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Real Eyes

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  1. If true she can be denied a green card.
  2. It goes up a little for the AOS. This is poverty line, the AOS is 125% of the poverty line.
  3. Olga has stated she was allowed in the embassy and TLC asked her not to go in. TLC would not have been allowed in.
  4. Yet again, I believe this is manufactured drama. I think Steven and Olga knew he didn’t meet the support qualification, which is why he was in the show. He managed, with that TLC income and another job, to show an annual income of just under $21,000 to qualify for a K-1.
  5. Steven registered his son to get him citizenship. I doubt he didn’t know he’d need Olga’s permission to remove his son from Russia. I think this was manufactured by TLC, just as Olga not being allowed in the embassy was. I do think Steven was ambivalent about marriage and that’s not a strike against his character.
  6. I think Olga and Kalani are the most beautiful. With Kalani, it was more evident before her pregnancy weight gain. Fernanda has a good figure, although the bought breasts look fake, and Olga’s figure is better, I think.
  7. I don’t think he’s that stupid. Did he get a passport or just citizenship?
  8. I believe that was manufactured drama, just as him telling Olga she couldn’t go into the embassy (Olga said the production crew suggested this). Steven would know he couldn’t take the baby from Russia without the mother’s consent.
  9. Fernanda-She is a jealous mean girl. No excuses for her attacks on Larissa. I was 19 once too and would never have behaved this way. Jonathan-An enabler. He also lacks maturity. Larissa-Didn’t like her at first. She’s fiery but I believe a lot of her on camera personality is concocted. Colt-rational, stereotype engineer personality. I am neutral toward him. Ashley-Needs therapy. Jay-A user. Any man (I use the term loosely) trolling for women online on his wedding day is never going to be a good husband, unless you’re in an open marriage and have lots of penicillin. She should dump him now and save herself heartache. Kalani-I think she’s a very calm person who internalizes most of her stress. That’s why she was calm most of the time, even during the tell all. Asuelu-I think everyone is downplaying cultural differences. Not showing your anger is a Samoan cultural expectation. I also think he sounds childlike because his English is at a rudimentary level. Steven-I give him a pass on the K-1. He didn’t qualify so could not have done one. He’s young and immature, and comes from a background with little support. What type of mother throws out a teen? I think with time, if he finishes his schooling, he’ll be fine. Olga-Nothing to say, other than I doubt she got pregnant in hopes of a green card. Russia gives mothers a lot of incentives, so realistically, her life there would be easier. Leida-Not fooled by the fake tears. I can’t believe this is all for drama. She just seems like a horrible human being. Eric-Weak. I don’t like weak men.
  10. My Russian husband (mixed-he is from Ukraine but his family fled there from Russia during the Revolution) always says please and thank you. He kisses my hand and thanks me for preparing dinner. He always thanked his mother and grandmother for cooking for him as well. But, he’s not a proletariat. The boorishness is a holdover from Soviet society.
  11. According to him, she wanted to be a model in Chicago and left him. Then, when things weren’t working wanted him to take her back but he wouldn’t. So she moved to Houston. But, who knows what the truth is. They could be frauding us, as it is TLC.
  12. Married but according to his Instagram, now separated.
  13. The Russian government will not allow him to take the baby without Olga’s permission, as the baby is also a Russian citizen.
  14. I think Fernanda loves Jonathan, and vice versa.
  15. Yup. Credentials have to be accepted by the College of the province in which the foreign physician wishes to practice. Then the foreign physician must pass a number of exams, which soon will be offered abroad. After that, they need to do a residency. I spoke to a physician who was on the board that evaluated foreign physicians. He said those trained in Western countries and some African countries, such as South Africa, generally had no issues getting licenses. Those from Eastern Europe had more issues but it wasn’t insurmountable. Those from “third world” countries often had more issues.
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