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vera charles

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Posts posted by vera charles

  1. I am looking for something to grill tomorrow for some visiting relatives. I was just looking at Ina's Grilled Tuscan Chicken, which coincidentally is going to be shown tomorrow on FN. They are airing her Best Barefoot Grilling episode tomorrow. Has anyone made the chicken before? How long did you marinate it? The recipe says from 4 hours to overnight, which is a substantial difference. I was thinking about putting it in the marinade in the refrigerator in the morning before we go out for the day, then grilling it at dinnertime. Would all day be long enough, or should I start the marinating tonight? Thanks in advance for any advice!

  2. I've joked about it plenty, but I've never actually made any of her cocktails. I even have a tiny bottle of Goldschläger that my husband bought as a joke. I guess I could whip up a Golden Glory, except that, in addition to the cinnamon schnapps, it also contains sparkling cider, ginger ale, and vanilla vodka. I can't imagine how sweet it would be!


    One hilarious thing about her cocktails - she generally uses fresh fruit in the cocktails, while she often uses stuff like bottled lemon juice in her food. It's very easy to see where SLop's priorities are.

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  3. I agree with you, chessiegal, I think the "no boat for Jeffrey" thing is just a joke between the two of them. If they wanted to, they could buy a staffed yacht like their friends who took them on the cruise around Manhattan. There was a husband-and-wife team who crewed the yacht and even cooked dinner. All the owners had to do was show up and get on board for their cruise.

  4. Ed Asner's imdb page has more than 300 entries! He started off in the 1950's on the TV drama anthologies that were popular at the time and appeared in lots of small movie roles. He's done both comedy and drama with equal success. He played a cop in A Change Of Habit with Mary Tyler Moore, a year before he started playing Lou Grant. I had forgotten his Hawaii Five-0 role - he played a criminal on the original show who went to prison in 1975. In 2012, he played the same guy, newly released into society. Pretty cool, still working after all those years.

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  5. I don't really care what any TV cook does on their own time but I find it ridiculous and annoying when they use packaged products on their shows. The packages have directions written right on the side for a reason! Nobody needs a TV show to help them understand how to open jars of spaghetti sauce, prepare cake mix, whack open cans of biscuits or roll out refrigerated pie crust. 


    FN is in the business of making money and I have always believed part of their mission was to convince people that actual cooking is too hard or too time consuming or just not worth the effort. Got to keep those sponsors happy and those HotPockets and Lunchables moving out of the stores!

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  6. Seize: the opposite of "set up". Any food product that has achieved whatever state is supposed to have achieved is said to have "set up". Cream that whips, pudding that congeals: it "set up". Anything that doesn't do what it is supposed to is said to have "seized". Pudding watery? Chocolate scorched in the microwave? Just say it "seized".


    •The Ladder: Her current beau, Mario Cuomo

    Actually, it's Mario's son Andrew Cuomo, current governor of NY. His three daughters are Sandy's "stepladders".


    Also, at one point MJF introduced himself as Louis Canning, and I thought he said "loose cannon".  I can't believe I never picked up on that similarity before.

    Yes, I came here to check if anybody else noticed that. I had to back up the recording and listen again, because I thought he introduced himself with "Hi, I'm a loose cannon" and I thought that was really odd, even for him.


    When was the last time we saw Michael Boatman as Julius? He just walked in and became part of the meeting and I was like, hey, where's he been for the last couple of years? I think he said New York, but still, that's kind of odd. Michael Boatman and Michael J. Fox together again, it was like a little Spin City reunion.


    And for a final (shallow) note: those thick black stockings with a light gray suit that Alicia sported to Finn's hearing were distractingly ugly.

    I agree. When she walked across the room, I could hear my mother's voice saying that your hosiery should always be lighter in color than your skirt. Apparently, Alicia hadn't heard about that rule.

  8. I really liked season one Gunnar, who played in several bands and tried to write songs and worked at the Bluebird and was just trying to make it in music, somehow. As the show has gone on, he has evolved into a goody-two-shoes and his relationship with Zoey just feels forced and fake. The two of them telling Avery about Juliette and Jeff, when they really didn't know what happened, was just too much.


    And does anybody know what house it is that Gunnar bought? Will and Layla are in the house that Gunnar lived in before, right? And Deacon is still in his house, which I thought might be the one that Gunnar was buying. Or did Deacon move and Gunnar bought his house? Whatever, I am completely confused about who lives where.

  9. Yeah, too bad they couldn't have Liam randomly show up at the concert to be a part of the lineup of Rayna's old boyfriends and ex-husbands watching Luke propose.


    Hayden P.'s hair looks fine when they style it or put it up in a bun. Then every now and then, they decide Juliette should have long, thick hair, so they plop that terrible wig on her head. If her hair was really that long and thick, the other styles wouldn't be possible. Plus the hairline of the wig looks so, so fake. The wig and Gunnar's stupid too small hat both need to go onto a bonfire somewhere.


