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Temptation Island (2019) - General Discussion
dochielomn replied to OnceSane's topic in Temptation Island (2019)
Sad to say, I'm still slightly skeptical about this. I saw an article about this over the weekend and my first reaction was more like "hhmm, i wonder if this is all pretend in order for them to get on another reality show". So, on one hand, I can be skeptical about the truth but on the other hand, Evan does seem the type that he could cheat and the way social media works, you get a smidge of fame and it's a lot easier for random people to send private messages back and forth.... -
Temptation Island (2019) - General Discussion
dochielomn replied to OnceSane's topic in Temptation Island (2019)
So I kind of agree with this. I know this is "trash tv" but I still enjoy it. I also wonder if I ever went on a show like this, if i'm watching clips, am i smart enough to say to myself "you know these things are edited as hell and designed to make me think or feel a certain way when in reality I have no clue what the actual context of the clip is". I'm guessing if someone did that, they would stop taping and instruct the person that they needed a better reaction. I have a friend who claims he had a relative go on Wheel of Fortune and they got a bankrupt spin and they were nonchalant about it and then the taping was stopped and they were told that they needed a better reaction and re-did it. As for Kate and David, yeah, I saw an article yesterday about how they were posting on some social media that they are moving past everything and basically a giant F U to all of the haters so to speak. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, whatever. Basically, the same way that I don't really care what's going on with the season 1 couples/singles as I don't follow them nor do I look to find stories about them either. People just going on tv, grab a paycheck, and then try to cling to their 15min of fame as much as possible. For example, i watched Ashley H's explanation (via her youtube channel) as to why her and Ben are no longer together or what happened after the show ended and at the end of her video she said to leave comments about what other TV show she should go on. And I'm thinking, how about you get a real job and not try to be on random reality shows. Those will only pay the bills for so long and then what do you have to fall back on? Yup, some people these days.... -
Temptation Island (2019) - General Discussion
dochielomn replied to OnceSane's topic in Temptation Island (2019)
Thanks @Booger666 and @sd dude, Reality Steve interviewed both Samantha and Dom and Samantha did say that she slept with David after the show had concluded. Dom's interview contained some whoppers though. First he says that the way the storyline was edited between him and Kate made it seem like Kate was totally not interested when it sounds like the exact opposite was true (at least according to him). He then went on to say that him and Kate did sleep together at the final date and didn't use protection and that Kate was basically tightening her grip on him when he was telling her he was about to finish, so almost made it seem like she was trying to get pregnant possibly? Dom also said that Esonica filmed 2 endings, 1 where she left with Kareem and 1 where she left with Gavin. I mean, WHAT? Don't care if she was confused, it's called make a decision and go from there. Just more to pile on as to why Gavin would have been so mad at her later on. To me, listening to Dom's interview, and if I believe it to be 100% true, then I've lost a ton of respect for Kate, especially for her going back to David and trying to work things out. Dom also claims that all of Kate's "inner strength" was him just feeding her lines essentially. So, it seems like Kate really doesn't have a lot and then that can kind of explain why she's trying to work it out with David. Additionally, we know that Kate cheated on a previous husband and Dom suspects that she cheated with David, so maybe that's another reason why she is still clinging to David if she broke up her marriage for him already. -
Temptation Island (2019) - General Discussion
dochielomn replied to OnceSane's topic in Temptation Island (2019)
Finally got around to watching the finale and the reunion and then found some time to post here, so here are my thoughts: In general, the only real surprise was that somehow Kate did a 1,000 steps back and is trying to work things out with David? So, all of her "growth" and words at the final bonfire meant nothing. She needed to fly back home, pack up her stuff and move out ASAP or throw all of his stuff out a window and onto the street/curb. You knew the Toneate relationship wasn't going to last but i laughed at how Toneata said that David was trying to use her to become an actor. I also was laughing at the whole thing when the singles were saying what David did (like sleeping with Samantha). David's excuse was "i don't remember doing that so it didn't happen", because I'm sure the only time he drank and got blackout drunk was that 1 time......But maybe someone can answer this, I thought when Samantha said she slept with David that was during the show, but someone else said that it was post-show. Anyone else have an opinion there of during vs. post? For Gavin and Esonica, I read something the other day that Gavin claims that the guys were forced to binge watch the entire season right before the finale and