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I need up hearing that somehow - must not have paid enough attention. After missing about a month, things seem not to have moved on much, lol.
I missed a month or two and watched yesterday, thinking there would be progress. It seems Sonny and Nina did get married already and she has been kidnapped. The Cody breaking in by pretending to be insane is at least over, but Mac still does not know. Brooklyn's mother has come to town. Gladys is gone? At least all she did seems to be out. Sonny and Dex and the lady mobster - snooze. Cyrus is out of jail.
Once again, we have characters going on about how people will be hurt if Sonny goes to jail. No one is hurt by a criminal going to prison. LOL they lay it on thick about Sonny and his code. That's an excuse for him to commit crimes. Are they seriously thinking the audience will go along with this? I agree the Sonny could run the empire from prison. Maybe Cyrus thinks Drewfus will believe that? The boss could always get out of jail, so the flunkies are not going to slack off on the job.
Then the lines about Sam taking the kids to the zoo and so forth. Talk about telling and not showing. Oh, she does all that when they aren't at the Monica daycare? They never put that in the dialogue before.
I remember watching AMC back in the 70s, when the writers scrupulously followed the morning/afternoon/evening/night being the same for all scenes at the same time. A day might take 4 episodes, but you'd be able to follow it as a day.
The doctor and patient privilege would apply, so all of that was absurd. Carly and the house is the dumbest thing - of course, sell the house. Why is anyone arguing about this? Why does Drewfus care at all? It's weird.
That was way too early! And for sure he will be paralyzed, but that won't be permanent, as it, like blindness, is never permanent on soaps.
IMO they tried but when the internet era came on, they found it was impossible. They may have gotten letters in few enough numbers to see a trend, though it seems like whoever would take the time to write might not be representative and it could lower their ratings to heed them. The internet just gave them too much feedback, but again, those who comment on line aren't necessarily representative of the entire audience. So it then appears they started ignoring them. I could see where they now see separate fan bases and like to pit them against each other, as bad publicity seems to be the best publicity. If there were no arguments online, there would be fewer posts.
Whenever I see these, it is amazing how small they look. When they have it on camera, it makes the area seem larger than that.
Maybe it would help the writing if all of the characters got amnesia.
LOL are both positions part time? i was wondering why Willow had to be telling someone else all about her issues with Nina. Then the day player nurse seemed to quote the arguments seen here - why can you forgive Harmony but not Nina? I wondering who they could pair her with, as it would be nice for her to have someone other than Curtis. I flipped too when Curtis and Drew went on about his new daughter - hello, Taggart already raised her. They idolize motherhood on soaps. And they overlooked that Maxie first became a mother to a child that the father took and raised in a different city. And didn't she at first try to pass off that baby as the one she was supposedly carrying for Dante and Lulu? Does Lucy even have any children that she raised?
Watching on and off over the years, I'm not sure what Nikolas did. They are so wealthy from old money, I thought. Charity work? Whatever gazzillionaires do with their lives. I wondered why they did that montage. This is not a couple that everybody loves. And it hasn't been that long. Made me wonder if he is going to die. Cuz bringing up PIkeman seemed intriguing. It will link characters who didn't deal with each other much together before. They'll all die if Sonny goes to jail - I thought the mob at least had the honor to leave families out of it? Until it is needed for the plot that they be dishonorable about it. Or the real bad mob guys vs. good mobster (LOL0 Sonny.
There seems to be an opening for the job of deputy mayor. Surely someone in that town is qualified to do it! Cam will be returning with his graduate degree in urban planning. Spencer surely could do it, and as SLS can run a publicly traded company, surely he could do it in his spare time. TJ is an oncologist now, and will soon be going into another speciality in medicine, as soon as the plot requires one. Soap characters are just that smart. Instant mastery of any subject area!
NuKristina took some mannerisms and tone from oldKristina, it's like she studied her. How does Sam know how a nonprofit should be started up? Didn't Sonny put up money for it? No one seems to be thinking of Nina as the snitch - they are too dumb to think about who could know about it. Though I don't know how Nina knows about it either. Kids love Nina. Donna and Avery do and Wylie does. That must chap Carly's hide. I don't see Carly going to jail for insider trading, especially if she admitted it. But no, it's going to be Nina destroying her family again. Even after Mike/Nixon how is the family "destroyed?" But if Carly went to jail, with the kids loving Nina and Sonny as her husband, it could have Nina taking her place, which might be good - if only Carly didn't always have to win.
LOL! Show often treats Canada like it's this lawless land with no extradition treaty with the USA, so anyone can escape the law by merely going into Canada. I didn't even remember him marrying the last two! I recall he walked out on a Brenda wedding (a time when Sonny actually left the show for a few months).