    Poor Deacon has no idea that Maddie's adoration of him is mostly an effort to stick it to Teddy and Rayna, combined with moody teenager attitude swings. He really believes the honeymoon they are on will last forever. When she finally lashes out at him, like the hormonal teenager she is would do to any parent, he's going to be totally unprepared. Poor guy.

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    Rayna: You got to do the right thing and tell Avery, whatever the consequences bring. That's what it is to be a big girl.

    Rayna better watch out, lightning might strike her. For someone who lived a lie for a decade and a half, she sure is self-righteous about other people owning their behavior and telling the truth.

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  11. Nigella Kitchen is on Tuesday, Nigellissima is on Wednesday, Nigella Bites is on Thursday, and Forever Summer is on Friday. All at 1:00 Eastern time.

    Today, I watched the Black episode of Forever Summer, in which she cooked black rice with shrimp in a Vietnamese dressing, then I watched an episode of Nigellissima, in which she also made seafood over black rice, except with different seasonings to make it Italian. Just a weird coincidence, but I got the two books out and each recipe is in the book for its series.

  12. Sorry to reply to myself! I've been recording the old shows on Cooking Channel. They are showing Nigelissima, Forever Summer, Nigella Bites and Nigella Kitchen weekdays at 1:00 pm Eastern Time. Anyone else watching? Anyone made any recipes from those shows or the books they are based on?


    I am making the Greek Salad from Forever Summer tonight. It's my husband's favorite and I've lost track of how many times I've made it. I usually serve it with pita and hummus, to make a quick Mediterranean meal.

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  13. Me, too, catalogrrr. The character is portrayed as smug, full of herself, and disrespectful to adults (especially her mother). No matter how obnoxious or inappropriate her comments or behavior, the adult characters just ooh and ah and treat her like she's just so awesome. She's very quick to stick her nose into other people's business and always has a ridiculous comment to make and nobody ever, ever calls her out. They are far too busy being amazed by her awesomeness.

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  14. Am I the only one who is so tired of everybody just giving Rayna a pass for every crappy thing she has ever done? Teddy and Deacon give her a pass for all the lies she told about Maddie. Deacon and everybody else give her a pass for all this drama with Scarlett. Tandy gives her a pass for all the drama with their father and their business. Luke actually has nerve enough to blame Deacon, not Rayna, that he wasn't told about Maddie. (Which is another beef - why does he need to know anything? But I digress....) The only person who has the gall to hold Rayna accountable if Scarlett's mother, but she's a horrible villain, so again Rayna is a victim and someone else is the bad guy. I would love for someone credible to slap Rayna down over something...anything. I am so, so tired of Saint Rayna and all of her protectors who want to tell her that she's right and whoever is against her is wrong. It is just infuriating!

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    Has anyone seen "The Main Ingredient with Bobby Flay"?

    I love "The Main Ingredient"! I stumbled across a marathon of it when my son was home from college for Christmas vacation. I used to watch it on Lifetime when he was a baby, so it's definitely a real oldie. A few years ago, I actually found some recipes from it that were pre-Internet. They used to show an address at the end of the episode and you had to write in and ask them to mail you the recipes. Back in the day, you had to be a really dedicated viewer!

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  16. ON FN, Ina and Heartland Table are the only shows I watch anymore. I've recently been recording old Nigella Lawson episodes on Cooking Channel  - from the Bites, Kitchen and Forever Summer series. Last night, I got the Nigella Kitchen book out to mark some of the recipes she was making on that show. I've also been watching French Food at Home, even though the music works my last nerve. I try to find Sara Moulton whenever/wherever she's airing but I also live in the DC/Baltimore area, where PBS is in perpetual fundraising mode and they don't show Create channel anymore.

  17. The biggest eye roller, of course, was the fact that other parties actually called them out on the conflict of interest and it was just handwaved away. Puh-leez, not in a million years would someone as entrenched in police culture as Erin be involved in this case in any way, even as a bystander.


    Very little Danny, which was surprising. Maybe Donnie Wahlberg has something else going on and needed to take the week off? He only appeared in the dinner scene and his partner didn't appear at all?


    Very little Nicki, which is always a good thing.


  18. Ah, the infamous Baby's First Bash episode, in which Ina's friends bring their daugher and her two children to a dinner party at Ina's house. A light designer hangs some lights in the trees and sets up a firepit, which the toddler is in danger of falling into all night. The whole party is outdoors in cold weather, so everybody is bundled up in coats as they try to eat at a picnic table.

    On the menu - Truffled popcorn, because doesn't every child love truffles? Spaghetti and meatballs, which the new mom tries to eat one-handed while balancing an infant in her other arm. S'mores, since nobody knows how to make those. Strawberry-rhubarb crisp, because, again, doesn't every child just love rhubarb?

    For me, this episode represents a low point for Ina. It feels cobbled together and non-sensical. Yes, I know it's just a TV show and doesn't represent her real life, but hopefully the real Ina would never throw such a ridiculous, bizarre dinner party. This is one that I definitely skip whenever it repeats.


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