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  1. Dre is the literal worst. Bow is too for cosigning his behavior. -I teared up laughing at the scene of Jr. picking up the chair and intending to smash it over the kid's head before he heard them talking nerdy. It was a funny sort-of tribute to Moonlight. -Zoe's comment about not being popular without knowing a few bad eggs was spot on for someone her age. -Jr. becoming a mini LL Cool J with the chain was funny. -I'm glad that Jr. found his niche in public school and I wish that he had broke the kid's jaw. -I loved Pop's comments about public schools. -They seriously need to replace Dre with a better actor.
  2. Social awkwardness doesn't equate to self-esteem. Her being socially awkward was due to her past; her peers didn't respect her due to her young age and because she's a black woman in a high position in medicine. Her social awkwardness lessened due to being able to maintain her friends and bonding with Meredith. I think that was the whole point of the scene. Yeah she is and no one gave her flack for it either.
  3. I, personally would love to see Maggie/Jackson. The story line could be a breath of fresh air for both characters. There's nothing incestuous about them being together and I don't think the writers are attempting to draw Game of Thrones like buzz. Game of Thrones has actual incest. Maggie doesn't claim Webber as a father, and he's barely a step-father to Jackson. They're two adults who met, became friends, and now possible romantic partners.
  4. LOL so now self confidence is a no-no? She can say that out loud because she is a beautiful, smart, and talented woman who has no issue with self-esteem. Maggie was raised to love herself unlike the rest of the characters (maybe except for April, but she's overshadowed by her sisters). Beauty is subjective blah blah but compared to the remaining cast members who are looking haggard from the toils that poor writing has put them through (including Jesse who is wearing the look of a dramatic divorce not so well tbh), I would definitely say that besides Jo, Maggie is the best looking there. Again, a scene meant to be humorous and relatable portrayed Maggie of course, was taken out of context. Surprise surprise.
  5. They're not incest, that was the whole point of the discussion on the boat.
  6. He got a quarter of a billion. 250 million.
  7. I have stated before that I like where this season is going so far and the pace is tightly packed. -The boat scenes were kind of awkward imo. The only friendship I found believable was Ben and Jackson's while the rest were just an awkward addition. More than Merder, I miss Sloane's and Derek's friendship. When they were together laughing and even fighting, you believed that were friends. Callie and Mark as well. -Well look at that, Maggie/Jackson aren't siblings and Jackson wants to sleep with her (I'm counting that Freudian slip as proof). I wish them nothing but the best, but I'm rooting for Maggie mainly. -The gun-in-vag case made me cringe with horror and disgust. -The ladies swiping on Tinder scene was funny. April's line about not dating anyone that works in the hospital was funny and much needed, but this is Grey's. -eh about Jo still. -Owen and Carina was a twist I wasn't expecting, but this will be interesting. Arizona has already been in a relationship with a Bi woman and had some... hangups about it. I want to see how they handle Round 2 with her. -Amelia and whatshisface were kind of obvious. This reminds me of when Cristina's old professor from Stanford who was a candidate for Chief of Surgery visited the hospital. -Ben's jumping all over the place, but I wish him nothing but the best for his new career path. Wonder how Miranda takes it though. -Jackson's eyes were jumping all over the place too, but I'm happy that he's choosing to build a different legacy than the one he was born into. Finally, he has a purpose! -I liked this episode better than last week's and I hope (*crosses fingers*) they continue with this momentum.
  8. I actually agree to be completely honest. The treatment Diane gets compared to the rest of the kids is lackluster. I personally like Diane; I think she's the most funny and well-formed character for the kids, but does she even have solo scenes with her parents? Each kid (even Jr.) is shown to have solid relationships with each parent except for Diane. She doesn't get the same attention at all and I don't see her parents being affectionate towards her at all. Dre and Bow for that matter barely acknowledge her existence unless Jack is next to her or they're inserting how much of a sociopath she is. It's disconcerting that this little girl is shown to have these dangerous qualities, but not a single childlike moment.
