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  1. That's exactly what I thought. Well meaning, but not in the right environment. Honestly, I wouldn't have either. I wrote for our high school magazine. I wrote a piece about a girl who dreamed to be one with the beauty of Acadia National Park, to feel the breeze grow stronger on my face, to feel the strength of the rocks rushing by, feel the flow of the ocean surround me. It was seen as "metaphoric grace" and "dark imagery at its finest". It wasn't seen as a plea for help. Justin I can understand why. He's not wanting Jessica to live with the pain and trying to spare Bryce, who he feels he owes.
  2. I actually related to this tape because I was in a situation like this. Not stealing compliments, but I wrote a guy a letter of how low I was and things that happened to me. I can say from personal experience, Zach truly could have been in a no win situation. If he had said something, Hannah would have said he embarrassed her. That's true. Depression does narrow your field of vision and you only see your problems or your worthlessness. So at that point it is easier to see the letdown and be affected by them. Yeah, I've been depressed and suicidal. This was extremely thought out for a depressed . A friend of mine felt it almost came off as spiteful and cruel. Like revenge tapes.
  3. You can tell he still doesn't get it. All he saw was a great poem from a blooming writer that he published. He wasn't right in what he did, and his hubris caused a lot of hurt feelings, but he wasn't using that to further soil her reputation. He doesn't see how he is on the same level as a Bryce, a Marcus, or even a Zach. I think Alex did. Zach seems sorry, but doesn't know what to do now. .
  4. Tyler was totally wrong for what he did, but after what Clay did, I can't take him seriously anymore. He's just as bad as the bullies of Hannah. This might bite him in the butt.
  5. Dermablend didn't want to advertise on this? Have someone buy it from the Walplex. J/k but not really! The Monet's situation could go either way. While I am inclined to believe Hannah, there is a good possibility that Jessica and Alex were leaving her out and she felt they left emotionally.
  6. I don't think this was conveyed well either, and besides, the sign wasn't going to be fixed that night. To be honest, the entire accident with Jeff didn't sit well with me. The location and the staging was off. Sheri was overall a good person. I really liked her and Clay together.
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