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Posts posted by MrPissyPuppy

  1. 5 hours ago, fastiller said:

    Is it really a three parter?  I didn't see that mentioned in @Snazzy Daisy's teaser video.

    Not the video, but this ad: 

    On 9/5/2024 at 10:28 AM, Snazzy Daisy said:

    First poster for season 8.


    See the bottom of it for the 3 part premiere event portion.  

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  2. It just reminds me of Sharknado.   And not in a good way.  "Three-part premiere event"  - blah! 

  3. 1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

    I was looking into cadaver dogs and they are trained to smell the chemicals produced by decomposing flesh, even cremated flesh. But someone knowing that the remains might be found and scrutinized might have compensated for that by using someone else's remains - perhaps a relative they had in an urn. And they may have spread the area in the kitchen and the trail to the incinerator with those ashes too. Even if a DNA test were attempted to see if they were in fact Sazz's ashes, finding DNA in ashes is extremely rare so they might not be worried about that.

    You can buy the scents used in cadaver dog training - it's possible that something like that was used to get Gravey to alert and lead them to the incinerator.   People on a German Shepherd list I was on used to call it "Dead Fred".   There are a bunch of them available online. 

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  4. On 6/19/2024 at 1:56 PM, Paloma said:

    But I wonder if we are supposed to think that Jepperd really did die in Alaska and that when we saw him sitting next to Gus in the woods it was just Gus's imagination, the same way Gus imagined Pubba talking to him long after Pubba had died.  

    I think Jebberd did die and that the ending was just the story that Gus told him to ease his passing. 

    Also I really really hate the name Pubba.  

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  5. Z Nation is on the CW TV site and app now. 



    I find that the CW stream tends to chop off bits of the show when it comes back from commercials. 

    It's on Filmrise which also has commercials, BUT doesn't cut out parts and also makes it easier to find particular episodes. 


    It's on Plex as well, but I haven't checked that out.  

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  6. On 5/24/2024 at 9:47 PM, Calvada said:

    Amir started the fire, right?  His anger when seeing the pictures, certificates, and awards was so obvious.  And it seemed the fire started outside and then moved into the house.  I want to know how a fire captain's house doesn't have smoke detectors.  But I assume - completely unspoiled - Athena will rise from her hospital bed, conduct a solo investigation, and arrest Amir next week.  

    I think that's a misdirect and it's going to be Bra'tac - errr I mean Herman the rancher whose son was killed by Amir, who set the house on fire or had someone else do it.   The cartel was really into torching vehicles and they stole Bobby's truck so would have been able to check out the registration and get the address. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    This was a casting mistake imo. Totally distracting, hard to understand. A dialogue coach might have helped in this situation. The actress is from South Africa, I watch a lot of Below Deck so I'm used to South African accents but I'm only picking up about 60-70% of what the hell Thorne is saying. 

    In her defense, she was totally understandable (and awesome) in Spartacus and Lucifer, so it appears to be a production choice.   

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  8. 14 hours ago, kay1864 said:

    That was weird, and I’m not sure factual. I was curious too, so I looked it up. Apparently normally you get a pile of ashes, but they’re still sort of skeleton-shaped. Then they get ground up and put in an urn. But the baseballs looked like an odd unnecessary intermediate step.

    I think that was creative license or Navarro hallucinating.   There's an excellent documentary titled A Certain Kind of Death (on YouTube) about people who die without anyone to make burial arrangements.  For the indigent who are unclaimed after a period of time, they cremate.   First was the cremation process, then it cools and is raked into a pan and put through a grinder type of thing before being boxed.   Ask A Mortician goes into much more detail about exactly what happens at each step: 



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  9. 9 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

    My grandmother made dozens of those glass grape clusters, as gifts. Let's just say they did not make it as heirlooms.

    Enterprising older kids turned them into clackers and sold them to the younger kids.  It's a wonder we didn't all knock out our teeth!


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  10. 8 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Also, I'm used to the fact that dead people turn now in about 30 seconds, as opposed to the several hours it used to take, because it's more convenient to the plot. But why would Grace's teeth be all blacked out and rotted in just 30 seconds? It would be one thing if the infection slowly started rotting the body while the victim was still alive, but to go from having perfectly normal teeth to blacked out teeth in 30 seconds makes no sense - even within the tenuous grasp on logic this show has.

    That has always bugged me about this particular zombie universe.  

    I. Don't. Care. About. The. Kids.   There - I said it.   I want to know what the original characters are up to.   And if you're going to insist on making kids the main characters, then at least age them up enough so that their actions & dialogue make sense.   Yeah, an 8 year old is totally going to be able to do radiation therapy & convince adults to do stuff.  Right.   (I do think the actress playing Mo is doing a decent job.)  

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  11. 44 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    Honey? Do you mean Sherry? Oh was there an episode where she was called Honey?

    I mean, I'm already sick of Shrike and her weird hair and I'm going to have to wait another 14 episodes before someone finally takes her out. 

    Dwight calls Sherry honey a lot. 

    Shrike (and one of The Minimalist guys) remind me of Eraserhead. 


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