  9. Jenifer Lewis is amazing, but I don't like Ruby. She needs to get a freaking Emmy soon because she brings so much to the show. -Yikes at Zoe bringing over a guy friend without asking. I'm in my 20's and the thought of me bringing over a man to my parents house to sleep over without them being aware of it is almost making me break out into hives. Maybe it is a bit old-fashioned of me, but I can't imagine why Zoe thought that was a good idea. I thought her reaction to Bow was disrespectful. She should be apologizing for bringing a complete stranger to her house without asking or introducing him in the beginning. -Jr. was crossing a line, but then again he's the one who has to do Dre's job of investigating the new guy with Bow. The scene where he said he'll miss his mother when he left for college was heartwarming. -DIANE! This precious, prodigal possible sociopath captures my heart. Her "I don't need a project" line was gold. The crush was awkward and endearing. It only got funnier when Ruby came out with an Easter dress as well. -Dre taking out from his and Bow's retirement fund so he could pamper his mama wasn't surprising at all. He's the best caricature of an oaf I've seen on TV in the past recent years.
  10. I hate shows that do these type of "special" episodes and this episode didn't make me change; instead it reinforced how shallow and condescending show runners are. It's clear that the subject of Postpartum Depression hasn't been researched thoroughly. -I find it hard to believe that Bow, a MEDICAL professional isn't aware of PPD at all or recognizing the symptoms she's experiencing. I know it can be different for doctors when they get sick because a myriad of things come up in their heads, but this diagnosis was a freebie. It's the only natural conclusion you arrive to. -Dre was incredibly self absorbed and not entertaining. WHY DOES HE ASK HIS CLEARLY RACIST COWORKERS FOR ADVICE ABOUT HIS PERSONAL LIFE?? -Ruby deserved that berating and more imo. Bow was too soft on her. Ruby has verbally abused Bow since her first appearance on the show and I am still waiting for her just desserts. -Jr. is definitely going to be the baby's father figure. It's clear Dre doesn't give a shit about raising a baby and Pops is...Pops. I thought it sweet that Jr. recognized that his mother was going through a tough time and that his father ain't shit, so he stepped up. -I was fully expecting Dre to take his mother's side and he did up until he confronted his mother about crossing a line. Still doesn't make up for the years of verbal abuse his wife had to put up with. -There is nothing colorist or racist about Bow standing up for herself. Ruby is an overbearing MIL and needs to fall back. Like posters said, she should be thanking her lucky stars someone like Bow came along otherwise she would be dealing with an immature, loud, obnoxious basement dweller.
  11. This was a good episode, but Dre is still theee worst. Maybe it's the actor because every time I see him on the screen I cringe with disgust. -LOL at Pops and Ruby maybe getting back together. I wanna see this train wreck happen. -Barely missed Zoe. -I actually viewed Bow putting down Jr.'s girlfriend as funny because she's becoming more like Ruby. I don't care about whether or not Megan and Jr. stay together, but I completely understand why Bow has a hard time accepting her black son having a white girlfriend. I'm not against interracial dating, but why are the show runners acting like black nerdy girls don't exist? The only time Jr. dated a black girl was the black republican girl if I remember correctly. He also had a huge crush on Zoe's friend, but that panned out quickly when she found out he was stringing her along with Megan. Why was Megan able to stick then? -I can't remember the last time I played monopoly, but now I have to buy it.
  12. It's funny that people don't know the definition of racism in this thread, but since it's a taboo subject in this forum, I won't say anything other than maybe read a book and go outside. -Episode is great, but I thought the Harper Avery from season 6 was supposed to appear. I don't remember much of Harper Avery from season 6, but from what I remember, he was at a likable guy. -Catherine and Bailey had me cracking up this entire episode! I'm not gonna lie and say that Catherine is my favorite character, but I support her 100% after this episode. -I hope Bailey stays chief forever and ever. -Okay, the new doctor played by Greg Germann is funny. The scene where he runs into Catherine and Jackson was hilarious. I hope he stays on the rest of the season. -Since this brain tumor is metastatic, I don't see how this will further Amelia's "growth." -Harper Avery's death was wonderful. Bailey shouldn't be remorseful at all. I personally would've wanted to see a little happy dance, but this show (with its viewers) takes itself too seriously. -I forgot Alex existed and was a main character until this episode. It's funny that the guy who basically checked off everything on her list was humiliated and ditched at the altar and now she's giving testimonies. I don't think she pressured that girl into accepting to be that boy's date, but it was borderline. Maybe she needs to take her own advice. I like the direction of this season so far and I hope it continues with minimal melodrama. More fun antics!
  13. No offense, but are you seriously acting like April is Aphrodite reincarnated? April is cute, but she's not gorgeous and if this were a different show, Jackson wouldn't have even looked at her twice. If we're going to compare looks then, of those you've mentioned, she would be last on the list. Maggie is pretty and the fact that you think that Jackson wouldn't be into her is funny. He clearly thinks she's fine.