that Gavin saw things that Esonica didn't tell him about and that's why he was particularly not nice towards her. I think it was said that Esonica slept with Kareem. So, given that Gavin technically followed their rules and she didn't, i can see why he got made. The article was also talking about how most people sided with Esonica overall. To me, I didn't feel attached to either and really didn't care, so I didn't have a side I was rooting for. Gavin also said that Esonica played things up on the show vs. how she really is in the real world. For all the talk about how there was going to be a much worse cringeworthy scene at the final bonfire, I still think Kaci from last year was far worse than Casey this year. Casey was embarrassed but I mean, come on, read the room. Ashley was giving you clear signs that she wanted no part of you, so proposing was just going to make you look stupid. I also did hear Ashley on Reality Steve and I will watch her youtube video to listen to her story but I'll look for the article that tells Ben's side and then I'll make up my mind as to who I believe more. I'm guessing that Ben did also play things up a bit and maybe just saw this as a contest and once he "won" was like, ok, i'm over this, back to the real world. I do agree that Ashley does really need to stay single for awhile to work on herself. But I doubt it happens. I'd speculate she finds a guy sooner rather than later and is back in a relationship. I don't think she'll reconcile with Casey as Ashley does live in LA and Casey is in Florida. So the long distance thing won't work for them. The 2 Ashley's also live together and honestly, I don't see how they can co-exist as roommates. Additionally, I do agree that Ashley is obsessed with her butt as she refers to herself as Assley. But some people are into that, not me, but obviously, there are people out there that find it attractive. As for Ashley G and Rick, I feel that Ashley just plays out a stereotype for that type of woman. Also, i found it total BS that the show showed us the clip of KB and her having sex but didn't show that to Rick and showed him a different clip. That is totally not right for flat out lying to the audience. It makes sense though because Rick shouldn't have needed to ask at the final bonfire, the thrusting was quite clear in the clip. I'm not surprised if Rick has decided to make a go of it with Medinah, but I don't see them lasting either. Lastly, I think the casting episode pretty much showed us a sneak peek into what they're looking for. They're clearly going to target certain types of people. Last season, they said they specifically targeted people that the couple would normally be interested in. This season, for the singles, they just targeted who would be the most fun for the show. It also sounds that Casey has been posting at how fake the show is via editing but it's like, that's nothing new. Reality tv has been around for what, 15 years or so? I mean, who doesn't know that like 99% of reality tv is fake and editted to portray certain narratives or even manufacturing certain "storylines". This is nothing new, so he can complain all he wants but it's nothing earth shattering that he's saying. I'll still try to follow up on these people's status as of today but I don't see how any of them are going to turn this into a career of any sort. Enjoy your 5 min of fame as it should just fade pretty soon. -
Temptation Island (2019) - General Discussion
dochielomn replied to OnceSane's topic in Temptation Island (2019)
Ashley H is either 24 or 25. So yeah, still young and has a lot to learn. As for her backside, it just depends on your personal taste. It's not my cup of tea but obviously there are people out there that prefer it. A little surprised that Rick opted to leave the island with Ashley. Clearly Ashley didn't want to be rejected and that's why she didn't want to go first. Because had Rick said that he wanted to leave alone, Ashley would have claimed that she was thinking that exactly as well. Knowing no spoilers about them, I have trouble seeing them lasting. Maybe they can still be friends, but I think Rick has grown past her. As for David and Kate, I think I was pretty much laughing at the whole thing. Kate telling David to look at her when she's talking was pretty funny. And when David was like "i need to be 100% honest about everything" and then started from Day 1, I just wanted one of those clocks to start spinning or for it to say "4 hours later" and he's still listing out all of his transgressions. I will call foul on Mark for allowing Kate to interrupt. Each person is allowed to speak and the other has to sit and listen. David sat through Kate talking so now it was time for Kate to sit and listen. However, at the same time, i get Kate didn't want to sit there and listen because she knows where it's going and she's not planning on leaving with David. But in fairness, David should have been allowed to talk. Either way, now just have to wait until next week for both of them to say they're not leaving together and for David to say he's going to leave with someone else. Once again, not knowing any spoilers, I don't see David and Toneata lasting either. Then again, I would have sworn that Evan and Morgan had no chance and I think they're still together (now maybe in the long run, they don't last but who knows). Finale and Reunion next week. The only spoiler I've heard is that people's status has changed sine the reunion. I have no clue as to what but I hope maybe after the reunion ends, USA will put up some more test with up to date information for any changes (but I won't hold my breath on that one). -
