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4Sibes Redux

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Posts posted by 4Sibes Redux

  1. 12 hours ago, missyb said:

    At first glance, I thought the detective who took the water bottle out of the trash was Jesse.

    You aren’t the only one. And when I backed it up, I couldn’t see the resemblance I thought I saw. 

    • Love 7
  2. 3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    Nova told Cate she has no friends. Then Cate told her she was leaving. One of many awful scenes from this show. 😔  

    And one of the things that turned my meter a couple clicks away from “Hate Watch” to just plain “Hate.”

    • Love 9
  3. 3 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

    Random but related story: I took speech in pre-school. 

    I took speech therapy in a trailer outside my elementary school tool help me with my /sh/. I recently purchased some anti moisturizer powder that triggered memories of that trailer. 

    Now, to keep this topic related, I wish C & T had some sort of therapy that made them not do that annoying thing where they say something, someone says something opposing, and then they respond with agreement. “Yeah. Yeah! We totally don’t need to do whatever.” (I can’t concisely describe this action, but I always recognize it.) 

    • Love 7
  4. I watched the whole thing. What’s wrong with me? Must be my pain medication.

    Side note: If it is actually true that Farrah is paid to have sex, could you get a caveat written in a contract stating she would not talk at all?

    • LOL 6
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  5. 48 minutes ago, Mvs said:

    Hi guys! 
    I really really hope one of you can help me. I've been looking for a while now and this is sort of my last attempt. I'm looking for the name of the song that starts at 22:30 (when Amber is painting with Andrew in the room). Hope you can help me out!

    It may be...

    The East Coast – Straight from the Fire


  6. I rewatched just to see the shirts. There were two, but they were almost identical. #1 had yellow on it and #2 had blue. Both were ugly on her. 

    On the scene that was supposed to have been filmed after the first days visit, C was wearing the shirt from the second day. So they were probably talking about that. 

    • Love 3
  7. I did several years working as a corporate HR director. Now I work with psychologically and cognitively disabled adults. I am frustrated with how many people everywhere (not just on this show) are incapable of seeing that they aren’t always #1 priority. 

    I have an extremely intelligent nephew. He has his MD degree & is in his second year residency in anesthesiology. He is still cocky enough to believe he’s always the smartest guy in any room. I don’t think he’s realized nurses at his hospital know more than he does. There is a difference between being smart and understanding things. 

    • Love 8
  8. I know better than to expect C & T to change. But why are they incapable of acknowledging the validity of people thinking it would have been a better plan to be on time to the zoo rather than working on the scrapbook? I get that they thought their choice was fine. But why can’t they understand why it bothers people?

    • Love 16
  9. I watch this show because I enjoy making fun of the idiots. But there is no fun in watching Mackenzie having her actual world fall apart. But I do wonder if MTV forced the husband to apologize on camera for his behavior to make Mac’s situation seem less devastating. 

    Regarding Amber, I’m suspicious that some of her scenes were filmed after the arrest as a mental health alibi. 

    And C & T... I want to laugh at them. Not cringe. I saw no humor in their self-centered tone deafness to actual reality. Just when I think they are as stupid as possible, they do the impossible. 

    • Love 8
  10. 4 hours ago, aradia22 said:

    OH MY GOD, they got Jason Mantzoukas to be Derek. I love it.

    When he appeared I started shrieking that they brought the one person onto the show that could have made it even better than it had been. 

  11. 42 minutes ago, enoughcats said:

    it's pretty complex in its movements.

    I dislike Witch Doctor because of the team’s costumes, but I do enjoy having someone to boo over. I do respect their skills  

    I haven’t noticed the bird yet, but will be watching. 

  12. On 8/7/2019 at 9:17 PM, methodwriter85 said:

    Can Kellie Martin show up as an obsessive fan?

    I sometimes get confused on if this is an actual actor’s name or a 90210 character. So, she would be the perfect obsessed fan. 

    • Love 2
  13. I work in a house with 3 disabled adult women who love watching baseball on tv. Many times a game I have to hear the “Save big money at Menards” jingle. I got to the point that I’d have to plug my ears when it was playing because the song would get caught in a loop in my brain and I’d keep singing it in various styles & voices. 

    • LOL 3
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  14. I’m sure pretty much all of us has moments when we question why we watch this show. I’m 52 and have no children. I joke with my fiancé that I’m going to make him watch it, but I’m not a sadist. I’ve told my 89 year old mom about it and she questions the reality of these people. 

    I loved COPS since it first aired in the 80s. I think I just like a good train wreck. Also, the TM shows require no brain activity to watch, so I can sleep through it. 

    I know that if the TV show featured in Idiocracy (Ow! My Balls!) actually existed, I’d watch it, post on its forums, & listen to podcasts about it. 

    • LOL 4
  15. I rewatched the Garden City game. The editors did a wonderful job of mixing everything that was going on throughout the whole game. I think it started with this game that I noticed shots of the ICC President looking unhappy/embarrassed. 

    • Love 1
  16. Briefly I was “for” the Garden City coach. I think mostly because he wasn’t Indy’s coach. But then soon he actually was acting like a bigger ass.

    Before the game began, I was embarrassed for humanity that Indy’s coach was yelling about the stadium smelling like “motherfucking pussy.” It didn’t offend me; it was just so stupid. 

    And then at the end of his half time speech, he encouraged his players to finish the game so everyone could get pussy. 

    I can’t remember which episode had this idiot bragging about how he’d gotten an email from a porn star who wanted to move in with him. 

    I can show off my English degree again by paraphrasing a Shakespeare quote *Me thinks you have never been laid before.*

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