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Everything posted by fatewemake

  1. One of Meghan's talking points on her blue note card must be "Mention my Father's passing. People think I don't do it enough and guests would rather talk about my Father's death than LITERALLY any other subject even if it costs them movie revenue or book sales."
  2. Yikes! I just realized that Meghan's shrieking during fun discussions is even more annoying than her shrieking during heated political debates (YMMV). During the exercise/eating shrieking I had to check the windows for cracks.
  3. Meghan loves healthy debates. I didn't know that healthy debates involve eye-rolling, screeching, screaming over your opponent, folding your arms and staring daggers at the person you are debating.
  4. Oh God! Meghan as Elsa while they play the song "Let it go". The only thing she ever let go was her figure. (Sorry that was mean, but I speak on behalf of the terrified squirrels who can no longer afford bulletproof vests due to budget cutbacks).
  5. So, let me guess... Cookie Monster was just fine until he listened to Meghan too long and tossed his cookies.
  6. Meghan has pull also. Fortunately it is only gravitational. Joy has all kinds of pull since she is admired and has a legendary status on this show. She was brought back to the show after she left. Once Meghan leaves (please be soon!) she's gone for good except as possibly a guest.
  7. Holy crap! Joy just gave Meghan massive blow back after being very rude to her twice. I think Joy's comment last week about having a "healthy appetite" annoyed Meghan all weekend and she decided to go full throttle against Joy... and boy did that backfire! I was literally jumping for Joy when that moment happened!
  8. If Meghan had a birthday show and it lasted that long (basically the entire show) showing it to someone would be the perfect torture device.
  9. Hmmm... that post with the blue dress is after the show right?!? That makes sense because during the show she blows out a lot of hot air.
  10. Since some of us are occasionally keeping track of Meghan's daily habits: Did Meghan shriek and interrupt Joy: Yes! Did Meghan's shrieking cause a segment to stop dead in its tracks: Yes! Did Meghan state she is friends with someone she clearly barely knows: Yes! Did Meghan bring up her Dad: Yes! Did Meghan say something stupid? That's a rhetorical question at this point.
  11. I don't know why Meghan is so concerned about her heart when it's her liver she should be worried about. Meghan went back into full it's about me mode. I feel sorry for the neighborhood squirrels she will blast into bits this weekend screeching "Stop looking at me! I said stop looooookiiiing at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm griiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeviiiiiiiiiiing and it's OK!". Yvette Nicole Brown has kicked butt every day this week. She will be sorely missed.
  12. Whoopi could write tons of pamphlets which contained nothing but her favorite go to phrases. Pregnancy planning, "girl, you need to do what you need to do". Retirement planning "hey, you need to do what you need to do". Two of her other favorite phrases are "well (long pause), everybody's different" and "just mind you own damn business", but she prefers the latter because it is almost guaranteed audience applause.
  13. But that sounds like hunched-over-the-toilet shaming.
  14. I keep waiting for the next form of shaming to hit social media. For some reason, over-stuffing taco shaming (I should be allowed to add as much cheese on my taco without getting criticized on twitter) keeps jumping out to me as a possibility. But, now that you mention "shaming shaming" that might be next :-).
  15. Well, she managed to last one day before her typical over-the-top anger kicked in. I really thought she would last at least two days. This week is going to be quite the rollercoaster ride.
  16. Judging from the puke I would guess that your cat is a loyal viewer of the show.
  17. No, I'm sure it was Sunny. I would have been impressed if Meghan could state a fact that wasn't part of her rehearsed script :-)!
  18. Yes, it was moving and it was a nice emotional moment for everyone at the table. Then Sunny unintentionally lightened the mood when she was praising Joy, but mentioned her age and Whoopi teased her about it. This is one of those rare times when things go well on The View.
  19. Ladies and Gentlemen: Meghan McCain will be back on the horse within two hours. I feel sorry for the horse since it will definitely have back problems trying to support Meghan's massive ego.
  20. Yes, I did change my post on that because I think it can be interpreted both ways.
  21. I think it is meant to be ambiguous so it isn't considered too dirty, but those other two objects don't look like boxing gloves to me. Anyway that's just my interpretation... YMMV.
  22. I just said that because she is very uncomfortable talking about sex on The View, but she added a twitter photo where her testicles are hanging out. Not just hanging out, but going from her crotch to the floor so they are hanging over a foot. They are also massive in size to show she's got big cajones. I'm pretty sure that it also shows a penis, but I'm not positive. Sorry to be so graphic, but it helps with giving you an answer. There could certainly be exceptions, but usually people that don't like talking about sex publicly also don't feel comfortable posting a public picture of their testicles hanging out especially when it's a cartoon of her and she wasn't born with testicles (I think).
  23. We need Saturday Night Live to start making sketches for The View again like they did with Kenan Thompson as Whoopi and Fred Armisen as Joy. If they did an updated version and Meghan saw her personality mocked on national TV, her head would explode and we would be done with her.
  24. I predict that for Meghan's first two days back on The View she will look constipated from being frustrated. The third day she will have mild outbursts, but maintain some restraint. After that she will go right back to being batshit crazy.
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