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Posts posted by PetuniaP

  1. 14 hours ago, dosodog said:

    It didn't have to be boring.

    But for whatever reason,  "Jeremy was a creep and the women folks experience matter" was all about Billie's feelings being hurt.

    Rolls eyes.  Welcome to being a woman Billie.  Surprise.  It's not all about a pretty, edited vagina.

    I for one want to know if I'm about to go on a date with a guy who has creeper tendencies. 

    So ticked off at this show and glossing this over.



    I think because Billie is trans, it's harder for her to find men who are openly willing to take her out on dates. So she's happy when a man asks her out and does not want to hear anything bad about him. The fact is that Jeremy has zero designs on Billie romantically so her pretending that it might be a thing is kind of pathetic. 


    6 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Lala’s weekend car is beautiful. But I do want to know what would happen if Randall suddenly had money problems. Would Lala stand by him.  

    Hell to the no. Lala has been straight up, she loves the PJ, the cars, the bags, and the shoes. Plus part of her rent, and I'm assuming beauty rituals paid for. If Rand can't provide, he'll be dropped faster than a hot brick. But it's much likelier that LaLa will get dropped first. The real prize is the ring, honey, and right now, you are giving it all away for some Louboutins. She's already 28 and should know better.....she's running out of time to be the young ingenue. 

    • Love 9
  2. Hold on, what are the economics of this investment that Sandoval and Schwartz made? They each put in $50k to collectively own 5% of Tom Tom? So they each own 2.5%? That's peanuts really - if Tom Tom ends up earning $1.5 million in revenue it's first year (which is highly unlikely given the investment to build it) and factoring in operating costs, they are looking at a few thousand a year in profit. They are still LVP employees with the teeniest, tiniest stake in the business. Kind of like working in tech and getting stock options...sure you can make tens of thousands if the company does well but you are not retiring or buying your own Villa Rosa any time soon. Not that Lisa isn't giving them the opportunity of a lifetime to work alongside her and learn how to get to where she and Ken got to after decades of hard work. I'm glad that Sandoval is showing some interest and initiative - he might actually be successful at this someday. Schwartz is essentially useless and thinks that the reality show dollars will keep rolling in. I hope Katie's side hustles pan out to something, looks like she has the real potential to be the family breadwinner. 


    hate to admit that my black heart of goo melted somewhat over Ken giving props to James and James actually getting teary over that.  Damn you, James, for giving me a case of the feels.  Of course Lisa is bringing him back to SUR.  Everyone gets 546,309 chances.  Proof?  Jax.

    This also gave MY black heart the feels. James looked genuinely happy. I'm glad he's cleaned up his act, he's still a little punk but can be quite likeable. Lisa really is a soft touch with these "kids". She's a soft touch in general, I think, which is why she developed the tough exterior. But she has taken them all under her wing. I'm sure she is glad to see Kristin in a seemingly stable relationship with a decent guy as well. It's quite lovely to see a rich person who isn't completely selfish asshole. 


    I don't get why Ariana is so against being intimate with Tom. He obviously was into her to date her and says he wants more of that type of fun. So who cares what your ex said about your body, obviously someone else thinks differently. She better start putting out or he will be gone. They are too young for that to be neglected.

    I got the impression that they'd resolved this and that Tom was back to getting regular sex again. 

    • Love 13
  3. I don't miss TWoP, the mods were power-mad lunatics and stifled far too many conversations with their endless rules. I can't even listen to NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour b/c Miss Alli hosts it and she was a nightmare. This site is 1 million times better.

    Jeremy can miss me with his spin on these events. DId he forget that Stassi wasn't the only person saying he was creepy? Katie mentioned that other women came up to her at her own wedding to complain about him. Billie did not seem to be aware that Jeremy was just asking her to drinks as a buddy and as a screentime partner. Or maybe she just had us all fooled (which is probably the case). I know that I have no desire to see Jeremy get more screentime, accusations aside, he's just not that interesting to me.  

