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The Morning Star

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Posts posted by The Morning Star

  1. 1 hour ago, Pondlass1 said:

    Mark will get another gig, no problemo.  They're maybe running with the Luci & Son story with no room for Crowley (although I think Crowley would have fitted in really well) and demoted Mark to semi-regular (pay drop).

    I just hope Mark hoping on one foot was filmed before the kerfuffle.  I'd hate to think they made his character do that just for spite.

    I've always been so proud that the set is a 'family'.  Maybe not so much now. 

    Oh the set is probably a family, writers however aren't really a part of that set.

    Sheppard's issues are probably with them.

    • Love 2
  2. 14 minutes ago, Idahoforspn said:

    I am an older woman who also isn't that concerned with either actors looks. I have raised three boys myself who are now fine adults (daughter too) and I have to admit that from season 1 episode 1, Sam came across to me as a spoiled know it all who thought he was better than his brother. Part of that was the writing and part of it was how JP delivered the lines. I can't help my initial reaction. That first impression softens and then the writers do another Sam thinks he knows better than Dean but he's actually wrong. It doesn't help that Jensen is such an amazing actor and IMO, has been better at selling his character as sympathetic since day one.

    I just wish the writers would grow Sam up and LET HIM STAY THERE.


    I'm an older brother myself and since the day one, I felt a connection to Dean Winchester specially since when Sam died the first time.

    I get that brotherly love, I understand how desperate Dean must have felt when he sold his soul to get Sam back and how hurt he was when Sam said what he said back in S9.


    I can understand his suck it up the pain attitude, I know how it feels for him to be a semi-father figure to someone when being a child themselves.


    I also absolutely dig the bond between Dean and Cas because I can get that too, two dudes who love each other in a friendship/brotherly way.


    With Sam, I just can't connect with him, I can surely say that one of the only Sam lines that really had an emotional effect on me was the "You being here fills the biggest void in my life" line he said to Mary.

    And it's a combination of both the actor and the script unfortunately.

  3. 18 minutes ago, companionenvy said:

    I'm not thrilled with the implication that the straight women on here are being blinded by our hormones. 


    I think Sam can be sanctimonious, but the above description strikes me as harsh. I certainly wouldn't call him childish, and "smartass," while it might bear some relationship to other words like high-handed, self-righteous, etc, doesn't, IMO, have the right connotation. Sam's not a punk kid. 


    Really? What is this referring to? Until this latest business with Mark Shepherd seemingly having left on not the greatest terms, this cast has seemed to be remarkably drama free. I agree that he isn't as skilled an actor as Jensen, who might have been able to sell even the extreme cheese of Sam's "rally the troops" speech, but I've never heard anything negative about him as a person. Then again, I don't follow the cast all that closely, so maybe I've missed something. 

    That's what you said, all I did was to talk about myself and clearing my opinion of any possible judgement based on those issues as unfortunately, many fans are just like that.

    Does that mean all Women are like that? No....and I never implied so.


    As for Padaleci (correct spelling right?), There are a "few" instances of him throwing temper tantrums on twitter, incidents like posting pictures of employees of hotels and etc who He for reasons unknown found deserving of being attacked by his army fans only to delete the said tweets like 15 minutes later.

    How is that none of the above?

    As for my choice of words, I'm told to be a little bit extreme in that......I give you that.

    • Love 2
  4. About that scene with Sam claiming leadership, I have a thought but before that let me make something clear.

    I'm a straight guy, meaning I'm neither a Fangirl nor a have "Physical" interest in any of the male characters on the show, with that out of the way here's what I think overall about Sam Winchester's leadership speech.


    After 12 seasons, I can clearly see that Sam Winchester (although I love both the character and the actor) unfortunately has a childish, SJW, know it all smartass attitude to him, continued ignorance of Dean's concerns despite that fact that time of time after time he was proven to be right and the superiority complex that he has that makes him behave like he's the better man which again unfortunately stems from the fact that the actor is a short tempered teenage drama queen based on his social  media behavior.

    So even if they gave him the most excellent of scripts, he just can't pull off such speeches and acting, period.

