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Posts posted by Fabricationary

  1. Central City must be in its own weird weather ecosphere - snow on the ground in one scene, summer in the next, a tree turning fall colors in another, etc.  Blame it on the particle accelerator, I guess.


    Also the workplace is apparently the perfect setting to settle romantic affairs in Flashworld.


    In other news, when someone's literally going to go nuclear in a few hours, it's the perfect opportunity to take a breather, redo one's hair, change clothes, and go proposition your love interest. 

    • Love 5
  2. On this week's episode of Charmed The X Files The Flash:


    - The MOTW dates a Property Brother


    - We get to take a look inside modern day Charlotte York Caitlin's inspired-by-Elle-Decor apartment


    - Barry's dad learns the hard way why you shouldn't pass around prison gossip


    - Cisco proves he can outwit any enemy with hand-held device that is impossible to steal


    - Barry briefly considers a career in karaoke singing, but settles for a date instead


    - Iris works really hard to prove herself as a reporter gets another story handed to her on a silver platter

    • Love 3
  3. The lyrics to "Boys 'Round Here," Blake's second song, are really, really bad.  I almost thought they were doing a sequel to "Wishing Boot."  


    Yeah.  I really enjoy when musicians-as-hosts parody their own songs or make them into a satire of a current event, sometimes very successfully (case in point: Miley Cyrus's SNL parody We Did Stop).  I don't think Blake Shelton has any mainstream well-known songs for this purpose, but more inspired writers could have attempted to work one of his better-known songs into DeflateGate or Obama's "I won both" (crossover with Blake Shelton's winning record on the Voice maybe?).  Instead we just got the lame Family Feud Voice judges sketch.

  4. C8 Renee's interview with a CBS affiliate station in Riverside about the dangers of drug abuse. http://m.kesq.com/news/from-top-model-to-most-wanted-part-two-renee-alway-talks-drugs-and-reality-tv/30689556


    Thanks for the link.  They also posted the full, unedited interview here:  http://m.kesq.com/news/uncut-renee-alway-exclusive-interview/30681202


    She seemed to meander the whole time when responding to the reporter's questions.  At times she seemed to take responsibility for her actions, but she had other moments in the interview where she seemed more disingenuous, so everything could have been an act as far as we know.  But I do sincerely hope she uses the time she's incarcerated to do a lot of soul-searching and reflection and emerges as someone who won't be incarcerated again.  


    She did mention that Top Model eliminees got a 5-10 minute phone therapy session after their elimination, but she claims that she was never contacted by Tyra or any other show staff member after her season or after Modelville (though she did show up on various red carpets promoting the show, so that can't be entirely true).  

  5. Absolute zero may be ludicrous if you actually understand it, but since relatively few of the audience do it makes a convenient shorthand for "really, really, really cold".  I was, however, joining in the eyerolling at "absolute hot" (for those who don't know, there's no "maximum possible temperature" equivalent to the "absolute zero" concept), until Cisco equivocated/backpedaled by saying that he meant that the maximum possible temperature for a given thing is that at which it bursts into flame.  So the two weapons are capable of causing anything to freeze or burst into flame, respectively.


    The problem I had with absolute zero is that 1) it's theoretical, not (yet) absolutely experimentally reached (which in a taking-scientific-liberties world like The Flash apparently lives in, could probably be overlooked) and 2) a gun that would blast absolute-zero temperature something-in-some-undefined-physical state would, by the kinetic properties of projecting and directing it, transfer energy in the form of heat to that substance, defeating the point of absolute zero.   Not to mention that the gun itself, which would not be at absolute zero, would transfer energy in the form of heat to the substance (or, at the very least, if the gun generates this absolute zero gunk as it's being shot, there would probably be some sort of endothermic process going on where the gun-wielder would need pretty advanced insulation to prevent a nasty case of frostbite).

    • Love 3
  6. Other nit picks, Caitlyn trying to open a frozen door. I know she was scared and all but come on.


    Or for that matter, the door still staying frozen the next morning when the cops investigated the scene.  Plastic freeze anyone?


    I had numerous eyeroll moments last night, especially about 'absolute zero' and 'the hottest temperature possible.'

