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Posts posted by ShawnaLanne

  1. 14 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

    Tinsley is the only one who is going to be a wife. She’s got what they want. She gets the last laugh.

    I believe they are jealous of Tinsley, though I think it's because she is born into a life they married into and lost once their husband's were gone.

    I'll also believe it when I see it, Tinsley and Scott marrying. I don't even know why she'd want to marry someone so unreliable.

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  2. 7 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

    Tinsley is the only one who is going to be a wife. She’s got what they want. She gets the last laugh.

    I believe they are jealous of Yinsley, though I think it's because she is born into a life they married into and lost once their husband's were gone.

    I also believecit when I see it, Tinsley and Scott marrying. I don't even know why she'd want to marry someone so unreliable.

    • Love 9
  3. 1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

    I think she's both.  Look at Dorinda now, pouring herself her 18176262 drink of the day. 

    I wonder how Dorinda would feel if she had to face off with one of the Atlanta, Potomac, or Beverly Hills housewives.

    I would love for Kenya to go off on her. They match in mean craziness but Kenya is so much smarter.

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  4. 56 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

    That’s wonderful. But I was talking about the pedophiles and child pornographers who save innocent seeming pictures off social media for their own pleasure or to share without the child or parents knowledge. There’s been ones busted with hundreds of candid screenshots of pics of such kids saved on their computer or phones along with the pornography. 

    You know that anyone on your friend list can be a pedo? Is the solution for no one to post anything ever? I mean come on. This isn't realistic. I posted a picture of my daughter at the pool last summer in a one piece, now I personally keep those pictures to my friend list, but as I noted above, anyone on your friend list can be a pedophile. Do I, and the millions of moms out there who do the same thing stop sharing our lives because some pervert can twist innocence? If that does happen am I, in this space of logic to blame for their actions or thoughts? The world is a different place from what I grew up in. But there were pedophiles there too. 

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  5. 6 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

    I honestly believe that moms should have a presence like that and dads as well. Yes I believe that Jason is equally to blame. Anyone with a child under age 12 should absolutely know what is going on with them and have total control over Iphone/Ipads/Social Media. Even as a grandma, I was keeping any eye on my grandkids instagram. They really need to keep their accounts private and it's very easy to ensure that. I would have a real problem with any of my grandkids having an instagram account that wasn't private with access only to family and their close friends.

    I love ya @ShawnaLanne. I know from your posts that you are an exceptional parent. I guess the worry that I have is that my 9 year old granddaughter tried to open her own non private Instagram and my daughter and I caught a father of one of her friends sending her very inappropriate messages. 

    Tiktok is the new problem. It worries me for children.

    Bryn is only 10 years old. I do worry about Bethenny putting her out in the spotlight. I do think that it's Bethenny's responsiblity to protect her from the public.

    I understand your worry, but there's really no protecting a child from that. They are hooked up everywhere. I have a good dialogue with my daughter, she might actually tell me more than I want to know, but I'm grateful as well, but I also have access to her email, youtube, and reddit accounts, those are the platforms she's interested in, and check them semi reguarly for messed up stuff. While still trying to give her some privacy. 

    It doesn't appear that Brynn has any solo public accounts, and as she's 9 that makes sense, so she wouldn't be exposed to inbox messages. But you have to give them some monitored autonomy so you can teach them how to navigate these spaces. When my daughter turned 13, and she could have her own account, was when I let that happen. 

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  6. 5 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

    Lots of kids have their own pages, to share with each other, not for the entire world. Most parents ensure that their kids info / photos are kept relatively private. They are children.

    Most kids mom's don't have a presence like that. But can you believe Hoppy signed off on that? You must be thinking he's totally equally to blame right? 

    On a personal note, I hate it when people talk about parenting here. So judgemental. 

    • Love 8
  7. On 5/9/2020 at 11:05 PM, Happy Camper said:

    I am absolutely not buying the posting the pic of Bryn as a "gift for her birthday". There is no way that a kid is going to say "for my birthday, I would like a photo of ME posted on Instagram". (without coaching from a Bethenny type mother)

    If it's true, then I feel very sorry for Bryn. Wanting a pic of herself on social media as a birthday gift tells me that that this poor child is picking up on her mother's thirst for public attention. What a pity.

    I actually believe that because I have a 14 year old. My daughter wouldn't have asked but I know kids who would. It's a different world. Also, I don't believe at all that Hoppy would have allowed it unless Brynn wanted it.

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  8. On 5/4/2020 at 10:27 AM, Scout Finch said:

    I've had them all my life, too. There's a noticeable difference when I use concealer but they're still not 100% covered up.

