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Posts posted by Nika

  1. Oh, hello, Apollo Sun 🙂

    Judy, I could bet Hannah's statement from the second meme is at least one "like" short 😄

    Btw I have to say that I have been lurking for a long time and this is the best forum online to discuss this show, which is my guilty pleasure, so I finally decided to join the conversation.  Additionally, being mid-break-up, it has been somehow cleansing to watch and great to read your smart discussions and take my mind off things.tnx ! 

    • Love 9
  2. 8 minutes ago, ApolloSun said:

    For sure!  The constant smiling, which appears totally contrived and exaggerated, takes away from her looks, in my view.  If it were not for this posing and her entitled-personality, I'd likely think she was beautiful at this point, since, at first glance, I thought she was very pretty, with great hair, a vibrant complexion and a lovely figure.  Her attitude has just made her unattractive to me, since I feel a person's revealing of their true self can make them appear truly beautiful or somewhat annoying to look at, and for me, in her case, the latter is true.

    I think what you are saying is the definition of being "beautiful inside and out" . In Italy we have 2 ways to describe a person and there is a subtle difference: bella persona - sb who is beautiful inside and out &  una persona bella - more literally, sb who is  physically attractive. 

    Hannah doesn't feel quite like that and she feels unwrothy of Tylor. Unfortunately, she isn't aware enough to realize why. Her solution will be to wear more revealing clothes, get a personal trainer or change her make-up routine, not to work on other attributes than looks. Or maybe she will have a look at this forum! 😉

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  3. Riff-raff, I agree with every word you said! 🙂 Great analysis.

    For me it was lust at first sight more than love. As you said, she wanted to be loved so much and was crazily attracted to him physically (puzzling to me).

    I have experienced love at first sight so I am gonna defend the concept though! The difference is that in my case it was not based on visual chemistry exclusively like between Hannah-Luke. There was also an instant connection, chemistry (intellectual one plus a shared sense of humour).. it was really unbelievable to me that the moment we sat next to each other and started talking, it was just "it".  The conversation was flawing freely and we were both shocked by it. It was not a "I want to rip your clothes off" type of connection.

    With Hannah and Luke, the more they got to know each other, the worse it made things. With my "love at first sight", the feeling was growing steadily and there was no conflict. Also, we went from flirting and banter gradually to deeper topics, it was a natural progression. We didn't discuss faith at the first date. I believe that for Hannah, besides looks, faith was the basis for this connection with Luke. 

    I sadly have to admit that I didn't see her "click" with anyone on this show like this. And I feel for Luke, for if hadn't he screwed it up,  he would be happily dating her now. She would have chosen him , 💯 🙂 Do you remember how she told him that she had no issue with his aggressive behaviours towards LukeS? It was scary to hear but it turned her on! That's the manly man she wants. 

    I also believe that her present hate towards Luke is a testament to the depth of her feelings for him. Not much indifference there 😉

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  4. 2 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

    I still like her, can't help it, and I hope that she watches this season back and sees some really unhealthy patterns in her behaviour and choices. She might not think she's good enough for a Tyler, but she deserves a lot better than a Luke. She just needs to reflect and learn from the horrible mistakes she made during this show. 

    I like her as well! Don't get me wrong.. I see a lot of teenage me in her! She is definitely a good-hearted person, loves the attention, is lively& sweet and her insecurities made her a bit dear to me. I felt for her in the whole Tyler dilemma. It was sad to watch...

    She is just so superficial and I highly value intelligence/complexity/character in...well, humans. Well..

    I cannot grasp the media calling her a role model of any kind (spiritual, moral, feminist, beauty...)

    I think she is pretty alright. A sympathetic, flawed girl doing her best and I cheer her on but ... That's all I got.

    PS. Who in Italy/France would be considered beautiful is Cassie from Colton season. She was a natural , classic beauty,  had those sublime facial features 😉

    • Love 4
  5. Do you really consider her beautiful ? By American standards? She has a slim figure and a nice smile, a pudgy face with cute dimples. As I mentioned, I am writing from Europe, so maybe here the beauty standards are different here but she is just an average-looking pretty girl to me. 

    Going back to insecurity...

    I have been struggling with this and I can see through Hannah's behaviours/attitude. I have been pondering on these issues my whole life, learning about myself and working on myself. 

    Hannah bases her self-worth on the level physical attraciveness and nothing more. She constantly compares herself to others (that's the whole idea of beauty pageants).

    Hannah is very secure in her body/ sexuality. She likes her figure and has a great body image. It comes at a prize of being on a liquid diet, but that is another conversation. She didn't show the slightest sign of insecurity in this department.


