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Posts posted by ellenr33

  1. I hope that he never tries to talk to them about the case or seek their forgiveness. I think that Eric is a monster and fully deserved to stay in prison. And if he would not have been caught he would have grown up to become a serial killer. Derrick was such a cute and seemed like such a sweet little boy. I hope his brother grew up and brings his parents nothing but happiness.

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  2. 19 hours ago, edie3 said:

    I saw somewhere online (so it has to be true) that Jade's boyfriend is out of rehab, doing good. So now she wants another baby with him. 

    I never hope someone has fertility issues but please don't let these two idiots have another kid together! 

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  3. I also call fakeness on the whole boyfriend thing with Leah. 

    I just get a overwhelming vibe of stress from Kloie. She seems like she is a smart little girl and if parents don't think that toddlers understand the chaos of their parents lives. Look at this little girl and see how overwhelmed and emotional this little girl is! 

    Briana is just attracted to guys that cause drama to her life. It sucks because she actually doesn't bug me that much as a person I just wish she made smarter life decisions. 

    Ashley seems like a smart girl. Run don't walk away from Bar. He needs to get his life together! He still acts like a teenager and he needs to learn how to be an adult. 

    I think Kail wants this show to be about "how good of a mom she is" and "how cute her kids are". And show nothing about the drama in her life. I think she likes the money that MTV gives her so she can build her dream home and drive nice cars. Unfortunately being part of this show hasn't taught her no life skills or how to live a normal life and part of me feels bad for her. She came from parents who did not care about her and has learned nothing valuable from them and from an early age received an opportunity for her to not live off the government and provide her kids a decent life from an early age. 

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  4. I think Sal might have finally realized that she didn't love him the way he loved her. He found many ways to prove his love to her and she did nothing to prove it on her side. I am glad that Natalie walked away and I hope that she stays away. Shayne seems like he might be downright scary when he's angry! Shake is a total asshole! I think Iyanna and Jarette might stay together. I think they actually seemed to play off together well. Though I think he and Mallory would have had a way more fun connection together! I was shocked by Nick and Danielle I thought there were many times when she proved how unable to trust and how insecure she is. And that's not an attractive look! 

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  5. She doesn't need a TV Show she needs therapy. Clearly this girl has no coping skills other than lashing out on everyone around her about dealing with the hand she's been given. Her younger sister needs to quit enabling her behavior and she needs to quit with the blatant resentment she has of her older sister. She needs to learn life skills so that she can become a productive member of society. I've seen people with no arms and legs figure out how to adapt to life. I've seen countless other little people figure life out. I thought going into this show I would see this girl learn how to adapt to life not just whine every week at the hand she's been given. 

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  6. I think what I don't like about this show is that it is showing what she can't do and what she believes that she can't do. The thing I liked about The Little Couple was that they were short people who didn't let their differences keep them down. They both had great jobs, had found their soulmates, and had figured out how to adapt to their differences. While she may look young I wish she had it in her head that she can achieve some of her goals. I liked the message about adaptability not inability! 

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  7. I just think that their is so many things that Che's character could bring to the storyline that could make her a likeable character. Maybe Charlotte could have said something to her about her daughter going through something like this and Che could have just told her that everything is going to be alright. But right now Che is so unlikeable. 

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  8. I personally feel bad for Anna. I think Anna grew up learning and hearing that "you never leave a marriage" that "things will always just get better". I truly believe that Josh always had some type of issues and instead of Jim Bob and Michelle dealing with him they kept having kid after kid. I'm very curious to see if Anna changes at all. I keep thinking about Tammy Faye staying with her husband through everything and getting a divorce while he was in prison. Maybe that will be Anna maybe him being away will make her come to her senses. I really hope that she has some revelations of her own in the next couple of years. 

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  9. Hey Mackenzie how about maybe giving your son a consequence. Make him apologize to his teacher, make him sit in timeout when he comes home, make him understand why that behavior isn't okay. I hate the tone of voice she uses when trying to discipline. She has no sense of authority when it comes to her kids. I worked in childcare for years and it drove me insane when parents didn't back me up when it came to issues with their children. 

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  10. Jade just seems to have so many losers in her life. I think she just needs to flee and not tell everyone where she is going and raise Khloe all by herself. Tell MTV not to ever say where she is located. I wonder if Briana contacted Larry and told him what a shit show this all was. 

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  11. Your right. Amber just sucks and I can't believe that I ever agreed with Jenelle over something but I thought it was unfair that Jenelle got kicked off the show when Amber is still on. 

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  12. Amber while you may not beat your child and not feed her, That doesn't mean your a good mom. So much more goes into being a good mom than taking care of their physical needs. I've watched you for years be annoyed at your daughter fussing and acting like a kid when she was a kid. I'm glad Leah is at an age where she realizes that her mom isn't there for her and I'm glad she has someone in her life that is. 

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