    And In the same episode, I, a grown man was silently crying with Dean when he was talking to his mom.


    Again, I'm not knocking on the character or actor because I like the other one and want him to look better in contrast but simply presenting my observations after 12 seasons.

    I like the fact that Sam is now a more grown up version of himself, things just it at least now don't seem as genuine as they needs to be.

  5. Well as a Pellegrino and Lucifer fan, I see a lot of reason as to why some people here seem to not like him here.

    I'd like to present why I do.

    I think what makes Lucifer great in my opinion is the fact that excuse my language, he doesn't give a @&$&, he has immerse power and is nearly invincible.


    He may behave like  a "Joker" but man, he is terrifying as a villain because of all of above, he doesn't look scary and doesn't sound scary but behavior and action wise, he is a terrifying character, one of the few who the brothers simply can't beat without a heavy sacrifice.


    What other TV show has a villain as effective and terrifying as that?


    Him vs the witch and Crowley and Lucifer definitely wins in effectiveness and usefulness as a character. Something that Rowena never really had and Crowley had lacked after season 6 (plus a brief half episode in S8 where he was killing everyone the brothers had saved).

  6. My brother and I were shooting the breeze and talking about how Alternate to SPN's prime universe this Alternate universe is going to be characters wise (we were both fringe fans so we have experience)

    We we're like, What if God has given the Mark Of Cain to Michael instead of Lucifer "over there" and what if the roles of Michael and Lucifer are some how reversed because of this?

    Then we thought about remember how Michael and Lucifer were about to possess both brothers before they changed the finale?

    Which got us to this:

    And warning, heavy "out there" cheesy totally unrealistic fan fiction here.


    What if the Good pair of brothers, "Our" Michael and "Their" Lucifer were to possess their perfect vessels Sam and Dean to fight the bad brothers "Our" Lucifer and "Their" Michael to bring back the balance to both worlds?


    Just having some fun here.

    • Love 1
  7. Crowley and Rowena are dead and any resurrection of them by God would make no sense as they are for all inttends and purposes villains.

    Alternate Crowley and Rowena aren't out of question although since Smith and Pellegrino are to "probably" become prominent characters, It makes sense for them to remove Sheppard and Connell from payroll.

    Honestly, Crowley was a character that  even though I enjoyed, couldn't figure out  the purpose for since S6 and Rowena was too cartoonish for my taste so no complaints there for me.

    • Love 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, Jakes said:

    Yes, no need to argue.  We'll see in the end--I'm pretty sure especially when you add Misha's panel too that Cas's back.  But yes neither of us can totally prove it now.

    Oh I'm sure we will have Castiel back in one form or another.

    I'm just not sure which Castiel and in what form.

    • Love 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Jakes said:

    Misha was clearly talking about the spelling with his first tweet--that's been a long running joke with his twitter followers.  BUT the transformation thing--now there is were we have a question mark.  That's open to debate for sure.  Cas is back and has a future--but in what way?  

    I don't want to imply that you're wrong and I'm right however, I like to keep an open mind as I've seen Collins drop major info like that before.

    That said, by the same token, I maybe looking too much into something that's just a joke....


    Niether of us can really prove it either way.

    • Love 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

    Agreed! There are multiple ways of interpreting that tweet! He could be simply referring to the spelling controversary amongst the fandom, or it could be a way of distinguishing between our Cass and Alt!Cas.


    Disclaimer: Although I personally prefer to spell it as Cas, since the shows official spelling is Cass I'd imagine if he was creating a way of telling the two a part he'd used Cass for our Cas and Cas for Alt!Cas.

    I think it may well be both.

    He could've just intelligently used that "dispute" in this context.

    • Love 2
  11. 11 minutes ago, Geordiegirl1967 said:

    Wasn't he differentiating between the 2 spellings (Cas/Cass) when he said 'or'?

    But either way this doesn't mean the character of Cas we've always had will still be around. It could mean AU Cas, or some other version. I think all we can take from this is that the actor Misha still has a job on the show. Who / what he will be playing is another matter.

