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Posts posted by UNOSEZ

  1. 1 hour ago, KaveDweller said:

    I definitely think there are issues with the Kat/Ava storyline, but do we really know that much about Ava's views other than "Republican." That's a pretty broad category and the show has been pretty superficial about it. Her father supports conversion therapy, and she clearly still speaks to her father, but she has said she's against it.  And unless I am forgetting something, I don't recall her making any comments suggesting she's racist, which the Huff Post article implied.

    Now, I don't really see Kat as someone who could handle a relationship with someone who disagrees with her about anything, so it is clearly a bad idea. And it seems messed up that she hears Ava is a lesbian and suddenly starts fantasizing about her when she had hated her five minutes earlier.

    My complaint isn't so much what Ava has said she's for or against because ppl have diff views about issues.. My fear is that, Kat will end up playing a magical negro in her own storyline.. And that pisses me off because 1..  Magical negro but also.. 2. Ava seems pretty intelligent which means she's aware of what's out there.. If her views are suddenly changed and softened thanks to the almighty power of uber-lesbian Kat it also does a disservice to the Ava character who should be able to (and by now if we believe that she goes places that also challenge her beliefs)  make decisions regardless of who she's smushing 

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  2. https://tvline.com/2020/07/15/the-bold-type-aisha-dee-black-representation-kat-eva-storyline/#comment-list-wrapper


    Well glad I wasn't the only one.. The SL just felt odd.. Not that dating or being attracted to someone with a diff party affiliation is that wild.. I've done it personally.. But that was Pre- President Trump and she wasn't as Conservative as this Eva/Ava character is... So not really interested in the re-education of Ava Safford... 
    As to Aisha's other points.. Bravo.. I mean I could tell from the show ( which I watch every week)  that it has a very narrow POV and it comes across as performative wokeness at times.. Because the writers room was most likely very monochrome and homogenous 

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  3. Yeah, it must've been weighing on him for a while.. Tho he's never hid the fact he's half Mexican as he said he never really led with it either.. And from hia statements and the pictures I've seen it looks like he can pass but his sister can't.. While his pops is definitely lighter he doesn't look Euro... So James being able to and then passing  while the rest of his blood relatives would immediately be regarded as bipoc so it must've been a trip to feel his privilege and not see it extended at times to the rest

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  4. So are we thinking mini time-jump to start season 2.. With an explanation as to where kate is/went... 

    Also looming fwd to Javica's "miles morale moment " when the average joe on the street realizes that batwoman is now a sister... BW may need to go Holland at the Black Lightning writers room on how to capture the essence properly

    I don't mind the backstory as it pertains to somewhat uncomfortable racial stereotypes.. Mainly because 1. There are folks out there caught up like that and 2. We got Sophie and Luke who went a totally diff direction, personally I'm good with all kinds of characters as long as I can see some balance... 

  5. 2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Yes, I agree that she was annoying...but out all of the new characters, she was the only one that I can genuinely remember and don't actively hate so...

    I could only sit thru her wanting to leave the bunker with Finn 2.0 and just turned it off everything about her got under my skin.. And I'm sure if its ordered to series her attitude will be better explained.. But she was soooo petulant in the first few scenes that I just couldn't. 

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  6. 38 minutes ago, quarks said:

    this show has had since at least Finn, and rapidly surpassing Finn at his worst.

    Oh god I hated Finn from the nanosecond he did that flip on the trip down to the planet.. And hated him until he died... Hated that he lived for so long and welles died I'm episode 3.. Hated that when welles died he was the one consoling.. And I think grief-banging Clarke.. Who seemed to move on quickly ( I think the main reason I've never totally loved her)... I hated how he treated raven.. I hated his hair.. Ugh

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  7. I imagine we'll get either a full flashback epi or at least a big scene to really say of Melanie was always Mr.  Wilford or of she took over.. I do believe either way she's the brains behind the train and whatever secret human experiment is really going on... But I as of now come down on the side that there  was a real Mr.  Wilford who was probably very connected and powerful and Melanie was under him and they concocted whatever the plan is to save humanity and then she's been in charge since the train took off prob with his blessing to keep him on ice till its time to wake up for good 

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  8. 1 hour ago, wknt3 said:

    It is my fervent hope that if this series makes it to air that it will explore both "violent" and "non-violent" hate crimes. I want to see cyber stalking and vandalism and the emotional impact on victims as well as assaults, arson, etc.