  14. -I'm loving the comedic direction of this season so far. -Aw poor Jackson dealing with the crushing expectations the Avery's have placed on his shoulders. Luckily, Maggie's there for him to soothe any ill feelings he may have about his "legacy." -The dinner conversation was funny, but it just reminded me of how broke I am. I don't understand why Jackson's constantly sulky; if I had that much money, to borrow from the twisted sisters, I would be "dancing it out" every single day of my life. Either give the entire money away and pocket some for Harriet or keep it and be mindful of the responsibility of it. I hate spoiled rich men who act like this and this personality aspect of Jackson isn't appealing. I get that the Avery's are respected and blah blah, but try to form a personality not revolving around your family's fortune. For 8 seasons, this man has battling with the Avery name or whether or not he wants to be with April. I hope this season gives him something where I'm not constantly rolling my eyes at him. -Loved the dinner scenes and again if Maggie and Jackson are supposed to form a relationship, it's supposed to be awkward at the beginning. I will say that Kelly McCreary is a much stronger actor than Jesse Williams. For that matter, so is Sarah Drew. I genuinely believe that if not for Sarah's acting skills making up for Jesse's, Japril wouldn't be as popular. He better catch up soon because the constipated pretty face with no range whatsoever is getting old. He still fine though and should grow out a beard. -Loved the Beyonce line Maggie made. -Whaddayaknow the tumor was the thing that made Amelia be this obnoxious since season 11. I haven't watched Private Practice in years and I don't intend to start again soon, but I am curious about that version of Amelia compared to the whiny brat we got here. -I don't care enough about Owen or Jo as characters. -I hope this season gets messy by having Amelia hooking up with Deluca because why not? -The sister comment Catherine made was funny and the way Maggie and Jackson was taken aback from that was good. It's clear they've never viewed each other as siblings and the writers absolutely wrote that to rile people up. -Single Meredith is more interesting than booed up Meredith and the show should stay that way. Unless they give her someone as deeply troubled as Meredith claims to be, I don't want to see another Riggs. -I want to see an April/Arizona hookup just because. I wonder if the whole Jesus thing wasn't weighing her down, if she would be open to a relationship with a woman. That would be way more refreshing for Arizona and April for that matter. But then, I don't want to see Arizona bogged down by April's relentless consuming love for God.
  15. Great episode! Krista Vernoff is off to an entertaining start imo. -Although Megan has every right to be angry and depressed about her condition, I like that they made her funny and insightful instead. -Teddy! I didn't value Teddy as a character when she was a main character, but I loved seeing a familiar face. Hate to see her return marred by Owen's "lingering" feelings for her with two marriages to his name since meeting her. -I liked Meredith going hard for Megan. -They resolved Jolex's separation in 2 episodes; the new writers aren't playing around! -I was indifferent to Meredith and Rigg's relationship and still am. I always felt like he was just someone Meredith used to pass her time. I'm okay with Meredith remaining single for however long the show goes on with the occasional fling. -Amelia having a brain tumor still doesn't explain why she's still so unlikable though. -Deluca's sister showing up and sweeping Arizona off her feet with her Italian accent isn't sexy. I really wish they would find an interesting woman for Arizona because Eliza and the new hot OB are just not it. It just makes me miss Callie even more. -If Deluca's sister is an OB, why is she the one doing MRI scans and accidentally discovering tumors?? I hate that this show doesn't stick to actual job descriptions. - I've always liked April as a character before Japril. They just bring out the worst in each other and should just remain friends and co-parent. It is sad that the first serious and mature conversation they had is being noticed by their fans; they've been portrayed together for 5 years and this is the only conversation that had them acting like adults. -I like direct women. I love that Maggie was the one to bring up the awkwardness and not April. For folks not seeing chemistry, I think that's the point. They're literally at point zero to show how new this is for them and how to approach feelings that may or not be there. There wasn't instant chemistry with Japril; their friendship was shown developing until the bathroom moment where April snapped. I like that Maggie and Jackson are going at a slow pace and discovering that there may be more. It's awkward to think about someone you've been friends with for a period of time in a romantic light. I don't know what Maggie and Jackson will be like as a couple, but I'm looking forward to it. This was a great start to the season and it was entertaining. I don't know that Grey's could ever be described as "fun," but this season definitely lifted the cloud hanging over it since season 11.
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