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Posts posted by PetuniaP

  1. Quote

    The obvious example was when he told JoJo she was starting to sound naggy simply because she wanted a compliment. It's that whole PUA POV of thinking that you have to put a woman down and make her feel bad about herself in order to gain any real traction with her (i.e., get her into bed). This is essentially misogyny personified. 

    I don't think I'd stretch calling someone "naggy" to meaning that he is a misogynist. That's an extremely low bar. At worst, I'd call it being a poor sport, as they were all fake proposing to Jojo without anything to back it up. And also, at that point, he'd seen the woman for only a handful of hours and spoken to her for maybe 10-15 minutes...he didn't know her at all, didn't feel like he had anything of consequence to say about her and he's not the type to "play along". Which likely makes him no fun to be around unless you are doing what he wants to do but that's the only personality trait I picked up during that scene. 

    • Love 9
  2. Quote

    Chad is the worst kind of alpha - misogynistic, violent, angry, and deeply insecure. Good riddance (I hope)!

    To Falafel's point (excellent post by the way!), have we actually seen Chad be misogynistic? We heard him be accused of it by men who seemed determined to get him out of the house under any circumstances but I can't recall a moment when I thought he expressed hatred of women. Also, I feel like his anger was justified, I'd be livid if I was getting poked at all the live long day by those guys. As for violent and deeply insecure...yeah, those are pretty spot on. 

    Oh, and I'm a staunch feminist as well! But idealism can't always trump biology, I guess. 

    • Love 2
  3. Quote

    If I rationally look at Chad, there is NOTHING redeeming about him, and I have NEVER been drawn to the "bad boy" or super muscular type. But despite all of my normal good judgment, there is just something about him that I'm drawn to.

    I think a non-roided up Chad would be incredibly hard to resist for many (I said many, not all) women....even those who don't go for that "type". He's problematic in many ways and I think this show and the positive reaction he's getting will only make him worse. But there is a vulnerability about him that's attractive, not to mention that he's incredibly good-looking. And as non-PC as it is to admit, there is still something about an alpha male that appeals, even though aspects of it repel as well. Jojo was ready to make tons of excuses for Chad, right up until continuing to do so would have made her look insane (and he threatened her one true love, Jordan).

    I would have liked to see an alternate version of this season where the guys didn't make riling Chad up their full-time occupation and left him alone, just to see how far he would have gone. Also, I chuckle at this idea people seem to have that Chad walked all the way back to the house. There's no way production flew them several miles out in a helicopter and then he's just supposed to find his way back in unfamiliar terrain with no map, compass or any other means of orientation at night. No, it's obvious they shot footage of him walking a few feet through the woods for their storyline and then drove him right back to the house to create more drama. Which also puts lie to the idea that he's truly "dangerous". If he was a liability in any way, production wouldn't have let him near that house again. 

    Ultimately, this is what makes me incredibly happy about Chad:






    Chad reminds me of a younger, but buffed up, George Michael.

    OMG, this makes total sense! I had a poster of George Michael up in my teenage bedroom...loved him :)

    • Love 8
  4. After seeing how Ben reacted to Michelle's announcement about having a child, I resolved to not be so judgmental about single mothers going out there to find love. It's difficult because many, many men are not interested in taking on your child. And unless you want to be a single mom forever, you do have to go through a lot of frogs. 

    • Love 1
  5. Wells reminds me of Jared from Kaitlyn's season. A guy who looks like a little boy next to the massive meathead types but who grows on you. I hope Wells goes to BiP...Jared was much improved in the attractiveness department for me during his BiP season.


    Chad is just a junior high boy who never grew out of being too cool for school and making juvenile threats to meet on the playground to assert his masculinity to the other boys. He doesn't know how to relate to men that aren't juiceheads, but he doesn't really know how to talk to women either. He's almost shy with Jojo sometimes. He just overall lacks social skills. I actually hope he finds a good therapist and more importantly, a really good friend. I'm genuinely worried for him as a person but also worried for anyone who crosses his path. Do not at all think he's a producer plant, he's too off the rails.

