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Everything posted by MrsBrightside

  1. I can't find it anymore but someone asked why Will wasn't killed but Barb was. I was talking with my friends about this and I asked the very same question. In one of the episodes, Joyce talks to Will through the wall in her house, the same wall the Demogorgon comes out of in the last episode/tries to come out of in Will's room. Yes, she may have been seeing this because she was crazy but she was right about a lot of things regarding Will's disappearance. I think when Will was captured, he wasn't eaten right away and he tried to run away. He basically was running all over the Upside Down hiding from the Demogorgon. Once Barb and the Deer had blood, the Demogorgon was attracted to their blood. Also, what puzzles me is why Will was taken in the first place. He's attracted to blood and if I remember correctly, no one was bleeding in the first time we see the boys. So why did the Demogorgon pass through? Also, I made the assumption that the gate was the only way in to the Upside Down but you can get out in any form. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe only the Demogorgon can get in and out wherever it wants (and maybe El?). Something my friend pointed out was that the black room that El goes into once she is in the "bathtub" is most likely the tightrope between the real world and the Upside Down in the Flea and the Acrobat situation. There's a very thin line between the two worlds. Or maybe the gate is that tightrope? I have more questions ahh. So what doesn't make sense to me is how the Demogorgon got out at the Hawkins lab? Did Eleven bring him out? And when they sent that one guy inside that got eaten, how did they discover that gate? Is that a secondary gate in addition to the one in the forest? Okay also when Will's little sister goes into his room, we see the Demogorgon try to pop out. But why? Doesn't he usually only come out when there's blood? What did she do to attract the Demogorgon? And how did Will spell out the stuff on the wall? How is he supposed to control the electrics?? I thought only the Demogorgon could do that. Okay last inquiry I promise. The box in the woods at the end of the last episode. Is that a literal box that El comes to and takes the food out or is she trapped in the Upside Down and that's like a transport? Not expecting any answers, but any clarification would be nice!!
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