    • Love 11
  4. Quote

    Katie did just fine kicking FI's ass out on her own,.  I'm not sure what she actually needs Schwartz for and/or why she keeps him around thb.  He's useless.  He's cute and can be charming, but that only goes so far. 


    The problem is that no man on this show is really worth much. And if you want to fulfill the SAD (standard American Dream) of having a family, you have to pick a bozo and go with it. If these men are representative of the kind of men you meet in LA(and I include all of the ancillary off-camera men that we know about in this), then Schwartz is the least offensive option. 

    • Love 3
  5. Quote

     but her Mom is thinking about all the different shades of frosty lipstick she can show off the longer her daughter is on the show.

    Haha! I also noticed that Mama had dropped quite a bit of weight for her "surprise" appearance to comfort Brittany after Jax's cheating. She's probably already pitched "Real Housewives of Kentucky" to Andy Cohen. I don't think that Mama realizes that Brittany doesn't need sweaty Jax anymore. She's well integrated with the group of women on the show; all she needs is to hook up with one of the hot young studs that LVP keeps SUR stocked with and Brittany can have her own storyline. 


    Speaking of Jax, where's that spiritual healer he was cozying up to and being "Jason" with? I want her to come back so that she take Jax off of Brittany's hands and free her!

    • Love 8
  6. 1 hour ago, Judi Sunshine said:

    I agree that Jeremy was acting like a creeper at the wedding, but maybe would have wanted to hear other examples. If he WAS super drunk, it's still not at all okay, but since he is family to a friend and they've been around him more than just that one time, if he's not normally like that, I think it's kind of shitty drunkard etiquette to malign someone's character over one day. Call it creepy, tell him he should apologize or send a teary 6am video message -- all good! But I felt there is more to the story, maybe his past charges. If not, it felt unnecessarily Debbie Downer to me.

    Maybe it's just because I want so much to see Billie happy. Even in a big city, I feel like that must be difficult, dating as a straight trans woman when you're in what would be potential childbearing years for cis women. Not everyone wants bio kids but so many do, like Billie's ex, possibly even Billie herself if she could in theory, and that must be a hard pill to swallow just as it is for any woman who can't have kids whether she wants to or not. Maybe it's that my only MtF friends are lesbians and it's easier than I think to date straight when you're a transgender woman. But it's still one of the topics that I see SO much hate brought out of and think that Jeremy's attitude is chill af and as a pansexual myself, I identify with it personally and would love to see more of it, even among those who still just want to date within the cis. And Billie shines around him, even more than usual. So I hope in the end he turns out to be a good dude. 



    As much as I'd like to see Billie in a happy relationship, I think there is 0% chance that Jeremy will be the one. He's just another famewhore in search of a storyline. He's been lurking behind Tom and Ariana for a few seasons now and, maybe, if he's lucky, gets to say a line or two in a season. I think he has finally cottoned on the idea that a relationship is the way to gain some prominence, ala James Kennedy dating Kristen. But all of the main chickadees were taken, which leaves Billie, who also happens to be new to the show. Jeremy must have creamed his pants at the idea of having cameras on him without Ariana around. So not really buying this "Stassi is trying to kill the grand romance" fantasy that is being slung around. 

     I get the feeling the wedding is not the first time Jeremy has been creepy anyway. Both Stassi and Kristen are well used to being hit on by drunken idiots. But they way they described Jeremy seemed to indicate a pattern of creepiness that reached an apex at the wedding. Pure speculation on my part but I'm sure more will come out to support my theory. 

    • Love 18
  7. Quote

    ...and you're doing the same in the opposite direction giving Stassi every benefit of the doubt! Let's agree to disagree; HAPPY? I know I'm over this conversation; we'll never see eye to eye! ;-)


    What exactly is the "doubt" that people are giving Stassi the benefit of? There's a video of Jeremy telling Stassi to stop looking at him strangely and that he'll stop hitting on her now, while locking his arm around her and pulling her close while she looks extremely uncomfortable and tries to pull away. Are we supposed to doubt our eyes and ears? Even without video, I'd believe Stassi, Kristen and Katie because I believe women when they talk about the ways in which their persons have been transgressed by men. Men lost "the benefit of the doubt" long ago. 

