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Posts posted by vdw84

  1. 2 hours ago, Bridget said:

    When Spicer was called as being safe, did anyone else notice the reactions among the rest of the dancers? James’ face. Lauren and Gleb’s faces. Hannah’s face. Kel AND Witney’s faces. As shitty as the outcome was, thank God the remaining contestants are reacting like the majority of the DWTS viewers. 

    I really dont understand why any of them r shocked at this point. They know Sean is getting the votes regardless of his bad dancing, I wouldnt even act surprise if anything I would be preparing myself to get voted out before him regardless of how great I dance. The pros esp. should know by now that the viewers dont always vote based on great dancing so I dont even get why they nor judges look shock anymore.

  2. Just now, ramble said:

    I’m glad you got a laugh out of it! 😊 It was actually intentional. The original typo for “fire of a thousand nuns“ comes from the old TWoP (Television Without Pity) boards that shut down five years ago. (Holy crap has it been five?!) It’s one of those things that’s stuck with me and almost automatic when I am on this board.

    Topic? Have we had a most memorable year a/k/a sob fest dance yet? We could’ve and I could’ve totally blocked it out. I have a love/hate relationship with that week. I feel manipulated yet somehow still become emotional. 

    I feel every week has been the most memorable week. It seems like every week someone has a story about something pertaining something to their life or family, so at this point in the competition why even bother.

    • Love 6
  3. 4 hours ago, boyznkatz said:

    I think Val is one of those people who likes to give lip service about equality and social justice, but he's just another privileged white guy who would probably wear feathers or blackface on Halloween and think nothing was wrong with it. He hasn't actually done that, but it's just a feeling I get with him. He mocked an overweight disabled girl and thought he was being smart. I think he's one of those "concern" trolls. Yuck. 

    I hear u about Val, Val truly rubbed me the wrong way when he thought it was cool for him to jump in on topic on twitter concerning Jussie Smollet and then decided to delete the post when things got heated and folks dragged his ass for being ignorant. Val has kinda been quiet since then on sm because folks read him good.

    He use always have tendency jumping in on things he has no place or idea on what is going on. He crosses lines and can be very judgemental and im glad someone called him out on it.

    • Love 1
  4. 3 hours ago, spanana said:

    I don't know if it was all for show on Karamo's part or if he feels like he just can't win so he keeps telling different stories in different situations.  The part that bothered me with Karamo is around the time he was eliminated he was going to extremes to talk about all the head to heads he had with Sean in his trailer and how he's a great guy and etc.  I'm not saying anyone on set should be mean to Sean's face for no reason but there is a difference between just co-existing with the guy and having sit down head to heads with him in his trailer, like Karamo was claiming he did.

    I think karamo was being friendly with Sean but I never felt it was a genuine friendship built between them, now I know it was said Sean was crying when karamo was let  go but that didnt stop Sean from going on his sm accounts encouraging his fans to powervote for him. I just think at this point people just dont want show their true feelings on national tv but I dont think anyone on show cast nor pros r here for Sean personally,

    • Love 3
  5. 1 hour ago, spanana said:

    I have seen that Karamo has started walking back his comments about Sean and saying they aren't friends and he was just being civil for the competition.

    Not surprise, I felt that was all for show as others being nice with Sean is for show too. Noone wants to bring drama to the show so why bother. 

    • Love 4
  6. 8 hours ago, Sister Havana said:

    Technically, Jerry Springer would count - but he’s the only one.

    I’ve read that both Bill and Hillary Clinton have been invited to do the show, but both turned it down.

    They asked Michelle Obama too and she turned them down and I think they asked about one their daughters being on the show too but they couldnt do it either.

    • Love 3
  7. Just now, luvthepros said:

    Respectfully disagree that Kate was as bad as Sean. Sean is pigeon toed and I'm surprised no one has mentioned that (not that I've seen). Sean always looks like he is going to fall over. The man has absolutely no aptitude for dance.

    Kate, OTOH, is world's better than Sean.

    I was just referring to the danceoff, tho she was clearly better than him, I thought overall they were both pretty bad in that cha cha cha but yes kate is def. a better dancer and didnt deserve to go over sean.

    • Love 1
  8. Ok big question im confused about. How in the hell were they able to meet up and know who they were dancing with in the danceoff before the airing of the show before scores were fully tallied in to determine who is safe from the danceoff?

  9. Just now, escape said:

    So Happy to see James and Emma get ALL 10's.  They so deserved it.  They've been Underscored in the past.  Smart money is on James for the win.  He can dance and he has an established fan base. 

    I think its going to come down to him and hannah. I can seem them being top 2 and him taking it possibly just on their fanbase alone. 

    • Love 4
  10. Just now, OnTime said:

    I will miss Kate.

    Just give Spicer the mirror ball and end it now.

    If he wins dwts can kiss their show goodbye. The wrath that will come from it will be too much for this show withstand and it will serves the producers right for casting him in the first place.

    • Love 12
  11. Im so afraid that kel and Ally want be able to beatout Seans fanbase and I can see them being the shocking bottom two next week. We havent had a major shocking elimination yet and I can see it coming down to Ally and Kel and that I know will be extremely difficult for the judges to make a decision esp if they both perform just as good next week as this week. I hope im wrong but they r the only two left in the competition who has seen the bottom two and im just scared something like that is going to happen.

  12. Im just not a fan of contemporary on dwts. I love the style but not for this show, it just doesnt fit for some reason and I just dont think any of the pros can choreograph it to save their ass. I think the only pros who were good at contemporay were derek, mark, allison, I think whitney is good at it too but thats it but they r crossedtrained where the others r mainly ballroom.