    THIS. He is seriously lacking in social skills and seems determined to be a "loner" when it's clear he needs a good friend. Even though he can be scary when making his threats, I take almost none of them seriously..just like most of the guys do. I think it is because he has a scared little boy quality about him. Not to say that he can't be dangerous but there's a lot of hurt coming up through the threats of violence and I find that I can't ignore it. 

    • Love 3
  6. Quote

    I love Luke.  Like if she don't want him, give him to me love him.  But I don't understand the *point* of that thing they did in the concert hall.   Have this intimate dance with me, in private in front of this whole theater while we crash this band's performance?  What?  That was awkward as hell, I'll give it to him for making it seem regular.

    Oh, that totally stood out to me as well! I guess that's the proof that Luke isn't some aw shucks, normal dude from Texas. Who agrees to stand on a pedestal to slow dance and kiss in front of a massive crowd while pretending to be alone with your girl? A massive famewhore, that's who! Knowing that he has a band makes all of the pieces fall into place for me with Luke. 

    I would also love to know how many calories Chad eats/drinks a day. I know he's massive but we've rarely seen a shot of that dude when he wasn't eating or drinking SOMETHING. Makes me wonder if he has a food addiction that he's channeling in a "healthy" way. I have to admit, I find him loathsomely fascinating. Like I want to know everything about him even though I know I would despise him all the more for knowing it. 

    • Love 3
  7. 1 hour ago, seasick said:

    Don't those who aspire go to West Point usually go with the idea of being career military?  But Luke's just playing in a band?  I agree, he definitely had to have connections.  Either his parents own the King ranch ( are they still there?)  or his Dad was big time military.   He didn''t just fall into West Point.  I would guess you needed to show  interest in the military for years before ,like ROTC thru high school, or attending a military school for high school.

    And all he does now is play in a band?  Weird.

    This isn't necessarily the case. My best friend in high school, who was the smartest person I have ever met in life, went to West Point and I was pretty shocked that he was applying because he'd told me of no previous interest in the military, did not come from a military family nor did we have have ROTC at our high school. He did have to get a senator to write him a letter of recommendation which was no small feat.

    I suppose Luke decided career military wasn't for him after a tour in Afghanistan and nothing wrong with choosing to be a creative instead but I did find the West Point downplaying to be odd. Also, I wonder if they consider themselves Ivy League, even without the official designation. They are certainly at the academic level. 

    • Love 6
  8. Speaking of Luke, I thought it was interesting that he made he sound like he just ended up at West Point when it's incredibly hard to get into that school. Is that supposed to show how humble he is? War veteran isn't really an occupation...I wonder what he really does. And I'm generally not a fan of Botox but I have never wanted to take a needle to someone's face as badly as I did while watching Luke in that hot tub. That forehead wrinkle was driving me crazy. 

    • Love 2
  9. Quote

    Not white?  She's not interested.  Dangerously crazy (but white)?  She'll consider it. 

    Normally, I'd be saying amen but Ali and Christian were boring McBoringsons and Chad may be cray but he is HOT. His 'roided up body is fire and that sexy glare thing he does....he's just the kind of bad boy every woman lets break her heart at least once. The other thing I found redeeming about him is that Jojo took him to task more than once and he never came back at her with any aggression and actually seemed cowed a couple of times. That's why I could take his behavior with the guys in stride...I never felt like he was turning any of that towards Jojo. 

    • Love 14
  10. Well, it's all downhill from here. The rest of these duds do not a season make. 

    JoJo, you really screwed up by not being able to win over Ben, despite being very hot. And the show hosed you with this sorry lot. I'm guessing we'll see you back on the jersey-chasing circuit in 6 months?

