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Posts posted by vdw84

  1. Late to the party but im here, lol. I personally loved TFAWS better than Wandavision but it could have desperately use a 2nd season and that is pro. why it feels choppy and rushed in alot places because this series needed more episodes and im surprise it didnt get more but nevertheless the finale was nice and sweet, nothin to big or amazing but overall it was a great way to end the series. Episodes 3&4 will forever remain my fav of the entire series.

    Highlights from the season:

    -Bucky wakanda scene of his deprogramming will go down as one of my top 5 MCU scenes of alltime. Great acting Sebastion Stan and I love how he is able to have chemistry with every character he comes in contact with, thats talent there.

    -Walker killing the dude from flagsmasher is another great scene and highlight followed by him defending himself to government. Chef kiss, so good.

    -All Isaiahs scenes

    -All Zemos scenes

    -Sharon kicking ass in episode 3. Never cared for character but she showed out in that episode

    -Dora Miliage taking down all the dudes in episode 4 and leaving the white nerd boys in their feelings over twitter, LOL.

    -Sam coming to terms of being Captain America and training

    -Bucky finally having some peace at the end


    I wish I could have had  highlight of the Flagsmashers since they were suppose to be the main villains but i just found uninteresting and maybe if some scenes didnt get cut because of the pandemic, maybe just maybe we would have gotten better insight on them and their whole existence. I just found Karli and the whole flagsmashers uninteresting and needed more fleshing out.

    • Love 2
  2. On 9/28/2020 at 9:28 PM, madpsych78 said:

    Overall the right person went home.

    My favorite dance of the night was Nev's, and I think part of it was the choreography that was timed really well to the music. I think the 24 was legit for him. Also, I'm really enjoying his partnership with Jenna. I also really loved Kaitlyn and Artem's dance.

    That said, I think the 24 was NOT legit for Johnny for the Rumba. Johnny had like no hip action! I thought he was over-scored. 

    Kaitlyn didnt have much of hip action either.

    • Love 2
  3. Zendaya won an emmy tonight. Now that is how u give a big fat f bomb to a mirrorball. Its always the ones fall short of winning that end up doing way better than the ones that win. It goes to show that the viewing audience truly dont vote on real talent because Zendaya should have won her season and I dont care who disagree with me.

    • Love 5
  4. 1 hour ago, Linderhill said:

    I watched the dances on YouTube since I wasn't happy about the Tom/Tyra situation.  The only problem with only watching the vids is that you don't get the scores or the judges' comments.  I went ahead and watched my recording and FF thru what I could of Tyra's schtick.  I don't care how thrilled she says she is to be host, I think she's hoping to get a bunch of ball gowns out of the gig and try to make it all about her (which it isn't).  I'm not sure whether I'll watch the same way next week.  I'll see how I feel.

    If u dont want to contribute to the ratings, u can watch at https://ustvgo.tv/tv-guide/ This how im watching because I dont have cable. I would recommend u downloading a vpn first before using the site for ur own protection and privacy, they offer one on their site but if u have one of ur own then use it.

  5. I just wish she be herself. Its like she has no personality of her own and that is weird to me. Everything felt scripted last night with her and I get she may be nervous and preferred this method but I do feel she became more comfortable in second hour of the show but yeah she just needs to warm up more.

    • Love 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, boyznkatz said:

    Agreed, she should have gone, not Len. Her ass knows nothing about ballroom dancing and it's obvious she's jealous of anyone younger than her.

    Carrieanne is awful, she is. She is very bitter and jealous woman and she wears it well. I think she needs be replaced. Derek and Bruno can stay and add a new woman judge. 

    • Love 2
  7. 2 hours ago, boyznkatz said:

    I hope Johnny Weir doesn't turn out to be a surprise elimination. The judges lowballed him and he isn't enough of a criminal for them to keep around. I wonder how many people they are going to sacrifice to keep Carole Baskins around?

    I agree and after Carrieanne made subtle dig at Britt sayin she was Lost, Im glad Johnny got her ass in check for that comment. She is such a hater. Why did Tom have to go when they could have got rid of Carrieanne.

  8. 21 minutes ago, boyznkatz said:

    I saw that as well. I don't really know who she is and I don't watch that show, but she definitely has potential. It's too bad this happened.

    I never watched the show either but its a popular show amongst many. I know alot people that watch the show on Netflix but I never have.

  9. I see Monica's costar on Cheer has been arrested for child exploitation. Monica isnt a fav of mind this season but I would hate for someone to lose votes based on what their costar chose to do but I can see this scandal effecting her to an agree and to think people were wanting Jerry Harris to the show this season, it def. was not meant to be.

  10. 2 hours ago, boyznkatz said:

    So our favorite criminals Nelly and Carole are getting millions of views for their dances on social media. Look for them to be around a looong time.

    Probably someone more deserving to stay like Justina will be out early.

    Hey at least we get to see Pasha's fine ass for a while, so that is some consolation.

    I dont think alot of people know about Nelly's allegations atleast not the gp or main fandom of dwts and I wouldnt worry about Carol's views, most of those views are watching to make fun of her. She is not going to get votes, noone likes her.