    She doesn't think she is beautiful or "pretty enough".  The constant posing and smiling is exhausting. No resting bitch face here. I think she is pretty realistic about being "pretty" , "cute with dimples and a great smile" and nothing more. Not beautiful. When we talk only about superficial, Tyler is a classically handsome typ and out of her league. She knows it, she surely gave him a vote and he is a 10. Everybody sees it. But everybody knows that there are other things that count, not only looks.

    She doesn't even consider these things. It is all about looks for her. However,  she somehow feels that she lacks other qualities, on some level she understands that. She is not well-read/well-spoken, doesn't have a quick wit, is pretty basic otherwise. She has never worked on her personality, humour, conversation skills, character, spirituality (besides skin-deep understanding of faith) ....

    She couldn't keep a guy like Tyler. Tyler will get bored with sex, eventually. Then he will can replace her with any other pretty girl with hot body. She is not that beautiful neither that magnetic to keep him. That's why she is insecure around him. I imagine many guys got bored with her quickly. Tylers of this world want a full package and she isn't one.  

    Ps. I have struggled by whole life with body image and insecurities about my body. So I can truly admire Hannah's confidence in this area. But I would absolutely go for it with a guy like Tyler! I know that even though I don't have a perfect body, I have a beautiful face and  a ton of other qualities besides looks. I feel fully deserving of Tylers of this world. I would definitely go for it with a Tyler in a FS but I wouldn't make out with him on a message table in my bikini in front of cameras (still, not confident enough about my body to be judged by everyone).

    • Love 4
  6. 2 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

    Hannah was so weird and awkward after her night with Peter. So either she was disappointed in his skills or his gushy I love yous were making her uncomfortable becaise she didn't feel the same way and never wanted to see him again. She couldnt even fake a smile. Hmm. 

    Haha, I can relate and I perceived the situation the same way. The terrible uneasiness of being with someone you were taking yourself into liking. They are so enamoured with you and all you want to do is escape. I learned my lesson years ago. It is impossible and painful to be in such a situation. It gives you a short ego boost but then you feel worse because you are aware that being with this person was an attempt to feel better about yourself. And you only feel worse. It is all rooted in insecurity really. When you are secure you no longer talk yourself into liking people who like you.

    • Love 4
  7. There are many reasons she may be insecure. And participating in beauty competitions doesn't mean she is confident. Many truly beautiful women don't feel the need to do it. They know their value. Hannah is pretty and has a great body but that's all. She is not beautiful in my opinion. Tyler is an objectively handsome guy, she has more girl "next door" vibe to her. Perfect match for Luke. They were compatible truly compatible! 

    She may be also unsure about many other things, f.ex. her intellect. Tyler is well-spoken and smart. Hannah? No so much. She is not able to formulate a consise opinion /logical reasoning!  The way she, like, speaks, is like, off-putting. I cannot imagine her holding a more complex conversation about something else than herself and her, like, feelings. It is so hard. Really, like hard for her to, like, speak in full sentences. 

    Maybe I am being catty but there's such a difference between her and f.ex. Rachel Lindsay when we consider personality, intellect etc.

    • Love 5
  8. What I mean by seeking validation is not literally asking for it. She doesn't ask but everything about her just screams "please like me!". She still tries to be perfect and it shows. She wants to be liked by everyone, the guys, the audience. Hearing that somebody likes her is her favorite thing. The first adjective that comes to my mind when I think about her is INSECURE and FEARFUL. 

    She is so worried about what everybody thinks about her / her choices. She even couldn't defend her weakness for Luke to Jed. She was so fearful while explaining herself to him. Scared that he was going to take away his "love". And only after being pushed by him she managed to let Luke go. I am sure it had impact on this decision that Jed "approved".

    • Love 2
  9. Oh my! I am writing from Europe so maybe I see things differently than you guys but if anyone says that Hannah is a role model of any sort.... This is rich! 

    I don't see many qualities in this girl to be honest. She is just an average, fun-loving simpleton. She is not graceful, not well-spoken, not particularly intelligent, not secure, maddingly inconsistent, she doesn't even question herself! Zero awareness whatsover! What were the qualities she was looking for in a future husband? Does she even know? Of course I am basing my opinion only on her portrayal in this show so I might be wrong about her. 

    She is supposed to be a role model because she had sex with Peter (I am a modern, liberated woman! I have sex! I am looking for a husband but I might as well sleep with someone I have no interest in just because...well he is a "safe option" and will not reject me! And he said he loves me! I don't like him that much but I might as well string him along to build up my ego) then defended herself to another guy (this is my body!!! I lusted after this one for so long and was dry-humping him in the second episode but when he expressed his views on sex, I shamed him for having an opinion! Suddenly I am a fierce feminist, a good Christian and God loves me! And my husband would never question me, no matter if I sleep around! I am a feminist, remember? Cosmo for everyone! ) and set boundries with another guy (I want to be respected! I really want to have sex with you and this is what I want. But to be honest, I am just freaking scared that you just want to sleep with me and use me, I feel unwrothy of you so better not risk).

