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Posts posted by NYCNJbear06

  1. Jeff and Kelsey’s Regan's drama is painful to watch. I literally cringe when I see their interactions. Its disturbing because I feel that I am watching a mental breakdown in real time.  Regan’s self-absorption is unbelievable.  Can you not see or have compassion that Jeff is lying trying to put on a good face when he is around you?  Show or no show, Jeff should avoid being around Regan until he can process that the relationship is over.  Its torture to have to see her pretend to be happy that she’s getting married to a literal douche that she will divorce in three years tops. 

    Side note – I don’t see why people think they HAVE to get married when they get pregnant.  I get the societal and cultural pressures, but I also see the graveyard of unsuccessful marriages that end in divorce because couples get married for the child. Which is “worse” having a child out of wedlock or a divorce? IMO a divorce is way more complicated and problematic to go thru then a lil gossip about being an unwed mother.  There are so many red flags with her douche that even Stevie Wonder can see where this “marriage” is heading. 

    Tamika’s mean girl persona is getting old and annoying. 

    Also, is it just me that I find Jeff's running when he freaks out hilarious? What in the Forrest Gump Hell is that about??? 

    • LOL 1
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  2. Lord Ramona, STOP just STOP!!!  Ramona tries to avoid telling the truth with an outlandish lie that when she ultimately gets caught doesn’t realize the truth however hurtful would have been better.  Regarding Sonja, I think the reason she didn’t want her there was because she wanted her bday celebration to be all about her and Sonja can suck the energy and attention out of the room.  Yeah, that is fucked up but that’s better than the ludicrous lie about not wanting to be filmed. Classic deflector she brings in the other women when that isn’t the issue.  You intentionally hurt the feelings of your closest friend on the show and that is what makes you a horrible person.   With Dorinda, just say from the jump that I wanted to sit a different table because that table seemed more interesting. Lying about being confused about the table number is just silly and a stupid lie.  Constantly focusing on the most egregious aspect of that was to swear on your daughter’s life is again not the point and a deflection.   Its easier to explain the horrible truth than to defend a lie that no one buys. 

    Ramona needs help.  She blames everything on the abuse she received from her father. A good therapist would help he realize that her actions are the same as her father - being verbally abusive to people, making an insincere apology and repeat the behavior.  That’s why apologies from Ramona are worthless. Ramona is her father’s daughter. 

    Beth has a lot of nerve bringing in the feminist card with Tins. Full disclosure, as a gay male (Hey Gurl Hey), my broad understanding of feminism (and I am fully open to be educated) is that at its essence feminism is about the right and agency for a woman to choose how she wants to live her life without judgement.  If you want to be in the workforce, great, if you want to be a housewife, great.  Those are your decisions, and no one has the right to judge you.  Tins has a vision of the life she wants and she is being judged because it is more domestically focused as opposed to corporately.  Her choice.  I think its unfair to say she has set back women.

    Tins reminds me of Kelly Bennsimone  in the sense that I think they are both emotionally stunted.  They both seem to have a very juvenile mentality like they stopped developing and maturing mentally at an early age.  Tins approach to dealing with the opposite sex and with her mother is very pre-teen/teenager.  There was a discussion on the boards years ago how Kelly always had a reference point of 12 years old (or some other young age) and it was speculated that she had received some sort of trauma around that age that prevented her from developing mentally and socially beyond that.  I wonder if Tins went thru something similar.  It could have been around a young age is when her father’s alcoholism really impacted and affected her and a coping mechanism was to shut down.  Just a thought. 

    • Love 13
  3. These people are so vile. They claim to be friends and “family”, but you don’t treat friends and family like this, this is how you treat people you hate.  I genuinely felt bad for GG as Reza and MJ admitted that they intentionally invited Shalom’s ex to the party because they knew it would hurt GG.  That is just plain evil.  GG had a point when she said (paraphrasing) “so when we said we were good last year that was a lie?” and Reza said yes. WTF.  See that’s the point where I would have smacked the shit out of him.  You don’t intentionally hurt someone you care about. 


    MJ is an unhappy woman because if you are truly happy and content with your life you wouldn’t be so focused on vendettas and getting revenge.  I feel the most sympathy for her poor husband Tommy.  She is going to divorce him after the baby is born.  I don’t think she truly loves him.  Given her thoughts on children born out of wedlock I feel she wanted a child more than a husband and biological clock considered she married Tommy.  I bet dollars to donuts that they will be married max 3 years.  Long enough to get one or two kids and then turn on Tommy and play the pity party victim single mother path. 