    • Love 21
  8. Quote

    Stassi a jerk at times? Honey, that's the biggest understatement made of this show and I'm a newbie! What dating? They had drinks one time with a camera crew! What was supposed to happen; him bite and drain her of blood? Please! I just SMH not understanding the outrage when Stassi's been such a rotten human being for so long! Anything short of a physical assault can be waved IMO because she's so FOS! I don't blame Tom and Ariana for defending Jeremy as any friend or sibling would! Stassi would expect the same from her brother and Kristen no matter how rotten her behavior has been! Lets all take a chill pill and be rational for a moment! lol! ;-)




    So I watched this episode without knowing any prior history on Jeremy.  And I was actually digging how cool and accepting he seemed to be of Billie.  And I really liked what he said to her about her being 'all woman' ect. 

    What Jeremy actually said was "Who cares, you are a woman now". Which is not correct. Billie isn't a woman "now", she was always a woman. Transgender women were always women. So he's ignorant af and I hope she called him on that. 

    • Love 19
  9. Quote

    It is never acceptable to hang on women that don't want you to and have repeatedly tried to fend off your attempts at "flirting".  Never.  


    I really couldn't agree with this more. The fact that this is still baffling to people shocks me. When was it ever ok to behave in a way that made someone else physically uncomfortable? So if I walked up to a man who I was attracted to and put my hand on his crotch, he should be cool with it because I was "flirting"? At best, he's swat my hand away and I'd have a lucky escape. Most men are physically stronger than most women, that intimidation factor and the threat of being physically hurt is inherent in any interaction where you are rejecting a man's advances, even when the guy is "well-meaning", so the onus is on men to make sure their advances are welcome. Men really have to stop thinking that acting otherwise was or is ever ok. Jeremey needs to learn how to read body language/ask for verbal consent and keep his grubby paws off of women who are uninterested in him. I don't care who the woman is, it has absolutely no bearing on his behavior. 


    What horrible advice her mother gave her, basically telling her no matter how bad Jax treated her, make him your King. Mama has some issues and apparently wants her daughter to be treated with disrespect & like dirt.

    Doormat, misogynistic advice. If you want to stay with him, then treat him like a king and maybe, just MAYBE, he won't cheat on you again. I guess Brittany knows how to "keep a man" but no idea how to keep her dignity in the process. She's a fool and if that's the romantic advice her mother gave her, it's easy to see where she got it from. 

    There's a lot of problematic male behavior on this show. From James flirting with Lala in front of his gf, Raquel, to Jax behaving like an absolute ass to his gf, Brittany, to Rob Valetta letting Scheana make an total fool of herself by telling her one thing off-camera and telling "the boys" something entirely different on-camera, to Sandoval standing up for a sexual predator. But yes, the REAL problem is Lala's "female empowerment act". Because that's the really terrible thing. 

    • Love 19
  10. It's the LA LA Land ending! I didn't really love that but everything else was pretty great. The real Isaa-Lawrence breakup was sweet and intimate and real. I liked that they admitted to still loving each other, I think that's important, to be honest about that at the end. I'm also perversely glad that we haven't seen the last of Daniel because his chemistry with Issa is fire, even though her going back to that made no sense. Also not surprised to see Molly not ready to give up Dro. Looking forward to more of that storyline next season! Issa's work storyline seemed unresolved. It looks like she might get fired but then her coworker gets promoted? Wha? 


    So that was Tiffany and Derek's big secret? She had an emotional affair with a coworker named Fred? Blah. 

    • Love 2
  11. Quote

    I do believe that Dean feels horrible about it. But there is a certain type of weak man who thinks they ought to be judged by their intentions instead of their actions. 

    Preach it! Dean started showing signs of his immaturity on Rachel's season but covered it up really quickly. However, he's been completely exposed as the shallow, spineless man that he really is.  All he had to do was tell Kristina a week earlier that while he liked her, he was more attracted to Danielle. She would have still been hurt but would have been spared all of the mind games. Luckily for Kristina, she's beautiful and 25, there'll be no shortage of men out there ready and willing to date her.