    • Love 3
  7. I just watched the episode again. The doctor specified PAI as well as saying "plasminogen activator inhibitor." eta: Here's what Mr. Wikipedia has to say (the other articles I found were for the medical community and contained far too much jargon): 



    Here's an article about PAI deficiency - http://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin//OC_Exp.php?lng=EN&Expert=465


    Here's what I don't understand - you would presume this would be obvious in someone long before they had children.  It would have a similar appearance to conditions like hemophilia, Factor V Leiden mutation, vWF factor deficiency, and a lot of other bleeding disorders where you have a problem with clotting - so it would show up as easy bruising, heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged bleeding time with minor cuts, prolonged bleeding during dental procedures (wisdom tooth extraction), etc.    

  8. I've toyed with the idea of downsizing from my present condo to something about half the size, and when I'm thinking that way I look around each room and realize how much stuff would have to go if I did. Almost a decade ago I downsized from a larger house to this condo. Even with lots of planning and decluttering and disposing of stuff, that was a BIG deal. I don't regret it, but I also haven't forgotten that it's work and it's not magic. 


    Suz, I totally agree that the focus should be on minimizing stuff rather than minimizing space, and presuming that you can thus minimize your stuff and your problems.


    For two years in college, I lived by myself in a tiny (think: 300 sq foot glorified hotel room) furnished studio apartment.  The rent wasn't cheap, but the location was in walking distance of everywhere I needed to go (ideal since I didn't have a car then).  It was basically one room with a full-size bed, a desk, a bookshelf, a small table with two plastic chairs, a fridge, a microwave, a small loveseat, a tiny, outdated kitchenette (two-burner stove, sink, and two cabinets with no countertop), two tiny closets, and a small bathroom.  I made do with it, but a lot of my crap was still stored at my parents' house!   (Most of the other studios were also occupied by single tenants, but there were a few couples living there also!  Sadly, no pets were allowed.)   So that was my brief experience in Tiny Home living.  Now I live in a space that's 4 times that big, which is a bit too much room for me by myself, but as the saying goes, your stuff grows to fit the space you have.

    • Love 2
  9. I would think having infertility treatments would be going against "what God gives" them, taking the role of God into their own hands. ie. it would be highly hypocritical to do this if they truly believed that axiom, which *I* think is meant to justify the mega-families, not the other way around.


    But it's a slippery slope - where do you draw the line?  Progesterone to help maintain an existing pregnancy?  Drugs to stimulate a woman's ovary to make mature eggs?  IUI (intrauterine insemination with concentrated sperm)?  IVF?


    (Like others have mentioned, if Erin's been able to get pregnant easily, but the pregnancies are lost early-on, several of these options wouldn't make sense in her case, but I'm asking theoretically.)

  10. The yoga series that I've been doing at home is the Namaste series by Kate Potter.  Seasons 1 and 2 are great for beginners/intermediates, while season 3 is faster-paced and more challenging (but there are 1-2 more advanced practices in seasons 1 and 2 as well).   Also, all 3 series were filmed in gorgeous Vancouver, so there's a lot of pretty nature shots in the background.


    Namaste TV has posted several full-length episodes on Youtube, so you can try them out if you're interested:


    Season 1 episode - 


    Season 2 episode - 


    Season 3 episode (more advanced) - 


    With seasons 1-2, all the episodes follow the same pattern - a ~7 minute warmup (there are 3-4 different ones), a 12 minute dynamic flow (starting with a breath-body link, then adding new poses and linking them all together one-at-a-time), and a ~7 minute relaxation (stretches and shavasana).  Season 3 has the same general format, but it's faster-paced and harder to follow in my opinion.


    You can buy individual episodes on iTunes or complete series on iTunes/Amazon/Namaste TV's website.  (I can also point you to some other links with streaming videos/downloads.)

    • Love 1
  11. But wouldn't going to a fertility doctor be going against God's Plan? I don't think progesterone would help in Erin's case. Her miscarriages were probably all very early. 


    Hasn't Kelly been using progesterone for the last few years to try to increase her odds of having a viable pregnancy?  Obviously progesterone won't help if the fetus has chromosomal abnormalities (which is a common cause of early pregnancy loss), but it will help the uterus be a more hospitable environment for a developing fetus.  I think there can be some scarring in the uterus in regions that held a previous pregnancy, so with Kelly's 19 livebirths (not to mention her increasing age), there's probably not much uncharted territory in there.