    Reza’s perhaps one of the worse realty show people of all time.  He is so immature and has the mentality and maturity of an 11-year-old.  He only got married for a story line.  These people don’t have a healthy view of marriage.  It pissed me off when he said the 500K retirement money was his for HIS retirement.  Ummm no mothafucker when you get married that becomes you and your spouses. To not even have the respect for your husband to have a conversation about the investment is disrespectful.  Especially when you are “talking” about adopting.  No, that might not have been the money earmarked for the adoption, but that retirement money is the nest egg for your family and baby’s security and to be so selfish shows how his not ready to be a father.  And he doesn’t even want to be a father.  He dabbles in these gay rights off passage; marriage and adoption, for story lines.  Run Adam Run! I couldn’t imagine being in a relationship let alone a marriage where I have no security and belief in my partner.  MJ’s slick comment on how he doesn’t have as much money and how she bypassed him to be in her wedding party shows what she thinks about him and the fact that Reza didn’t stand up for you speaks volumes.  Surprise surprise Reza has thrown out the divorce word.  Mark my words Adam Reza’s behavior will not get any better and he is going to back you in a corner so that YOU ask for the divorce, so he can play the victim. 


    ALSO, the perpetual pet peeve Reza and his calling women bitches.  NO JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE GAY MAN DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT TO REFER TO WOMEN AS BITCHES.  He must not have any black friends because the women I know and those in my family would not let him get away with calling them out their name.  He gonna say that to the wrong woman one day. 

    • Love 4
  4. This reunion is shaping up to be the shitshow that reunions have been known for.  LUV IT

    If I were Sonja I would have smacked the shit out of Ramona for putting her hands on me to cover my mouth.  WHO DA HELL are u to lay hands on me to silence me in that way.  So rude and disrespectful. I’m surprised no one called her out on that.

    Side note – can we not use the narcissism tag anymore? ALL YOU BITCHES ARE NARCISSISTIC and that goes across the board of all the housewives franchise.  It is narcissistic to feel that your life is so fabulous and wonderful that you feel you should be on TV. ALL ARE GUILTY OF IT!  

    Dorinda, Dorinda, Dorinda Jesus take the wheel and the bottle! One thing I hate about not having a good moderator (Lookin at you Andy…) is that there are lil nuggets revealed that need to be focused on.  The crux of the Nutcracker argument is that Dorinda felt that Beth didn’t thank her ENOUGH ON CAMERA.  Not that B didn’t thank her because we saw on film that she did its that D felt she should have thanked her more on camera.  For these women they feel if it doesn’t happen on camera it didn’t happen. 

    Dorinda does have a drinking problem.  I wouldn’t go so far to say that she is an alcoholic because (IMO) that is a label only one can give themselves. It is a declaration of self-realization that one has a problem and a label can’t be placed on you by someone else.  That being said, yes Dorinda you have a drinking problem.  There are multiple scenes where you are drunk slurring your words but more specifically by admission when you are drunk you say and do things that you regret the next day tearfully.  If you can’t see that it is a problem that your drinking is making you act out of character (in your mind) and not accurately reflecting your “true self” then that is a drinking problem.  The things you said to Luann, as someone you say is a true friend, was cruel and below the belt.  Also, if you are only giving an apology because you want the other person to apologize as well that you aren’t giving a genuine apology and shouldn’t give it. 

    Ramona is UNHINGED and its sad to see.  “Moderator” Andy (insert eyeroll) should have asked “Ramona, why is it so important to you to have Beth’s approval?”  I think Ramona is jealous of B’s Skinny Girl success and that is why she keeps bringing up personal things to knock her down a peg.  B in her defense gives ZERO Fucks about anyone especially Ramona and that grates on Ramona.  If you are comfortable and confident in your own success, then who cares what anyone else says?  B’s point is that she doesn’t consider R “successful” because she has all of these businesses that failed and she jumps around a lot.  To B’s credit she has stuck with Skinny Girl and expanded and diversified its brand.

    Next episode looks like it will focus on the Carole and Beth divorce.  One thing I hope they focus on will be the discrepancy in stories that Beth and Carole state about the text.  That was when B said she was hurt by Carole’s response after she texted her (paraphrasing) that the strain on their friendship was bothering her and that she misses her and Carole coldly responded, “This is too much”.  At the dinner Carole told a different story of what happened where she admitted that yes B said that but she also unloaded a lot of other stuff over text and that her “this is too much” response pertained to ALL of the texts and because she had just landed after a flight it was too much to go into over text and they should speak when she got back in town which was the dinner that they were at.  Hopefully someone will call B on her redefining history to suit her own needs. 

