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  1. I thought it was wrongheaded to so quickly kill off sympathetic characters like the sheriff. Same thing if some of the lynch mob guys had died -- there wasn't enough time for me as a viewer to work up a lot of either animus or sympathy.

    I noticed Meat Loaf's name in the credits but honestly had a hard time figuring out at first which character was him and which was D'Onofrio. Kind of mean to D'Onofio, because Loaf is 70, but D'Onofrio is sporting a lot of bushy facial hair that ages him.

    I agree that Roman is too low key right now. I get that he's jaded from seeing a lot of shit and years of building up emotional armor, but still. It's okay to let your face move once in a while.

    • Love 2
  2. What a great episode! Bernie and Larry were enormous fun to watch; both in their humor and self-reflective honesty. I can see why PBS led off with this one.

    I automatically start weeping whenever Jewish celebrities are on, knowing what's coming. No wonder indeed that Bernie's and Larry's relatives pretty much refused to discuss their pasts. Lock that shit down and get on with it.

    Who knows how many people have registered at 23 and Me, but out of that number, I have almost 1600 DNA relatives. Both my parents were only children, but I have 3 second cousins rattling around. It's crazy to think about.

    • Love 5
  3. Since Mr. Ed days, I've held an unreasonable grudge against characters who Know A Magic Secret that nobody else does. I might be able to hang in if the scenes of Kevin publicly talking to no one are tamped way down and the focus becomes more on the family interactions and Kevin searching out good in the world.

    I liked the cast; Jason is always solid and I thought the actor who plays Reese was very credible as a wounded teen.

    The casually disheveled look being in for men, I suppose it's too much to hope that Kevin shaves, cuts his hair, and tucks his shirt in.

    • Love 2
  4. I liked the fast pace of the show and seeing more tattoos, even if they're smaller and less elaborate. Let's see if the Angel judges ever vote for a non-Angel in the final round.

    The expert/Angels/audience voting system seems like a fair balance of power. I expect it will never, against all odds, be unanimous. Where's the tie vote, cut-to-commercial suspense in that?

    I liked the overall look of Tone's tattoo better than Ryan's but could see that hers was applied better.

    Kinda glad Tone didn't make it through, just because of his posturing bluster. So tired of that shit. (You'll notice he wasn't like that in front of his mother.) I did appreciate that he picked the supposed "best" artist to go up against. Although Ryan's slack-jawed surprise at his choice was a little much.

    • Love 2
  5. Yay for a narrowcast audience of me, I guess, since the show hits all my TV pleasure receptors. It helps that I'm not fussed about ST history or continuity. I prefer my protagonists to be capable and smart so Michael slots in there for me as well.

    I think the production/set design is gorgeous and I'm intrigued by all the characters, Michael and Lorca in particular. Be a fun ride figuring both of them out. Michael's (understandably) a little too noble and self-abasing at the moment, but her intractable nosiness and rule-breaking redeem her to me.

    I was glad to see Tilly be calm and courageous during the landing party shoot-em-up. I hope her nervous chattiness remains a minor character trait.

    Saru has also tamped down his quivery panic since the first episode. I'd give him a hug if I weren't afraid I might snap him like a twig. Tall and willowy, that one.

    The word "mutineer" makes me think of Disney animatronics, so that's fun.

    • Love 9
  6. 7 hours ago, TVwithTea said:

    I am so sad this show is over! I'm re-watching since I only got into it a few weeks ago. I'm picking up so much that I missed by re-watching from the beginning. 

    I only started watching because I decided to give every new show a chance last year. It's not something I normally would have paid attention to but it's turned out to be a quiet delight. I have no idea where it'll go (or who will go) next season, but I've become terribly fond of abductors and abductees alike, and will definitely be along for the ride.*



    * If I'm still alive that far in the future.

    • Love 1
  7. Ah, those delicate English complexions. I have never seen so much blushing as goes on in this show, both from embarrassment and happiness. Suffused pink to cherry to deep crimson-oh-my-lord-Paul-gave-me-a-handshake.

    I love Liam. Poor kid, devastated by jelly.

    • Love 6
  8. I'm interested enough in Shaun to continue watching for a bit longer, but man, that was one ham-fisted slog. I hope the writers aren't going to push beyond believability in every ep -- the airport rescue and boardroom scenes wrenched my eye muscles due to virulent rollitis.

    Regarding Shaun's potential liability as a resident, why would the board members specifically be worried about that? Do they think patients will sue because of perceived rudeness? Why would Shaun make any more mistakes than other first-year residents? (And come on. We all freaking know he will inevitably be great after first putting his foot wrong. Be abrupt or impersonal > get in trouble >save the day > previews for next week.)

    So the pilot basically set us up with a hospital full of assholes except for Drs. Glassman and Browne. Lots of room for redemption arcs, I guess.

    I wonder if San Jose/Silicon Valley as a place is going to specifically figure into the story? Not sure why if so; I can live without the tech entrepreneur of the week.

