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Bumblebee Tights

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Everything posted by Bumblebee Tights

  1. Jason-12 (Again) Chris-7 (I hurt for Lorelai in this episode) Max-3 (Romantic, I guess, but what I don't like about Max and Lorelai is that they seem to be mistaking a mutual infatuation for something much more serious and this is a perfect example) Luke-12 (I like this moment, but it has a bit of an air of sadness since it was really brought about because of the Rory situation)
  2. Jason-12 Chris-5, since it's hard to enjoy knowing what immediately follows. Max-11 ( just meh) Luke-10 Although this is a really convincing argument and is almost enough to sway my vote.
  3. Oh man, I really like 5. I like seeing Max try to mesh with Lorelai and Rory's routine at home. In fact, I find that Max is pretty consistently likeable for me when his interactions include Rory. When it's just he and Lorelai, not so much. So, Jason-12 Chris-8 (Lynnie deserved none of this) Max-12 Luke-well, I already like all of these now, but I guess I'll go with 10 since I agree with Lorelai, he should've discussed it with her.
  4. Jason-12 (I know 13 will be the popular choice, but I don't think Jason is unlikeable in it, in fact he's rather likeable.. it's just that he never had a chance once Luke became a real option) Chris-12 ( This is really like a perfect representation of everything that's wrong with their relationship, plus I hate that EMILY and neither of her parents go and look for Rory here) Max-12 (I think the concept of the chat dates was vaguely annoying) And just to prove I'm not picking all 12s... Luke-2. Just ugh.
  5. I love this idea. Max spends the night at Lorelai and Rory's. He makes the garlic bread and falls asleep on the couch. Max and Lorelai go on a double date with Rory and Dean. Max and Lorelai meet when Lorelai attends a parent teacher conference. She horrifies the other parents but charms Max. Max and Lorelai have a first date in the snow when his car is stranded in Stars Hollow. Jason gives Lorelai the "talking key". Jason impresses Lorelai by getting Emily to invite him to stay for dinner. Lorelai goes to confront Jason about canceling the launch party. He can't change his plans, but he can ask her out. (I don't know if this counts but I just find it hilarious) Lorelai tries to tell Emily that she's dating Jason. Emily laughs so hard that her drink has been "shaken on up for her". Chris and Lorelai dance together at Miss Patty's to show Rory and Dean how it's done. Chris proposes to Lorelai after the balcony incident in "Christopher Returns". Charles Manson is freaked out by him right now. Chris and Lorelai have a brief moment of happiness at Sookie's wedding before he finds out about Sherry's pregnancy. Lorelai calls Chris after Rory's car accident and wakes up to find him sleeping in the chair next to her. Lorelai and Luke have their first kiss. "Will you just stand still" Luke buys and unbuys the Twickham? House. "Kids would be good". Luke stays up all night to salvage Rory's going away party "I just like to see you happy" Lorelai proposes to Luke and they celebrate with Zima.
  6. I think it might be kind of fun to do Dean or Logan (have we done Logan?), or Rory/Dean or Rory/Logan but then I don't mind either of them, or I at least like certain moments with them or aspects of them. Christopher moments would be good too, I don't think we've done that. Emily/Lorelai is always good. I'll throw out a few others.. Lorelai/Richard? Favorite season openers/season finales? Could do that all as one round. Favorite date scenes? (Dates between any couple on the show that we find sweet, funny, so terrible that it's funny, etc.) Or just a straight favorite couple elimination? Probably already know the favorites but might be interesting to see differing opinions..do we prefer Babette and Morey to Sookie and Jackson? Etc. Or, (and this has probably already been done, but not when I was playing), we could do a favorite episode elimination in reverse. As in, vote OUT your favorites and we end up with the colllectively most hated episode.
  7. So what's next, do we want to keep going?
  8. I completely agree with this entire statement.
  9. 5 is great, but I love Paris at the Bangles concert. I love how she doesn't want to go, but ends up having a great time. I think this is the first time we really see the "softer" side of Paris, and the compatibility between she and Rory. 24 to win.
  10. Oh, geez..21 even though I absolutely love it and it's one of my favorite Emily moments in the whole series. I just love how she thinks to comfort Rory: "I know you heard a lot of talk about various disappointments tonight, and you've heard a lot of talk about them in the past, but you young lady, your person and your existence..have never been included on that list". But I can't bring myself to vote out any of the others, so 21 it is. Sigh.
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