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Donut Bear

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Posts posted by Donut Bear

  1. 1 minute ago, princelina said:

    Usually I just feel contempt for the people in this show in a fun way, but tonight I was hating everyone.  Including that twerking dude wearing all the makeup.  And honestly show - no one believes or will ever believe after all this time that Buddy and Whitney are a thing.  Come up with something new to talk about or send this cast packing.  😞

    These worthless people have no boundaries, no sense of shame and apparently no need for privacy.  Do we really care at all about Buddy and his need to air every emotion and insecurity?  Or about Heather and whether she is over Buddy or not.  Or about the drama of Babs cataract surgery or Glenn’s hearing aid, things most seniors have at one time or another. Or about Whitney and her self delusional aggrandizement about her physical prowess and how every man she encounters is wildly sexually attracted to her.  

    • Love 19
  2. Just now, aliya said:

    I missed the alarm and am just catching up.  Did Babs have cataract surgery?

    I had this a couple of years ago and I put my own eye drops in. The only thing Aliya jr did for me was take me to the surgery, hang out at the hospital, pick me up, and take me to a restaurant after, and then back to the hospital for a final check. Oh, OK. Maybe that was a lot...

    Yes my husband had it recently.  It really was not a big deal.  He certainly was not an invalid lying in bed.

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  3. 3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I actually thought this episode was pretty good.  And, even though Whit got a lot of help, it's still a big accomplishment for someone her size to get through it.  Even with the special accommodations, she's a big girl to be doing all that climbing, hiking, etc.  A lot of morbidly obese people can barely get from their bed to the toilet, so, there's that.   I hope that she doesn't get too content on that challenge though, because, if she does become a mom, she'll have to continue with a lot of activities/movements, for  longer than one day.  She'll need to be able to do diaper changes, running after toddler, putting safety seat in and out of car, bending over tub for bathing child, etc.  She might climb a mountain, but, can she take care of baby? 

    I was so glad to see that Heather is over Buddy.  Thank goodness, she's seen the light and is no longer under his spell.  I'll never get how that happens.  He seems to be a very unpleasant person to me. 

    Babs seems to be feeling better. That's good. She and Glenn really warm my heart. Glenn is quite fit for a man of 72 years.  I wish he'd stop repelling though!  

    Is that you Whitney?

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  4. On 2/26/2019 at 10:16 PM, sonder said:

    Peeing in a hot tub while you know you’re being filmed for tv and while your friends are about to get in. That’s normal in Whitney’s dirty world. 

    Interesting that on her instagram picture of Heather and Whitney covering their eyes when presumably the hot tub seen came on their TV, there was a string of comments from her fans saying how gross this way and what a pig she is.  Today those comments have all been deleted.  Wonder if there is some way to capture the comment string from Tuesday and compare it with today.

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  5. 16 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    They are a bizarre assortment, but, I do think that it would be a real scream to hang out and party with them.  As off the wall as Whit is, I still think that she and especially Todd would make for a lively evening. lol I think it says something that they have been friends since their mid teens.  Much changes, but, much stays the same......lol.  

    I think they all a little old to be hanging out and partying.  What is with this Buddy person just jumping a plane at the last minute to Alaska when he apparently cannot afford an apartment and if he even has a job, he can pick up and leave it.  And he comes bogeying through the woods and all of these unemployed losers are screamingly excited to see him and start partying for real because who can really party at all without Boo Bear.   I really don’t know if I can stand watching this anymore.  The whole thing makes me weary of their fabulousness.  

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  6. 5 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

    As I have a serious phobia with heights, the thought of rappeling, zip lining or rock-climbing leaves me totally chilled. I'll be happy just with some nice hiking and seeing the amazing vitas. Or having a chance to take a nice long trail ride (on horseback) through the wilderness.

    Do have to admit that seeing Whitney trying to manage on what I'm sure is going to be the easiest hiking trail that they could find in Alaska is going to be amusing.

    Why do I think that in the show she will successfully manage the 5 mile walk and 5 mile bicycle and everyone will applaud and ooh and aah over her fabulousness — even though we will probably only see the beginning where she will act like it is really really going to be hard and the end where it was really really hard (while she rides in a car between the beginning and end)

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