    • Love 7
  13. Just now, spanana said:

    Also all the sticking it to the libs and Hollyweird is so weird to me when you look at who Spicer is competing against.  Two southern women in Hannah and Lauren, who aren't exactly Hollywood girls.  Kate, a hard working person who worked multiple jobs while trying to make it?  Who are all these Hollywood types he's trying to take down?

    Really all of them were just regular people before the fame. I dont think its one person in the competition that is so hollywood that Sean should be saying this about, he just mad his ass dances like scarescrow and the rest dont.

    • Love 5
  14. 25 minutes ago, TiredMe said:

    I am disgusted. I wish Len would have kept his mouth shut about them trying to get Sean off because it prob spurred more ridiculous voting. The producers really screwed the pooch. If he wins after last years debacle, I am done with this show. I quit The Voice this year because of the idiocy of the Blake voting block so pretty soon my Monday’s will be free!

    that being said, Kate was terrible tonight and so was Alaina. 

    And yea, Gleb, cover the hell up. Just no

    Yeah Len nor Carrieanne need to be looking confused because they gave that man a damn 7 on his dance. Someone tell me where has Sean proven that he is 7 dancer??? I actually liked kate better in her jive than cha cha cha, she was just as bad as Sean and that is not good but she didnt deserve to go over him.

    • Love 6
  15. I dont know what the judges were smoking about Lauren in that dance off, she was a hotmess and really hotmess when Gleb left her and she started doing her booty roll, I was like girl  u got all that ass and dont know how to swirve it, I wanted to help her out so bad but of course I was just watching from home, LOL. 

    • LOL 5
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  16. Just now, lavenderblue said:

    At this point I just assume they could give Sean 1s and he'd still not make bottom two. Ally's one of the top scorers and keeps landing there on the non-strength of her bloc; who knows how big Sean's really is when it's almost certainly mostly composed of non-viewers?

    I feel truly sorry for Ally because one usually pop girls arent respected by dwts voting viewers. Im glad Carrieanne made the statement to Ally that she is more than just a girl from a girl group and she is. Alot of times these girls come on the show is treated like sh*t from the audience for whatever reason and its ridiculous. 

    Ally killed that paso doble and proved she belong in this competition, that was byfar her best dance of the season.

    • Love 11
  17. 11 minutes ago, Star Gazer said:

    Also carrie Anna’s “I’m shocked and irritated “ well.. do a better job scoring. You are kind of part of the problem.

    Exactly, this woman gave that  damn man a 7, a freakin 7 and had the nerve to have shock look on her face when Bruno pulled out a 6 but then seems so irritated and shock that he isnt in the bottom. He shouldnt be getting anything higher than 5 and 5 is still too generous, he is horrible and hasnt improved much at all and want.

    • Love 14
  18. 19 hours ago, MsTree said:

    As far as the judging is concerned, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and ask a stupid question:

    Why does the public need to vote at all? IOW, why can't the show just rely on judge's scores?

    It can't be because they think they'll lose an audience, because we have several competition shows that do NOT require public voting. One that immediately comes to mind is Survivor. This show has been on the air for almost 20 years without ANY public voting, and yet it's still a favorite of many. Another new favorite is the Masked Singer. No public voting, and yet it's still popular, drawing a very large audience including children.

    So, ABC...do us all a favor and DROP the stupid voting. As it is, the west coast can't participate, so why even bother? Give me one good reason. And when you do, remember Survivor and the Masked Singer (among several others) and make it a damn good reason!!😡

    I think if the show have started off that way then it would be fine but it will be hard to just alienate the viewers vote alltogether now. What the show needs to do is either have the judges scores weigh more heavy like im talking 75 or 80% or the bottom two need to be lowest score givers and then America can decide. I just think public voting needs to be limited as much as possibe.

    • Love 3
  19. I only feel bad for karamo because he truly was enjoying himself and he really wanted to be there. I could care less about his partner because JJ came for people who were truly upset last season over Joe outstaying great dancers and she had the nerve to act all bitchy on twitter, so now she finally get to know how it feels and why stuff like that isnt fair and people have a right to angry and complain esp. if they voted.

  20. 1 minute ago, babyhouseman said:

    It was speculated that Hannah is getting a lot of votes, and that's why the judges are tougher. I don't know. She does have that pageant face like she's got Vaseline on her teeth. lol 

    I didn't need to see Sean Spicer crawling on the floor like a bad Johnny Castle. Somebody put him a corner please. 

    Hannah has the biggest fanbase out everyone, I dont think its anything the judges can say or do to stop the voting for her. She will be in the finals regardless of her critiques and scores, u can bet ur ass on that. Im not fan of her nor her dancing but she will be in that finals, so Alan u will be choreographing another freestyle buddy.

  21. 36 minutes ago, MikaelaArsenault said:

    And Carrie Ann was the only one who voted for Karamo.

    I pro. would have voted for Karamo too only because I think he was finally coming into his own whereas kate to me has been slowly falling behind, I didnt really care for her rumba nor her dance last week, too stiff and I love her but I would have to base it on where the two r at now and karamo wins it for me but again neither one deserved to go home of pillsbury doeboy.

    • Love 2
  22. 2 minutes ago, spanana said:

    What I am waiting for is to see what sort of dumb comments Val has because just last week he was talking about Karamo as the frontrunner and how he might win.  Which I get he needs to support his wife but I fully expect some sort of weird backhanded criticism aimed at Kate/Pasha and the judges wrong decision.

    Val can just take several seats because he has no reason to get mad at the judges nor kate/pasha. He needs to be mad at the damn producers casted Spicer on the show and  beating out better dancers, that is the only thing he needs to be mad about and also the fact that maybe his precious wife isnt the best teacher because I do believe karamo had great potential but JJ waited too late to kick gear where it needed to be.

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