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Posts posted by catray

  1. I got an Acorn trial just so I could watch the movie today and I have to say... I got so annoyed at Jack and Phryne in the first 15 minutes it took me right out of the movie. Maybe some of it’s my own expectations, thinking the movie would pick up closer to where we left in S3 (no good indication of that... was Jack even going to head to London?!) but Phryne’s flip attitude to Jack (and Jack’s inability to just Say The Damn Thing) really grated. Things started rolling once they started working together and the plot moved forward. I was glad to see Dot, Hugh, Burt, and Cec, if only for a short minute! And I did of course enjoy the end, very much. Hopefully I’ll enjoy it more on a rewatch now that I’ve seen it and gotten my expectations out of the way. 

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  2. I fell off watching last season after the half-way point (just busy) so finally caught up and watched the S2 finale on Monday, so I was all ready to go and I'm glad this show is back! This was a great episode, with some good tension with Chrisjen and company having to escape Mao's ship. Bobbie was so bad-ass as well; loved it! I'm glad Prax is on the Roci as a mediating influence, because yikes, everything about that situation is so freaking awkward right now. Naomi shouldn't have gone behind their backs, but she also kind of saved their asses... what a mess that is! I hope they can all reconcile sooner rather than later.

    I love to hate Errinwright and boy, did he really earn it this episode. Can't wait until that slimy bastard gets what he's due. I'm glad Chrisjen is smart enough, even in the face of death, to gather the evidence she needs to make sure she has the last word. End him, Chrisjen!

  3. Aliona and Bruno's program was just amazing. Whatever minor mistakes were made, it was gorgeous and beautifully skated and I'm so so happy they took home the gold! I am bummed that Sui/Han struggled a bit because their program was so so good. Duhamel and Radford were charming, though I wasn't totally into their skate. I was rooting for James/Cipres as well but they struggled too.

    I can't even wrap my head around the Candyman program, though. What were they thinking? The music choice, the costumes-- they seemed totally disconnected from their skate. What a mess.

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  4. Episode descriptions (and an air date) are up on Zap2It:



    Jedi Night Season 4, Episode 10 Airing Feb 24, 2018

    The Ghost Crew infiltrates the Imperial headquarters on Lothal to save one of their own.


    DUME Season 4, Episode 11 Airing Mar 03, 2018

    Reeling from a devastating loss, the Ghost crew rallies together to find a new purpose and resolve.


    I am not okay with this at all!!

  5. I am still behind on this season but I saw the news that Jennifer Esposito is leaving the show! I can't say I'm totally surprised-- there were a lot of moving parts to focus on and it didn't always work.  But her position always seemed sort of temporary anyway, like she was brushing up on her field work skills. That said, I'm a bit disappointed because one) I always appreciate more women on this show and two) I liked the way Alex and Gibbs interacted. I hope it was on congenial terms so she might make future appearances down the line, as I wouldn't be opposed to seeing the character again.

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  6. Add me to the "like it!" group! This seems like fun, soapy/tropey summer tv viewing and I'm totally on board. The actors are all extremely attractive and I'm already captivated by Rosalind (as well as her sister, Livia, and the princess Isabelle). Do I expect this to be intellectually stimulating? No. Do I care? Nope! 

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  7. Late commenting here.

    "Legacy of Mandalore" - this episode was absolutely fantastic; one of my favorites of the season so far. Loved finally meeting Sabine's family and having that all come together.  I am not surprised Sabine decided to stay behind to help her family, and I definitely don't think that means she's gone for good. I was a bit disappointed that between this episode and the next we didn't get any scenes with the whole Ghost crew saying good-bye/being sad but I fully believe this is part of Sabine's destiny, as much as she claims not to want it-- it'll be hers eventually. I honestly really haven't cared about the Mandalorians so much up to this point, but these were a great couple of episodes with Sabine. Loved her fighting Gar Saxon with Ezra's light saber.