Temptation Island (2019) - General Discussion
dochielomn replied to OnceSane's topic in Temptation Island (2019)
Going to say no, Rick did not sleep with Medinah. We saw the one scene where they were in his bed and Medinah went full under the covers but Rick's head and arms stayed out and above. Medinah was on Reality Steve podcast and claimed that she was a total open book about everything (including her sex life stuff) but when flat out asked what she did, she basically refused to answer. So, I'd guess maybe she felt Rick up a but or something but I doubt it really went any further than that. Rick seems too focused on actually trying to better himself to do something like that. Plus, he was always talking about afterwards that he could easily just have sex with Medinah if he wanted but instead if he chose to, he wanted for it to mean something (saying he would make love to her, not just bang her). So, no, I'd really have to guess they did nothing. In terms of Kate, I overall I still have a lot of respect for how she's handled herself up to this point. I basically was saying that if my respect for her was like a 9 or a 9.5, then maybe she dropped down to an 8 or 8.5 for making out with Dom and/or doing anything else with him. Like I previously said, if she did anything, i feel like it was just out of revenge and not actual caring. David is just a moron who either wanted to break up with Kate and didn't know how or thought that by coming on this show, he was going to get a giant hall pass to do whatever he wanted. Clearly someone who actually respected his girlfriend and wanted a future with her, would not have behaved like he did. He can say things like "i love Kate and I'll always love her" but then I'd challenge him that he doesn't know what the word "love" actually means. The Gavin thing with the single was just stupid. Like I said, just because it's an overnight date doesn't mean you're required to do anything or sleep in the same bed. I can get the whole "i don't want to go on a date if the other person isn't interested in me" thing but I think the way the girl said it just sounded weird. I think she meant it like how I just said but her words were more like "i like hanging out with Gavin but I feel uncomfortable spending an overnight with him". It seemed like single women on this show acted more entitled that the couple guys had to be exclusive to them and leave their girlfriends. The single men appeared to recognize that the coupled women had boyfriends and that they were here to help the coupled women out (with the exclusion of KB who wanted to be on the show to be on tv and have sex with whoever he could). -
Temptation Island (2019) - General Discussion
dochielomn replied to OnceSane's topic in Temptation Island (2019)
@Skyfall, yeah, we definitely missed some eliminations or they chose to not show us. If you did the math, the numbers didn't add up. Thought there were 12 singles to start and the guys i think only eliminated 2 people and the girls 3. With 6 people left on each side for the final date selection, the numbers don't add up. Not sure why they skipped it this season. @nlkm9, completely agree that Ashley H should really work on herself before getting into another relationship. But that's not her. Once you finally stopped crying, it seemed like she was the type of girl who you show her a little attention, say a few compliments and give her an ice cream cone at the end of the date and she's practically throwing herself at you and begging to be your girlfriend. While she probably has made improvements in her own self-esteem, i'd suspect she probably has a lot more work to do. But alas, some people don't know how to be by themselves and can only define themselves if they're in a relationship. As for this past episode, my thoughts: Gavin & Esonica- Gavin's situation was just weird. I do and I don't get why the girl declined his final date. It's not like Gavin told her he was expecting to sleep with her or anything. So, her saying that she doesn't feel comfortable on an overnight date? I think there are 2 bedrooms or someone (hopefully Gavin) would have slept on a couch or something. I mean, I get her saying that Gavin wants to be with his girlfriend and how that can turn her off, but at the same time, she did say that she enjoyed hanging out with Gavin i thought. As for Esonica, other than kissing, I'd wonder what else she did. I doubt she slept with her guy but I suppose it's possible. Rick & Ashley G- Really surprised that Rick told Medinah he wanted to do the final date as just friends and that's it. And even more shocked that Medinah took it so well. As for Ashley, once KB got booted off, her selection was going to be random. With these 2, it's more about their final bonfire together. No matter what Rick does, he's got my total respect because of the way he's handled himself on the show. David & Kate- Will say that I lost a smidge of respect for Kate for whatever she did with Dom. I say this because she did it under the umbrella of revenge or retaliation. I don't really believe she had this "connection" with Dom. She was too focused on David the entire time and so i bet she didn't really open up to anyone because she kept saying to herself that she has a boyfriend she wants to be with. Then, once the clips kept piling on, she knew it