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Posts posted by SpikeGal

  1.  I do NOT think this episode was fair to Murr because Murr went twice in the last challenge and Sal only went once. Murr should NOT have gotten the thumbs down! I hope someone mentions this on Twitter. Murr should not have gotten the thumbs down. Murr shouldn't have lost that last challenge! He got the first guy to hold the sign! By all rights, Sal should have lost and it should have been a double punishment.


    They should have edited out the part where Murr got the guy to hold the sign or made Sal go twice! That was NOT fair. Murr got the first guy to hold the sign,  he should have gotten thumbs up! I didn't even watch this punishment out of protest because Sal should have been there with him! That was NOT fair!!! I demand reparations...Sal should be punished next week!

  2.  I do NOT think this episode was fair to Murr because Murr went twice in the last challenge and Sal only went once. Murr should NOT have gotten the thumbs down! I hope someone mentions this on Twitter. Murr should not have gotten the thumbs down. Murr shouldn't have lost that last challenge! He got the first guy to hold the sign! By all rights, Sal should have lost and it should have been a double punishment.


    They should have edited out the part where Murr got the guy to hold the sign or made Sal go twice! That was NOT fair. Murr got the first guy to hold the sign,  he should have gotten thumbs up! I didn't even watch this punishment out of protest because Sal should have been there with him! That was NOT fair!!! I demand reparations...Sal should be punished next week!

  3. 9 hours ago, McManda said:


    ... this thread is overwhelmingly anti-Derek and it's not a new thread on this forum. 

    I think it's because Derek pretty much dominates the show every time he's on. He wins practically every other show, his teams win almost all the dance offs (I think the last one he was in two years ago was the ONLY time his group didn't win), and he gets a lot of solo dances. We get it, he's good. He's great, he's amazingly talented. But he's TOO good. He needs to do other things, like last year when he was choreographing a Broadway show. He needs to do that,. not stay here. It's no fun if the same person wins every other show.

    That's why a lot of us are glad he's having so much trouble with Marilu Henner. He's finally got a partner that's an actual challenge to him!

    • Love 5
  4. 1 hour ago, crowceilidh said:

    I usually detest public proposals, but in this case (because I knew that they had been discussing it and the answer was not being blackmailed out of her by a public display), being Sasha and Emma who are both so sweet, I was kinda verklempt along with Bruno.

    Tom was also wiping away tears. :)

    • Love 1
  5. On ‎9‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 0:49 AM, helenamonster said:

    I had a similar thought. SNL must be very confident that Trump is going to lose the election that they've brought on a non-cast member to do the role. I am excited to see what Alec brings to it, and I think he and Kate together will be fantastic.


    It'll be funny for them if he wins! But I'm sure with a new baby on the way Alec would be grateful for the extra money, and having a steady job for a while! Add to the fact that Match Game has been renewed for next summer and he'll have a stellar year!

  6. I had no idea Sasha and Emma were even a couple! That was a sweet moment, but geez Derek?! You just HAD to rush the stage first, didn't ya? Couldn't even let them have their moment a little while longer? At least let Terra hug them first, he's HER partner! But did anyone notice that Bruno was crying and even Tom was wiping tears away?

    Sad to see Vanilla Ice go. He really seemed to be giving it his all. Babyface? Well...that was a good try. But I would have rather Maureen gone home.

    I never knew Derek could play the drums. ...in fact, that is my main problem with him. He's TOO good for this show! He should be back on Broadway choreographing...not here!


    1 hour ago, McGee43 said:

    Pretty sure that whole Derek piece was just to remind everyone how it's his show since he and his partner aren't doing as well this season.

    Poor baby! LOL!

    • Love 1
  7. 35 minutes ago, helenamonster said:

      Sure, the suits at NBCUniversal might not like that, but the show is doing just fine in the ratings (highest rated season premiere in eight years, since Tina debuted her now iconic Palin impression) and that's all they care about. Don't forget that this show was started by a bunch of dirty hippies (including Lorne, before he started making money) and it's probably going to stay that way until the end of time.

    I don't know about NBCUniversal, but I have a feeling MSNBC would welcome that!

    Oh yeah...I forgot about that! I guess because Tina Fey was such a damn great Head Writer and she stuck it to both sides so well you can forget that the show was founded by hippies.

    Sigh...they'll never be another her!