    Couldn't agree more... Maybe exposing folks who still can only see bigotry and racism through the extremes of cross burning or beatings and not the more insidious routes of exclusion and victim blaming... Let's hope our wish is fulfilled 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

    Melanie's comment, "God, I wish I was wealthy."  was interesting.  Does she not have privileges that they do?

    Ahw said she wished she was welding... 

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  10. 9 minutes ago, JasonCC said:

    I can edit my post to talk about how pretty Jennifer Connelly's hair is and how I googled her age during the pilot episode! I look up everyone's age these days, though, so that's maybe not episode specific. 😉

    I went on a jog with my mom when I was about 10/11 and popped into a lil cafe in BK heights and Jen connelly gave me a cookie... I've been smitten since then.. So always down to wax poetic bout Ms.  Jen

    But to the ongoing class discussion I feel we need more of the Tailies plan.. Or endgame... I get the righteous anger and believe that they have cause.. But I'm also not a huge fan of wonton destruction.. The aftermath of that mini-riot with pike lamenting about all that blood... That can't be the way either... I personally don't think that's their endgame but I would like it spelled out better... Also spelled out is the reasoning of the front line ppl for being as extravagant as they are.. Especially  damn near 7 years into all this.. The apparent lack of self-awareness is almost comical 

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  11. 14 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

    But I would have been perfectly within my rights to give them nothing at all. The "crust and backwash" is more than they have any right to expect. Equally, an "insufficient umbrella.

    True they have no rights.. And in the show we don't know the history of the six years that transpired.. But why keep them alive.. In the storm scenario its forcing them under the crappy umbrella and giving them crust and backwash  while my pets lounge in space under a luxurious canopy and eat steak... But I also won't  let them leave my premises... Its all very odd.. Maybe we get clarification on the reasons.. I hope its something more compelling than... " because we can "

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  12. 17 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I'm still not a fan of Scylla but at least Anacostia found out where the Spree headquarters are!

    That is good.. Unfortunately we still had to deal with smug scylla all episode.. Tho are we believing that Scylla thinks she got to Anacostia or has she turned... That wasn't clear

  13. 41 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

    I give them a beer and a sandwich, they should consider themselves lucky I am so generous

    I generally agree with this.. But I don't think it fully relates to the show... The treatment of the tailies isn't.. "A beer and a sandwich" its the crust and backwash.. Furthermore to use the storm analogy they are asked to take the crust and backwash.. Huddle under an insufficient umbrella and not because you don't have other spaces for them.. Or other food simply because you can and still you expect them to thank you for your largess and if they were to leave the little insufficient area you've given them its severe punishment or deal with the real bad weather 

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  14. 14 minutes ago, william0102 said:

    That's all I'm going to say about that or this will turn into a rant.

    I say rant... We got 10 episodes of obvious favoritism.. I kept holding out as well figuring her time was coming.. And the after the storms kept adding info that made me hopeful.. But its yet to really materialize on screen... Even this last ATS... They speak about her being reborn a new leader. But we saw none of that save her sacrificing herself.. Maybe a scene with just her and Alder  speaking on the hard truths of leadership.. But nope.. That went to tally so she could flip back to not hating Alder... And it wasn't the creator who said what happened was because of both of them it was the actress for Raelle.. All Eliot said was that Rae and the Living Mushroom swapped some DNA for life.. Thus adding another layer of specialness to Raelle who already has everybody under the sun tell her she's special and powerful... A tragic love affair and a secret villain parent... Someone upthread mentioned Julie plec.. And in previous weeks someone else mentioned Elena Gilbert.. And that's what's starting to come thru... And I really do not wanna sit thru another bonnie/Elena relationship where one person seems to be helping and fixing the other constantly.. With rare reciprocation... Calling Abigail the leader but consistently nerfing her so things can revolve around Raelle.. Is just lip service... And again Rae and Tally honestly believed that Abigail was ditching them... Just like that after everything that she's done this season and it never comes up.. And I bet it never does..Smh lemme stop here before I get too hot.. Tween this and the snowpiercer board I may lose it today 

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  15. 26 minutes ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

    think we all called Raelle's mom being a part of the Spree, right? It wasn't just me?