was over and decided, what the hell, I might as well "cheat" too (as oppose to actually caring about Dom). As for David, I've had with him. He tells Toneata that they're a couple but then 2 seconds later is like "well, maybe there's a small chance Kate and I will work things out". Toneata is just too young and naive and is probably out for a good time so hence she just buys into what David is telling her. And please, you two already slept together so none of this laughing saying "a girl never tells" stuff. Kate just needs to crotch kick David at the bonfire and be done with it. Casie & Ashley H- First, i don't buy that Ben and Ashley just slept together on the final date. Really think something happened before that. Second, I commented about her above so I'll leave that there. But her reaction to Casie proposing, i really hope she just laughs at him and says hell no. Casie just comes off as too cocky and I can't stand those type of people for the most part. Have to believe these 2 are going to replicate Evan and Kacie from last season at the bonfire, especially when Ashley either rejects the proposal and says that she's leaving with Ben. Going to be an interesting next couple of episodes with the finale and the reunion. I found it interesting that 3 of the guys chose dates and flat out said that the dates were friends only. Sounds like there are spoilers out there via twitter accounts from the couples but I've stayed away from looking at those. But once the reunion airs, unless they put in a post reunion further update, then I'll look forward to seeing what's going with these people and then be done with it (kind of like how the cast from last season, I really don't know what any of them are up to). -
Temptation Island (2019) - General Discussion
dochielomn replied to OnceSane's topic in Temptation Island (2019)
The way she talks on the podcast, she would make you believe that she is by saying how she is a completely different person but who knows. She's living with one of the female singles from her season and that person is good friends with Morgan, so if Kaci can be comfortable with that, then maybe she is over Evan. But I can get the opinion that she could come off as annoying and trying too hard. Think that is more of her bubbly personality which can rub people the wrong way. -
Temptation Island (2019) - General Discussion
dochielomn replied to OnceSane's topic in Temptation Island (2019)
Definitely another interesting week. With regards to Reality Steve, someone on this board turned me onto him and last season I definitely didn't mind him. I enjoyed (and still enjoy) him interviewing the cast and have Kaci on to do recaps. My only issue with him this season is that he saw all the episodes ahead of when they aired and so he already knew how things were going to play out for the entire season. Plus, listening to him interview guests before the episode aired, just seemed stupid. Granted last season, TI aired on Tuesdays and this year it's Thursdays, but if it's his podcast, then he could arrange things differently I would think. As for spoilers for this season, I did my best to stay away but I did see an article headline which I clicked on which stated something which to me could be interpreted as a spoiler. So, yeah, at least with one of the couples, I have a pretty good idea how it plays out. Ashley G & Casey- Casey to me seems like he takes 1 step forward and then 12 steps backwards. I have no issues if he's not physically attracted to anyone in the house and I just laugh at how insulted Payton gets at that. I mean, he does have a girlfriend. It doesn't mean he has to "cheat" on her and be with you. The point for this show was for Casey to figure things out. If he decided that he wants to be with his girlfriend, then, that's it. You can't be made at him for that. Payton, just needs to be eliminated. But granted, there's only 2 episodes left. If this was last season she would have been long gone. Also for Casey, I'm glad they showed his blatant cockiness about being able to manipulate Ashley. Just shows how much he really thinks of her. As for Ashley, I was glad she was able to see that clip and start to realize who Casey really is. And I really think if she didn't sleep with Ben before, by now she is. Overall, Casey now seems like the only reason he cares is because he doesn't get dumped, he does the dumping and his ego can't accept that someone is now rejecting him. Esonica & Gavin- They just seem boring. Esonica was doing something but it looked really weird based on where her head was at. It was really an awkward angle. So not sure what happened there. Gavin now seems like "well, if she's going to break up with him, I might as well try to move on" mode. I'm just not invested with these 2. Not sure if I really care if they stay together or break up. Ashley G & Rick- Rick still impresses me the most. Coming out of this show, I really pull for him based upon what's happened. It wasn't his idea to go on the show but he actually is taking it seriously and I'm shocked that he may end up staying with Ashley based upon her behavior. As for Ashley, she just seems like there's something missing. Rick's clip should have made her jumping up and down with joy based on the fact that Rick told Medinah that Ashley is still his girlfriend. Instead Ashley starts the waterworks and Mark has to bash her over the head and be like "uh, do you actually realize what he just said". I think Rick can do better but not sure if Medinah