    • Love 11
  5. Reza, no your play was not funny and clearly a juvenile retaliation for GG getting an“acting” gig.  And, yes to whoever up thread asked if this was the same play that Sonja RHNYC was in.  Reza accept that you are neither creative nor funny (stand up bomb).  Also please stop using the term bitch so cavalierly.  UGH.  Ultimately just realize you are not as clever as you think you are. 

    Shervin, um WTF did I just watch?  Why all the back and forth?  This is just so stupid I won’t even waste the keystrokes anymore.  Boy BYE!

     MJ needs to get some therapy.   Even though I can’t stand her with the intensity of 1,000 suns it’s painful to watch her further downward spiral.  The blubbering mess she became lifting her father on the pedestal to compare all the men in her life was sad and even more reason for her to seek professional help and that she is no way ready for a serious relationship and baby.  Tommy should beware and run because knowing how passive aggressive MJ is she would always compare him to idolized view of her dad which he will never live up to and a constant thing to needle him on and given that Vida will constantly put him down that will be a lot to deal with along with an infant.  RUN TOMMY RUN.

     Tommy’s point was a valid one IMO he was just questioning whether they BOTH were ready to start a family and how outside of the lip service of simply saying it that if they were really ready they would be making changes in their lives to prepare.  He focused on what MJ was doing because let’s face it, she would be the one carrying the child and one could argue that her health would impact the baby more.  He also tried to explain to MJ that he takes being a father seriously because his parent’s died and he knew 1st hand what it was like to have a parent there one day and then gone the next. Which is why getting both of their heath in check was important.  Also I am glad he brought up MJ’s delusional thought process that she is going to get pregnant right away. It’s not that simple. Both valid, mature points.  The fact that MJ couldn’t or wouldn’t see that is telling.  

    Watching GG and her soon to be ex was sad given we know how it plays out. 

    • Love 12
  6. Word, word and triple word on all you saying Neurochick.  It boggles my mind how these people get through life.  Such low standards and short sightedness.  It’s like they don’t have a thought or a plan beyond the next party. 

    Van and the girl he is stringing along -  Sweetie after 8 years and he aint put a ring on it, then he isn’t.  Before he gave you that tired Rice-A-Roni conciliation prize key to his apartment he told you point blank what he thought of you.  He said “My daughter misses you and I am lonely in the apt without you” (paraphrasing).  That’s it.  That’s what he thinks of you – a female influence and hairdresser for his daughter and a sheet warmer for him. Did he say I want you around because I love you, my life is better with you and I need to respect what you bring to my life Nooooo. 

    Charmaine, Kat and ole girl who suddenly became a stylist overnight – they are what my grandma used to call “Good Time Girls” because that is all men think of you as a girl to have a good time with nothing else don’t take you seriously and don’t respect you.  Charmaine imaneedya to not twerk at the drop of a hat and wear some underwear that covers your hind parts (another of grandma’s phrases)

    For all them – Respect yourself and respect your space.  How is Lily gonna move in with Cobra and then give a key to your bf of all of 2 seconds.  Gurl, it aint your place at least discuss it with her.  And how you gonna plop your ass on the counter and make out/hook up with your “bf”  ewww  with a capital EWWWW.

    Don and Ashley – Lordy lordy.  I say a prayer for their children because with parents like them….
    their marriage is so in trouble.  Don is at least trying to be level headed and realistic but that Ashley SMH.  How can you have a rational conversation with someone who thinks that 1500 for a stroller is doable and makes sense?  Those VH1 checks are gonna end don’t blow it now on stupid stuff.

    • Love 3
  7. I cringed and agreed when they launched into the “Why now Bernie, really?” conversation because yes, WHY NOW! 

    I think this just pulls the curtain slightly back from the “myth” that Bernie is not the typical self-centered politician out for their personal agenda ahead of what’s best for the country. He is.   Yes, the debate is necessary and a good thing but the timing is way off.  If you think that the new healthcare proposal would hurt average Americans and is the horrible plan that it is let it die on its own.  Instead of pushing single payer focus on the negatives of the republican plan and how it’s not in the best interest of average Americans.  The republicans without any assistance will battle within itself to get the party support it needs to pass.  The only thing you are doing is giving them a partisan target to rally behind and come together.   I’m afraid if this plan passes it will be because yet again a third party candidate inserted itself in the process and disrupted things. 