    Pretty much.. Between scylla constantly saying how powerful she was and the insistence to get her away from the wedding.. It felt way too personal... Agree that I'm not really here for a spree/scylla redemption especially as they seem so remorseless at the moment... Seeing the After the Storm didn't help... Yes the camarilla are worse.. At least more brutal to witches... But the spree are bad and need to be eliminated.. Don't care how  right they are on some points

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  16. 6 minutes ago, Trini said:

    The punishment for trespassing should be death??

    If the company was smart, they'd look at the Tailies as resources.

    That's why I'm tryna withold judgment for a bit.. becuz I'm having a real hard time figuring out why they let the tailies live like that... I mean they have room for young adult orgy parties.. But geriatrics and kids are stuffed up with each other.. It just doesn't seem sustainable... As cold as it sounds you prob would be better off just killing them.. 

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  17. Well going into the finale I figured we'd see Abigail flaunt her extra special powerup.. and that We'd find out for sure Raelle's mom was spree... So one for two... While I'm glad the mycelium teased a bit more.. I'm upset that the ending with the blast is a co-op thing we've been beat over the head by characters far and wide telling Raelle she's so much more powerful than she knows... And Tally got to flex all episode.. And the one instance that might been for Abigail she had to share and with the mycelium being involved its more of a Raelle thing... Seeing the camarilla with the voice of things and knowing they cut out the chords of bellweathers and the Tarim.. Gross and hardcore... Tally's energy is still all over the place to me... And why didn't the show let Abigail or someone call out her unit-mates for just assuming she was ditching them.. Like where is the trust.. Scylla still didn't actually get challenged on her half-baked ideology and thus its hard to believe she was actually turned.. I mean.. Anacostia being nice doesn't cut it.. My assumption is.. Thanks to her twuuu wuvvv of Raelle.. And getting an up close look at how brutal her mom will most likely be.. Scylla will want to protect Raelle and thus really be a double or triple agent... Dunno how they are gonna fix tally.. But I'm sure that's gonna happen... Also hope that All the camarilla aren't men... 

  18. 1 hour ago, blackwing said:

      But the rest of them really do seem like they are just there to sponge on the generosity of the Company.

    I didn't see it that way at all.. The young boy.. Who I guess Layton kinda adopted after his parents died in the opening seems to be working towards some kind of apprenticeship.. Some other character mentioned they were treated like slaves.. The inference being they are worked for little or no real pay... Also of they're movements are restricted how is that sponging of the "generosity" of the company especially 6 years after they started.. Even if you wanna say in the beginning becuz they strong-armed their way on they couldn't receive even less than half decent treatment... 6 years in they are all still holed up in super tight spaces.. Suicide seems a common occurrence their food rations look paltry.. Their reproductive rights have been taken away... And this goes on while. Ppl are complaining about the consistency of bernaise sauce?... The haves have so much more than even what might be considered extravagant that we can't really compare it to.. Folks who aren't really part of the system.. Getting benefits that may otherwise go to ppl who are part of the system... This system on the train doesn't look overtaxed... Its just ridiculously top heavy 

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  19. 1 minute ago, Superclam said:

    Further, why does the company put up with and pamper the rich people? Money has no value anymore. Food and objects are the only things with any value. Why would they put up with a rich old couple, for example, in their private suite. Why continue to serve and dote on people who aren't contributing? The people growing the food and maintaining the train should be the people of value here. 

    Yeah all of it is confusing to me.. If this train is some kind of ark...how do spoiled rich folks help.. I'll wait to see the world bulit more and hope for a better explanation cuz as it stands this seems nuts

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