is right for him either. Kate & David- David, where to start. Just moron. He enjoys to say how much he "loves" Kate but as soon as he gets a chance to do her wrong, he doesn't really hesitate. Have to believe that he slept with Toneata even if he claims that he didn't. Regardless, still a major no no if you don't want to disrespect Kate. Also enjoyed Mark calling out David for basically being a hypocrite or lying based upon his actions. As for Kate, rooting for her too but I really just want her to slap David at their final bonfire and just walk off while calling him a piece of garbage. Or maybe just go all Jerry Springer on him. Additionally, i think Kate needs to tell Ashley to cool it on the "Dom loves, or is in love, with you" nonsense. No, Dom is attracted to Kate, they've probably shared some conversations, and he probably wants to sleep with her. That's about it. Ashley's saying "he loves you" just shows how young and naive she's being and can make you understand how she ended up with someone like Casey to begin with. And so basically the show is now concluded. Just have final dates awaiting and then bonfire. My shocking prediction, I think Rick and Ashley leave together but I can't imagine they ultimately stay together in the long run. Kate and David are done unless Kate is a total idiot. I'd be stunned with Ashley accepts a marriage proposal from Casey (as shown in previews that Casey is going to get a ring). And no idea about Esonica and Gavin. Maybe they leave separately but decide to continue to work on things? Maybe they get engaged after the show? Maybe the break up. Could probably believe any outcome with these 2. Lastly, started to listen to Reality Steve podcast with Kaci on it and she mentioned that she is earning money from Instagram and while I get and don't get how people make careers from being "influencers", I don't get how these TI cast people are making money from being an influencer. I mean, basically, how is Kaci still famous or even relevant (in the grand scheme of things)? Isn't get 5 minutes of fame past and over? How is anyone paying her money to post on Instagram or Twitter or whatever. I can understand how the Kardashians made it with such things (because even my 101 year old Great Aunt has heard of them) but someone like Kaci......that I don't get. -
Temptation Island (2019) - General Discussion
dochielomn replied to OnceSane's topic in Temptation Island (2019)
Totally agree with what @Irritable wrote. David is just a liar at this point. I think he viewed this entire experience as a giant "hall pass" and obviously that's not what this show is technically about (think there is a different show for that). And big kudos to Kate for just taking this all in stride and basically acknowledging that David has completely changed or shown his true colors and hopefully she dumps him for good. I mean, she definitely threw a good shot at him in her video message to him. And yeah, something is off with Toneata in my opinion as well. I do also wonder, in the preview for the season where we learned about the couples, Kate said she moved from Florida to New Jersey to be with David, now I wonder whose idea was that. Was it David pushing for her to move or was that Kate deciding that she wanted to move? I say this because of David telling Toneata that he would consider moving to LA to be closer to her. However, if David was the one convincing Kate to move from Florida, then that's also a dick thing for him to do (make one person move for him but now he's "moving" for someone else). For Casey and Ashley- I'm guessing Casey was just talking out of his ass when he said "if Ashley broke up with him it wouldn't mean anything, he'd just find someone new to bang". Either that or Casey was trying to act tough. Or maybe his ego can't take it to see his girlfriend moving on from him. Either way, I laughed at his crying. But props to Rick for trying to comfort him. Obviously, Rick knows how Casey is feeling (except worse since it was clear that Rick's Ashley was flat out cheating while Casey's Ashley was just making out and maybe fooling around a bit). And Ashley's message to Casey was just funny as well because her attitude was basically one of someone who has checked out and moved on. As for Deac, just bad timing on his part. Had to done the flower thing a lot sooner, than maybe. But after his time with Ben, Deac was a goner. But like someone else said, Ashley doesn't owe Deac anything. I believe she said thank you and it was sweet but that's the end of it. Moving on to Rick and Ashley, definitely entertainment to watch her and KB argue. Clearly once elimination time came around, KB was going to be kicked off after that. I do agree with Rick's assessment that Ashley had no emotion in her video message. You'd think she was reading from cue cards or something. Also, was very happy to see Rick lash out at Medinah and calling her out. Yes, Rick is there to work on himself but that doesn't mean he can't feel bad for someone else and try to act as a friend. Medinah needs to learn to back the F off sometimes and basically just say that she's there for him when he needs her and leave it at that. When she says stupid things like "but I don't care about Casey" she deserves for someone to tell her that she's being selfish and uncaring. Lastly, Gavin and Esonica, nothing really happening here. They're not really doing anything that should make the other person mad. Like, i forget the clip that Esonica saw but she