    What a mess of a woman. I am 29 but I swear I was more aware than her being 24. I can relate to her insecurities but why isn't she authentic? She should friend zone Peter, discuss and resolve the issue with Luke as an adult and go for it with Tyler. That would be a great example!  

    What is really grating is the way she handled herself in all these situations. She didn't tell Tylor why she was afraid to trust him (showing vulnerability and expressing her insecurities would be a great example), she didn't even try to work things out with Luke (she just got pissed and reacted like a spoiled brat and her responses were conditioned by what Cosmo/magazines want her to be) and with Peter she wasn't honest (of course she doesn't have any romantic feelings for him, it would be a great thing if she let him down easily instead of pretending that there is something there). 

    Not a fan of this bachelorette. She is everything but real. She always runs away from what she feels and wants just because she is so damn insecure. This is supposed to be a strong woman? How?  I see a weak girl afraid of showing her vulnerability and risking rejection. She goes for what is safe. And she seeks validation from guys. Am I pretty enough? Do you really love me? Are you sure? The only thing she asks for is a guy who is slightly below her level (not equal or higher like Tyler, no, too scary) who says he loves her. That's all.

    • Useful 3
    • Love 13
  10. 17 hours ago, Amethyst said:

    The stuff with Frieda is messy.  They're both right and they're both handling it badly.  Issa is ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away, Frieda is acting passive aggressive and doesn't want to take any action.  I still think the director is going to find out and Issa's going to get in trouble for keeping this from her.

    To my mind it is just the opposite: Issa is passive-aggressive + OBLIVIOUS (more stress on passive - aggressive), Frieda is not diplomatic enough. Also on Frieda's side. 

    PS. damn, I am so over Issa's "ho phase", meaningless sex, tindering, sexting etc. So played-out, so boring, how many episodes are we going to see the same images over and over? Maybe I am projecting because I am not this kind of girl (I prefer old-fashioned dating), but it does NOTHING for me at this stage. Also, talking about di*ks, f*cki*g, all the expressive language, way to overdose... There are many ways girls in which talk about sex among themselves and these talks can be a bit more clever& funny, not plain crude. I hate it here, I got bored with "Girls" after 2 seasons because of it. It is just so low, I don't know.

    • Love 3
  11. On 14.08.2017 at 3:48 PM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Felix can fuck right off. I don't think Issa is any more beholden to keeping the same hairstyle (or uploading a new picture every time she changes her hair) than she is beholden to wearing the same outfit to the party as she's wearing in her profile picture. Get over it, dude. If you're going to lose interest in someone because her hair is different then good riddance.

    Sorry, but she looked completely different. Camera angle changed her face traits (girls do it all the time to get cheekbones), longer hair gave her classy& more sophisticated look, not to mention her "quirky" style (thus voice remark). Overall, she was giving "Molly vibe" and I would be as disappointed as that dude IRL.

  12. Looks like next week we'll have the mistery resolved. I believe in good in people (even in tv series), still hoping Dar is not a pedophile. Call me dillusional.


    I raised you, Peter. You are my child – more than that. I would never hurt you

    C'mon show.

  13. 37 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

    I can buy that Dar didn't have his spy instincts when he made that phone call, because the first thing on his mind was Quinn's safety. 

    Yeap. Good point. He must really "love" him

  14. 36 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Dar: What the hell is this? Feeling sorry for yourself?
    Quinn: Go fuck yourself, Dar.
    Dar: Because if you are, that would be a first. You grew up in a hard school, no time for self pity. It's the first thing about you that impressed.
    Quinn: Not the first thing.
    Dar: Yeah, well, we're all beautiful when we're young, aren't we?
    Quinn: Fucking dirty old man.
    Dar: Fair enough. For the record, though, I never forced myself on anyone.

    It can be interpreted in 100 different ways. To my ears it doesn't sound like a throwback to presumed sexual relation between the two.

    It is creepy nevertheless.

    I liked the episode although I can't wait to see the big picture finally,

    Keane seems incompetent and easy to deceive by everyone.

    Carrie and Saul dishing some hard truths was raw but necessary. Relationships as strong as their survive everything.

    I am not as crazy about Quinn as everyone seems to be, but his arc becomes too painful to watch. More painful than interesting.

    Disappointed by Dar's missteps. To many of them for a person of his experience. Good for the plot though. He's at odds now but probably this will bring him close to Saul&Carrie again sometime in the future.


    Still mourning after Astrid. Would have loved to see her with Quinn / Quinn finally appreciating her instead of pining over Carrie. I have never unterstood her charms to which none of the Homeland is immune. Neither her looks nor her personality are that great.

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