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Posts posted by xwordfanatik

  1. 6 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    For people who collected Beanie Babies, etc., the "rare" ones were usually kept sealed somehow, the tags needed to remain intact and not played with in any way.

    With "collectible" leggings, how does that work?  Do people buy them and not wear them?  Do they keep them encased in plastic and displayed on a shelf?  When people come over to visit, do they say, "and here is my delightful collection of Lularoe Leggings!  Look, I have the very rare "Satanic Chihuahua" print!  And rarer still, the "Stephen King's Worst Nightmare Clown" print!  And this one?  It's....well, I think it's the Seven Dwarfs riding in an airplane made of Cheetos...or something like that...but it's really super rare!  NO YOU CAN'T TRY THEM ON!!"

    Hahahahaha!  Oh yeah, "here's my Luluroe collection.  If I open them, they'll lose 1/2 their value.  If I dare actually WEAR a pair, they'll shred and my ass will be hanging out for all to see.  I hope I remembered to put on underwear..."

    • Love 8
  2. 14 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

    Well. with the current penchant for wearing jammies in public....

    So very true, I see both men and women wearing them to the grocery store, and I just cringe.  

    Maybe with those Lularoe cardigans, Meri is trying to hide her big butt.  Those white-stitched jeans with the doodads on the pockets were awful on her too.  Not that the other three "wives" have any fashion sense, either.

    • Love 1
  3. On 3/11/2017 at 0:55 PM, toodles said:

    My eyes are bugging out of my head.  I must be making the ooogah sound.  First off the prints and second the prices.  Most of those leggings should be in a clearance bin for $1.50.  This just proves, again, there is a sucker born every minute.  That and there are people with way too much time and money on there hands.

    That is insane.  I've gotten leggings at Costco for 20 bucks for wearing around the house.  Those look like pajama bottoms for kids.

    • Love 2
  4. On 3/9/2017 at 0:43 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

    I don't know if it is so much the fact that Jinger is controllable or dependent that appeals to Jeremy.  I think the biggest part of it is the fact that she is a virgin.  

    Guys like him are happy to sow their wild oats but when it comes time to settle down, they want an untouched little flower.  And in this day and age, if you want a virgin, you either have to marry a schoolgirl or find a young woman who has been ruthlessly sheltered the way the Duggar girls have been.  So he can say he wants a "meek" wife all he wants, but I think it's really more about Jinger's "purity" than anything else.  He just can't come right out and say it.

    I agree, Celia, I also love your avatar!  

    • Love 2
  5. 19 hours ago, Kid said:

    Her oldest daughter is on the same path and her youngest daughter is just heartbreaking.  The youngest thinks that she's the fault for all that weight!  How awful and how unfair to that little girl.

    To think that that beautiful little girl felt responsible for her mother...I agree, that is beyond unfair!  I just wanted to give the child a hug.

    • Love 3
  6. 3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    Some of the designs are downright scary.  I feel like there are subliminal messages in some of those prints.  Either that or Stephen King is their fabric consultant.

    Yes!  When I saw that chihuahua print, and the prices that sellers were asking on eBay, I was astounded!  Those prints would make a small butt look big.

    • Love 1
  7. 3 hours ago, lma said:

    Right! If you're gonna lie, let it revolve around the "adults" (and I use that term lightly). Don't exploit those kids and have them play acting (i.e., lying) for TV.

    They can can make up all the lies they want, but I think we can all agree that we are NOT buying the following (and feel free to add to it):

    That Kody splits his time fairly

    That all wives are treated equally

    That there is no favorite wife

    That Meri doesn't want to leave

    That Christine likes Robyn and vice versa

    That Robyn would've joined the family without the show/money

    That Mykelti married for love more than attention 

    That Maddie's going to continue school all the way through a JD (not saying she won't go back or even finish, but a JD? Really?$

    Great list, Ima, I totally agree!  

    I'll add one:

    That Kody doesn't obviously favor Robyn's kids

    • Love 4
  8. On 3/2/2017 at 5:38 PM, KateHearts said:

    My guess would be that a couple of generations ago, there weren't Pop-tarts, 72 types of Doritos in the grocery store, nor were there fast-food outlets on every corner.  I grew up in the 70s and the nearest McDonalds was probably 15 miles from my house.  I can practically spit on one- along with a Taco Bell, Red Robin, Burger King, Chipotle, ChikFilA and Wendy's- from my house today.

    I haven't read all the comments yet, but you are right, and also, there wasn't TV 24-7, video games, and computers that keep many kids (and adults) from getting exercise.  Fat + carbs + sedentary life = obesity.

    • Love 1
  9. 3 hours ago, spacefly said:

    I eat a very low carb diet for a variety of reasons. If you go to many of the Ketogenic Diet sites Pork Rinds are the go to crunch food. Nachos with pork rinds and anything you would use a chip or crumbs for.

    If I see Ed I'll have to tell him he was right!  Thank you :)

    • Love 2
  10. 4 hours ago, gardendiva said:

    The sliding bed in the hotel scene really made me laugh: "WHAT HOTEL USES WOOD FOR A COCKADOODIE FLOOR?" *

    *Kathy Bates in Stephen King's "Misery" movie reference

    One of my favorite movies!  Kathy Bates was amazing.

    • LOL 1
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  11. 4 hours ago, cpcathy said:

    Question: if you know you're going on the show, why don't you start the diet ahead of time, since you know it will be no carbs and protein and getting up and moving a bit. Or, is that a production conceit, so we get the footage of the grocery store shop and the bathing shot and the stuffing food in your mouth shot.

    Oh yeah, they always seem to follow the obligatory script.  

    So sad for those babies.  I'm still watching this, and I don't know whether I'll be able to finish, like others have said.  

