thought about that too, but then saw they seemed to have left a fully loaded ambulance for anyone to plunder.  Why wouldn’t they have shown someone at least getting the meds out of it???  Good grief!  They all just drove off and left it with crap hanging out of it. 

    I really like Ritter.  He’s cute as a button...I just want to put him in my pocket! ❤️

    i would rather have seen Casey rescue Brett instead of her manhandling the windshield and getting herself free.  Would it have killed the writers to have gotten a little more drama out of that?? Is that too much to ask?  Taking that kind of jolt from the ambo hitting the ground like that...it hard to believe they walked away from that with barely a scratch.  


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  5. 9 hours ago, AYTOfan said:

    *Walks out the door*

    Nicole is a great dancer just not my fave, neither for point. Interestingly I seem to prefer blondes when it comes to points. I loved Whitney, Holly and KaShara as point and I would love to see Rachel W getting point in the future 😂


    Okay this is a speculation I literally have never heard and I won't believe it either (no offense ofcourse)

    I find that hard to believe too.  In this day and age, most people don’t care about who dates/marries who, or their skin color.   The only ones who do want to make it political and we don’t need that kind of negativity!  DCC is better than that.

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  6. 8 hours ago, MonaMechelle said:

    Hey y’all! So happy to be here. Long time listener, first time caller 😂

    Here are some thoughts that have been a-brewin’ while I waited on my account activation:

    I totally see a world where the show storylines play out like this -

    Beginning episodes talk about how this camp is so different, this rookie class is so talented, yada yada. They couldn’t possibly deny the opportunity to new girls and world class organizations must push through. Cue Kelli talking to the vets saying they have to be in tip top condition and that she and Judy will have very little tolerance for anything other than absolute perfection.

    Cut scenes to K&J watching Brennan dance and make repeated comments about her stamina. Questions if Brennan was responsible in the off season bc how does one get COVID twice. Questions if she could be a good ambassador for the organization. Wonders how long it will take her to recover because the “first game” is in a few weeks! (sarcasm bc good luck football season)

    Cut scene again to K commenting on how every factor plays a part in cutting girls. Uniform fittings. “Does Hannah look bottom heavy to you? “Yeah she’s always been that way though.” Group scene of no one wearing a mask but Hannah, or not wanting to be a part of the “not required but required” group settings. Additionally, Hannah talking to K&J about her concerns. Kelli dismisses them as inappropriate and then the rest of camp, Hannah is seen that way in Kelli’s eyes. The combo of the two is lethal.

    Lily and Meredith storylines will be more straightforward, they’ll say they were out danced by the rookies.

    DISCLAIMER: These are NOT my personal beliefs! Love H&B and wish they hadn’t been cut. I would just be 0% surprised if storylines played out this way. I watch enough reality TV to know that producers don’t care about critics if they aren’t the overwhelming majority. Most of MTT’s fandom will be unspoiled when/if the show airs, which means that they can create whatever narrative they’d like and most would be unsuspecting.

    Also, may be an unpopular opinion but you bet your 15 stars that I’ll be watching if the show airs. Many feel like watching will reward bad behavior, but I’m fascinated to see what they will share about this training camp. Why they had it, learn about the rookies, see the vets again, etc. Cutting vets for likes is vile when there was so much more to focus on, but call me a sucker.

    Without the show, what’s the point of this board? 

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  7. On 8/19/2020 at 4:34 PM, ByTor said:

    Brennan and Meredith, my 2 favorites, CUT!  Still trying to process this.  I don't even know these women, but I am BUMMED 😞 

    I have to admit, when I heard Brennan had been cut, my first thought was “oh, Bytor is going be so mad and they’ll be hell to pay!”  

    • LOL 7
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  8. On 8/10/2020 at 8:13 AM, jlc said:

    VK was flawless because she had, in my opinion, someone taught her the dances, gave her the panel interview questions and answers, and was given a job at the gym to make sure she worked out  to make weight. She has already shown she is not mature enough to make the team on her own. 

    i  disagree...Victoria fell out of her turn and into the row of Pom Poms.  Definitely not flawless.  We will have to agree to disagree.

    • Love 13
  9. 1 hour ago, JC2468 said:

    Unpopular opinion BUT I think Gina is gorgeous! I do think she is extremely thin, but I think she has a pretty face! 