    The other thing to bear in mind is that, apart from the SD ep - which is nearly certain to be a standalone/fantasy/in their heads type of ep - nothing of s13 is yet written. The writers are barely back at work. So the actors really don't know much at this point.

    Collins has a habit of conveying important information in a very under the radar and inconspicuous manner.

    for example I recall in one of his tweets or interviews right before the finale, he said and I'm quoting the writers are going to open a whole new universe of possibilities.


    Based on his history, I say it's not out of question to assume the sudden use of Cas (or Cas) was a sneaky way for him to say I will either play prime Cas or Alternate Cas when the show returns and he isn't sure which way they will go.


    He also said something about a transformation that I've been trying to figure out the possibility he's referring to.

    • Love 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Jakes said:

    You keep thinking OUR Cas is dead for good and we are only getting AU Cas--BUT Misha has said CAS has a future...not AU Cas BUT our Cas.  So don't worry.  The only possible worry would be how would this "death" effect Cas as Misha talks about in the video of his JiB Panel...where he again emphasizes OUR Cas is back.  I suspect(even know!) the death won't completely change Cas but will effect him.  And just to add A LOT of fans who love CAS want the REAL Cas back--thankfully that happens.

    He said and I'm quoting "Cas (or Cas) has a future".

    He used or....not and.

    • Love 2
  13. The more I think about it, the entire final moments of the episode were purposefully weird.

    Cas running towards Lucifer like an idiot.

    Convenient exist of the boys at the same instance.

    The shot of Cas hitting Lucifer and failing miserably.

    A weirdly long wait for Cas to suddenly appear.

    Cas's confused and unresponsive attitude towards the brothers.

    Standing there to get stabbed in the back by Lucifer.


    If it wasn't for the broken wings effect, I would've argued that Lucifer had threw away Prime Cas before reaching him and what we saw was Alternate Cas stabbing Lucifer.

    The final shots were just purposefully, misty...if that's a word.

    • Love 1
  14. Because Paradise on earth is impossible unless either free will is taken away or a Cain style purge is done.

    So if the child would truly want that, it would lead to a conflict with the boys as neither of them would put up with either option.

  15. 29 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

    Well, there's the whole Book of Revelations which the angels were going by, which God himself supposedly wrote down as to what would happen at the end of the world....   So if that's how it was "supposed" to happen, and yet it didn't, I don't see why what Jack allegedly projected into Cas' mind is any different.  That is: it might happen - and it might not.  I just don't think it's any more likely to happen than God's own vision.  

    Don't forget we're talking about what the baby saw not what he showed Cas.

    The story with Apocalypse was about guiding destiny towards the desired outcome, not a prediction.

    -Making sure Sam and Dean are born.

    -Making sure Lucifer escapes.

    -Making sure The vessels say yes.


    Not a prediction, more like a guideline. a script that was torn in the end.

    In "The Future" the baby predicted that Castiel would be put in a vulnerable position and this specific course of action would protect and preserve his power and he wasn't wrong, was he?

  16. 1 minute ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

    I remember.  I also don't happen to think "The Future" (any vision of The Future) is set in stone.  Remember when the angels were convinced that the Apocalypse had to end with Michael and Lucifer fighting each other?  That didn't happen either.  

    If memory serves me correctly, the apocalypse was more what they thought was "supposed" to happen than what would actually happen.

    The baby saw a projection of what would be likely to happen and it did, I can't see why he couldn't do that again.

  17. 5 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    I don't think that is going to happen. I think he'll probably try to heal Cas and whether he succeeds or fails, I don't think he'll be hanging at the bunker with the boys at all. I suspect he'll take off to do his own thing and it will be the boys trying to find him. If he's with them at all, it will be for a hot minute.

    Guess we'l eventually see if Castiel was merely a tool for Jack or a mentor.

    Either way, I think he'l be a villain.

    • Love 1
  18. 7 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

    I completely agree that if Lucifer hadn't gotten stuck in the AU, he would have, at least tried, to take over Jack.  I'm just not convinced that the tear was intentional.  I don't think Jack could have known that Crowley would show up to help the guys with the spell that would seal it shut or that Dad would get stuck there anyway.  