    Anyway, from what I've read, the recommendation for a young couple (woman <35) who are having difficulty conceiving is to try for 12 months before getting a fertility work up (which would analyze the man's sperm count and quality, and the woman's ovulatory cycles, etc.).  (For a woman >35, the trial period would be reduced to 6 months.)  I don't know how miscarriages play into this calculation.  If Erin's lost three pregnancies in the last year, I think it would be reasonable to screen the couple for common causes of reproductive difficulties - endometriosis, PCOS, etc (other causes include STDS like gonorrhea that can scar the fallopian tubes, but I doubt that's relevant in Erin and Chad's case!).   

  12. Kelly reveals that Erin has had THREE miscarriages. With a molar pregnancy, how is this even possible? Unless Chad and Erin totally ignored the doctor's orders and started trying again, and again...




    Whatever transpired, I'm sad for her. Knowing this makes the baby shower scenes even more tragic.


    Then it sounds more likely that she's not had a molar pregnancy but rather miscarriages for other reasons.  I think the 6-12 months wait before trying to conceive after a molar pregnancy has to do with ensuring any remaining tissue that couldn't be surgically/otherwise removed doesn't start proliferating again due to the hormones produced in pregnancy (since molar pregnancies are marked by lots of hormonally-driven, uncontrolled tissue growth), and potentially become cancerous (like a choriocarcinoma, which Jen from The Little Couple had, and unfortunately led to a hysterectomy in her case).   In the case of a general miscarriage, I don't think doctors would recommend that their patients hold off on trying to conceive again for any prolonged period of time (unless they need more time to heal before they want to try again). 

  13. I suddenly feel the need to put tarps on my lawn and start sorting. I guess that's a plus of Love it or List It... makes me realize that sorting and decluttering might be the answer.


    Although Hilary seldom helps with decluttering, other than maybe getting Eddie/Desta to create some built-in storage in the family room or something.  I bet most of the homeowners' crap ends up getting shoveled into some storage unit or basement so they can ooh and aah over the uncluttered rooms in the reveal.


    This gives me an idea for a new Love It or List It spin-off - called Love It Or List It - the DIY/Reality Check edition:


    Average budget: $500-$1000


    The Love It team:  sets out tarps on your lawn and yells at you to get rid of the crap cluttering your home.  Afterwards they drive you to a big-box retailer to pick out storage solutions for your home (think:  Rubbermaid plastic totes).   After you get rid of/store your crap, they have a professional cleaning crew come in and clean your home alongside of you.  Then they might fix your leaky faucet as a bonus.


    The List It team:  A wise-talking real estate agent, tax professional, and a professional mover give you a realistic estimate of the value of your home, the cost of comparable homes in your area, and the costs associated with relocating (income tax returns, property taxes, moving expenses).  They help you do a cost-benefit analysis of moving, including whether it makes sense given your job location, real estate value, etc.

    • Love 5
  14. I am totally blanking on the name of if but I think this could be a great crossover show with that one where they organize/declutter their house. The one that always had tarps on the lawn with separate tarps for keep, sell, toss, and donate or something like that, and a yard sale at the end. Start with that show, THEN move on to "Love it or List it" if still necessary.


    Hoarders?  There was actually a hilarious Love It Or List It show a while back where the homeowners were unmistakably hoarders.  Hilary yelled at them and made them personally declutter their house before she started construction.  They ended up 'listing it' afterwards (I think it was an old, tiny, family home that had belonged to one of the homeowner's parents).

    • Love 1
  15. I must have missed something here with Erin. Did they ever say what the matter is with her and having children? I know she lost one early on a little while ago; any medical info update? I know how much they value being able to produce babies one after the other, and it has a lot to do with their self worth, sorry to say. I hope her mother and husband have told her that isn't how a person is valued and are helping her along that road. Thanks, fellow posters for the update on her.


    If I recall correctly, Erin had a molar pregnancy (basically, an empty/otherwise non-viable egg was fertilized by sperm, so there was never any chance of a normal fetus developing).  The general recommendation that doctors give women who've had molar pregnancies is to avoid getting pregnant for 6-12 months afterwards.

    • Love 2
  16. Editor's Note:

    Discuss Tiny House Hunters Here!


    A thread for the latest HH spinoff: Tiny House Hunters


    Not to be confused with: Tiny House Nation


    I just saw an episode of this last night.  It was comedy gold.  In this episode, a newly married couple sought a tiny home in New Jersey.  The husband had his heart set on composting toilets (hence the thread name), while the wife was decidedly less enthusiastic about that proposition.  (Until I looked up composting toilets later, I imagined they were something akin to cat litterboxes, where you would scoop your waste out and place it in a separate compost bin to use on your garden later.)  




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