    • Love 1
  11. Chad's problem is that he wanted to come on the show and "outsmart"them as someone said above. He thinks he's too good for their reindeer games. But you aren't Chad! The minute you step foot on Bachelorette campus, you prove that you are not too good for the humiliation...the too good ones stay home. So instead of coming across as the mature, level-headed one...he comes across as the surly, bad sport. And that's exactly why he was cast. 

    I refuse to spare Evan any more thoughts. I loathe him. I can't wait for him to get kicked to the curb and I'm only sorry Chad will go first. 

    • Love 14
  12. Wow, this show is actually making me take Hitler, I mean, Chad's side. What a little crybaby bitch Evan is. Go home, Evan....I'm sure you're erectile dysfuction business will get a nice little bump after this stint. And I also kind of hope Chad tracks you down and kicks your ass. 

    I do admit that I got a bit aroused watching Jojo put the smackdown on Chad. That was beautiful...this girl might be more than just a gigantic set of fake tits after all. Now I feel kind of bad for her. She has to suffer through these jokes to get to one guy? I hope she does a mass culling and gets down to Jordan (the next Bachelor), yoga dude (who showed some sexy confidence) and Texas dude who is clearly going to win this show. The rest are fucking worthless. 

    • Love 5
  13. I'm REALLY glad that next week's episode with deal with the squickiness that comes with Harry and Joss' engagement. I shipped these two heavily when they weren't together but I do admit to feeling a bit weird when he asked her to marry him.  I immediately thought of Savvy and how much this would crush her.... Joss literally lost her sister over this man. So it makes sense that the show characters would feel the same way as well. 

    Karen continues to be the stupidest person on television. Her haircut is the most unflattering I have ever seen on TV, and that includes Scarlett's from Nashville. It's obvious that she'll end up hooking up with her manny even though it's a terrible idea...good childcare is almost impossible to find. 

    • Love 3
  14.  I compare it to "Smash"

    Oh, Smash! R.I.P to that show...I loved it and still mourn it even though it was a total mess and Katherine McPhee was hard to like. I think Nashville will hold the same place in my heart as a show that never fully lived up to it's potentially but is squarely aimed at what I'm interested in watching. 

    • Love 3
  15. I'm sad about this. No matter how bad it got, I still really enjoyed the show. I was hopeful that they still had a bit of time to rewrite the ending with this news but with Hayden checking herself back into rehab, I guess not :(

    • Love 1
  16. A 100 +1s (+100?) to how hot Adam Driver was. I've never thought he was particularly attractive but I had a sizzle moment when he came on screen this episode. I think it's the hair, that overgrown look really suits him. I hate the idea of Jessa & Adam on principle but I can't wait to see how the show handles it. This will be the most evil thing Jessa can do to Hannah though. 


    I laughed and laughed during this episode. These girls are hilariously awful and that's what makes their damaged friendship so compelling to watch. There's something very comforting to know that even at your worst, you'll have a group of friends that will love you and tolerate your bullshit because they do desperately need you to do the same for them.


    Desi is such a terrible choice for a husband but is so reflective of the bad choices many young women make looking for the validation that society gives to the marriage ideal. She's lucky to have Ray around to help her pick up the pieces.

    • Love 4
  17. Jax is horrible but I do admit I felt some glee in watching him smack Sandoval's insufferably smug ass down. Sandoval may whelp all he wants but the fact is that Jax did reassert his alpha dog status in that sad little group and Sandoval deserved it. 


    I can't wait until Stassi suckers all of them to play nice again and then unleashes the fury. 

    • Love 1
  18. These women all signed up to do this show because they love attention. For most of them, the money is not a factor. But they are all greedy as hell. It's not enough to be extremely well off and be completely protected and pampered, they need fame as well. So they sell themselves to the devil to get it.  And that means needing ridiculous "storylines" to feed the fame monster. 


    The truth of the matter is this...everyone gossips. Everyone has kiki-ed behind someone's back about something. These women, having no real problems, gossip more than most and create problems in their lives. The "she said, she said" of it all is irrelevant and they all know that but they have to do something to keep their spots on the show so we are left with this bullshit.


