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Posts posted by A.J.

  1. 31 minutes ago, queenjen said:

    I don't blame Bravo for giving her the flick because she wasn't showing her husband (which is fine, but don't be on a reality show and expect to get away with this

    I don't recall this being a problem for Kim, she never revealed Big Poppa.  And doesn't/didn't Harry Hamlin and Eileen Davidson only appear on RHOB very scarcely?  

    • Love 2
  2. 1 hour ago, SueB said:

    Ericole was always my couple, so I want him to raise Holly.  

    I feel so cheated that we never got to see these two enjoying an extended happy period.  Along with Pete & Melissa and Bo & Carly, Eric and Nicole were one of my all-time favorite days couples.  They at the very least deserved a few months of happiness.  Hell, did they even get one week?  As much as I like Ari Zucker in the role I would be open to a recast if they could find someone who could play the role as convincingly as Ari did and who had mad chemistry with Greg V.  I so hate we never saw the two of them raising Holly together, having fun romantic moments, seeing Holly have play dates with other children in Salem with her mom lovingly looking on.  So much to do, so much lost.  



    OTOH, the Susan and Victor conversation today was hilarious.  "I'm in hell."  Well, you should be old man.  But I do appreciate your wit from time to time.

    Victor is comedy gold!  And I like Stacy's Susan a lot better than her Kristen.  



    I just can't with Gabi and her villainy.  I hope we get back to that storyline. And I hope Chad finds out soon and blasts Gabi and Kate into emotional dust.  These two have not only wronged Abigail, they've decimated Chad -- and he's been nothing but supportive to them.

    I agree with you 100%.  She has gone way over the line.  

    • Love 8
  3. 1 minute ago, renatae said:

    Any clue as to why they fired her?

    Who knows what is true, but I heard that she was asked to come back either as a "friend" and or at a significantly reduced paycheck for not including her husband on the show.  She was negotiating with Bravo and she ultimately didn't accept the reduced rate/demotion.   

    • Love 3
  4. On 10/27/2018 at 11:37 PM, SmithW6079 said:

    Is every single woman on this show a bitch?

    I started watching half way thru the first season until now.  That said, the original Cristal seemed to be a genuinely good person and not a bitch.  So far this also seems to be the case for the new Cristal too.    



    Steven and Sam are sooooo boring.  The storyline and the actors. And neither has any sex appeal.

    I can agree with you on Steven, but Sam is very yummy.  

  5. On 11/3/2018 at 9:57 AM, Lady Calypso said:

    where Fallon was throwing Alexis out of the house.

    I may be alone in this, but I am beyond tired of seeing Fallon manhandle her mother.  From last seasons' pool fight to last episode's throwing things at her, throwing her out the house, throwing her into a tent, etc., etc. is too much.  I know this show is camp and very over the top, but showing someone treat their mother like this is hard to keep watching.  If she keeps this up, they need to let Alexis start hitting back.  

    • Love 2
  6. 19 hours ago, rmcrae said:

    I was glad to see Sheryl as a female this year and all the fun she had with the male dancers. ;)


    This was my favorite performance of the bunch.  She looked the part and pretty much exactly duplicated the video.  Sheryl was awesome. 

    • Love 3
  7. 9 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

    Julie: It's that Gabi Hernandez!  She just loves killing people!

    HA!  Julie's intense hatred of Gabi never gets old, even in Halloween dream sequences!


    Loved this Halloween episode as well as last year's.  Hattie was hilarious.  I loved her whispering that Abigail "gets around" when she didn't know the father of her baby.  I literally laughed out loud seeing Andre's head on the baby.  Loved Eli's get out tears scene.  And loved his beautiful, devilish smile at the end.  Even Hope was not her smug and irritating self that she has become of late.  And I agree it was good to see some life breathed into Stefan.  Good, good show today.  Lots of fun.    

    • Love 12
  8. 13 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

    Whoopi truly has inherited Baba Walters pointless word salads that stall/hijack every good conversation/discussion (at least when Meghan's pouting with her thumb in her mouth).

    Speaking of Barbara, I often wonder if she was still on the show would Meghan be allowed to be such a terror.  I have a feeling that if Barbara was still around we'd see a different Meghan or Meghan would have been shown the door.   