    Me too. Ever since I was a child. I mean Ive spackled myself up like a Kardashian - fafce makeup, concealee, highlighter, "baking" with powder, and they'll mostly go away, but that much makeup is a pain to do.

    I don't think the Kelly/Bethenny thing has to be an either or. I think Kelly absolutely acted crazy and disliked Bethenny because she saw her as a lower status person rising above her station. Kelly showed herself to be classist and unhinged. And I think in that situation, Kelly was absolutely in the wrong.

    In later instances, Bethenny has shown herself to be crazy and narcissistic. In ways that have been exhaustively discussed here.

    I would not want to be friends with either of them, but I really disliked watching Kelly because she came across as if she had broken with reality, even before scary island, and after scary island and watching her felt exploitative beyond what these women sign up for.

    • Love 9
  9. Alcoholism is the only disease I know that is self diagnosed, so I can't claim to know if anyone is an alcoholic or not, but the only person on RHoNY currently who hasn't done something drunk on camera that could adversely effect them is Ramona. Even Tinsley, who usually holds it together better stripped and jumped in the pool. Something she would never do on camera sober.

    I'm not saying any of the women are drunks, how can I? It's self diagnosed. I am saying however that Leah (mom problems slash weird Lord of the Flies tiki shit,) Luanne (snatching that vodka and her history,) Sonja (sloppy nasty drunken mess,) Dorinda (rage rants,) and Tinsley (public nudity/passing out with food in bed,) have all already acted in ways that they wouldn't want to or do (except maybe Dorinda) if they were sober. It's caused problems, either internal or external that are directly related to their alcohol consumption.

    I dont know if all or some of them are drunks, but I do know this: It's not fun to watch. They, for the most part don't come across as being gay and carefree when they drink, they come across as small and sad. It's not enjoyable to me, to watch. 

    • Love 3
  10. 3 minutes ago, link417 said:

    Cynthia being fired is not a surprise. They need to let go of Nene too. 

    I’ve always wondered if they would ever let Phaedra back, so the news that she could possibly be back is a shocker. I’m intrigued, for sure.

    If true, I wonder how Kandi will react??

    Well we know she won't leave. Kandi likes the platform for her businesses. I hope Kandi full on freezes her out. Acts like she doesn't exist, makes it as hard as possible for Phaedra to film. What Phaedra did was vile, and she should have had legal action taken against her.

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  11. I'm really slutting it up with my multiple posts, sorta sorry, but I just saw this on Instagram. I don't care one way or another about Cynthia, but I may skip a season if bitch ney is back.



  12. On 5/6/2020 at 1:44 AM, NowVoyager said:

    Kandi didn't spill much tea here, but I'll take it.


    God Bless Kandi for being nice about her surrogate, but darn it was boring. I ended up fast forwarding it through.

    I love Kandi and Todd's relationship. I'm never team husband, but I was team Todd. They both handled themselves well.

    Kandi, defending her mom because she's her mom is cool, but her mom is low down dirty.

    Please. Kandi would have said that in person. I believe she stays so chill most of the time because she'll f a person up, and she doesn't want to be sued. 

    I'd forgotten "We see each other." I mean that's beautiful.

    Nene, we know it's Nene. 

    Yes Kandi for doing your social distancing.

    One group I want to see a bit faded while at a reunion is this cast.

    Nene left because she can dish it but not take it.

    I need to see what Eva said about Porsha's child, who I hope ends up looking more like her mom as she gets older. So I'm guessing I know what it is.

    • Love 6
  13. On 5/2/2020 at 6:15 AM, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Got milk? 


    Of course Nene has a stank face. And of course Nene threw a fit and huffed off. I hope they don't let her back on the call and I hope she doesn't return to the next season. 

    Of all the women on all the shows Ithink Nene is the most entitled, now that Vicki's gone - God I hate Vicki - and thats saying alot when you look at the nakeup of the entire franchise. 

    Bye Nene, don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.

    • Love 6
  14. 3 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

    Neither restaurant has the judges seated yet? Odd.

    I saw that WWHL is going to be on at 11:15, so I think this will be a long episode.

    Good call on moving Leeanne, she was circling the drain.

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  15. 12 minutes ago, NowVoyager said:

    I'm surprised they have to do so much manual labor to set up the restaurants.

    Brian V just said it's 12! Dishes! Omg. I missed that the first time.

    Yeah, when I heard Kevin say that I was surprised. But then we had Lee Anne running around multiple specially stores, cutting into her and everyone elses cooking time. Too much freedom, in that way, may bite the team.

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  16. What was up with the temper tant r um about the plates. You don't get to call "dibs" like a child. I'm annoyed I'm taking Malarkey's side. But if they are the best, they are the best.

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