For those of y'all still wondering there is no law against sharing general loan information. Real estate transactions, basic mortgage information, loans using the house as collateral, liens are all public information. Meghan PI could figure it out! LOL Depending on the state how much information you need to dig it up and how detailed the public record is varies. So the agent did not break any laws regarding confidential information unless she said a lot more than she handled the loan on their first lot. It wasn't a great move on her part, when it comes to finances people usually prefer discretion and losing clients like Heather and her similarly well off friends really hurts if you are working on commission. With at will hiring you are absolutely within your rights to fire an employee that is making your business look indiscreet, especially on national television. You can choose to fire an employee for literally anything other than being a member of a protected class. I do think Tamara should have left the lady's name out of it though. It just wasn't necessary to broadcast it. As for Heather saying, "I don't care. You shouldn't have said that about her kid." I don't think she was condoning or minimizing Tamara's behavior. I think at that point she was back in triage mode, which she has shown herself to be quite good at, Kelly was fine, she was not physically harmed and not Heather's friend. She was simply shutting Kelly down because she did not have the time or patience to indulge her victim act when her real friend was in a lot of emotional pain on the bus. It wasn't the time to address it or to chastise Tamara for what she did wrong. She wanted to comfort her friend and calm her down so she didn't hyperventilate. She also had not witnessed the altercation so she wasn't working from the full set of facts. The way Vicki was quite literally pouring drinks down Tamara's throat along with the peer pressure to over indulge was pretty disturbing. It looks like it gets even worse next week with Shannon pressuring Kelly to drink and even going as far as ordering something for her. She is barely appropriate and tolerable sober, she never should be encouraged to drink. It's like purposely spilling water and feeding Gizmo after midnight. You know exactly what will happen she will turn into a mean, ugly and uncontrollable gremlin. Come on! The hotel guy deserves a bonus or a raise for the way he tolerated and indulged Kelly. That was painful.