at least stepped back and was thinking about the context of it and that she didn't get to hear the entire conversation or whatever. I found it funny that Mark made it clear to the women that they could eliminate as many people as they wanted but he didn't use those exact words to the guys. So perhaps, they didn't know they could eliminate multiple people? Also, there's a random woman, think her name is Colleen, how did she not get eliminated? We don't see her do anything. There's probably the same for a guy in the women's villa as well. It's interesting to note the differences between this season and last season. This season, they don't really focus on the couples actually going on dates. They've had like 3 dates? Last year, they had a date a week I think, or at least more than 3. But it seems like now it's a total of 3 dates and then the final date. It seems like this season, the focus is more on what's going on in the house. It also seems like the singles this season just latched on to someone very quick and got mad if the person they were latching on to talked to anyone else. I also thought they did more eliminations last year and narrowing things down. Not sure if I really prefer last season over this season but it's just different. Funny that they are going to air a new episode on Thanksgiving. -
Temptation Island (2019) - General Discussion
dochielomn replied to OnceSane's topic in Temptation Island (2019)
To answer the threesome questions in this thread, yes, everyone in the guy's villa knows about David's threesome. Toneata definitely knows and her response was something like "i'm just going to sit back and see how David plays this going forward". So, it looked like she was a little disgusted by it but wanted to see how David continued to act. However, David basically apologized to Toneata about it and she instantly accepted it. Also, Casie has to know that Payton was involved in the threesome as well. Kate & David- Can someone please slap David hard. He tries to come off that he really cares about Kate but then we have the threesome thing and then he's all up on Toneata and grabbing her butt and bringing her into his bedroom, i mean, just total moron here. Really hope Kate can mentally move on from this for her sake and really hope that when she sends a video, it just says "we're done, goodbye". And I think it was Mark that called out David for being a hypocrite when he's like "i don't like what i'm seeing". Ashley G & Rick- I think the Medinah needs to calm down. Rick clearly can be private with his feelings and she's acting like her and Rick have been together for years. Listen, if he doesn't want to talk, then you need to back off and just tell him that you'll be there for him if or whenever he wants to talk. But instead, you keep pushing and pushing, that doesn't appear to be how he likes to operate. As for Ashley, other than the preview for next week, I don't think I recall too much about her. Esonica & Gavin- Pretty much the same with these two, Not really much happening here. Ashley H & Casie- I'll start with Payton. She needs to turn it down a notch. Casie hasn't done anything with you but you act like he's told you that you're both getting married as soon as they leave the island. We need some eliminations and she needs to be sent out. As for Ashley, before she even said it, I kind of figured that she didn't have sex with Ben. But still, at least she knew that she broke one of their rules and that Casie was going to see the clips of her hooking up. Sadly, it's probably the thing that Casie needs to see because as someone else put it here, it very much comes off like he just takes her for granted. Looking forward to his extended reaction next week. Although, a slight concern that he's going to go and start hooking up with someone out of retaliation. Also, props to Samantha for bashing David and calling him out in front of other people in the house. Next week looks interesting as we should get more of Casie's reaction and an interesting "conversation" between KB and Ashley. -
Temptation Island (2019) - General Discussion
dochielomn replied to OnceSane's topic in Temptation Island (2019)
I think Deac kind of admitted to Ben that he's just looking to hookup with Ashley at this point. -
Temptation Island (2019) - General Discussion
dochielomn replied to OnceSane's topic in Temptation Island (2019)
Finally got around to having some time to watch the last episode. Some random thoughts: (also major props to the person on his board that came up with Ashley G-Spot and Ashley Hysterical as that's the easiest way to remember which one is which). Rick & Ashley G- Are we to assume that Medinah might have gone downtown on Rick? At least the way they showed it, it looked like her face was headed down in that direction and Rick's arms/hands were stretched out the entire time. Not that I blame Rick for allowing it to happen (hell, he was sleeping in his bed and Medinah came in, technically uninvited, and pounced on him) and when you also factor in Ashley's behavior, I kind of feel that anything Rick does is justified. Plus, he seems like the only one really trying to work on himself via this show. As for Ashley, everyone has said it. She tried to take things further with KB, he said no, and now she's trying to save face and acting like they agree to just be friends. Clearly not what was shown to us (either that or a hell of a an edit to make it look that way). Gavin & Esonica- I think Gavin only had like 1 scene