    Taylor and Derek really are the cutest. It reminds me just how magical falling in love is and while it's boring to watch from the outside, it's pretty apparent how lovely it is on the inside. I'm happy for those crazy kids!

    • Love 7
  12. Just now, Nalan said:

    Why?  Just . . . why?  I feel like I have to ask this to everyone, because he's basically terrible.

    Because I don't think he's terrible? Is he the best ever, no, but I like his voice and I think he has charm.  He shouldn't win but there are plenty that can go before him. Stephanie shouldn't have been one of them though.

    • Love 3
  13. Am I nuts? Is Hunter Plake not terrible? Who is voting for him? Is that what teen girls are into these days? If so, save us all. I like Mark and I'm glad he was saved but I liked Stephanie too. I think everyone is pretty good this season but I'm ready for TSoul, Hunter, and Lilli to go home. 

    • Love 2
  14. Brock was a walking, talking example of why you don't have kids with trifling men. Good lord, I would have walked out of that restaurant had I been Riley. With that poor excuse for a "father"...it's a good thing Riley's mother knows how to handle her business. 

    Kenya was being messy but I think she genuinely was trying to make it about good-natured ribbing. Not her fault Sheree gave her so much ammunition! Does Kim need money? Why else is she showing up with 10 pounds of hair to cause trouble? Not like there is a lack of drama with this crew. 

    Phaedra is going to get hers and it will be well-deserved. She's easily the lowest class person on that show, bar none. What a witch. 

    • Love 8
  15. 2 hours ago, Superpole2000 said:

    This is a sore spot for me. I know most people on this forum (and others) mean well, but many people's opinions of who is going to win are coloured by the opinions of other people that they have read and listened to elsewhere. And quite often, those other people are spoiled. So you get a ton of people writing about the obvious outcome, and then it snowballs into everyone believing it's obvious, even when it isn't.


    That's why I stay far away from message boards until the very end. I hate spoilers and I really can't abide people who pretend they have an "opinion" when all they did was read Reality Steve. But even a blind person could see he was going to pick Vanessa from pretty much their first date so I actually contemplated reading spoilers before the final show. 

    Ah Nick, I literally could not have been more excited when you were chosen as the Bachelor. You were infamous for bringing passion, intensity, romance and downright hotness to your relationships on this show. What the hell happened?! What a total disappointment and the more it's sinking in that the season I anticipated more than almost any other is already over and didn't even come close to fulfilling its' promise, the more annoyed I get. I'm probably out on DwTS after this...not really looking forward to watching a henpecked Nick pretend to enjoy being on the show all while he is getting yelled at by Vanessa for every errant touch during dance rehearsals with Peta. 

    • Love 3
  16. 2 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

    He was on the show The Real I believe when he said that . I haven't just heard him say it once I've heard it a couple of times . But no I don't have a link . 


    I would need to see the receipts on this. I found this clip of Chris Harrison on The Real - http://thereal.com/videos/0-g3yrycph/ but with no mention of the race of potential future leads of the show. In fact, everything I have read about what Chris has had to say about a black lead of the show is that it's "above his pay grade" and that it's not something you can force because the show's seasonal leads are determined by their placement in previous seasons and that the "heart wants what it wants". Meaning that unless a contestant of color made it far enough, there was nothing the show could do.

    Now, one can argue that they asked Nick to play along to get them to this point with Rachel and I don't think I'd disagree. But do have a hard time believing that Chris Harrison would have publically stated that this show would never have a black lead. If anything, a statement like that would have been prominently featured in the racial discrimination lawsuit that was filed against ABC and Warner Horizon Television in 2012. Regarding that suit, which was dismissed, Warner Horizon Television issued a statement stating that they "have had various participants of color throughout the series' history, and the producers have been consistently -- and publicly -- vocal about seeking diverse candidates for both programs. As always, we continue to seek out participants of color for both 'The Bachelor' and 'The Bachelorette.'"