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  8. Kudos Kentaro!  Job well done.   I like the fact that the “jeans” weren’t actually jeans but were a type of legwarmer.  Brilliant! I hope he is able to trademark that because I can see that being a huge seller. 

    Although I didn’t like Kenya’s outfit a lot I can still see why it was not on the bottom.  Like Nina says it was very editorial.  The green threw me off (not a great shade of green IMO) but because it (probably inadvertently) looked so dated that is why it stood out.  Part of the challenge, as I understood it, was to design an outfit that when placed on social media would get attention or make you pause.  I think Kenya’s did that in a good way.  The Dalmatian print is a versatile piece.  A quirky print that would work well with a pencil skirt or slacks. 

    • Love 4
  9. I think I am actually insulted that TPTB are going to try and feed me a load of crap that they didn’t know of the romance between Lex and Taylor.  C’mon really?!?!?  You can’t tell me that before the season aired and the top 10 announced that there wasn’t some intern that researched all the potential contestants to make sure there were no scandalous skeletons in somebody’s closet.   Especially since I think it has been stated on this board that it was documented on social media.

    I was tad underwhelmed by this season. There weren’t that many performances that I would go back and watch again.  I am fine with any of the top 4 winning (less so KiKi) and this is the first time I didn’t have a favorite. 

    • Love 1
  10. MJ is jealousy personified.  I understand (and even have compassion) for what she is going through with her dad.   It’s heartbreaking and devastating.  Given what she has shared about her relationship with her dad and how mean her mother is I can understand the impact this will have on her.   Everything that is going on with Asa and her pregnancy stems from MJ’s jealousy.  I think she is hurt, upset, angry that Asa is pregnant.  The IVF is just an easy excuse to explain her anger with Asa instead of the truth and it being as simple as she is green with envy .  I think if any close female friend would announce they are pregnant she would act the same passive aggressive jealous way. Asa continues to dig herself into a hole of self-absorption.  She could acknowledge that although she, personally, is not the cause of MJ’s jealousy  she can at least recognize how her happiness can affect MJ, the IVF etc. 


    What I don’t understand is why MJ and GG feel this all-consuming need to tell Shervin’s girlfriend that there are cheating rumors?  What business is it of yours?  It’s not like you are close friends with her in fact you barely know her and can probably count on one hoof hand how many times you have met.   And to do it when you are a guest in Shervin’s home, WTF!?!?!?   They both have enough skeletons in their own closets that they need to stay out of his. His is already full. 

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  11. I was fine with the top three and the auf-ed  designer. 

    Loved Kenya’s and glad that she did so well and hope that it will do wonders for her confidence.  Nice that the judges praised her comeback. Felt it was justified.   I like Brandon’s aesthetic but think it translates very young which is why the judges are lapping it up with a spoon.   I just don’t see any woman above the age of 30 wearing the winning outfit unless she has a killer body.  

     I would be interested to see what he would do if he went to fashion week and had to design an entire collection.  I wonder if it would be as one note as I think it would be? 

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  12. Sorta enjoyed Reese and Candice last night.  Reese was great, energetic involved, looked like she was having fun.  Candice on the other hand seemed awkward and I flipped back and forth from thinking does she want to be there.  It was weird.  I love Candice - Murphy Brown is a pillar of my childhood, and she had some interesting stories to tell - Trump being a douchey date LOL go figure LOL  Maybe she just needs to warm up to people.  Her one word answers were a tad frustrating. 

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  13. If this is going to be a season of Ally screaming and whimpering every episode I’ll either be checking out or muting her. 

    I am not sure but I think the psychiatrist ethically had to inform someone about Ally getting a gun and keeping it from her partner.  I know doctor patient confidentiality but I think they are professionally bound to report it if they suspect their patient is either a harm to themselves or others.  Given Ally’s mental history I think that qualifies for at least telling the wife.   I hope Pedro is just wounded and not dead. 

    Horror story clichés that irk me.  When Ally went to the restaurant for the alarm first, as she is scared of everything why is she going alone without the police? Second, the door was unlocked, that’s a hint that something shady could be in the restaurant, don’t go in.  Third, when you go in lock the freakin door behind you and turn on the damn lights.   

    Bathtub scene – I just can’t.

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  14. Also another pet peeve, I’m tired of the forced “hip hop” interludes in the group dances to accommodate Cyrus.  Less so Fikshun and Comfort. Fikshun and Comfort have a more well-rounded skill base and can fit in well to a contemporary performance.  Cyrus is one note and while he is phenomenal in his own genre he is incredibly lacking in others.  I get the feeling that the choreographers insert these interludes to fit him.  If the criteria for an All-star is to be top in their genre but also able to perform above par in others Cyrus falls way short and shouldn’t be an All-star IMO.