    "Through Imperial Eyes" - totally convinced Kallus isn't going to make it out of this season. Thrawn definitely suspected he was Fulcrum before this episode and knows for sure now and because Kallus decided not to take the out being offered to him... it's going to be his undoing. I hope Kallus is smart enough to realize with Thrawn and Yularen on the case, his days are numbered. Changing the map also seemed like an hastily made decision that doesn't seem to bode well for him.

  8. I agree with a lot of the comments here that this story might have had more meaning if we had actually seen Bishop and Qasim's relationship develop, instead of introducing it and killing Qasim in the span of two episodes. I wasn't a big fan of breaking Bishop and Jake up in the first place but they did and this is where they go with Bishop... ugh. And getting Chen seemed waaaaaaay too easy after all the talk about his brilliance of outwitting the authorities and never getting caught.

    Vance/Senator romance: setting up for Vance to move and Gibbs to retire from being a field agent? That's what came to my mind.

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  9. I'd forgotten all about Eva the spy and now I'm sad she's a bad guy because I could dig her/Gregorio. Maybe they'll find an excuse to need her out of prison again in the future. Not going to lie, though, I kind of love that Eva stone cold stabbed that guy (Victor?). I agree Torres might work better in NOLA than the Mothership, but NOLA's getting a little crowded right now.

    I thought it was sweet that Sebastian sees McGee as a mentor and as someone that he could grow into. I hope we see future interactions between the two of them.

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  10. Is anyone listening to The Churn podcast? It's put on by SyFy and is a weekly follow up to whichever episode has aired (so right now there are two episodes for season 2) and in addition to the hosts, both Daniel and Ty are on every week and so far the guests have included Dominique Tipper (Naomi) and Wes Chatham (Amos). This week had a lot of good information about Amos and how the writers and Wes approach him. I really need to read the Churn novella!

  11. I don't know that this had to be a crossover episode. Honestly, some bad guy trying to buy the information could be in ANY city, ANYwhere... but for story purposes it's NOLA. Whatever. I actually didn't mind Abby so much this episode (and I tend to roll my eyes at a lot of her behavior). She looked good in that pink dress, too! I find this kind of stuff interesting-- it makes sense that agencies might do this to test weakness/prevent future attacks but the logistics and who gets involved. I'm glad the confusion about the op didn't last long (like, Abby wasn't in jail the entire episode and the Director/Gibbs were on the up and up).

    Bishop and her not-so-secret quest for revenge... guessing we'll see more of this as we get closer to the finale. I do like that Reeves isn't buying her act (and possibly/definitely knows what she's up to).

    • Love 5
  12. Finished Babylon's Ashes last night and please, ffs, let


    Marcus be dead.

    I hate him and would be perfectly fine if we never see him again. Same for Filip. I don't mind Naomi having a complicated past, but I'm not a fan of Filip. Maybe he'll grow up a little off screen and then maybe I won't mind him so much.

    I really felt for Bobbie in this book, because it finally crystallized for her that Mars will never be the home that she dreamed of and fought for. Especially with her portrayal in the tv version.

    I do think they could stop the series here if they wanted, but I think we will need to see the return of Duarte before that happens and get some closure on Earth/Mars/the Belt and how they are progressing. I'll be curious to see if the next book has more of Cibola Burn feel to it (ie out in the new colonies) or is more in line with politics in space.

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  13. I thought this was a decent episode. The bickering between LaSalle and Gregorio was a bit eyeroll inducing but I chalked it up to Gregorio chafing at not being a top dog anymore and having to take orders from LaSalle as the senior agent. Please god, no UST.

    Sebastian standing up to his FLETC trainer/supervisor was cliched but also good. I feel like a couple of seasons ago he would have been cowed but he's definitely grown. And I liked that the supervisor respected that, but also didn't let him off the hook.

    Liked Bonnie-- maybe she and Pride could start dating? (Mostly because I feel like Pride/Gregorio might be a thing... and nope.) I like how the team started to bicker about who would get to go out to the rig and LaSalle was like "heh, yeah, hold that thought."

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