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I'm starting to see that even though we all seem to agree the Duggars are far from normal by "real world" standards, we don't seem to agree on what those normal and real world standards are believing that we and our friends/family/communities/beliefs are the purveyors of such knowledge while all others are clueless.
We sure will! I'm in my 50s and from time to time get hit on by guys in their 20s when I'm wearing what I think is a pretty unsexy outfit from Target, and glasses, and no make up. I consider all the Duggar girls to look and dress sexy by my standards anyway. Like I said, it's hard to dress in a way that no man would consider sexy.
I see this pretty often—a woman dressed in a sexy outfit accompanied by her/a man and I wonder why the man doesn’t tell her she looks sexy and I’ve determined it’s because neither realize it or the guy is showing her off. Lots of young women don’t seem to know they look f#&able at all. Personally, I had no idea until I was quite old and cringe at some of the outfits I’d naively thought were OK to wear out to the grocery store and wonder why the men in my life didn’t educate me. There’s not much available in stores today for women to wear that isn’t sexy imo.
Maybe Austin has a clone.
He did say he had to "pick his fights" if I remember correctly but still, considering their TLC paycheck, you'd think they could afford some new stick horses but then again, the Duggars don't have much to offer in terms of substantial entertainment so I guess that was one of the most interesting things they did for that ep.
What was most disturbing to me was how they all seemed to think having smelly was funny. Having feet that smell that bad doesn’t just happen. It takes effort (or lack thereof). I’m amazed anyone OKs scenes like this to air—unless whomever makes the final decision dislikes them as much as I/we do.
I’m also a germaphobe but I didn’t see a problem with the stick horses. Of course I would either spray them with disinfectant and wipe them down or soak and/or rinse them in the tub with soap and let them air dry. Admittedly, I was half watching/half listening so I’m not sure if they’d be ruined plus I wasn’t there to get a good look at them and I do live in Arizona where stuff drys fast and thoroughly.
The best part of the episode was when I finally got three stars on Level 22 of the bubble shooter game I was playing while I watched (mostly) listened to this nothing burger of an episode. Kendra seems to have the nervous giggle under control, Jill didn't share her fears of living in DA, and Joy was somewhat decisive--all plusses. Jessa's inability to stop making Captain Obvious statements as well as giving parenting and child rearing advice (see: MEEEchelle/the apple doesn't fall far) and Jana expressing sorrow about losing another sibling can be added to the CO drinking game as negatives.
TBH, I’m a fan of aborting...the entire misogynistic, hypocritical show. I suppose it’s time I stop watching. I’m turning into the token substance abuser of the show, Penny—rolling my eyes after every other scene and trying to put up with their idiocrasy.
She’s never stated it but she had her child Baptized so that would indicated she’s trying to live a Catholic lifestyle even though she wasn’t married by a Catholic priest—which is another moral sin since the marriage would not be recognized by the church making any children illegitimate in the eyes of the church.
I think the whole Shamy relationship teaches women to “stand by your man” no matter how narcissistic and misogynistic he is. Strict? Let’s not forget Bernadette engaged in coitus for years before she married plus many other “mortal” sins including using birth control and never attending Mass except for during the Baptism where non-Catholics were Godparents. IMO, they make a mockery of the faith.
The scene where Eric shoots Don with the dart and Don goes from saying "Why did you do that?" to passing out within seconds reminded me of the scene where he went from being a crybaby about the brain freeze to saying "It's gone" within a few seconds. But my real question was when Don said "Don't get weird" at the end. That's Walsh's line and no one's ever said that on the show except Walsh until now. So does that mean that Eric possessing Don is somehow really Walsh? Eric=Walsh? Just a theory. And of course Ozzie is no more dead than Kurt was, right? I am so sad this show is over! I'm re-watching since I only got into it a few weeks ago. I'm picking up so much that I missed by re-watching from the beginning.
Same diff.
Is Joy raising her arm in triumph? Pride? Relief? Joy? This pose and the fact that all the Duggar brides say they "can't believe" they're getting married over and over and over again is another indication of their brainwashing. Or maybe Joy's just displaying typical 19-year-old behavior in this pic? Either way, it seems a really weird pose to strike once you're pronounced man and wife imo and I should know because that was pretty much what I felt when I was married off young by religious crazies who did nothing more than tell me to find a man, get married, make grandbabies but for God's sake, don't have sex before you're married or you'll burn in hell--which could be another reason Joy's feeling triumphant (over Satan).
FTR there are ways to watch without being counted in the ratings--which is what I do when I watch.