    All of that said, there is NOTHING to be gained by tracing down who said what to whom. Because even if you found out, the person will do what Erika did tonight. Weasel out of it. And how Yolanda reacted to Lisa Rinna is exactly why! Instead of respecting Rinna for admiting to what she said and graciously accept her apology as a flawed human being who says and does dumb shit sometimes, she continues to harbor a grudge. So Rinna has prostrated herself and "owned her shit" for what? Her apology meant nothing and she will continue to be treated like shit by Yolanda. Erica's self-preservation instincts are too strong to travel down that path. Yes, it sucks to see someone's squirrelly behavior play out before you but she did what most people do when confronted and I can't blame her for it because admitting what you said and apologizing will not make the situation better. It's like people want you to hop in your time machine to unsay it and guess what? That ain't happening. So fuck 'em. 

    • Love 9
  19. Wow, to see Aunt Lori defend the damaging, dysfunctional, downright cruel behavior from Kenya's mother was shocking to me. I know family is family but right is also right and wrong is also wrong and for you to have no backbone....to continue to pretend that your sister is some confused little girl who just had a baby she can't handle is so wrongheaded that I don't even know what to say about that. 


    I pray Kenya can truly move on with her life and continue to thrive but if what happened to her would have happened to me, I'd be curled up into a ball inside for the rest of my life. 

    • Love 21
  20. I can't come down too hard on Rinna for gossiping about Yolanda because I think it's human nature to gossip. I suppose there are individuals who never talk about anyone else but those people are few and far between. The rest of us spend our lives talking about other people. Yolanda's way of dealing with whatever is going on with her is particularly gossip-worthy. It's plain strange to move out of the house you share with your husband and move in with a full-time "health advisor" and spend insane amounts of money on treatments which seem to not be working for you. It was clear to see that everyone was dying to talk about it, even as they were scared of being accused of being mean or catty. 


    As for Yolanda, I think something is wrong with her but her mental attitude probably isn't helping. She seems to be clinging to this illness for some reason, almost as if her fighting it is making it worse. There's too much going on around this illness, and it's muddying everything up. There was no way her marriage to David Foster could survive that along with the TV cameras she brought into their lives. It is awkward to watch scenes between them now, knowing that despite the intense amount of affection she is showing him, the marriage has failed. Makes me sad because I always felt Yolanda had the best philosophy towards marriage of any of the women.  When I watch the show, I almost want to unplug her from everything, get rid of the enabling "health advisor" and any wacky pill regimens and focus on the mental health aspect of her wellbeing for awhile with a professional. 

    • Love 11
  21. They, security, may wait to see if a physical fight breaks out between the women/cast but I don't think they would hesitate to act before a male, non cast member, got physical with a female/cast member.


    Yes, that is exactly what we saw on the show. But you are saying that somehow, Kenya was at fault for not "involving security sooner", whatever that means, as they were clearly very close to her when she called for them as Glen was heading towards her. So, obviously, production knew the situation was a precarious one and had guards just off camera but they did not send in the security team until there has been a physical action against one women and a threatening move towards another woman. Really not sure what else Kenya should have done, other than express her discomfort, tell the offender he and his friend have to leave and call for help once physical violence had taken place. Production is not going to let Kenya just quietly go to them and say she wants Glen gone and then send in guards to escort him out while Kenya is locked in a bedroom or even standing 10-15 feet away.. That might happen in a real life situation but not on a TV show that is selling drama.  I don't see what Kenya was supposed to have done differently given the circumstances,  It's very likely that she did tell Production she wanted the men kicked out, as conversations between producers and the cast are happening constantly throughout the taping of a scene. It's a producer's job to send Kenya to back in there to "tell them yourself" because they know that's the moment viewers want to see. No way for any of these women to know what behavior to expect from random flotsam and jetsam that other people drag into a scene.  

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