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  1. Ughhhhh so prettyyyyyy 🤩
  2. I really hope a bunch of the like-minded girls have a group chat where they absolutely clown on the stupid stuff done by K&J and some of their teammates (Rachel W), I would think they’d need the outlet when having to constantly present a perfectly poised public face 😂
  3. Lmao my thoughts on the DCC girls for the most part range from no opinion to love her Except Rachel W. She’s the only one I actively dislike 😂
  4. Honestly the DCC organization is psychotic 😂 I will never forget how Kelli got some preacher in to training camp right after poor Shaina lost a bunch of her friends in an accident, and there was this big thing where everyone was sharing stories of loss and grief and whatnot, which like, okay, fine. BUT Shaina didn’t say anything during it, completely understandably, and then went up to Kelli afterwards to explain that her grief was too new to participate but thank you for doing it etc etc. And maybe she really did feel that way, I dunno, but I have just never gotten over the fact that she felt like she had to go up to Kelli and explain herself when she didn’t owe an explanation to ANYONE nor was she obligated to thank Kelli at all. That scene has always read so weird to me, with poor Shaina looking like she’s under so much pressure and Kelli looking at her in this super cold, blank way. I’m sure the DCC org thought it made them look great and caring, but the way that it was shown totally jives with how toxic I picture the culture of the DCC org to be. Anyway, Hannah is amazing as always!
  5. I don’t have any super strong feelings about Amber, but as a big Amanda and Ashlee fan I’ll get behind this and suggest an all “A” triangle 😂 but with Ashlee and Amanda sharing point. Or why not, rotate all three, who cares! And I know it’s not the point that many people are trying to make when they post pictures of Alora in her different costumes, but I always think that the pics are great and she looks cool as hell 😂
  6. Haha my eyes go straight to Rachel W’s hilariously long arms with the sleeve-blending and Kat and Victoria’s leg pops, which I actually like. Pop those legs, girls! Gotta take advantage of an outside spot! 😂 I agree with the poster a few pages back who can’t get over the intermittent mask wearing this season in the “bubble”. It’s especially odd after seeing this season of Great British Bake Off, where they actually had a TRUE bubble, tested everyone and quarantined until they got negative results, and then were able to film as usual, no masks, everyone could be up close and personal like normal, because it was a true bubble situation with the full cast and crew, (and it was quite a few people!) no one in or out. It’s just SO weird to hear them talk about the bubble and all these precautions but still show them wearing masks intermittently, I can’t get over it! Obviously we’ll never know the full covid plan but it’s pretty obvious that there were legit concerns to be had. Just so weird.
  7. Agree. One of my faves, but now I’ll never get my dream Amanda, Ashlee, Hannah triangle, siiiiigh 😭 Kat is absolutely gorgeous. Rachel W gets an inordinate amount of face-time and promo but it would be great if some of that could be given over to Kat, if they require a glamour girl 😂
  8. Ever since Amanda rolled onto the scene, I loved her. Couldn’t stop watching her in that video. Whatever “it” is, that girl has it. I love her look-she’s absolutely stunning but not in that DCC blonde boring cookie cutter way, her body is perfect and her hair style makes her stand out even more. She’s my Face Off queen and I want to see her in the triangle with Ashlee and....I still haven’t decided the third for my current dream triangle 😂
  9. Yes! She looks so cute and fun here! #AshleeForTriangleWhenThereIsAnActualTriangleAgain
  10. I love Amanda, from what we’ve seen of her so far. For me, being a model on Face Off is pretty much the coolest thing any DCC has ever done 😂
  11. I recently rewatched Kalyssa’s season and honestly, she comes off as nothing but a sweet and lovely girl on the show, and she was definitely a standout in her rookie class and consistently one of the best rookie dancers all training camp, as evidenced by her making show group. And I’m always extra impressed by the girls who start dancing so late in life (Kalyssa started at 14 I think?) but just seem to have some natural talent for it. She seemed very genuine to me just going by what was shown on MTT. I can’t hate on her for leaving before the season was done to pursue other things since these days I get excited when girls that I like get released (Hannah!) and no longer have to live with the tyranny of the DCC organization 😂 I just think it’s one of those things where some girls thrive in the DCC environment and stay for years and it becomes their whole life and identity and some girls just aren’t like that and it’s ultimately not going to be the fairytale they originally thought, which is okay! And there’s no way to really know how you’re going to handle it until you’re actually in that situation.
  12. I wonder how the other girls are feeling right now. I’d like to believe that I would have enough personal conviction in my beliefs to quit at this point. I get that it might not be that easy for some and that it’s their dream and sisterhood and everything, but I truly don’t think I could continue to work for an organization that actively compromised my health and safety for reality tv. Not that there weren’t other valid reasons to quit before (like the organization being racist) I’m just wondering if any of the girls are having second thoughts at this point.
  13. But seriously, how are they going to spin the Hannah cut for the show? 😂 Because from the wording of her Instagram post, it sounds like someone ended up testing positive for COVID, thus making them do the end of training camp virtually, thus PROVING that Hannah was correct to question the “safety” protocols! I meannnnn 😂 I guess realistically they’ll just totally edit her out. The more I think about it the more I think the real winner of this training camp was Taylor J for not having to participate in the DCC bubble. Good for her. (But also serves to prove that Hannah was correct in that decisions were made that compromised safety just for ratings)
  14. Aw yeah I always felt bad for Kaime, she was in a bit of an impossible situation, I feel like she was set up to fail. Just another random thing I thought of that sticks out, I love when I remember specific audition outfits, because some girls spend sooo much money on these blingy tops and shorts, but when someone is a truly amazing dancer they stand out no matter what and you remember them. Like for some reason I always remember Melissa W’s rookie year audition she was wearing the most basic blue top and black shorts 😂 but Briana’s amazing nude, sparkly audition outfit also stands out to me so sometimes the sparkle is IT 😂
  15. Them upping the diversity in the year that the team may not even get to perform is just what I’d expect from the DCC 😂 wonder how many of those girls will be gone next year to make room for more white blondes! I think this is a bit too complicated of a theory and that the simple answer is Kelli is a terrible manager. Her management style has pretty obviously cultivated a toxic behind-the-scenes environment for a long time, and even people who just watch the show and have no personal experience with the DCC can see that. Throw in something truly serious like a global pandemic and it all hits the fan. Kelli can’t call in a random country music star or preacher (don’t even get me started on that...) or slap a Belk dress on something to try and uphold this shiny veneer of perfection and sisterhood and world class bs. In a situation like this, you really have to know your stuff and take your job seriously and do your absolute best to create an environment where your employees feel they can trust you and that you’re making their safety your number one concern. Kelli simply does not have the capacity to do that as a manager. I don’t think she’d ever blow the team up on PURPOSE because she’s too concerned with cultivating a certain image and she can’t control the narrative when something big like this happens. But I do think that her lack of management skills (understatement of the year) and her prioritization of the show over the actual safety of the girls created a perfect storm for this disaster. All the higher-ups are to blame, from Kelli, Judy and Charlotte to whoever is in charge of the show at CMT. Shame on all of them for creating this situation that not only compromised the health of the DCC and TCC, but show crew members, hotel workers and who knows how many others.
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