  8. 48 minutes ago, McManda said:

    Val most certainly travels with her. Most pros  do, when their celeb has out of town engagements. As far as rehearsing, they probably fit it in whenever they can. I'm not sure if she has restrictions because she's a minor, but couples in the past just make time whenever they can. I remember training packages that had people practicing in the airport. 

    Witney was/is traveling with Ice this season. 

    They showed that in this week's package. Maks was with the choreographers learning the routine in New York and he sent Laurie videos detailing the dance, and Laurie studied them in her off time, learning the movements that way. When she and Maks finally got together Maks saw that she really studied the video and was impressed that she had. He said to her, "I love you. You really watched that video!"

  9. 4 hours ago, Emily-D said:

     Marilu is turning out to be really bad. Derek is giving her the choreography and staging to shine but she keeps messing up. I don't see this often with Derek's partners and it's actually quite satisfying to watch (evil cackle).

    Me too! For once Mr. Derek isn't the Golden Boy and the trophy isn't in the bag this time! I guess even HE can only go so far!

    • Love 8
  10. 4 hours ago, spanana said:

      This is the same woman that thought blackface was okay only a few short years ago.  I'm not going to pretend like Jules always knows where to draw the line.


    Why, why, why, WHY did they bring her and her brother back?!

    • Love 7
  11. 12 hours ago, Paws said:

    Lin -Manuel Miranda's father is an advisor to the DNC and to Hillary. Lin-Manuel has hosted fundraisers for Hillary at the Richard Rodgers theater and Renee Elise Goldsberry (Angelica Schuyler) has done fundraisers for HRC as well. They're looking for a mind at work.


    Thanks for the warning. Thank God the One Punch Man season finale is happening that night. Now I know what to watch.


    Who does Anderson Cooper? Ya think it's gonna be Darrell?

  12. They added the McGriddle to the All Day Breakfast Menu at McDonalds?!


    That's my favorite! On my next day off, I know where I'M having lunch!

  13. 4 hours ago, pivot said:

    SNL is just junior varsity level comedy show now full of untalented white guys for the most part who just can't deliver. 

    Isn't that the truth? Been that way since Tina left. I remember one Weekend Update that happened soon after Romney lost the election where Seth made a joke where he said something about how it should be obvious why Romney won the southern states. Behind him were pictures of Romney and Obama. Then  he said, "It should be very obvious..." and they blew up the pictures so the faces were closer. Then he said, "Very obvious..." and the pictures were blown up even more so that only their skin was visible! My jaw DROPPED to the floor when he did that! I was like, "Oh...no...you did NOT just go there!!" I bet hundreds of TV's in the south quickly changed their channels after THAT!

    Of course that was years ago so I can't remember the joke word for word but I do remember that punchline and I was like, "Oh God...what year is this again?!" How did this guy get his own show?!

    • Love 2
  14. 8 minutes ago, ChromaKelly said:

    They had Bill on The Family Feud. SNL is under no obligation to provide equal time to bashing each side's candidate. Or each candidate's spouse. Melania Moments was like one minute long.

    They should if they want good ratings. Not only Democrats watch TV ya know!

    And come on, Bill Clinton is ten times funnier them Melania Trump!

    • Love 1
  15. 6 hours ago, ChromaKelly said:

    SNL has been fairly relentless in criticizing Bill Clinton's slimy womanizing and Hillary as a shameless power-hungry "I'll do anything to be president" so I don't really get the SNL is too far left thing.

    Not enough for me. I want more, dammit. I want more! I mean they had Melania Moments (not funny to me!) can we please balance it out with Bill Moments? I mean can you imagine? He would be trying to talk but more and more women would walk by and he'd get more and more distracted...so distracted he'd never be able to finish!

    Hey, somebody get me SNL's e-mail! I got a skit idea!

    • Love 1
  16. The Vice-Presidential Debate is this Tuesday...wonder who's gonna play Mike Pence and Tom Watts?

    6 hours ago, ChromaKelly said:

    The DNC owns part of NBC? Really? Source? This is the network that aired The Apprentice and had Trump host last season.

    Melania moments cracked me up.

    The DNC bought shares of it after The Apprentence went off the air. I read that in anarticle by Dick Morris, who was a political advisor for years.

    But if you think Melania Moments was funny, can you IMAGINE how hysterical Bill Moments would be? I DEMAND Bill Moments!

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