    • Love 1
  11. 1 hour ago, boyznkatz said:

    DWTS has had plenty of racists on the show. I'm not surprised a good chunk of their audience is racist.

    I do feel bad for Tyra. She isn't Tom, but she wasn't really that bad and doesn't deserve the hate. I don't see why people aren't complaining about the rumored rapists and murderers on the cast instead.

    I dont think people truly knew how racist the fandom was until this season. I always knew but I know some clearly didnt or were in denial but they know now.

    • Love 3
  12. 1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

    I totally understand. I think Tom’s firing was absurd, but I detest the racism. I’m torn between showing loyalty to Tom and supporting Tyra. I’m so tired of racists complaining about the NBA, other sports, and now DWTS. 

    I get where ur coming from. Im perfectly fine with people not caring for Tyra and thinking she is too much but my issue is dont spew ur racism. That has been my biggest issue with this whole mess and im over it, im going to support her while still being angry on the show did Tom.

    • Love 4
  13. 2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

    Did you mean Tom should not have been fired? 

    I totally get what you're saying about Tyra/ratings/racism. I've heard about the racism on SM, and it is so disgusting. Tyra doesn't deserve hate. If a dream job opened up, and she decided to go for it, who can blame her? Tom shouldn't have been fired, and Tyra will never be Tom. But she is a gorgeous, successful, intelligent, hardworking woman and deserves respect. I know all the people being hateful probably wish they had half of what she has going for her. Shame on them. 

    Yes, it was typo. I meant Tom shouldnt have been fired and stand by that. I just didnt appreciate the racism that has been spewed by the fandom and that is why im supporting Tyra this season not because I feel like the was the right choice for the hosting job because I dont and Tom should not have been fired or her but Im supporting her because I dont support racism, so for that I want her to succeed and I agree she will never be Tom and I dont expect her to be but that doesnt mean I want her to fail to make the racists happy.

    • Love 4
  14. 1 hour ago, sue450 said:

    I think a lot of people tuned in out of curiosity......we will see if the numbers stay up or not

    I think they will. This is pretty stacked cast that alot people know and people are looking for something more positive to watch other what is going on in the world today and this is an escape, so I think the ratings will either go up or stay the same but I think this ratings are going to be fine this season. So much for the boycotts.

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  15. Im personally happy about the high ratings purely because of the racist venom some of the fandom had for changes made. I will say again Tom should have been fired but I love that the  people in the racist fandom are eating crow. Some of the comments were just awful and very racist so im not mad it all for the ratings.

    • Love 2
  16. As many people that chose not to watch this season, the show gain more fans because of the changes. I mean think about it. I think sometimes people do not realize people leave for changes and people arrive for changes and that is the pattern here. 

    • Love 3
  17. Overall I enjoyed last night premiere. The scoring was a bit confusing but overall it was one of the best season premieres I have seen in a minute.

    AJ and Johnny were underscored for me bigtime. Im not at all happy with their scores

    Chrishell would have been better off with another pro. I do not understand why Gleb keeps getting the young fit partners when Keo keeps getting stuck with older women who cant really move. I feel like Keo has proven himself since Evanna hat he deserves better. 

    Jeannie and Brandon were good but Jeannie is going to need alot of worker, she is kinda all over the place with her arms and stuff but the potential is there.

    Skai and Alan- Finally a partner, he doesnt have to have a showmance with. I mean she is 18 but looks 13 so nothin is happening there. They had a good first dance and she is going to be fun in the latin dances because she is so tiny and Alan can do all these tricks were her.

    Nelly did pretty good but obviously he needs alot of work and is going to have to let go of the tennis shoes

    I like Nev but not Jenna, thats all I got

    Val choreography with Monica was forgettable. She seems like solid dancer but Val did her no favors with that boring choreography

    Justina was really good, I love her latin energy she brought to her performance.

    Vernon and Jesse were good but forgettable. I almost forgot about them typing this.

    Charles and Carole are clearly the worse dancers and I can see either one of them going home first.


    Tyra did ok, she wasnt great but I thought she did better in the second hour of the show. She got more comfortable to me but I do not watch for the hosts so its no need for me to spend too much time talking about her. I will say she needs a better stylist. 

    Best dance of the Night: Alan and Skai

    Best overall look and costume: Britt and Johnny

    Best partnership: Justina and Sasha

    Worse dance of the night: Carole Baskin and Pasha, so sorry Pasha

    Worse overall look and costume: Carole Baskin 

    Worse partnership: Chrishell and Gleb, he is going to do her no favors.


    • Love 4
  18. 1 minute ago, KLovestoShop said:

    I have the hardest time pronouncing Chrishell Stause.  Her first name just doesn’t roll off the tongue. 

    I’m surprised about Skai and being on this show.  She’s been in some trouble for doxxing people, including young kids.  Either that or she gets her IG fans to do the doxxing.   

    Yeah, I know about that. I noticed on her instagram, she has limited comments on her posts. I dont know she has pretty nice following and with Alans following, they may be ok esp. if she turns out being a really good dancer.

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