    • Love 17
  9. Quote

    Abs is right about Gabi, but she still deserves some payback for what she did to Gabi. Sometimes karma needs a bit of a nudge. Gabi is going a little too far.

    What Gabi is doing is deliberate which makes it far worse.  Now the affair that Abigail had with EJ and her basically stalking Austin was horrible.  And she should pay for that.  However, that was a different actress so it's hard for me not to feel bad for the current Abigail.  Also, Gabi is no saint.  



    As much as I think Brady is an ass, I liked the scenes between him and Eve.

    They both did amazingly well in those scenes.  




    Considering that Eric had absolutely no moral qualms about sniffing around Nicole when he knew Brady and Nicole had ...something....

    He did the same thing to his "best friend,", Daniel. Also with Nicole. I see a pattern here. SHOCKER.


    How about your brother and your best friend not dating someone that you have always said was your first love and the love of your life.  Isn't that breaking the "bro code"?  

    • Love 3
  10. 2 hours ago, merriebreeze said:

    Something I don't understand - when Whoopi complains about someone off camera telling her to wrap up and go to commercial and she says I'm going to continue (with my mindless drivel), why don't they just cut her off and cut to commercial? She's not the one calling the shots, right?

    OMG, that would be funny.  However, I think someone would possibly lose their job.  I don't think Whoopi is in charge, but she has a lot of pull.  

    • Love 10
  11. 3 hours ago, Eileen Dover said:

    She's really terrible at this job, and so unpleasant to boot! At least Abby comes out smiling and seems to be bonding and friendly with the other ladies, like every other co-host in View history. Meghan acts like she's been abducted and forced to be on this show.

    I turned off the TV about 5 minutes in.  "She", immediately went into bitch mode right out of the gate.  It's like she comes to work to fight and be an a-hole.  I've tried with her but she is insufferable to the 10th power.  She is the "only" conservative host that I have not liked personality wise.  She is the absolute WORST!  

    I had no idea that all that went on with Joy because I turned the TV off so quickly.  Man or man how I wish she would leave this show and never come back.   

    • Love 20
  12. Another great episode! This show does not disappoint.  I like what they continue to do each week.  



    I actually believed that Alexis lied about the paternity because she was already planning for the baby mama to find out and admit the truth about her baby's paternity.

    It would be so cool if this turns out to be the case.  

  13. 4 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    Loved how Wendy tried to convince us today that every time she gets shit wrong it is the bureau feeding her faulty information.

    I tried but had to stop watching today.  During her interview with David and Tamela Mann she was quite bitter towards Tamela.  She asked Tamela why she needed a big 2nd wedding and how unnecessary and ridiculous those type of events are.  Not everyone is as bitter and unlucky in love as you are Wendy.  The final straw for me was when she said that Tamela Mann is  a gospel star (They both are Wendy.  They gained famed with Kirk Franklin.) and that Tamela is one of he biggest gospel stars in the world.  Really?  Tamela is a phenomenal singer but not as large as you are saying Wendy.  CeCe Winans and Yolanda Adams and a few others are much bigger female gospel stars.  Who does your research?  Or does anyone even bother anymore? 

    That was it for me.  I hit delete.  Enough of her "interviewing" and short couchie cutter dresses.  

    • Love 10
  14. On 10/23/2018 at 6:53 PM, Blissfool said:

    Really? It won't kill you?! Sounds like an awful lot of Advil, but then again, I'm very wary about pills.  I actually googled it. Apparently KS is not the first to take 16 Advil, but commenters online were like "you better get to an ER now!"

     She said the doctor told her to take 16 Advil, but I don't recall her saying she actually followed his advice.  In any event that seems rather extreme.  




    Loved her on today.  She's was the best moderator on The View.  She's always great.  

    • Love 10
  15. 2 hours ago, AnswersWanted said:

    I feel everything involving those two dipshits is a big mistake. 

    I still like Will but I can't bear to watch scenes with him right now.  I just want to vomit.  And Sunny has been turned into an almost irredeemable douche.  Oh how I wish Paul was staying on the show.  Those two could dump him and he found a better partner.  Then later on Will and Sunny would realize they don't work as a couple anymore.  I'd love to see Paul get the last laugh.  I know that won't happen, but I'd so enjoy it.  

