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Posts posted by Kitkatkitty

  1. 7 hours ago, Christineelgene said:

    Thanks for doing all this work!  I heard they took 44 to camp, which would mean that there were 16 rookie candidates.  Alyssa Barkin and Melanie Montalvo are followed by Dina, but I don’t know if that is new or from a prior year.

    Would love Alyssa Barkin to be in! Both her and Melanie were previous TCC and previously followed by Dina. 

    I’m adding Kelly Villares (@kellyvillares) to my list as she was also followed by Dina shortly after the others. I saw on Reddit that some people think that Ali Mattox (@alpal5678) might have made it but based on my scientific-ish Dina following system she is not on the list so I’m saying the 16 include Kelly and probably two other previous TCC like Alyssa and maybe Melanie or Kayla Garcia (did she audition??).

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  2. Don’t mean to be like super stalkery lol but these 13 girls were followed by Dina Brown Donnelly, Kelly’s assistant, last night. She follows almost all of the previous DCC/TCC and this pattern was the same last year. These are my best bet for new girls in training camp not excluding previous TCC making it back (I’m hoping for Bre Harker, Alyssa Barkin, Kayla Garcia, and Ariana McClure).

    Camille Sturdivant (@camisturdi)

    Brooklyn Davis (@brooklyndavis01)

    Reece Weaver (@reece_christinee)

    Charley Barby (@charly_barby)

    Anna Kate Sundvold (@annakatesundvold)

    Leah Roga (@leahroga)

    Zoe Dale (@zoedale82)

    Becca Breckinridge (@beccabreckinridge)

    Kennedy Hannan (@kenn_hann)

    McKenna Gehrke (mckennagehrke)

    Darian Tisdale (@itsdariandarling)

    Kaylin (@ohheyitskayy11)

    Anisha Kay (@anishakula)

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  3. If you look at who Dina Donley, Kelli's assistant is recently following its pretty interesting... a few of the speculated girls are NOT following her (like Natalie Hillman) but there is a whole list of girls that she followed one after the other who followed her back that I think are probably the TCC:

    • Skylar Smith
    • Marissa Phillips
    • Kayla Hayes
    • Karley Swindel
    • Kali Rochford
    • Eden Ryder
    • Ashlea
    • Ariana McLure
    • Alyssa Barkin
    • Zhenya Kolpakova
    • Taylor Altieri
    • Sophy Lulaufer
    • Kayla Garcia
    • Kally Bethea

    Plus any number of the previous TCC who already follow her, my money is on Kylie, Bre, and Mel in TCC at least, although I'm pretty sure Amanda and Kya auditioned (maybe Jordann and Presley?)

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  4. 14 minutes ago, PepperM said:

    Yeah it does look like Maddie choreographed it. 

    Does anyone recognize any of the faces in the next story after Kleine? There’s three women who I don’t believe are any current DCCs, although one kiiinda looks like McKenzie? I don’t think it’s her though. 

    Also, per MRS Insta, lunch break was about half an hour ago, so they’ll probably be headed to the field shortly. 

    I thought the first girl was McKenzie... my best guess on the second is https://www.instagram.com/zhenya_kolpakova/ she's taken a lot of Jenns classes.


    Also this screenshot from Reddit of someone's story confirms Emmy Merril https://www.instagram.com/p/CdW2cnlsjRF/ and someone named Destiny- my best guess is Destiny Roony https://www.instagram.com/destiny_rooney/ former LSU golden girl 

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  5. 15 hours ago, Kitty Sharter said:

    Daphne was Meredith's boot buddy.  Christina R was also in that family.

    Do we know where the current rookies have landed within Boot Buddy families? 

    • Lexie - Madeline M - Claire W
    • Gina - Amanda - Dani
    • Tess - Erin - Jessica
    • Alexis - Taylor J
    • Molly - Jalyn
    • Miranda - Caroline
    • Amber M - Lisa
    • Brennan - Victoria - Marissa
    • Brianna - Chandi - Darian
    • Cici - Elli
    • Maddie - HannahAlanna - Kat - Jada
    • Heather O Bridget - Kelsey
    • Amy L Lily - McKenzie
    • Ashlee - Armani
    • Rachel W - Kristin

    Madeline S was with Ashlee in 2019, Ashlinn was with Caroline and Kelcey W in 2020, and Tori was with Rachel A, so she will end up somewhere new.

    I know Ashlinn is still with Caroline and Kelcey, I have written on my list that cut TCC Ashley was with Ashlee and Armani, cut TCC Jordann was with Darian and Chandi, Kleine is with Taylor, and Tyra is with Claire. 

    Also, last year, Caroline combined boot buddy families with Kelcey, and this year Jalyn combined with McKenzie

    Not sure what my sources were for those but I write them down when I see them lol so I could be wrong.


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  6. 1 minute ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

    I agree. I think she's really pretty but not Omg stunning to me. Lol and I don't think she's one of the prettiest of all time either. 

    I know a lot of people thought that Alexis was  really stunning as well, but there were a couple of people that disagreed and just thought she was regular pretty. And I, myself don't think Meredith is stunning like so many people do. 

    Yeah lol Alexis and Meredith were just pretty to me, not amazingly stunning. I thought Miranda was one of the most attractive girls on the team in her time 🤷‍♀️


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  7. 8 hours ago, lexie3248 said:

    So I found some videos of the Meet the Team DCC event from someone who works with Marissa and Jalyn at a dance studio. 

    you can see a lot of rookies. 



    Thanks for this! My thoughts on the rookies!!