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  15. It’s so funny that when I saw Doriana in the audience I immediately said OH NO that disco B is back somebody is gonna die LOL  I find her choreography maybe 2 minutes longer than necessary and the dancers never seem to be enjoying themselves.  It’s so strength based with all the lifts that only the muscular dancers seem to be able to keep up with it.  She should maybe only do group routines.  I really felt for Lex because he looked like he was in some serious pain up there. 

    Nigel has had a hard on for Ki Ki and I think it is because KiKi is that masculine male dancer that he likes.  In recent years Nigel has cut back a lil on berating the male dancers not being masculine enough.  With KiKi he has his unicorn of a masculine dancer that he can push forward.  Maybe he is also looking for another male ballroom allstar down the line and with his pimping him out to DWTS in a year or two he can come back as an allstar. Not that I think he deserves to be.    

    Whereas I think what did Kaylee in (even though the female competition has been tight) was that she was not feminine enough.  There is no softness with her.  She is all strength which makes for a good dancer but does not fill Nigel’s requirement for the female dancers to get him aroused in order to go all the way.  Shallow comment coming up warning (LOL) she really needs to rethink her makeup and hair color choices – the intentional paleness of her foundation, matt lip and blue hair all come together in an unflattering way.  It’s a shame because she is a powerful dancer.

    Was not impressed with Mark K’s choreo last night.  It seemed like a mash up of moves that I have previously seen in a Ga Ga performance.  On a shallow note I like how he has aged. 

    Also was it just me or did anyone else get a creepy vibe from Lex’s mentor as we he was speaking his praises?  I got a “they had sex”  vibe. 

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  16. Wasn’t too much of a fan of the out of the blue format for the finale, but oh well. 

    Molly – do you ever use condoms?  Dro in the bday dinner bathroom and now with Pastor body.  WTF?!?!? She continues to be on the bad decision 2017 world tour and doesn’t look like it is winding down anytime soon.  There was no good reason to escalate the dynamic with her mentor and friend Pastor body.  Now she has one more uncomfortable relationship under her belt.   Also, Glad to see she is back in therapy but I gotta assume she hasn’t brought up the Dro situation to her therapist.   Molly really hasn’t thought this through.  What fantasy has she worked up in her head?  Do you think he is going to leave his wife?  And if he does leave her for you are you ready to be in an open relationship with him?  Once in the relationship will you be able to trust him ever? Just a matter of time before she is pregnant.    

    I liked the scene between Issa and Lawrence.  Glad they were able to say those things to each other.  Both accepting blame and apologizing for it.  Good steps toward closure. I don’t think they are completely done and can see using him as a plot device in 2 years when the show eventually gets into a slump.   Not surprised at Lawrence and Arpana’s (sp?) crash and burn.  It was too soon for him to be in a relationship with anyone especially since he has not worked though his feelings.   Anyone who has gone through a breakup that he has gone through is definitely going to have trust issues. 

    I don’t have a problem with Issa being skipped over for the promotion.  I understand the President’s reaction.  Issa opened the company up to a lawsuit and that showed incredible lack of judgement.  Also, the position, I believe, was Director of Recruitment or something along those lines and given the positions responsibilities Issa going down the road of creating a separate and equal situation with the weekend classes  was huge mistake.  Also, Issa, rightfully or wrongly, accepted full responsibility for keeping the racial dynamics from the president which I think to the president was the bigger issue.  I think it was Issa’s thought process and judgement that did her in. 

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  17. Why do these people think they are friends?  I get whiplash from all the talking behind each other’s backs and general negativity that they show for each other.  By no means do I think Asa is a saint and readily admit that she is a self-centered fake woman but MJ is scum of the earth and disgusting.  MJ is unhappy and mentally unhealthy.  She will probably blame it on her father’s health but the truth is that she was like this before he took a turn. 

    Why does it concern any of them that she wants to keep some items of her personal life personal? Yes they are all on a reality show but I don’t think you have to sell your soul to do so.  They all comment on how they “put it all out there” and Asa should do the same.  Well they don’t need to “put it all out there” and that is their choice. Just because their threshold for wanting fame at any cost is so low that they will resort to anal bleaching,  gyno exams and any host of other things that shouldn’t be on tv just shows to me, that with all Asa’s faults she at least has a line she is not willing to cross.  

