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  1. Am I crazy or is this getting a little interesting? Like Alex and Scott. Morgan seems very good at the game. The rest still trying to decide.
  2. Have you heard anything new on James and Natalie? Trying to follow tweets and instagram but not really getting much. I heard they are supposed to do a periscope early next week and she is supposed to do a fund raiser with James in Texas but that's really about it. Wondering if you heard anything besides that. Still miss them.
  3. Everybody ready for this. I think I am starting to like Alex. Oh NO!
  4. Are they ever going to lock them in the house? This is what is needed to make them go stir crazy.
  5. Am I a horrible person but I was watching these houseguests and fell asleep. Waiting for something to happen.
  6. Am I wrong here. Isn't America that votes who goes home? If so these houseguests don't know that yet.
  7. So far I can't get into these people. Seem so boring. Missing my Natalie and James. That could be part of the problem I guess. Thank god for YouTube. They need to close that backyard for 3 days or so to push these people to go crazy. That will be when it might get really interesting. Will keep trying.
  8. Missed your Nicole love. I don't know if you heard but Natalie and James are doing a Periscope in about 8 days. If you haven't seen the one with Natalie and Michelle you should and it will give you an idea what it will be like.
  9. Does it say online how to install it and if so where do I find that information. Also, just asking but has anyone heard any news on James and Natalie? Read some tweets but other than that nothing really.
  10. Question: I was rewatching the live feeds from this past season and now I can't do to the new show (Hanging head also but I love BB). Do you know if an how I can keep watching the live feeds of the past big brother? Thanks in advance.
  11. First, let me say up front that I am a James and James Natalie fan. Having said that you do not owe anyone an explanation of why you feel the way you do about James. You are entitled to your opinion just like the rest of us. This is a free country BECAUSE of people in the service. James served his country so I personally would never hold it against him if he didn't want to discuss it at all. You may have caught him on a bad day. He may be an ass in real life. Who really knows. For every one that hates him someone may love him. Remember, he won AFP. Someone must have liked him. As far as a competitor in comps he was terrible. But, he won 6 his 1st season and put a huge target on his back. He learned from his mistakes. He made it to final 3 basically with social game only. How many of the other house guests would have traded places with him in a heartbeat. I am sorry you had a bad experience with James. I only know him from the show and that is what I base my opinion on. As far as the wrap party. I only saw people coming to the party ad outside stuff. I don't know who the women was that was with James but we don't know everything that has happened since finale night. Also, I did see Natalie show up with Michelle. I did not read anything into that at all. As far as deflecting questions about James I never saw that. What you might not have seen is on the Jokers website was a link to a Periscope broadcast of Natalie ad Michelle watching the 1st CBS episode of big brother at Natalie's aunts house. It was really cute and they were also watching Michelle's twitter (Maybe). Natalie talked about her and James constantly communication the last 2 days. Natalie when watching the show commented how cute James is. You would have to see it to understand how she came across. It actually ended after 2 hours with Michelle telling Natalie James wants her to call him. Could Natalie be playing to social media. Absolutely. Could she be sincere in her feelings for James. Absolutely. We can only go by what we see. Again, I am sorry your personal experience with James was a bad one. We all have bad days and bad experiences with people. That's life. I hope if you ever meet him again it will be a better experience. Remember, you owe no one an explanation. I hope you take this the way I am meaning it.
  12. Hey AbsoluteShower, watched the Jeff interview with James and Paul. It was really fun to watch. James said something about Natalie you may be interested in hearing (Good I believe). I have no clue how to link stuff but you should check it out if you haven't seen it.
  13. I was reading on Jokers that the conversation James had with Paul and Victor up in the HOH room the week they were nominated (James and Natalie) when James told them that Natalie would not talk to him if he aligned with "Certain People" and because of that Paul treated Natalie like crap and that is what caused Natalie to vote for Nicole instead of Paul. I amazes me that people come up with this crap. Paul treated everyone badly and that is why he lost. He treated Natalie badly and talked badly about her almost the entire season. Paul's social game is what cost him. End of story. I hate that James gets blamed for EVERYTHING.
  14. Watched it and it was very sweet. Thanks for that.
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