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Posts posted by SpikeGal

  1. 5 hours ago, Albino said:

    That was one of the roughest punishments ever!  Although the Murr's skydive still trumps them all, at least for this acrophobic. 

    I find Q's disappearing beard very distracting LOL.  I know the episodes aren't filmed in order but it still confuses me!

    Q had to shave off his beard when he officially retired from the fire department. They don't allow anyone to have beards, even for special ceremonies. But from what I see on Twitter, he's growing it out again.

    Well, it looks like the only Joker we haven't seen cry yet is Joe. Murr cried while skydiving, Q cried last night and Sal...cries every other ep! :) Sleep with one eye open, Joe. You're next!

  2. I never thought someone who loves animals as much as Q could be scared of spiders! I mean, spiders? I'm not even scared of spiders.

    But I have to admit, this is the first time I ever saw Q truly scared. Usually he hates his punishments or is humiliated by them...but this is the first punishment in which Q was sweating and actually scared!

    But...in a superficial level, Q's really lost weight and he really looks good! Hell when the preview was shown at the beginning of the show I thought it was gonna be another Murr punishment!

    The punishment also looked kinda like what you would see in Hellevator. I kept waiting for one of the Soska Sisters to go, "Your nightmare begins...now!"

    And THAT'S not even Q's worst punishment this season! He texted about a month ago that he gets the last punishment of the season, which is big and massive (not counting the live one, of course), and we have about two more eps to go until Nov 3rd. Wonder what THAT one is gonna be!

  3. I never thought someone who loves animals as much as Q could be scared of spiders! I mean, spiders? I'm not even scared of spiders.

    But I have to admit, this is the first time I ever saw Q truly scared. Usually he hates his punishments or is humiliated by them...but this is the first punishment in which Q was sweating and actually scared!

    But...in a superficial level, Q's really lost weight and he really looks good! Hell when the preview was shown at the beginning of the show I thought it was gonna be another Murr punishment!

    But I never saw him as Rosie O' Donnell. Clean shaven, I always thought he resembled Jim Belushi.

    The punishment also looked kinda like what you would see in Hellevator. I kept waiting for one of the Soska Sisters to go, "Your nightmare begins...now!"

    And THAT'S not even Q's worst punishment this season! He texted about a month ago that he gets the last punishment of the season, which is big and massive (not counting the live one, of course), and we have about two more eps to go until Nov 3rd. Wonder what THAT one is gonna be!

  4. On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 8:21 PM, Jamoche said:

    Salad eaters will just order from a different restaurant. They're targeting pizza eaters who hate salad eaters, but are trapped in a loveless marriage, just like the ones trapped with yogurt bitches.

    The best Dominos salad commercial is the one where they whole family is around the table with their salad and they all look miserable...except the mother who's in Heaven, devouring every single morsel. The pizza delivery guy is right next to her and practically screams in her ear, "EAT A PIZZA ONCE IN A WHILE!"

    I find myself saying that when I see too-skinny models in TV or magazines! LOL!

    • Love 4
  5. On ‎10‎/‎9‎/‎2016 at 4:57 AM, ZoqFotPik said:

    So Saitama gets kicked to the moon and then jumps back. Both in a few seconds. It took the Apollo missions around 2 days to do that. He also landed a few feet from where he started. I loved that the action was paused for a bit so that it could sink in what just happened. Even that and his Serious Punch isn't even the height of Saitama's power.

    So Drive Knight seems to know about Genos's history. I wonder if he is implicating Metal Knight in order to throw suspicion off of himself.

    Amai Mask is a bit psycho, isn't he? I guess the 'Mask' part of his name is apt. Also, Speed O-Sound Sonic shows up late again.

    I'm glad I started watching this show, I thought it looked kind of dumb based on the commercials. I'll be back for season 2. See you all then, probably a few years.

    I LOVED that finale!!! Man, this is one of the funniest, coolest animes they've ever had!

    I'm so glad there's gonna be a season 2,. At the end of this I was going, "I want MORE!"

  6. I didn't know this thread even existed! Gee...whjat we'd like to see on SNL? Well, I've had a few ideas for some funny skits..


    this one would be a debate spoof...maybe this coming one? Or the third one...who's moderating the third one? Buut it WOULD focus on Kate McKinnon's Hillary. It would actually be a spoof of A Few Good Men...the Jack Nicolson speech. (one of my personal favorite movie scenes)

    It would be during the debate, and "Anderson Cooper" (or whoever's moderating the third debate) , who as you know, if an experienced professionalism, would be questioning Hillary about the e-mails. AND unlike ol' Lestor, he would NOT be sugarcoating the issue, asking her straight out...and Hillary The Despirate would then launch into the Speech...this spoof would call for Alec's Trump to use facial expressions a lot.

    ANDERSON: Mrs. Clinton...did you delete the e-mails?

    OTHER MODERATOR: Ya don't have to answer the question...

    HILLARY: I'll answer the question! You want answers...

    ANDERSON: I think the public is entitled to answers

    HILLARY (sounding more despirate): You want ANSWERS?

    ANDERSON (indicating audience): They want the truth..