in the entire episode and nothing else. Esonica really didn't do that much either other than her reaction to the toe sucking thing. Casey & Ashley H- Ah, Casey. Just too funny and too dumb. Clearly he doesn't think before he talks. Saying things like "if Ashley broke up with me, i'd be fine and just return to hooking up with whoever I want when I want" and "yeah, I didn't really mean I love you to her, I think I just said it because she wanted to hear it". Just a moron for not thinking that this clip would be shown to Ashley. And then later, him getting upset because the girls called him an ahole. Uh, dude, you're the worst kind of ahole. Your the type where you clearly are on but can't accept it and think that you're a good person. Yeah, maybe you obey laws and don't commit crimes but that doesn't simply mean you're a good person. You can still clearly be an ahole. As for Ashley, I laughed that she was already crying before the bonfire video had even started. Looks like next week should be interesting for her. David & Kate- David just has a lying problem. He tells both single girls that he really likes them and wants to continue to explore things with them but then is also telling the camera that he really loves Kate and wants to be with her as well. David, really needs some alone time and do some self-reflecting at who he really is and who he wants to be. Because right now, he's just a liar. And Kate, well, the way the episode was going, you knew the show would end on her seeing the clip and we wouldn't get her full reaction until next week. I'm almost kind of expecting for her to pull a Kaci and rip her microphone off and storm off and say that she's leaving now. Just don't think that Kate should be there anymore. As for the singles, the single women are really clingy this season. By this i mean, Medinah has just claimed Rick as hers and Peyton gets so pissed if Casey is talking to other girls or asking anyone else out. Uh, the point of it is for him to "find love" as well. So, he's allowed to date other people or see if there is a connection. You've known him for like a week. Chill out. As for the single men, the guy that's trying to get with Kate is just funny but at least he made a gesture of forgiveness with the hershey kisses. But he needs to back off and realize that Kate isn't going to open up to anyone at the moment and just be patient at best. Looking forward to this coming episode. -
Temptation Island (2019) - General Discussion
dochielomn replied to OnceSane's topic in Temptation Island (2019)
Yeah, I agree that maybe he didn't have "sex" but he was naked in the shower with one of the girls and they were "washing" (looked more like caressing to me) each other and I'm sure (saracasm here) that David's male part was non reactive that entire time.....Regardless, someone like Kate is not going to accept this type of behavior and I really don't see how she can stay with him if she had trust issues to start with. Also, David said this before he listed out his 4 points, "Wish I could’ve given everyone the full version of events to set the record straight on what happened, but unfortunately, when lawyers get involved, not much I can do.” So, there were lawyers involved and I'm sure David and the show had to do some negotiating over what he is allowed to say. Here's the full article to which i keep quoting- https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/temptation-island-season-2-david-benavidez-alleged-threesome.html/ -
Temptation Island (2019) - General Discussion
dochielomn replied to OnceSane's topic in Temptation Island (2019)
So David took to social media to say the following: "1) I did not have sex with Peyton or Sam that night. 2) I did not do anything more with Peyton that night than kiss her. 3) I did not kiss or hookup with Sam that night. 4) None of these statements condone what I did do that night – which is go against everything I told Kate I wanted to go to TI to do. It’s really hard to see this play out months later and see the pain Kate went through. I take full responsibility and regret it all and hope you will get to see that in future episodes.” " So he's claiming a little innocence here. But even if he didn't have sex, something tells me his actions were "against the rules" that he and Kate discussed/agreed to. Me thinks Kate will be none too please with David voluntarily getting naked in front of other girls and allowing girls into his bed. As for Casey, I don't have issues with his actions regarding asking another girl out. Maybe he could have been a little more sly and not do it directly in front of Peyton, but then again, he's suppose to go out on dates with multiple people and this is only the 2nd date of the show. Gavin, not sure what he's going to do and how his story will play out. Rick, still seems like he's trying to figure stuff out on his own and process things. Almost feels like he's the only one taking the situation seriously. As for the singles mingling, while they're still active on the show and in the villas, i bet they are not allowed. Once they've been eliminated, assuming they get sent back to a hotel, it's quite possible then they interact with each other. But the villas have to be far enough apart from each other where they're not easily accessible to the others. In theory the show is about finding love. I think this season, you definitely have more people going on to boost their fame/followers or thinking that they can get a free vacation or something.