    This will bother me to no end if it's true.  Granted, I don't think we have even nephilim lore in the show to judge whether or not this would go against canon, but I still just don't understand how it could be.  And if true - if he's already on top of things, it probably wouldn't have mattered if Lucifer had gotten hold of Jack, since Jack seemed at least as powerful as Lucifer - and if he's on top of things, he wouldn't have let his dad manipulate him and turn him evil either.

    Well the baby was shown to be capable of seeing future, who's to say he didn't see Crowley showing up?

    Remember "The Future"?


    My hypothesis is merely based on all we've seen from the character so far and from what we've seen, he intelligently manipulated Cas, evaded Dagon and Lucifer and the brothers to survive, If he possessed enough power to defeat his father at that instance, I'm sure he would've killed his father the same way he did Dagon.

    And he didn't, which strongly suggests he wasn't powerful enough to evade his father, at least at that instance.

  19. 2 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    Eh, I don't see it that way. Maybe it thought it could manipulate Cas, but instead Cas' innate goodness, loyalty  actual abiity to feel love and show love to others, will influence him more than Lucifer's selfish, manipulative, arrogant, murderous asshole traits.  YMMV

    Oh I'm not implying that he'l be like his father 100 percent, while a possibility, he can mean well and still cause a conflict.

    I guess we'l see eventually but personally the idea of a character as powerful as Jack who has shown possessive of the ability to survive  both the brothers and Lucifer so far sitting down and letting Sam and Dean teach him what's good and bad is a tad unrealistic to me at least.

  20. 4 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    I dunno, if it picked up any of Cas' good qualities when it joined with him, Cas could influence him to overcome the evil


    Okay, this is where we totally disagree then. Dean and Sam have fought demons, vampires, werewolves, you name it and they survived. Would they lose against bows and arrows? Yes, but then Dean would just shoot them.  As far as stage - fighting they would look a helluva lot better than some of the shit fighting they've had on Arrow with all the jump cutting and shaky camera they started using to cover up poor fight choreography that showed up last season. At least J2 can do their own convincing stage fighting.

    I, personally, think it would be a fun episode to see how the boys worked in Oliver's world and to see Oliver function in their world. 

    The way I saw it was Jack recognizing how gullible and easy to manipulate the Cas character is and using that to his own advantage.

    The baby doesn't seem like a baby to be imprinted on or mentored, he seems already on top of things.

  21. 17 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

    Why do you think the time/space tear was intentional?  I didn't think it was  - that it was just some sort of weird side effect, like the biblical plagues (and power outages) they were looking for as a sign of a powerful nephilim being born.  

    Well, I'd argue without the tear, the baby would've been captured by Lucifer, considering Jack's actions so far, he seemed fairly on top of thing with the way he handled Dagon, converted Cas and evaded the brothers.

    It would make so much more sense to assume he made sure his dad wouldn't capture him than assuming it happened by chance.

    I mean, when has anything happened by chance in this show?

  22. 17 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    He could just turn out to be another character trying to do the right thing but going about it all wrong? It could be that he believes in paradise, but learns from Sam and Dean that it can't actually happen for all the reasons you stated? I also wonder if, in the end, he'll end up going to "fix" the alternate universe since Sam and Dean have a handle on this universe?

    The best case scenario for him is just that, the problem is the assumption that he will listen to anyone really.

    Think about it, the guy has a measure of future seeing ability, as Fetus devised the  unltimate plan to not only ensure his power is saved by effectively manipulating Cas, he ripped a tear in space time devising another plan to get rid of his father by locking him away in that dimension.

    I find it extremely hard to believe and simple minded on part of the writers to think such creature with such knowledge and planning skill will listen to....practically anyone.

    So even if he means well (which is still unknown at best and disputable at worst) a conflict will happen regardless as it's very likely for Jack to see the brothers as threats More than mentors.

    As for the Alternate Universe, that place is beyond saving, it's gone, The only way to ensure peace happens is killing basically everybody.

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