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Posts posted by Ivy26

  1. Jana's ideal man?  Fundie lite, turns out he had mumps as a teenager.  Given the ignorance of these people, they wouldn't know the conception chances are slim.  She can pursue even a Christian based education with her husband's support and encouragement, lives happily as everyone's favourite aunt.  And even though she would have to put up with the sad looks and comments of "Jana has no blessings", secretly she is smiling because she KNOWS what real blessings are

    • Love 4
  2. All in all, I would prefer the Bateses as in laws.  Still a little whacked out, but not as bad as the Duggars


    Call me controversial, but while I think Erin and Chad have every right to mourn the loss of their pregnancy, I have a real issue with Pa and Ma Bates saying that their first "grandchild" is in heaven.  Erin lost a pregnancy, it was a blighted ovum.  There was no baby to lose!  It was a non growing embryo.  I've had two blighted ovums, and I took comfort knowing I didn't technically lose a baby.  Sure I was disappointed, but in my mind it was okay.  But heaven knows these people think if sperm reaches the uterus ZOMG she's pregnant!

    And this is why most women and couples wait until the end of the first trimester to announce anything.  I think Ma Bates was kind of crass to announce the pregnancy before an ultrasound confirmed anything

    • Love 4
  3. Honestly with that family, I would wear old maid like a badge of honor!


    Except...this means she is bound to the house.  No way in hell that the little old maid (at 24, FFS!) would be allowed to live on her own, do anything but take care of Mummy's crotchfruit, all while people look at her sadly and wonder why SHE can't land a man.  Which is completely asinine considering the mentality that Daddy has to find him for her.  I can't understand that Gothard paradox:  how is SHE an old maid/ can't land a man if DADDY won't approve of anyone?

    • Love 2
  4. The lack of services for Josie royally pisses me off.  Three out of my four kids needed early intervention (Jury is out on #4, she's just learned to walk at 15 months) and I would do it again in a hearbeat.  Michelle would be a hero in my eyes if she actually sought intervention/services for Josie.  Instead of this "Oh there's nothing wrong with one of MY special blessings!" BS.  Remember the episode where one of Josie's NICU room mates visited the Duggars?  His mother got him all the available help she could and he was leaps and bounds above Josie.  Now I know every child develops at their own pace, but good grief the difference was obvious and palpable

    • Love 5
  5. LOL that reminds me, it also shows the class difference and lack of imagination between the Bates and Duggars

    Bates engagements?  Over the top, romantic, personalized.  Duggar?  Anna got balloons at a gator themed restaurant.  And Jessa got asked for courtship while her beloved held a Styrofoam cup. 

    Come on, Duggar girls!  Let the Bates set up your dates

    • Love 1
  6. Is it weird I can't imagine the J'Slaves as mothers? I don't know why. I guess because I still see them as the little girls we started out watching. (Doesn't help with their mental/emotional maturity.)

    Not at all.  My humble two cents, I don't want to see them as mothers right away.  They've been raising their siblings and running the house for years.  They need a break.  Can you imagine coming home from the honeymoon?  The absolute quiet and privacy?  The ability to cook on a tiny scale and just sit with their feet up and daydream?  They are in dire need of that

    (Keep in mind, I am not saying SAHMs or wives do nothing all day.  What I'm saying is compared to a house of 21 people down to TWO is a world of difference) 

    • Love 4
  7. I had popcorn for a snack today, my family loves it.  I didn't have a film crew either.  .  LOL

    I'd love to see another boy get in on the courting.  Now that they've opened the gates I'd encourage all of age Duggars  to run out of that house fast.

    That's very true.  We didn't get to see much of Smuggar's courtship.  Plus, John David is what, 24?  Time to get breedin' boy!

    • Love 1
  8. Of course she's scared.  These morons put so much emphasis on the absolute horrors and dangers of lust, any way she wiggles might inspire a man to leave his wife (ala teenage Michelle), premarital sex will lead you straight to hell with no forgiveness, being alone with any man, let alone the man you're courting, will cause you to shed your clothes and do the nasty.  Plus, what if it turns out she doesn't really love him?  Then she will have lost a piece of her heart.  These people make things so damn extreme no wonder a lot of these women are afraid of courtship.

    • Love 4
  9. I seen more love between a dog and a fire hydrant.  Jessa seems to be a high maintenance girl.  I cannot see her getting a job because that will get her nails dirty.  She  also does not seem to want to cook and do other chores. 

    Btw, just because someone lives in a trailer does not mean they are low class or their life is over.  I have seen some very nice manufactured homes that are better designed/built  than most houses on today's market.  Of course, Princess Jessa could not be seen living in one.

    There is a difference between a trailer and a manufactured home.  I've lived in a MH, it was okay for the age.  I think when we visualize a trailer for these Gothard types, we visualize a sagging roof, visible hitch, and watch out for the saggy part of the living room floor, you just may go through :-p

    • LOL 1
  10. I would love to see that. Jill is kinda strange; she definitely spews the Gothardisms most, and she is who Jim Bob and Michelle look to most to speak for the older girls. But at the same time she seems to have a genuine career path and interests more than the other girls, and maybe even the guys, too. I'm surprised I feel so strongly about this, but, no snark, I really want to see her become a licensed midwife.

    Maybe that's why she's permitted to pursue it:  she spews the Gothard line accurately and enthusiastically.  Much easier to get your way keeping The Parents happy

    • Love 1
  11. I completely agree with what was said above about GOP royalty.  Even the staunchest of the bunch would NOT allow a Duggar courtship.  They stumped for Santorum, but can you imagine a Duggar princess being allowed to marry a (gasp!) Catholic?!  Not gonna happen.  And the Cuccinelli family was probably too Eye-talian for their breeding stock. 

    I tend to vote Conservative (more Libertarian, really), and I can't see anyone here in batshit AZ rooting for these people.  They'd get a firm 'thanks but no thanks'.  Smart conservatives know their limits.  Did the Duggars support Romney? I don't remember

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  12. By "test" I'm sure it's semi code for "Are you good enough for my sister?"  Which to them is Bible passages and eschewing birth control.  Because MY "are you good enough list" would be:

    • School education?
    • Stable and decent income?
    • Where will you be living?
    • Criminal background (yeah, kids 18, but I work probation.  Juvie records count!)
    • Family background (how many macadamias are hiding in the family tree, kid?)
    • How will you treat my sister?

    I'm more concerned about how Jessa will be treated, not how many Gothard Bible passages this kid knows

    • Love 4
  13. Hi guys!  Longtime lurker over at TWOP, as in years lurking, but never got a handle.  Sooo happy to have a say in what's said, if that made sense. 

    I love to snark on the Duggars.  I dislike everything they represent, and the way they are repressing all of their eldest daughters

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