    • Tyra is really fantastic!!! New girl crush confirmed 100%
    • Christina is fun to watch, hopefully she doesn't become a blender on the show
    • Jensen is super spunky and fun but she makes a lot of mistakes
    • Tori is better than some vets and fully keeps up with Jalyn (she should have made it last year imo)
    • Kelee is a STAR!!
    • Both Lea and KayDianna hit every move HARD, Lea's dancing makes up for any perceived weakness in looks (that I don't think she has lmao)
    • Madeline S, Rebecca, Kleine, Amber L, and Ashlinn are good and keep up with the vets but they are not who my eye is drawn to (in these videos)
    • I didn't see Megan in the videos 

    My rookie "fun to watch" ranking based literally only on these videos: Kelee, Tyra, Lea, Tori, KayDianna, Christina, Jensen, Ashlinn, Amber L, Kleine, Rebecca, Madeline S, (no Megan) 

    Not surprised that KayDianna, Tori, and Tyra made showgroup! I think this rookie class is great and although the team needs to work on their lines (they're sooooo bad), I like this team!

    Also Lexie is so freaking bland she needs to retire. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, parrotfeathers said:

    Can the very talented and wonderful member of this forum that furnishes those great picture posts  make a collage of the TCC ladies that made the team (in uniform would be a plus)?  I need to print it out for when the show starts since I don't know one from the other thanks to TPTB.  No hurry.


    8A9987DA-BB2A-412A-B184-15C9B28EF5A6_1_105_c.thumb.jpeg.d6ce314911a5cd6d81b80802a15f75fc.jpegI'm collecting images of the new girls in uniform but this might be exactly what you want!

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  9. 2 hours ago, dfwxo said:

    Now Miss Kleine is way too beautiful for what they did to her hair 🤔 That blonde does not compliment her skin tone. They really should’ve given her a rich brunette shade or some in between. They need to do better. Madeline S looks amazing!! I am so happy for her. I’m excited to her transformation as she matured into a vet. Whatever aesthetic hook up they have always adds extra glam to the girls and I have a feeling she’s going to thrive😍😍

    I fully think she should have been strawberry red. They only really have Claire and Jalyn as redheads and Klein has been strawberry before and it looked great! 

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  10. 3 hours ago, ByTor said:

    Isn't her name just a different spelling of "Kelly?" Granted, she would be the 1st with that spelling.

    Oh lol I always read it as keee-lee but I just went to her instagram and you can hear on a video that its kelly. 

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  11. Tyra posted a story recently that Cailey gifted her balloons and a gift in Cowboys colors. I am assuming that the other bag is for Jensen (I think they live together?). I'm taking this as confirmation that at least Tyra and possibly Jensen made the team.


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  12. 1 minute ago, lazydaydreamer said:

    Does anyone else feel it’s a huge gamble to not have any 3-year vets? 😳 in general there’s so few 5-year vets, what are the odds *four* of them come back for a fifth-year? 

    I agree. I can see Amber, Ashlee, and Caroline coming back but they might have to put someone as a 1st group leader that hasn't been a 2nd next year.

    Good for Jalyn though! Hopefully this means she's also back on show group

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  13. 3 minutes ago, hannahbanana said:

    Was the "leaving because of the vaccine requirement" ever confirmed as to why one was leaving or was it just a guess coinciding with the NFL announcement & Rachel W. being both a big name and assumed to be anti-vax because of how conservative she is and then took on a life of its own as a reason one vet left?

    There was a post on Reddit about how someone overheard at a Dallas hair salon that some girls were leaving over the vaccine mandate but I don't think that has been confirmed anywhere. I can totally see Daphne being hurt and Amanda getting a better job as the reasons. 

    As for the rookie cuts, I'm not super shocked by TCC Amanda. I'm pretty sure she took a few auditions to get onto the Golden State Dance team and then she was only on it  for a year or two. I liked her because she had posted dance videos so I knew her but I was never blown away by her dancing. Not sure what happened with Bre who I thought was pretty good in the videos she posted but maybe it was the choreography. Madisyn, I'm not really surprised, of the 3 TCU girls she was the least featured in dances even as a senior. Kya is gorgeous but I guess the dancing just wasn't there, same with Erin. 

    I'm happy to still see KayDianna, Ashley, Ashlinn, and Madeline!

    Anyone know if they've already had makeovers? I have hair thoughts hahahaa. I'm annoyed they made Kleine blonder instead of emphasizing the strawberry blonde she had. There's enough blondes already and with Savannah retiring and Madisyn being cut they need another readhead lol. I also think Tori looks better brunette than blonde. Kelee needs a better wig stat. I love the lighter color Armani and Jada are rocking. Jordann needs her roots done or more highlights or something, the balayage is bad.

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  14. I'm hoping that Amanda isn't injured and instead got a better gig than DCC. Of all of the vets I think she is the most likely considering her past in television. I'm thinking TV show pilot or a high paying modeling job. 

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  15. Just now, Holly85 said:

    Cailey is from here 

    ooooh I didn't realize that, well maybe she is one of the 4 cut so far. Madisyn and Tori are also private but Tori goes in and out of private a ton so I'm not worried about her. Anyone know when Madisyn went private?

  16. 3 minutes ago, Lynnbo said:

    Melanie tried out last year and was not private then.  I’ve been following her since.  She could have gone private since then I guess.  She hasn’t posted anything since making it to finals.  

    I just remember trying to find her announcement picture for my grid and had to go off of someone's screen shot because she was private.

    As for Cailey, Tyra reposted a story that Cailey posted yesterday of Jensen and Tyra so at the very least she is still in Texas with them.

  17. 31 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

    Rookie candidates cailey and Melanie went private on ig could those have been cut 

    I think Melanie has been private even before she announced she was a TCC so it might not mean much. Cailey's instagram announcement was public, not sure when she switched, so maybe?

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