    • Love 1
  9. I enjoyed it a lot! I don't find present day Sheldon to be annoying or horrible, so maybe that colors my perspective. I thought Young Sheldon displayed many of the personality traits that will follow him to adulthood: (over) confidence, blunt talk, and rule-following persnicketyness, to name a few. It made me grin that the opening scene was him playing with his beloved trains, using principles of physics to boot.

    I just wish the Cooper house had been on cinder blocks! Perhaps that's coming if the family experiences financial setbacks.

    I liked all the actors and thought making George a high school football coach was perfect. ("All right, Poindexter, sit down, shut up, and listen.")

    I promise not to reference future Sheldon so much in my future comments! I know it's boring for non TBBT watchers.

    • Love 7
  10. I'm not in the habit of forwarding articles and video clips (you're welcome, everyone I know), but Trevor's piece asking under what conditions blacks are allowed to protest might be an exception. He made a few points that I hadn't considered or seen mentioned on other shows.

    ... Until I watched Seth Meyers and his writer Amber Ruffin did a similar bit. Honestly, this is why it's so important to have TV showrunners, producers and writing staff with as much racial, sexual, religious, and geographical diversity as can be mustered.

    Trevor's clear-eyed perspective and insights both as a foreigner and a multiracial person continue to make me reflect and reassess my innate assumptions.

    • Love 11
  11. I really loved both episodes! The story kept my interest and I'm eager to know where Michael goes from here. A couple of huge twists for sure. I'm only a casual ST viewer so any canonical inconsistencies aren't going to bother me, if I even notice. I'm along for Michael's ride as of now.

    Not sure why the acting in the first desert scene between Michael and Georgiou was so terribly stilted and wooden but they seem to have pushed past it.

    • Love 14
  12. What did everyone do wrong in the technical to make their caramel gritty? They did okay with it in the signature round and knew to slowly warm the sugar.

    Even though I could buy a bag of caramels, I never have. I like it in my Milky Way but agree with Prue about enough being enough.

  13. At least we got an explanation of how the finale tattoos will be done. Seems fair enough and will force both team members to contribute equally to the back piece. It wasn't clear to me how the live tattoos will factor in. I certainly feel better about the judging being more unbiased with Cleen gone. I'm pulling for Black Cobra.

    I'm live streaming TV these days and can't stomach a 90 minute finale with no fast forward, so am counting on you guys to take the hit. Hopefully the stupid Spike site will deign to upload a couple of photos afterwards.

    • Love 1
  14. Was Doom's hot rod really praiseworthy? The circle outlines on the front tires were particularly janky. I would have been  pissed if anyone but Unkindness went home, whether one team or two was passed through on the first round.

    Pretty good tattoos all around, with Christian's eye and Old Town's snake being highlights for me.

    • Love 4
  15. Not discontinued exactly, but I've never found any reformulated, "improved" product to be better than the original. Recent examples are Walmart's store brand of chopped salad kits, the meatloaf at Bob Evans, and mini tacos from Schwan's. I don't think it's just me being stuck in a rut, either -- the new versions are demonstrably worse. Whoever the company taste testers are, they have very different palates from mine.

    • Love 2
  16. I'm super happy about the renewal! I really miss the show when it's dark.

    8 hours ago, trow125 said:

    Said Alterman, "Trevor makes us look smart on a daily basis, and for that we're grateful." 

    Well, yes, but a nod to the writing staff wouldn't have hurt. The network president should be making a point to recognize them.

    8 hours ago, sum said:

    + 'Emmy® Award-winning The Daily Show' Outstanding Short Form Variety Series -"Between the Scenes." 

    I'd never heard of this ... seems to be clips of Trevor talking to the audience during commercials? Anyway, I subscribed. More.Trevor.good.

    Added: I started watching on autoplay and there go a few hours of my time -- it's like an ongoing stand-up show!

    • Love 4
  17. 9 hours ago, watch2much said:

    Morse picks the wrong women.  WPC Shirley Trewlove is so right for him.  Intelligent, diligent, precise...probably likes opera.....

    I think so, too. But we can't un-know that if anything were to develop between them next season, it's doomed. Gah!

    Monica was good for him as well, although in retrospect it seems like he was only going through the boyfriend motions with her and wasn't truly invested. Certainly not the way he was with Susan, or even Joan (although that relationship was a tragic figment of his romantically flawed imagination.)

  18. 5 hours ago, 7-Zark-7 said:

    That sigh of relief at the end was about more than becoming a sergeant, it was about one thing finally going right for him.

    Nice summation of Morse's Many Problems. :-)

    My impression is that he was unhappy about his promotion because he didn't earn it the normal way. He still holds some resentment about being looked down on as a scholarship student at college and doesn't like being considered a charity case. I think it would have been out of character for him to attend the ceremony with the Queen -- just not his style, plus he was feeling pretty beat down in general.

    It was wonderful to see Fred and Win so happy and smiling, though! Awww.

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