    As Kate/Hillary starts the speech, she starts to look and act more and more despirate...and more and more crazy. Meanwhile the camera keeps cutting to Alec/Trump and his reaction shots. First he's looking at her like, 'Is this really happening?' then his face is all 'What the hell is wrong with her?' then it would be like 'Is she really all right?' then in the next shot he'd be trying to slowly move backward from her...taking his podium with him! Finally when she reaches the end she looks like THE most despirate, power hungry person in the world.

    ANDERSON (still calmly): Did you delete the e-mails?

    HILLARY: You snotty little..

    ANDERSON: Did you delete the e-mails..

    HILLARY (finally exploding): YOU'RE GOD DAMN RIGHT, I DID!!!!

    ANDERSON: Thank you, Mrs. Clinton. The debate will resume after these messages...and live from New York, it's Saturday Niiiiiiiight!

    (man, get me Lorne Micheals e-mail, I think I got something here!)

  7. On ‎10‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 1:16 PM, ChromaKelly said:

    Maybe LMM can do a Trump version of the John Adams rap?

    SOMEBODY does not like John Adams!

    And that somebody needs to go back to school and/or watch the movie 1776! We owe our country to John Adams! He may have been (in his own words) obnoxious and disliked, but he got the job done and didn't give up until we got the Declaration of  Independence. AND after that was signed he dedicated his life to ensuring that we would win the war and officially get our freedom.

    We owe a LOT to that man!

  8. Does anyone else enjoy that song in the Alive! vitamin commercials? I admit the song is so catchy I find myself singing to it. "Cause I'm feeling alive, alive, alive!" Is that a real song? If not, they should cut a demo. I think it's rather catchy!

    • Love 1
  9. 8 hours ago, ruby24 said:

    I don't know- Weekend Update last week didn't seem to know anything that had happened in the news after the previous Tuesday. They had the tax returns story and did nothing on it.

    But I'm guessing they will have to tackle this one, since it's EVERYWHERE and Republicans are now jumping ship.

    I'm NOT!!! The damn thing was 12 years old!!! 12 years old!! A lot happens in 12 years! People change!! Nobody is the same as they were 12 years ago, and he wasn;t married at the time. Not like he was cheating like someone else....

    And a lot of people at my work aren't jumping ship either!!! I wanna know who released that video! Videos can't release themselves.

    (deep breath) sorry....had to. But reading this...thank GOD for One Punch Man!!! Thank GOD for it!! And thank God for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I know what I'll be watching...

  10. On ‎10‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 1:15 PM, Blergh said:

     Well, at LEAST they didn't show what a bladder was supposed to look like. Too bad it sounded like an Andrews Sister song re its beat and tempo because, were it not for the subject matter, I'd have liked it.

    I always found that little bladder in that other commercial kinda...cute. Maybe it has something to do with his little face...

    Yeah, I know, I'm weird.

    • Love 7
  11. On ‎4‎/‎24‎/‎2014 at 3:31 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I'm not having any problems with my dvr picking it up. Sadly though, the more I watch this show, the more I think there is NO ONE out there who can play Wonder Woman other than Lynda. Okay, Lucy Lawless. But that's it. Everyone else that I see...just leave me cold.

    AMEN!! I do NOT like Gail Godot (sorry, but I don't) That costume of hers was ALL WRONG and I do NOT see any hope for this Wonder Woman movie coming out! God, they can't even get her home right! It's PARADISE ISLAND!!

    But I'm so glad ME TV brought this show back! I always had fond memories of watching the reruns with my mother, and little 4 year old me having my first hero and wanting to be like her. Now...over 30 years later..I'm still watching it with my mother! :)

    Lynda Carter 4-ever!!

  12. On ‎10‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 0:13 AM, Jordan27 said:

    It was an interesting season.  I had never watched any of the previous seasons and the only person I remember who made a name that is known to me from past seasons would be Evancho.

    I am thinking about going back and looking at past seasons.  Strange isn't it that I won't be spoiled at some seasons that happened years ago since no one else has become famous from this show.  Idol had a number of them.

    Terry the ventriloquist and Matt Frewer also made it big in Vegas. But those three are the only ones I could think of.

  13. 1 hour ago, lordonia said:

    I was curious and looked up the NY Times article that was referenced in the "conservative perspective" skit. It's about how the prevalence of left-leaning late night shows might negatively affect Hillary and Democrats in general. The phrase "Seth Meyers’s class-clown liberalism" is the only time he's mentioned in the piece.

    WALDORF: Hey, look, Statler! The New York Times actually called Seth Meyers a class-clown Liberal!

    STATLER: Yep! They finally got something right!

    BOTH: Doh-ho-ho-ho!!

  14. Did ya see the new ep tonight? If not they definitely changed things. For 1 thing, it's now 4 contestants, but the twins actually show up in person to kidnap one of them and put them in an "inferno". And if one of the contestants lose the challenge, they get put in the "inferno" along with her. The winners, instead of racing a Labarynth have to race through rooms that correspond to the 7 Deadly Sins (one sin per room) to not only get money but find a key to free the people trapped in the inferno.

    Ya know they were telling another true story? Yeah, that cannibal pig farmer was a real person!

    Plus the contestants looked slightly older than 20...I'd say late 20's early 30's.

    Also...from what I was able to hear, Sylvia sits on the left, Jen sits on the right.

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