    • Love 1
  12. 13 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

    Bright side: Nicole was far more mobile at 700lbs than we've seen of folks who have weighed much less.

    Dear Penny comes to mind.  She was what, about 500?  With the oxygen that Dr. Now said she didn't need.  Scammer.

    • Love 7
  13. 13 hours ago, CouchTater said:

    I just want to thank you all for participating in real-time on this forum.  It's fun reading and watching!

    No one in my off-line life watches this show.

    Same here.  My husband refuses to watch it.  

    • Love 3
  14. 14 hours ago, BXD said:

    Is it bad I totally want to try making meatloaf with cheez-its for breadcrumbs like now?

    I had a coworker that used smashed-up fried pork rinds.  He said that way, he avoided carbs.  I just thought it sounded weird.

    • Love 2
  15. 14 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

    Alrighty then, so I'm not the only one who noticed her "special" meatloaf recipe? All I saw was meat, some otherworldly orangey, yellowish bullshit mixed in, and what looked like BBQ sauce on top. But only she  could make it! My meatloaf requires a lot more effort than that. Well at least it wasn't Pee Pad Meatloaf a la Penny!

    LOL, Pee Pad Meatloaf!  Great name for it!

    • Love 1
  16. On 2/24/2017 at 6:04 PM, RazzleberryPie said:

    Maddie needs to go up a size in those LulaRoe outfits before she pops the seams. She's making me smother and strangle just looking at how tight they are. What is it with these women and sausage casing clothes? We don't need to see underwear bulges and belly button outlines that wouldn't be there if they'd wear clothes that fit.

    So true, I even had to snark on the mother's dress Janelle wore to the wedding, for the belly button info I didn't need to know.

    Dear Caleb is totally under the spell of easy TLC money.  Why he would want to be near his bromancing FIL, I can't imagine.  I wonder what his earning potential will be after taking time off to just lay around the cult-de-sac?  Maddie was going to be a law-yerrrr, wasn't she? 

    • Love 1
  17. 23 hours ago, Sista Snarky said:

    Considering all those sappy "inspirational" quotes & signs they all love to throw around & hang & their love of the MLMs I'm surprised nobody is hawking the MLM essential oils. There's even one big EO MLM based in Lehi...Young Living.

    They'd probably have to take out 8th mortgages on the McMansions to be able to afford a handful of 5ml bottles of the stuff...but one size fits all & they could do " custom blends" using  favorite words & phrases  in their vocabulary...


    "Dill with it" 


    "Safe place"

    "Happy Family" (borrow that one from Chinese takeout)




    "Grifter" (knockoff of  Thieves blend)

    "Love Potion #5" (for the new wife in life)


    Don't forget "here's the thing."  If I hear Mr. Douche Nozzle say that again, I'll be sick.

    • Love 6
  18. 2 hours ago, CofCinci said:

    A MLM like LuLaRoe can be very appealing to women who strongly desire friends and social life, like Meri.  As soon as you have those ugly leggings  in your livingroom - you will instantly have 14 new BFFs because they want to get first dibs on the print of a chihuahua coming out of a vagina.  The women who quit solid positions are doing so because socializing is more important to them in terms of values vs. economic stability.  They are leaving jobs and putting these ugly clothing on their credit cards.  Most aren't turning a profit --- but, they now have lunch dates, brunch dates, tapas dates, someone to go to the outlet mall with, friends to meet at the wine bar, etc.  What they fail to recognize is that once this fad is over, the friendship lasts as long as these leggings (which seem to rip in the ass in hours!).

    LOL.  Those clothes are fugly.

    • Love 1
  19. 15 hours ago, Sista Snarky said:

    Caleb is almost a decade older than Maddie. Instead of establishing himself as the man of the house...they have no house while Kody (as he barked out at the coffee place in Hawaii) is the General & leader of the family (that includes Caleb & Maddie). Kody calls the shots & they are expected to obey him. 

    Caleb should go (real life) work before he finds himself totally emasculated. Maddie already leads him around by the nose & expects him to say "yes...you're my angel...my princess...my queen" on demand.

    Before the wedding I assumed that Caleb's father would not be the type co-sign the nonsense...but going along with that silly "son...get down on your knees" knighting put that notion  right  out the window. 

    Great post!  This "reality show" is getting to look more & more like Dim Bulb and his hugely oversized (and creepy) fambly.  Dear Caleb better man up before it's too late.  I too hated that Caleb's father went along with that bullshit knighting thing.  

    • Love 4
  20. 2 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

    Meri spent all day Saturday doing FB live feeds hawking LLR.  Her inventory and assorted LLR crap is taking up the entire main floor of her McMansion including the kitchen.  No kidding - she did it from 10 am - 7:30ish PM.  

    some of that stuff...gawd.

    It's really fugly, and was it on this site I saw the little doggy print leggings?  Sorry, I see people at the grocery store wearing this kind of big print leggings, and I'm thinking, what?  You couldn't even bother to get dressed when you rolled out of bed?  Those "dusters" are gross.  That one Meri wore on the tell-nothing was the weirdest color, and if women think they are going to look less overweight if they wear these, well, no, they don't!  

    • Love 3
  21. 9 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    And there were pictures online of Christine standing in line with her food benefits debit card even after the show started.  They are, in fact, grifters who are simply bleeding the TLC beast now instead of the government beast.  

    And IMO they will be back to bleeding the government beast when the TLC gravy train ride ends.  

    • Love 15
  22. First time poster here, although I have LOL'ed and upvoted many posts on Sister Wives topics.

    Someone mentioned clingy fabrics, and it just made me wonder, if Janelle's dress at Maddie's wedding was one of these LLR "fashions"??

    I could even see she has an innie, and that is way more than I ever wanted to know.  So unflattering.

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