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  1. The stadiums really have become a contest to see who can build a better stadium. The regular people like us are ones who suffer because we can't afford to go to games. As much as I would love to see the Cowboys in person I will just stick to attending college games that are much more affordable this season.
  2. And it's super convenient for Cowboys fans in the south east to get to. It's only a 5 hour drive for me from Charleston. I honestly think the new stadium is driving up prices in ATL this year.
  3. I live in South Carolina and was looking into going to the game in Atlanta this year to see them play (original love of the DCC turned me into a major Cowboys fan) since driving to Atlanta is a lot easier for me than an airplane ride to Dallas. The cheapest tickets I have seen so far are $500. Very few normal career people can afford that for a football game on top of the cost of travel and a hotel.
  4. I never understood why they spent all that money going to Oxnard except for the fact that Jerry could do it so he did. Makes so much more since staying in TX.
  5. They have to be making final cuts soon. We have a week left of July and final squad is usually announced by the start of August.
  6. All of her tweets and posts on social media leave me to believe she is very focused on school right now so that wouldn't surprise me at all to see her go to law or med school.
  7. I always feel bad for those girls who are brought in twice then are cut. She doesn't have the DCC look to me but she seems like a sweetheart. I liked Selina better the year she got cut. After the rumored drama last year I wouldn't be upset if she got cut during training camp for whatever reason. Jinelle has definitely glamored up over the years and has become one of my favorites the past couple of seasons. We are down to 40 in camp right???? I suspect a lot more cuts in the next 2 weeks, I just have no clue who will be cut, all of them seem so good and sweet.
  8. Looking at who is left I think it is super hard to say who will be cut next. They all seem right for the team.
  9. I'm still confused on how Tasha made SG unless she has worked super hard the past month to make up for her audition performance. I love Amy L and think she is super fun to watch. I'm super excited to watch the show to see how it all happened. They seem like a wonderful group of rookies who just need more experience with the style of dance and learning multiple routines at one time. It will come in time and I think we will see many of these girls return in the future.
  10. Oh good! I like Molly. So that leaves Brianna. 2nd Barbie rookie this year. :( Like someone said a few weeks back sometimes the best studio trained dances have a hard time adapting due to the amount of dances. Compared to Pom team dancers in college and high school who are used to learning multiple dances at the same time.
  11. Time to stalk social media for any hint possible lol Wait so does that mean Molly :( feel free to message me. I live in SC and have no personal connection to any one DCC.
  12. So does that mean Taryn, Molly, Brennan, or Brianna, right??
  13. Do we have any idea who cut #3 is???
  14. Maybe off for the holiday or maybe just took the weekend to do short trips.
  15. Super surprised Tasha even made training camp much less show group with those scores for a Vet. Super happy Gina made show group! Show group rookies never seem to get cut so expect to see those 3 on the squad. But anything can happen which we have already seen this year so far. Madeline and all the other studio trained dancers I'm sure can produce some amazing solos for the USO tour! I do feel bad for Erica. But I feel like if she comes back from the injury she will be added to the group later. Pro Bowl: Jenna for this year. Holly for next year. Just my opinion. Holly is a rockstar dancer though. A lot of amazing vets to chose from but pro bowl is seriously too predictable every year.
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