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Yep, that was the 1st time. when the stage 5 clinger had her epic 1st meltdown when marshmallow matt didnt even bother to come home nor reply back to her texts or calls The 2nd time that they showed barnacle's butt tattoo was when the mumbling chia pet matt gave her a massage on that "fantasy" date episode. As far as I can recall, those are the only 2 times MAFS has shown her butt tattoo for no apparent reason other than just to be a total jackass. there might have been more times than that but I cant remember/only know about these 2 occurrences. This show has sunken to beyond gutter low trash tv. Its only known now for drama seeking/creating, intentional incompatible parings, having a horrendous track record of unsuccessful matches/relationships. And ultimately its just a 3rd rate, super duper scripted and ultra mega heavily edited POS basic cable tv show that we all somehow just refuse to stop watching hahaha
Yes that is correct. what a total dipshit huh? hahaha
Agree 100%. Amber partially redeemed herself in my eyes with that talk she had with lemonade in the woods. she showed that she is finally aware of matts all talk without any apparent follow thru or actions. the fact that she said that matt is just blowing smoke up everyones ass in the couples session shows that she is more than just on to matt. amber also mentioned that matt had fallen back to the old "not coming back home" habit after awhile and that she knows that he puts matt 1st and amber 2nd. so hopefully she can see the red flags and hear the alarm bells thats right in front of her. Now if only the spineless barnacle bride will finally open her eyes and ears and start listening to her head and not to her clingy 24/7 that got me into this mess heart, then maybe she will see the light and dump that poor mans tattooed thoughtless brain dead nomad chia pet. Also on a side note, a chia pet has a much higher IQ than matt and a much better purpose in life too hahaha So wake up girl and kick that lumbering mumbling idiot to the curb on D-Day. Team Amber !!! 😜😜
Oh yes I am too, as are probably the other 99% of the MAFS posters hahaha See no BS, hear no BS, speak no BS lol Now if only lemonade and frozen heart will adhere to those rules permanently, we wont ever have to endure anymore of that relentless ear and mind stabbing torture
Moobs - No , Big Red - No Chill man - No , Lemonade - Yes Wall climber - No , Ice princess - Yes Mumble man - No , Barnacle clinger - Yes Yep you read it right, 0 for 4 is my prediction for D-Day
I know right? hahaha. I noticed the same exact thing. she looks like a walking skeleton to me and was about to break apart in that dance studio because she didnt have a enough skin/ muscles to hold her together in one piece lol
Matt : I was a chubby kid, mumble mumble Amber : what did your sister call u? Matt : we wont go there, more mumble mumble Just call me matt the marshmallow mumbler . . .
I havent read any of the posts yet but did anyone else noticed that matt/ambers appt with the fake expert dr vivana was the only one that DID NOT have them watch a video then have to explain what happened in it? unless they did do it but was edited out/not shown for whatever reason. not a big deal, but just thought that it was a bit unusual. although on 2nd thought, if they had shown video of ambers crying barnacle breakdowns when matt was "missing", that would have been really good tv right then and there hahaha Would have loved to see matts reaction and explanation after seeing what amber went thru when he was out with his boys sidechick Also I noticed that the pseudo dr viviana wore a different outfit to each couples appt. Wouldnt she be seeing all 4 couples in the same day, since they all live in the same building and presumably she would then be wearing the same thing? or maybe she did meet them all on the same day but changed each time beforehand just for the cameras? hmm that was strange imo lol They also didnt show everyones childhood home and/or memories Yeah I notice things like that hahaha Call me Mr. Observant lol
Dont forget about season 2's psychopath ryan and his whole crazy " im gonna kill u and your whole family" nightmare. jessica had to get a restraining order against him if my memory is correct. Not quite murder but on a off beaten path towards that maybe. you would think that those fake "experts" would have learned even from that scary lesson but nope they didnt and I doubt that they ever will. They know nothing and sadly will continue to be that ignorant, blind and stupid.
100% agree! absolutely spot on assessment of deoanna. I couldnt have said it better myself. Only 1 clarification tho, the frozen hearted ice princess said that its every OTHER month, so thats technically more like 60 days tho and not 45 lmao. not like if thats any better either hahaha Also I just heard from a little birdy ( well it was the one that pooped on her, twice !!! hahaha ) that deoanna started a new club inviting all her fellow season 9 sisters to join her. As well as any other completely brain dead people that might be interested. She is so excited too for this new venture as she is the founder, president, secretary, record keeper and also the mascot of the newly created club. The golden rule is once you join, you then are never allowed to ever leave hahaha