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Everything posted by joh

  1. The brother was very insensitive to the dad. After a long 4 day drive, the dad is tired, over-weight and frustrated. He could have just said - rest as long as you need dad. The whole family comes off as rude.
  2. hahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  3. She was trying to convince herself, not the Doctor. haha
  4. Me too! Longer tops or a maxi dress.
  5. You nailed it! Also have the actions of a first grader. hahaha
  6. NO standards!!
  7. Great insight!! I just wonder even if given extreme testing and education, would they be able to comprehend. To hear them argue with an EXPERT like Dr. Now, WHO would stand a chance in turning this sick way of thinking around? I too am amazed on that - now go lose 50 pounds in 2 months and some how these HARDCORE food addicts come back ready for surgery!
  8. And Danielle honey, if she's gonna call someone else to bring her what she wants if you don't. PUT THE PHONE ACROSS THE ROOM!!! What school are you teaching at?
  9. The worst part is her grandson is standing there and she shows no shame!!
  10. To me, the saddest part was the Mother! Very few people in this world have a perfect or so called NORMAL childhood. Stop, get help before you get to over 700 pounds! She is just a burden on her mother. Eating pizza and saying " this is all we have to eat, because on the days mama is feeling bad, I don't like to bother her" Poor Mama is saying "this is a brand new Liz" WHERE! She don't need a WINDOW or PITY, she need an ass whipping.
  11. Can anyone believe after she hurt her knee, she was told to REST a few weeks? REST FROM DOING WHAT!!! And while eating pizza, she said in her voice over " when mama is not feeling well, I don't like to bother her" For REAL, you have been bothering her all your life. Take a good look, your sweet mama have not been feeling well for years. They show mama giving her food, but who is cleaning her BEHIND when Auntie is not around?
  12. Is it just me, or was Naomi too eager to brag about having sex? And to just go in a store looking at skinny dresses like she is at her goal. I want the mirror she has at home. Any woman knows about "what store sales what sizes" if not, GOOGLE! YES, this is a NICE family, but, there has got to be some low IQs going thru it. CELEBRATING a grown ass woman stepping outdoors like a baby taking her first step. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease.
  13. haha, it was his front.
  14. I'm thinking the same thing. They only show her looking all nice and neat in bed with her handy REACHER. Sometimes with food like those boiled eggs. One thing for sure, if he's taking care of his sick mother, what the heck is he feeding her!
  15. What is with these Night-Time appointments at Dr. Now's office. Has anyone noticed after going thru 12 months, she is still wearing summer clothes? Is there no cold or snow within the year?
  16. You make some good points!
  17. You make some good points, BUT, the question is not CAN a food addict go on a liquid diet, They CAN, it is what will motivate them to make such a drastic change and Stay on one.
  18. They simply don't know how to plan. They have not been educated to a new way of living or thinking. That so called Doctor should have classes and psychiatrists for these poor people to meet. You just don't tell 25 years of bad habits, "Go start your liquid diet today to prove to me you are serious"
  19. Please help me understand. A Doctor is telling a HARD CORE food addict to go on a liquid diet for weeks. WTF, they cannot stop just like that. Send them to a psychiatrist. A normal thinking person is not going to eat themselves up to 700 pounds. You got to have the right MINDSET to want to change your YEARS of bad and deadly decisions. If they have the discipline to go on a liquid diet, they don't need to see you!
  20. Poor soul, she said "If I get a rash, it will kill me". THAT is what will kill you? Not the other twenty diseases for being over 600 pounds!
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