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  1. Either way the plot could reflect the attitude of the time and area for her age. Maybe make the "made up" guy come from an aware and conscientious location and her from an area with the higher infection rate. Make her brush off, avoidance and obstinacy to discuss it a part of Wyatt's headache.
  2. The fact that she would not want to listen at first is where the episode drama would come from, otherwise the sit down would happen too soon and we would still be at a 10 minute episode. The fact that the episode didn't shy away from the abortion of the killer AND the death of the father; the violation is not as bad and would emphasize that Time Travel to stop conception is a nonmedical abortion of a potential life. Get People Talking! You will have people who will be in the middle where Time Travel to prevent conception is morally okay while medical abortion is not and the people on both ends and a discussion as to why they believe that would be very enlightening. (My money is on it is okay to abort via stopping conception of a potential life to the same Pro-Lifers who support rape exemption and it would be interesting to see if I'm right). Couching an issue in another way can get people to see an idea from a different perspective and maybe get people to understand the other side better. Star Trek used the same trick to start a discussion on Racism with the Cherons.
  3. It all depends what it says on her birth certificate. In the first timeless she grew up believing her father was the same as her sisters. He probably was listed on her certificate, otherwise she would have asked why his name wasn't on it when she got her license or her passport. If this time she got another man to sign it then there would not be any questions when hired, if the father was blank then there is nothing that can be done. They can not legally question the mother for disclosure of that info just for a security clearance. The mother has a right to privacy and therefore can't be forced to disclose it. I mean how would that conversation go: "Who is Lucy's biological father?" What would you expect from someone who didn't list it in the first place but a lie or obfuscation "I don't know" What next then? You think: "Please list the potential fathers, your sex partners from that year" Would go over well? As for this episode. Wyatt should have let Lucy plan it. A woman would have easily come up with a no violence or threat of violence as backup plan or machoman cockblocking required, and a solution that is independent of bartender or rapist with bartender lie. (Imagine if he had succeeded in preventing the bartender hookup but it was the wrong guy) All he had to do was comment on STD of prior sex partner and claim infected man hired detectives to advise those possibly infected because his doctor told him to get in contact with them all to have them tested, give condoms and dose her with an EC claiming medication just in case and advise to see her doctor to make sure, blah blah blah AND (since EC is not 100% and she could ignore the abstain until you see a doctor advice and still not use the condom to protect the bartender/it could break) go back 12 days prior (which would probably have been within 5 days of the start of her cycle), tranq her and implant in her arm a BC, and leave the same day so he won't be in danger of encountering himself from the EC trip. This way, the EC and condom are backup in case the BC is not fully effective in time, inserted wrong, found and removed, etc. Do the EC/condom first just in case they can't make the BC trip. Sure you will piss off some, but that just means heated discussion at the water cooler. This episode basically has Wyatt cause the death of a grown man in his crusade to abort a second (more than potential life in this instance as he was born and had a life so preventing conception is, in this instance, the same as preventing birth after conception and therefore qualifies as abortion. And yet no one has used that word as far as I know). Yet this story line holds less controversy than EC. If they had used EC and BC as part of the plot line the internet would have lit up like a Christmas tree. They already hit the controversy button with Space Race storyline and pissed off plenty who deny those amazing women extraordinary contributions so just piss them off again.
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