    I don’t know if she’s doing some fancy contours with  her makeup or if she’s had work done, but she is beautiful.  

    • Love 4
  10. On 8/2/2020 at 12:09 PM, SmpIsimon said:

    Her technique is terrible, and the fact she doesn't realize how badly these videos demonstrate that is just sad.

    I wonder if she looks at other dancers doing the exact same routine as posted a few pages back and think she’s better or even as good as any of those other dancers. 

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  11. On 7/21/2020 at 3:07 PM, Holly85 said:

    Lisa is flying to Arkansas for a week to help with a dance camp 


    This is a terrible picture.  She going to a dude ranch or something?  What’s with that pose?

    • LOL 6
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  12. On 7/9/2020 at 7:41 PM, ByTor said:

    Especially the leaps.

    Agree!  She barely leaves the floor in her leap (attempts).  She doesn’t dance like someone whose been doing it since she was a child.  I’ve been watching Madeline Underwood lately...and all I can say is DANG!  VK could only dream about being on this girls level.

    • Love 6
  13. 19 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

    That’s not the point though. They’re still making them travel to Dallas (when traveling is a great way to risk getting sick) even though more than even half of them will have to be cut. So they will either have to travel back or stay in dallas and try to find a job during a pandemic.

    The team is in Dallas so if they don’t want to travel or move, then maybe they should wait another year.  My son changed jobs during this pandemic and now has the best paying job he’s ever had.  People don’t want to go back to work right now because they’re making more on unemployment so jobs are there to be had.

    • Love 2
  14. 4 hours ago, jlc said:

    I find it very irresponsible to bring 21 girls to training camp when there are only 7 spots avaiable. Again, Kelly's need to be famous over rules safety of 21 young women. 


    They may divide them into teams early and have the teams filmed separately learning the dances.  They could social distance this way...OR have Training camp outside on the field! LOL

    • Love 3
  15. On 6/20/2020 at 12:03 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I'm hoping the makeovers this year don't make every single blonde the same shade.    Whether it's just the fashion today, or maybe the TCC want the same thing, it's boring, and not flattering to all of the women. 

    I like Marshall and I don’t know how much input he gets, but seems like since they’ve been using his salon all the cuts and colors are cookie cutter. I wish he would speak up more.

    • Love 10
  16. On 6/18/2020 at 9:31 PM, Cruisegirl said:

    I wasn’t a big Victoria fan year 1, but in her second attempt she came back a stronger dancer, confident and it great shape. I feel she earned her boots year 2 but so many can’t get past how she was the first year. Many think she is on the squad due to her relationship with Kelli but I don’t feel that way because she was cut her first year. I like her and have had some very nice conversations with her on IG. She even sent my granddaughter  a photo since she knew she was a fan and I thought that was very special thing to do. 

    I’m not sure I will ever feel she truly earned her way on the team.  She fell over into the Pom-Poms along the side of the dance area.  Kelli just giggled and said “Victoria!”  Anyone else would have made the blooper reel.   Maybe she will earn her stay, but she didn’t earn her way on.

    • Love 16
  17. On 5/13/2020 at 9:39 AM, Opine said:

    The top does no favors either.  Girl needs all the vertical lines she can incorporate into the outfit and and a VS bombshell-esque top to create cleavage and take the eyes off the lack of waist.

    She appears flat and boxy.  May be the shorts and top, may be that she’s actually flat and boxy.

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  18. 7 hours ago, Kitkatkitty said:

    I found a couple more people confirmed to have auditioned:

    Gabriella O'Niel, gabriella.fair:

    Jasmin is auditioning again (2018 TCC):


    Allison Richardson, alli_richardson

    Natalia Silvani, natalia.a.silvani:

    6 hours ago, Meleighsa said:

    Great intel, @Kitkatkitty!

    That Joleen Amber chick looks like her head was photoshopped into her body. Maybe just an odd angle.

  19. 3 hours ago, Jess14 said:

    For sure. Both are strong dancers.  Alanna is actually one of my favorites on the team. 

    I couldn’t pick Amber out if I had to.  I don’t think Alanna is very photogenic at times, but dances well.  I wish Christina would retire before she gets cut at tryouts this year.  That would be a bad way to go out.  She was weak last year so she better bring it.  She’s 35 years old for crying out loud!  (I don’t know how old she really is, but she was 30 when she made the team. Haha)

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