    I’m also curious as to what their end game is for being on the show.  We all know that these reality show is breeding ground for people’s business or rise to be a reality tv celeb but what is MJ’s?  Asa has her many “businesses” to promote which helps by being on the show.  Mike as well.  Shervin, I think, is pretty wealthy so it’s not like he needs the money.  I think he is on the show to raise his bachelor profile.  Rez is trying to go the route of reality tv personality that he can segue into other opportunities.  GG even has a couple of business that she focuses on every now and then. But what about MJ, what’s her endgame for being on the show?  

    • Love 3
  18. Kenya, its time o shake it off and get down to business.  I get the impression that the judges like her and seem willing to offer positive feedback even in a bottom critique but I think she  will be going home the next time she is in the bottom.  The judges save/turn a blind eye to their favorites but for only so long.  If you don;t step it up and produce something that will knock their socks off you are going home.  I am fan and even I can't justify the Tim Gunn save being used on kenya  given what she has put down the runway.  

    • Love 1
  19. Issa likes to create arguments and drama where there isn’t one.  She has done that with Daniel and Lawrence.  In regards to the “I guess we even” comment I think Daniel meant that they now have each done something fucked up to each other so they “even” not that he did that intentionally to get back at her.  Although Daniel didn’t explain that right initially I think he was getting there before Issa flipped out. 

    Granted Lawrence should not have brought a date to the dinner even though he seemed to not know it was a sit down dinner and probably thought it was a more casual drinks hanging out thing given his dress.  But still, I know if it were me and this would be the first time that me and my ex would be in the same room since the breakup then I would not bring a date.  The drive by hook up between Lawrence and Issa doesn’t count especially because I doubt they spoke afterwards and that’s even more reason to not bring a date LOL. Also Issa getting drunk and calling Lawrence’s date a “Rando” was uncalled for.

     I also don’t understand the degree of anger about being blocked on Facebook and talking about after 5 years that’s all I am a button.  Uhhh yeah ya are.  For all the talk about 5 years hey how about you not cheat on your man. How bout dat on them 5 years.   Lawrence had a good point though; he blocked her because he didn’t want to see any pictures of Issa and Daniel because it would just make him angrier.  I know I would feel some kind of way if you told me that the man you cheated on me with didn’t mean anything to you and then I see pictures and posts  of ya’ll together.  Yeah, you are single now and can do what you want but that don’t mean I want to see it.

    Molly and Dro – UGH.  Really in a bathroom, without a condom, WTF.  If it turns out that Molly is pregnant I’m gonna be upset.  Dro is the kinda guy that looks good when you first see him but his looks decline the more you see him. Its like his teeth are too big for his mouth and he is a mouth breather.

    • Love 8
  20. Reunion was kinda boring last night but I expect it to pick up when they get to the Mexico convo.  Although I appreciate her honesty in admitting that she didn’t vote but come the fuck on Tinsley, really? So disappointing.  It’s not my thing – how is that even a response?!?!?  

    Bravo for Beth shutting down Ramona.  Ramona has this habit of trying to ingratiate herself to people by piggybacking on their comments orshe has to insert herself in a happy moment with a comment.  She does it all the time.  Like if Beth and Carole are laughing about a joke or a moment between them Ramona has to jump in and make a comment shoehorning herself in the moment.  It’s very annoying.

    • Love 13
  21. HAHAHA that was cute, thanks Empress1 for sharing.  

    hmmm given Issa's Stanford degree in Race and Ethnicity that makes her stance on the principal and his prejudice against latino students (her willingness to ignore it) even more of a side eye moment. 

  22. With this show I constantly find myself asking - Are these people really friends? Do they even like each other?  

    I ask because my friends and I don't treat each other like this.  

    • Love 2
  23. I actually sat with my mouth open at the fuckery that was the video shoot.  Hazel has mental problems right?  How could anyone think that she was in the right?  I have no love for any of the monkeys in this jungle of a show least of all the newcomer Chanel west coast but she had a point.  Hazel says she is all about business and a “boss”  then accept the responsibility – you didn’t send the artist a treatment for the video, you didn’t share with the artist that you had some choreography for them to learn or even ask if they wanted to dance and then get an attitude and go off when the artist questions you and makes a valid point of “how am I going to learn choreography in heels in a dirt lot. C’mon?  Hazel, would you stand for any of this if you were the artist?

    What also bothers me is the quickness that people get to throwing blows.  Why is your first instinct to put hands on someone? 

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