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Posts posted by FrankOFoley

  1. I really enjoyed seeing DH on Hacks and actually was proud to see one of “our own” in a well done show and wearing a Brady pub apron. This reinforces my belief that the soaps have many fine actors and may they all have success in their endeavours.





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  2. 4 hours ago, brisbydog said:

    She is unbearably selfish. She is going to put everybody she runs into at risk so she can run around in a snowstorm and find Chanel better than the cops can (which with these cops is likely but still reprehensible)

    This sounds like my mother. 

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  3. I really hate to say this because it’s just such an unfortunate situation that affects many, from the people who work on the show regardless of their roles to us viewers and fans, but what’s happening here is much more interesting than what we see on our screens. I would love to be a fly on the wall when depositions are taken. Apologize in advance if I have offended anyone.





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  4. Re Arianne Zucker, I read the TMZ article and it seems she is out of contract. She says she was offered a take it or leave it contract. There’s no way she should be out of a job due to a despicable situation not of her making. I don’t understand why the PTB are doing this unless they want to send a message to the rest of the cast that it’s their way or the highway.





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  5. I’m still a few weeks behind but I am enjoying the stories right now—Nicole and Sloane baby thing, the return of Abe, Gwen and Dimitri, etc.—because I find DOOL to be my respite from all the stress and nonsense going on, topped off by the almost daily rain sometimes torrential (and sorry to those who need rain, I’d happily ship some off to you if I could). And I just want to add that Nicole is looking quite sharp these days both hair and wardrobe. 

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  6. First I have to say that I am several weeks behind. But what is going on with Nicole’s hair? Extensions that are obvious, length too long for her face and age and it looks like she needs a good shampoo. Why? She looked better with a shorter cut because let’s face it longer hair is not attractive on women past 40 and she looks like 40 is a speck in her rear view mirror. Sorry actress who plays Nicole if you’re reading this.

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  7. 23 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

    So, I have this oriole that for some reason seems desperate to get in our house.  It's going from window to window tapping on the glass.  It's currently at the window of my sewing area amusing the cat.  

    I wonder what causes this.

    Good question to which I don’t have an answer. Over ten years ago I was visiting my mother in Ohio. Took the dogs to a park and parked my car in the lot under some tall oaks. Of all things to happen, a scarlet tanager swooped down and pecked at the windshield repeatedly so I couldn’t get out of the car. My only guess was that it was reacting to a reflection. He finally let up long enough so I could get out. Very interesting.

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  8. I was enjoying this episode and all of the clues (I like puzzles) when the recording cut off because of *@$&# March Madness. Just a hint to the PTB not everyone cares about this annual spectacle. I, for one, would be happy if it was shuffled off to some sports channel. Grump, grump.

  9. 31 minutes ago, BasilSeal said:

    in order to grow potatoes you need seed potatoes. any potatoes from the previous years crop would do but you need to have grown them last year, or know someone who has, in order to grow them this year.

    Growing veg would absolutely be an option, some things like winter squash and root vegetables store  over winter and some veg is harvested in the winter anyway, the barrier to doing this 20 years after the apocalypse is finding viable seed. Two to five years is the ballpark figure for seeds to remain viable depending on plant species and conditions, but after 20 years even if you found a stash of  old seed packets, they almost certainly wouldn't grow. 

    for someone in bill's situation you could get seed  in the initial aftermath of the fall and  start growing them straight away, you'd need  some careful planning to save seed for future use every year, this is doable but the reason most gardeners don't save their own seed is partly because bought seed is so much easier but also because saved seed may not have the same characteristics as the hybrid parent plant, so what you're growing five years down the line may be very different, and not as good, as what you started with.

    There's also a lot of skill and specialist knowledge needed to grow vegetables successfully, if your life depended on it then you'd probably learn, and there are books that will tell you what to do, though they would likely have been easier to find in 2003 than now.

    It's possible that if David's group had been in one of the QZs, and living a transient existence for a while before settling at the resort, that they simply didn't have either the skills or the materials needed to grow vegetables. 

    Thank you for your cogent and informed response from a fellow gardener.

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