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Posts posted by Catfin

  1. On 10/19/2019 at 8:32 AM, latetotheparty said:

    I get this.  I was born and raised in the Detroit area but I’ve lived in the Twin Cities about 30 years so I have a weird hybrid Michigan/Minnesota accent.  

    Born and raised in the Twin Cities, 53 years old. I’m always pegged from the Midwest due to Fargo-isms and friendliness.  “You’re not from here, are you?”

    • LOL 4
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  2. 3 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

    On the weekends I drop by the library. Today huge fight between patrons. Cops came and everything. I am shaken up. I guess no where is safe.

    I’m sorry you ran into that. The lack of common courtesy everywhere these days is appalling. 

    Not ready for the weekend to be over. Was off Th-Fri for college visits with my son, picking up daughter at last stop. Had DD home for the weekend, the boyfriend here one night, grand-kitty here, just a joyful chaos.  I need to catch up on work and prep for another trip to CA Tuesday. This is my fifth flight west in seven weeks and I’m pretty much over it. 

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  3. 47 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Omg, such different experiences with accupuncture.  I didn't feel anything negative afterwards. I did find the needles rather painful at first. I hadn't expected that.  I'm not sure it helped. I was told that results would be modest, if any at all.  I have another appointment this Sat. Supposedly, I am damp.....learning to combat my dampness. Lol

    When I was in college, I worked at a chiropractic clinic. There were several young interns there who would play practical jokes on us. One memorable time they had electrical pulse set up on acupuncture needles on a larger person’s lower back/buttock line. The pulse was such that the rather uh, generous buttocks were pulsing with alternating current in the most surprising way. One intern called me in under the guise of providing some equipment. It was all I could do not to howl with laughter since I’m truly a twelve-year-old boy inside. Hipaa be damned!

    • LOL 6
  4. Does anyone have experience with the shingles vaccine? I had an outbreak two years ago which were caught early and addressed with steroids. I’d prefer not experiencing that again! 

    There was a shortage of the Shingrex vax last year so I was unable to get it. It is now readily available but I have a ton of 4th quarter travel. Curious of reactions anyone may have had with the first dose, as I’ll strategize timing. 

    • Love 1
  5. 1 hour ago, louannems said:

    They think Andrea had biliary duct cancer.  Even before testing confirmation, she died early this morning, leaving behind a husband and nine children.  Including a nursing one year old.  I have watched all of her prolific videos over the past few years and I am in shock that anyone can die of cancer so quickly.  She was yellow with jaundice and in terrible pain even medicated.

    My ex husband died of bile duct cancer in January. Less than a month from DX to death. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    I assume you immediately broke up with him after he gave you the money.

    Why yes, yes I did! I creeped him on the Internet a few years ago. No bueno. Dodged a lifetime of chaos with that one. 

    • Love 10
  7. How is everyone? I took a break, busy summer. We move DD back to college this weekend, funny how much easier it is this year. The boy-child made Varsity soccer, so that’s all sorts of exciting. We’re working with contractors to replace roof, siding and some windows after a recent hail storm.  Still haggling with insurance on damage to DH’s truck.  New doggie is a hoot. Almost ten months old, darling and naughty. Life is good! 

    Congrats to Christina on the new job!

    • Love 11
  8. 1 hour ago, Zella said:

    Carrying conversation about Robert Plant over from Duggalo thread. 🙂

    It's funny to read on that thread how people know or don't know about Plant. I was born long after Led Zeppelin ceased to be but found my stepmom's Led Zeppelin collection when I was 12 in the early 2000s. Been a fan ever since, though I actually like his current folk/roots music phase even more.

    I bought tickets to see Page and Plant for an old boyfriend, front row. He decided to sell them to an undercover cop and we were detained and forfeited tickets. I made him pay me back. 1995. Oy.

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  9. Happy Easter or Passover to those who observe. College girl came home Thursday for the extended weekend. HS boy has had soccer wrap up for indoor winter season. New puppy is naughty and adorable. Spent Easter with in-laws. MIL & FIL are back in the state after doing the snow bird thing. They essentially left without telling three-of their four kids just before Christmas. Same thing upon return.  Very glad we set firm boundaries with them 20+ years ago, but am saddened by the situation. MIL is either quite mentally ill or toxic, likely both.  Back to work tomorrow. 

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  10. My pictures are too large to upload, so you’ll have to trust that my Stella-cat is darling and clever. We’re meeting her new dog brother tomorrow and I suspect her world will be rocked. We’ve been dogless six months and it is time. I need a walking buddy and this guy needs a home. 

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  11. My daughter headed back to college today after a week home for Spring Break. I’m thrilled she’s thriving but am in a funk. Tomorrow is Monday and my husband is annoying the enamel off my teeth. Bah humbug. 

    • LOL 2
  12. Good to see everyone. I’ve been MIA with a continued crazy work schedule. I had a second interview yeasterday that felt good. Should hear about moving to Round Three (or not) next week. 

    Homelife is good, very much appreciating husband. We made yummy seafood at home for V Day. We exchanged spendy car repair, appliance replacement part and new garage door spring in lieu of gifts. ❤️ Wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Got news a week ago that former husband died. Hadn’t seen or spoken with him in 25-ish years.  Lot of water under the bridge, no hard feelings. We were so young. I always thought we’d have a closure chat. Oddly, the night he died, I was at an event for my son in a locale near where the ex and I lived. I mentioned him and the scenario to a friend dealing with divorce fallout. I do not think it was a coincidence. 

    Anyone else ready for Spring?

    • Love 7
  13. 8 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

    Tonight is our last night in Mexico. Except for one day of rain weather has been perfect. We are near Playa del Carmen. We did some touring near Tulum and Cob-Ha. We did help the local economy. Everyone has been wonderfully gracious and helpful. 

    DD and I went to Playa last year with other friends and their moms for a last hurrah to HS. Wish I was there now!

    • Love 4
  14. 33 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

    I think she has one of those selfie sticks, except rather than using it to take a picture of oneself, or a group of two or three people with still enough space to include a bit of background, she just takes all the photos from way overhead, all the better to highlight how thin they all are between all their godly fasting and Plexus.

    I think you’re right. 

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  15. 57 minutes ago, yogi2014L said:

    3rd kid? Not even her family cares. LOL. Especially true for her family where this is like the 156th grandchild.

    My family 'only' has 5 kids under 5 between my adult siblings an I. First 2 grandkids got the savings bonds, gifts, presents. Everyone rushed to the hospital to see them. 

    Fast forward 2 years. I frequently forget about my 3rd niece completely. My nephew isn't having a 1st birthday party. Only one member of my immediate family brought my (first) child a gift at the hospital, and my sister in law didn't even see her until she was 10 weeks old. Novelty wears off real fast, lol.

    My kids are the #19 & #20 grandchildren on my side, and #7 & #8 on husband’s side. I am familiar with the phenomenon. ❤️

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  16. Tomorrow will be Day 4 of no school. My son is savoring it, sleeping until noon and playing video games into the wee hours. I planned on working from home all week anyway as my boss is out. 

    In terms of cleaning post-parents, we did a good purge when my Dad died and Mom  moved to a senior apartment. Mostly old records of Dad’s sales career and paid utility bills going back to the early 60’s. My MIL is a hoarder and compulsive shopper. She is quirky. I’ll leave it at that. It will take years to settle their situation. Multiple properties, multiple states and storage units filled to the brim. Oh, they haven’t filed taxes since 1992 either. Sigh. Thecrazyruns deep. 

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