    • Love 3
  17. 21 minutes ago, dixiemama said:

    I thought it was very telling when Nick came out on the stage and kissed her and she complained that he messed up her lipstick and then she spent the next few seconds fixing it, looking completely annoyed about it, etc. 

    I completely missed that! Yikes...have fun being made miserable, Nick. 


    just once, I would like to see one of the plainer girls, like shark woman, win through her personality. 

    Me too. But that literally will never happen. I once had a male coworker tell me that a man marries the most attractive woman he thinks he can get, other qualities or lack thereof be damned. This sentiment was then confirmed by every male coworker within earshot. Incredibly depressing. 

    • Love 9
  18. Quote

    they felt like having a minority lead would mean that race will be discussed all the time and it won't be any fun.

    Yeah, sorry, your friend's co-workers sound pretty ignorant and gross. The demonization of discussing race is exactly why it took the Bachelor franchise so long to finally diversify. I'm sure plenty of people will tune in to watch Rachel find "love", just like on every season of this show...shitty comments like the ones these coworkers made notwithstanding.

    • Love 22
  19. Quote

     I need more info on this racial quote.  My friend called and left a message and said someone said something terrible that was meant to be funny?  She is freaking out because she said her friends from work that watch the show with her said it is looking like the Bachelorette is going to be too ethnic and racial, so they are not going to watch.  

    Wow. Just....wow. Coded language much? At least some people never fail to not disappoint! 

    I really hope Vanessa and Nick end this charade soon. That was one of the most uncomfortable AFTR I've ever watched with a supposedly "happy couple". I'm glad they ended on the happier note of the start of Rachel's season...even if most of those entrances were cringeworthy!

    • Love 11
  20. Quote

    I've seen enough of Celeste and Perry having sex.  Seriously, what is the obsession?  Is it a 50 shades thing?  They're not hot or interesting to me.  I don't care about the abuse plot.  Neither actor is selling it for me.

    I think the point is to show that sex and violence are all twisted up in their relationship and it's almost impossible to separate the two. They've both expressed their anxieties about how comingled those two facets of their relationship are and Celeste wonders how complicit she is in her own abuse because she both lusts after and is afraid of her husband. Plus, l think many watchers of this show are pretty ok with with seeing Alexander Skarsgard and Nicole Kidman get it on. But beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder! Personally, I am mesmerized by Alexander Skarsgard. I haven't watched True Blood in a long time and I think I'd forgotten just how utterly hot that guy is. We should all be thrilled that not everyone finds the same things attractive otherwise anyone who did not look like that would be screwed! 

    +1 to everyone who is not loving Shailene Woodley in this. I find her to be potato-like...in looks and personality as this character. I've only ever seen one other movie that she did and I can't help but wonder why she's in the movies at all...she's incredibly ordinary. 

    I know I am supposed to hate Maddie but darned if Reese Witherspoon doesn't make the character sympathetic. Besides, I'm in the "Ed's a perv" camp so I don't really feel too badly for him anymore. 

    • Love 10
  21. I don't think Kenya led Mat to believe the cameras would not be there. She said they are wrapping up for the day and he asked if he should come over. She said yes. He might have interpreted that the cameras would be gone by the time he got there, but she didn't say or imply that. Also, she told him...this is her life, it's filmed, either you take it or leave it. And he stuck around to argue with her. Also, this pic does not seem like it was posted by someone who doesn't want his personal life on TV. So he can miss me with his b.s. about the cameras. 

    • Love 9
  22. I know Kenya is shady but I'm sorry, but Matt's story is not making sense. So which is it? Was the relationship real and you loved her or were you a paid shill? Are you a "regular guy" or a famewhore trying to use this show to launch your "personal training" brand? Did you agree to play out a storyline for money or were you just a dupe in Kenya's giant manipulative game? Now you want nothing to do with her but you want money from her as well?  Doesn't add up, bro. Also, his voice is weirdly high...so much for that fake deep voice he was putting on before. He needs to crawl back under the rock he came from. 

    Mama Joyce is like a speck of dirt on Phaedra's shoe. Unremarkable and unnoticed. Please take a seat, you old bat. 

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