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  1. But why does Google think I need to see ads for gluten free S'mores materials while reading this thread? I heart all the glutens! And how inappropriate for a discussion about the morbidly obese! Now, if these S'mores were fried, we'd be talking. The list didn't say anything about FRIED S'mores...
  2. This guy is only successful in dealing with James if James has actually lost weight. Constantly repeating the same information over and over again to him isn't help. Repositioning his fat isn't help. I would argue that he may even be hurting James because James can then say "Look, I'm getting help! And this guy says I'm doing good! See!" when there is no progress being made. And how is a physical therapist addressing the total dysfunction of Bailey/Belly and Leeeeeeesa?
  3. And then how do you pile on so much food on your plate that you can't see 2 egg rolls??? How?!? He is all "Gimme one uh dem ehhhhhg rolls Leeeeeeesa" and she gave him two. When I have a plate of Chinese food, the egg rolls tend to be the part that take up the tallest part of the plate! Think about how much other food is involved! And now that I've made this post I'm going to want to post again in half an hour.
  4. I thought she was Lola now? But Shay when he needs money? And is it completely out of the question to suggest that Shay isn't equipped to be sure of which pronoun to use when he has a mother where half of us thought she was a man and turns out to be a lesbian and then was raised in an apparently repressive fundy Christian household by a grandfather where Shay/Lola didn't wait for the dust to settle on Grandma's grave to escape? I'm not saying Shola isn't trans/gay/whatever, I'm suggesting that Shola isn't equipped at this point to know what Shola is or what any of his feeling mean.
  5. Where have you all been all my life? I feel like I have found my tribe! After I threw my shoe at the TV watching this Episode, my mother and I spent the rest of the day randomly calling out "Mah Laygs!" I have the utmost sympathy for people who deserve it and even those that don't. None for those who throw away world class help with both hands.
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