    • Love 10
  16. 8 hours ago, nilyank said:

    The actress did not want to come to the show full-time and agreed that by "killing" off Nicole, Eric would be able to stay goodbye to her and move on to a new relationship without always thinking that he and Nicole could always be a possibility.

    I know.  I just wished she would have died off screen.  Seeing them make love and seeing him with Holly was so sweet and adorable. Showing what could have been with these two time and time again is too cruel for us superfans.  

    • Love 8
  17. 2 hours ago, buffynut said:

    Poor Nicole. I know she'll probably not be really dead, and will return some day. But she's still going to miss Holly growing up. ?

    Tell me about it.  Why did she agree to come back for such a storyline?  As much as I like her and her and Eric together I would rather she stayed away if she was only going to come back to die. 

    • Love 9
  18. Ben's redemption:  I've always liked Ben and hated what they did to his character.  He was a good guy raised by that evil and demented Clyde Weston.  He was already fragile and Abigail pushed him over the age.  I know Abigail gets a lot of hate.  And yes she gets away with a lot but I wish she'd admit and others would admit that her deception is partly to blame for what went wrong with Ben.  I love seeing him be committed to doing the right thing.  Taking a life is not easy to forgive but this is Salem we're talking about.  About half the cast has killed or tried to kill someone.  


    Trip and the constant need to remove his shirt:  I'm not sure who thinks it is a good idea to keep flashing his bird chest across the screen.  I like Trip but really, really, really wish he'd keep his shirt on.  He looks like he could use a meal or two.  

    • Love 10
  19. 2 hours ago, Sidney said:

    So, we're to believe that Gabi can haul a drugged and pregnant woman around with no one noticing? Okay.. This story has went completely off the rails.

    And no less in the Kiriakis mansion.  There's no way in hell Victor would not know of these shenanigans.  Plus, where are all the other people that live there.  And does Gabi ever go to work anymore?



    Isn't Ben too old to be hanging out with the tweens?

    Age doesn't seem to matter on this show.  There are always many couples 10 years or more apart in age.  Hope & Rafe, Brady & Eve, Brady & Kristen, J.J. & Lani, and Abe & Valerie all fit into that category.  

    • Love 3
  20. On 10/15/2018 at 3:36 AM, howmanywords said:

    We're just speculating but there is a spoiler for next week that says "Eric desperately tries to save Nicole's life", then the next day "Eric receives devastating news about Nicole". Its not written out, but it hints at her dying.

    If she dies I'm gonna stop watching the show for a while.  I am such a fan of Nicole and of Nicole with Eric.  Why keep tempting us with "what could be", just to take it all away again?  That's what the show did when she left before.  As much as I love the character, I'd rather her not come back if they are just gonna tease us.  

    It would be nice if she's just in a coma and not dead.  Either way, I hate to see her go, AGAIN.  

    • Love 6
  21. 1 hour ago, Medicine Crow said:

    I really enjoyed Lisa's "contributions" to the conversation(s).  To me, she seemed quite at ease.

    I agree.  To my surprise she was quite good.  I remember Lisa being kind of boring on The View but she did very well today.  I didn't know she lived in Los Angeles.  I don't know if she'd take the gig, but I think she'd be a good addition.  She's a journalist too, so it would be a win win.  But if I remember correctly she left The View because she wanted to do more serious journalism.  

    • Love 5
  22. 2 hours ago, nilyank said:

    Unless Eric had told her otherwise, Sami is under the belief that Nicole broke his heart for the umpteemph time.

    That's a good point.  I had not thought of that.  




    As for their shared love of Sydney, Sami should hate Nicole forever for stealing her daughter for almost a year.

    For me, it makes more sense that they aren’t mean to each during a tragic event but for the most part, they are not friends. Sami has hated Nicole for two decades when the later broke Eric’s heart by marrying Lucas for $5 million and she hold grudges forever.


    What Nicole did was awful but Sydney still loves Nicole and things eventually turned out okay.  Not that that is an excuse.  However, let's not forget all the hell Sami put Carrie and Belle through back in the day.  So Sami can't really judge for that when she's done equally worse.  Nicole has evolved and so has she.  Futhermore, E.J. has also done some awful things too so cut Nicole some slack.  

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